S3320 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 15, 1996 Senate Dirksen room 226, on Senate rado College coach Don Lucia said, amount is $262.6 billion, $17.0 billion Joint Resolution 49, a proposed con- ‘‘Look at the teams Michigan has beat- above the maximum deficit amount for stitutional amendment, to require a en the last three weeks: Lake Superior, 1996 of $245.6 billion. two-thirds vote on tax increases, and Minnesota, Boston University and now Since my last report, dated March 25, Senate Joint Resolution 8, a proposed us. Those are the best teams in the constitutional amendment to prohibit country. That’s why they’re national 1996, Congress has cleared and the retroactive taxation. champions.’’ President has signed the Contract With The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without This journey by the U. of M. hockey America Advancement Act. Public Law objection, it is so ordered. team was a remarkable achievement 104–121, the Agriculture Improvement f for the players, and for Coach Red and Reform Act, Public Law 104–127, Berenson as well. The victory over Col- and the 12th continuing resolution for ADDITIONAL STATEMENTS orado marked the 300th victory of his 1996, Public Law 104–122. The con- career. A former U. of M. player him- tinuing resolution also included the THE ARAB-AMERICAN CULTURAL self 1960–62, this commemorated a spe- Federal payment to the District of Co- AND COMMUNITY CENTER IN cial homecoming for Coach Berenson. lumbia and emergency funding for Bos- HOUSTON, TX This is the eighth national nia and Herzegovina for economic revi- champsionship in the Wolverines’ talization. These actions changed the ∑ Mr. ABRAHAM. Mr. President, I rise hockey history, more than any other today to express my sincere congratu- collegiate program. Thirty-two years current level of budget authority and lations to those individuals who are re- after their last title, the Wolverines outlays. sponsible for the creation of the Arab- proved to be the best in the west by re- The report follows: American Cultural Center in Houston, turning the trophy to Ann Arbor. A U.S. CONGRESS, TX. The center will be hosting its first sign on the desk of Red Berenson, CONGRESSIONAL BUDGET OFFICE, annual gala ‘‘Unity of Friendship’’ in reads, ‘‘Our Day Will Come,’’ and it Washington, DC, April 15, 1996. Houston on May 4, 1996, and it is wor- certainly has. Hon. PETE V. DOMENICI, thy of recognition. I know that my Senate colleagues Chairman, Committee on the Budget, Mr. President, I commend those join me in congratulating the Univer- U.S. Senate, Washington, DC. members for their efforts in building sity of Michigan hockey team on win- DEAR MR. CHAIRMAN: The attached report this center, which in effect advances ning the NCAA hockey championship. for fiscal year 1996 shows the effects of Con- and demonstrates the continuing posi- Here is the list of our valiant victors. gressional action on the 1996 budget and is tive contributions of Arab-Americans. current through March 29, 1996. The esti- UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN HOCKEY TEAM AND This center will primarily serve the COACHING STAFF mates of budget authority, outlays and reve- nues are consistent with the technical and cultural, educational, and social needs Players: Mark Sakala, Bubba Berenzweig, of the Arab-American community. The Chris Frescoln, Peter Bourke, Harold economic assumptions of the 1996 Concurrent center proclaims their vision as ‘‘a Schock, Justin Clark, Matt Herr, Brendan Resolution on the Budget (H. Con. Res. 67). place where Arab-American culture, Morrison, Kevin Hilton, Greg Crozier, Mike This report is submitted under Section 308(b) art, and language can be preserved and Legg, Bill Muckalt. and in aid of Section 311 of the Congressional carried on for generations to come. A Sean Ritchlin, John Madden, Jason Budget Act, as amended. place where Arab-Americans can gath- Botterill, John Arnold, Dale Rominski, Ste- Since my last report dated March 25, 1996, ven Halko, Bobby Hayes, Chris Fox, Blake er to celebrate holidays and festive oc- Congress has cleared, and the President has Sloan, Warren Luhning, Gregg Malicke, Greg casions among relatives and friends. A Daddario, and Marty Turco. signed the Contract with America Advance- place where children can play, study, ment Act (P.L. 104–121), the Agriculture Im- STAFF and learn about their ancestors impres- provement and Reform Act (P.L. 104–127) and Red Berenson, Head Coach, Mel Pearson, the twelfth continuing resolution for 1996 sive history and heritage.’’ Assistant Coach, Billy Powers, Assistant (P.L. 104–122). The continuing resolution also Many in the Arab-American commu- Coach, Rick Bancroft, Trainer, Ian Hume, nity have given generously of their Equipment Manager; and Brian Fishman, included the Federal payment to the District time and money for the construction of Sports Information Director.∑ of Columbia and emergency funding for Bos- nia and Herzegovina for economic revitaliza- this center. They are to be commended f for their very worthwhile efforts and tion. These actions changed the current level foresight, and I am pleased to recognize BUDGET SCOREKEEPING REPORT of budget authority and outlays. these efforts in the U.S. Senate.∑ ∑ Mr. DOMENICI. Mr. President, I Sincerely, JUNE E. O’NEILL, Director. f hereby submit to the Senate the budg- et scorekeeping report prepared by the THE CURRENT LEVEL REPORT FOR THE U.S. SENATE, FIS- UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Congressional Budget Office under sec- HOCKEY TEAM CAL YEAR 1996, 104TH CONGRESS, 2D SESSION, AS tion 308(b) and in aid of section 311 of OF CLOSE OF BUSINESS MARCH 29, 1996 ∑ Mr. LEVIN. Mr. President, I rise the Congressional Budget Act of 1974, [In billions of dollars] today to honor the University of Michi- as amended. This report meets the re- gan hockey team, because Saturday, quirements for Senate scorekeeping of Budget res- Current March 30, 1996, the Wolverines captured section 5 of Senate Concurrent Resolu- olution H. Current level over/ Con. Res. level under reso- the NCAA hockey championship, de- tion 32, the first concurrent resolution 67 lution feating Colorado College by a score of 3 on the budget for 1986. to 2 in overtime. The game was held at This report shows the effects of con- ON-BUDGET Budget authority ...................... 1,285.5 1,301.5 16.0 Riverfront Coliseum in Cincinnati in gressional action on the budget Outlays ..................................... 1,288.1 1,305.0 16.9 front of a sell out crowd of 13,330, most- through March 29, 1996. The estimates Revenues: ly Michigan fans who traveled south to of budget authority, outlays, and reve- 1996 ................................ 1,042.5 1,042.4 ¥0.1 1996–2000 ...................... 5,691.5 5,697.0 5.5 support their team. nues, which are consistent with the Deficit ....................................... 245.6 262.6 17.0 Coach Red Berenson has described his technical and economic assumptions of Debt subject to limit ................ 5,210.7 5,054.8 ¥155.9 formula for success as ‘‘hard work . the 1996 concurrent resolution on the OFF-BUDGET patience and perseverance,’’ and that budget. House Concurrent Resolution Social Security outlays: was what the members of the U. of M. 67, show that current level spending is 1996 ................................ 299.4 299.4 0.0 1996–2000 ...................... 1,626.5 1,626.5 0.0 hockey team embraced this 1995–96 sea- above the budget resolution by $16.0 Social Security revenues: son as they triumphed in their final billion in budget authority and by $16.9 1996 ................................ 374.7 374.7 0.0 victory with a tie-breaking goal by billion in outlays. Current level is $81 1996–2000 ...................... 2,061.0 2.061.0 0.0 junior Brendan Morrison, 2 minutes million below the revenue floor in 1996 Note.—Current level numbers are the estimated revenue and direct spending effects of all legislation that Congress has enacted or sent to the and 35 seconds into overtime. This vic- and $5.5 billion above the revenue floor President for his approval. In addition, full-year funding estimates under tory for the Wolverine hockey team over the 5 years 1996–2000. The current current law are included for entitlement and mandatory programs requiring annual appropriations even if the appropriations have not been made. The ended the doubts that this team could estimate of the deficit for purposes of current level of debt subject to limit reflects the latest U.S. Treasury infor- return home as NCAA champions. Colo- calculating the maximum deficit mation on public debt transactions. VerDate Aug 31 2005 06:03 Jun 20, 2008 Jkt 041999 PO 00000 Frm 00070 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 J:\ODA16\1996_F~1\S15AP6.REC S15AP6 mmaher on MIKETEMP with SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS April 15, 1996 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S3321 THE ON-BUDGET CURRENT LEVEL REPORT FOR THE U.S. THE ON-BUDGET CURRENT LEVEL REPORT FOR THE U.S. (2) Human rights. Clinton comes into office SENATE, 104TH CONGRESS, 2D SESSION, SENATE SUP- SENATE, 104TH CONGRESS, 2D SESSION, SENATE SUP- chiding Bush for ‘‘coddling dictators.’’ In PORTING DETAIL FOR FISCAL YEAR 1996, AS OF CLOSE PORTING DETAIL FOR FISCAL YEAR 1996, AS OF CLOSE March 1994, Secretary of State Warren OF BUSINESS MARCH 29, 1996 OF BUSINESS MARCH 29, 1996—Continued Christropher goes to China wagging his fin- ger about human rights. The Chinese respond [In millions of dollars] [In millions of dollars] by placing more than a dozen dissidents under house arrest while Christopher is Budget Budget authority Outlays Revenues authority Outlays Revenues there, then declare that human rights in China are none of his business. Christopher ENACTED IN PREVIOUS CONTINUING RESOLUTION slinks away. SESSIONS AUTHORITY (3) Trade. The administration signs agree- Revenues .................................. .................... .................... 1,042,557 Twelfth Continuing Resolution Permanents and other spend- (P.L.
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