US009017738B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9,017,738 B2 Efrahimi (45) Date of Patent: Apr. 28, 2015 (54) COMPOSITION FORTREATING (56) References Cited HEMORRHODS U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS (71) Applicant: Eyal Efrahimi, Jerusalem (IL) 201 1 O274772 A1 ck 1 1, 2011 Kucukay et al. 424,727 (72) Inventor: Eyal Efrahimi, Jerusalem (IL) FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this IT 2002-MI2263 A1 * 4, 2004 patent is extended or adjusted under 35 U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days. * cited by examiner (21) Appl. No.: 13/769,848 Primary Examiner — Susan Hoffman (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Mark M. Friedman (22) Filed: Feb. 19, 2013 (57) ABSTRACT (65) Prior Publication Data - The composition for treating hemorrhoids includes dry com US 2014/O234453 A1 Aug. 21, 2014 ponents: oleander (nerium Oleander), myrtle (myrtus commu mis)and bay laurel (laurus nobilis), which are then mixed into (51) Int. Cl. a homogenous solution with olive oil. In the preferred A6 IK 36/63 (2006.01) embodiment, the composition for treating hemorrhoids A6 IK 36/6 (2006.01) includes the following components: 30%–70% by weight of A6 IK36/54 (2006.01) olive oil, 27%-44% by weight of oleander (nerium oleander), A6 IK 36/24 (2006.01) 15%-25% percentage by weight of myrtle (myrtus communis) (52) U.S. Cl. and 5%-15% percentage by weight of bay laurel (laurus CPC ................. A61K 36/63 (2013.01); A61 K36/54 nobilis). For the most preferred embodiment, for 1 liter (about (2013.01); A61K 36/61 (2013.01); A61K 36/24 1000 cubic centimeters) of olive oil, 1000 cubic centimeters (2013.01) (cc) of the dry components of the composition may include (58) Field of Classification Search 70% percentage by weight of oleander (nerium oleander), CPC ....... A61K 36/61; A61K 36/63; A61K 36/54; 20% percentage by weight of myrtle (myrtus communis), and A61K 36/24: A61K 2300/00 10% percentage by weight of bay laurel (laurus nobilis). USPC .......................................................... 424/725 See application file for complete search history. 3 Claims, No Drawings US 9,017,738 B2 1. 2 COMPOSITION FOR TREATING ing components: 30%-70% by weight of olive oil, 27%-44% HEMORRHODS by weight of oleander (nerium oleander), 15%-25% percent age by weight of myrtle (myrtus communis) and 5%-15% FIELD OF THE INVENTION percentage by weight of bay laurel (laurus nobilis). In a preferred embodiment, for 1 liter (about 1000 cubic This invention relates to the medical field and, more par centimeters) of olive oil, 1000 cubic centimeters (cc) of the ticularly, to a composition for treating hemorrhoids. dry components of the composition may include 70% per centage by weight of oleander (nerium Oleander), 20% per BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION centage by weight of myrtle (myrtus communis), and 10% 10 percentage by weight of bay laurel (laurus nobilis). Hemorrhoids are vascular structures in the anal canal Other objects, features and advantages of the present which help with stool control. They become pathological or invention will become apparent upon reading the following piles when Swollen or inflamed. In their physiological state, detailed description in conjunction with the drawings and the they act as a cushion composed of arterio-venous channels claims. and connective tissue. 15 The symptoms of pathological hemorrhoids depend on the DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION type present. Internal hemorrhoids are usually associated with painless rectalbleeding. External hemorrhoids may pro In the following detailed description, numerous specific duce few symptoms; but, if thrombosed, there can be signifi details are set forth in order to provide a thorough understand cant pain and swelling in the area of the anus. While the exact 20 ing of the invention. However, it will be understood by those cause of hemorrhoids remains unknown, a number of factors skilled in the art that the present invention may be practiced which increase intra-abdominal pressure, in particular con without these specific details. In other instances, well-known stipation, are believed to play a role in their development. methods, procedures, and components have not been Initial treatment for mild to moderate hemorrhoid discom described in detailso as not to obscure the present invention. fort or disease consists of increasing fiber intake, oral fluids to 25 According to the Invention, the composition for treating maintain hydration, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to hemorrhoids includes the following three dry components: help with the pain, and rest. A number of minor procedures oleander (nerium Oleander), myrtle (myrtus communis) bay may be performed if symptoms are severe or do not improve laurel (laurus nobilis). These dry ingredients are then mixed with conservative management. Surgery is reserved for those with olive oil to form a homogeous hemorrhoid treatment who fail to improve following these measures. 30 compound. While many topical agents and Suppositories are available For purposes of conversion herein, 1 cubic centimeter for the treatment of hemorrhoids, there is little evidence to equals 0.001 liters. Support their use. Steroid containing agents should not be In the preferred embodiment of the Invention, the compo used for more than 14 days, as they may cause thinning of the sition for treating hemorrhoids includes the following com skin. Mostagents include a combination of active ingredients. 35 ponents: 30%-70% by weight of olive oil, 27%-44% by These may include: a barrier cream such as petroleum jelly or weight of oleander (nerium oleander), 15%-25% percentage Zinc oxide, an analgesic agent Such as lidocaine, and a vaso by weight of myrtle (myrtus communis) and 5%-15% per constrictor Such as epinephrine. Flavonoids are of question centage by weight of bay laurel (laurus nobilis). able benefit with potential side effects. In a preferred embodiment, for 1 liter (about 1000 cubic Kucukay (EP 2022504 and Wo 2010/081485) discloses a 40 centimeters) of olive oil, 1000 cubic centimeters (cc) of the composition for the treatment of haemorrhoids comprising dry components of the composition may include 70% per aqueous extracts of fig leaves, walnut shells and/or artichoke centage by weight of oleander (nerium Oleander), 20% per leaves, in particular in combination with aqueous extracts of centage by weight of myrtle (myrtus communis), and 10% horse chestnuts. percentage by weight of bay laurel (laurus nobilis). Rolf (WO 2008/133982) discloses Adhesive patches that 45 Nerium Oleander has been reported in ancient texts and are applied to the skin for the transdermal or topical delivery folklore for more than 1500 years. It has been used tradition of a medication. ally by herbalists as a folk remedy for a wide variety of McAnalley (WO 2009/0177088) discloses hydrogel maladies and conditions, including dermatitis, abscesses, wound dressings that are made entirely of naturally occurring eczema, psoriasis, Sores, warts, corns, ringworm, Scabies, food ingredients, and optionally with safe food additives. 50 herpes, skin cancer, asthma, dysmenorrheal, epilepsy, Schultz (WO 2001/028491) discloses a topical composi malaria, abortifacients, emetics, heart tonics, and tumors. tion for the treatment of a dermatologic disease that includes Macerated leaves of oleander have been applied topically for a carrier, at least one essential oil and a dermatologic active treatment of dermatitis, loss of hair, Superficial tumors and ingredient having a therapeutic effect for the dermatologic syphilis. A decoction of oleander leaves has been used for the disease. 55 treatment of gingivitis and as a nose drop for children. The Therefore, there is a need for an effective, safe and simple application of nerium oleander cardiac glycosides applied composition for treating hemorrhoids. intramuscularly (IM) and orally to combat cancers is now being investigated. The National Cancer Institute has defined SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION oleandrin, one of the principal glycosides in Nerium Olean 60 der, as 'Alipid soluble cardiac glycoside with potential anti These and other objects of the invention are achieved with neoplastic activity.” It has notheretofore been know, however, a composition for treating hemorrhoids that includes dry for treating hemorrhoids. components: oleander (nerium Oleander), myrtle (myrtus Evidence from epidemiological studies Suggests that a communis) and bay laurel (laurus nobilis), which are then higher proportion of monounsaturated fats in the diet is linked mixed into a homogenous solution with olive oil. 65 with a reduction in the risk of coronary heart disease. This is According to the Invention, in the preferred embodiment, significant because olive oil is considerably rich in monoun the composition for treating hemorrhoids includes the follow saturated fats, most notably oleic acid. Consumption of olive US 9,017,738 B2 3 4 oil can provide heart health benefits such as favorable effects Thereafter, the mixture is allowed to cool to room tempera on cholesterol regulation and LDL cholesterol oxidation, and ture (about 20° C.). that it exerts antiinflamatory, antithrombotic, antihyperten The mixture is then re-boiled for another minute. After this sive as well as vasodilatory effects both in animals and in second boiling it cools to room temperature (about 20°C.). In humans. Additionally, olive oil protects against heart disease Some cases a third boiling may be useful, followed by cooling as it controls the “bad” levels of LDL cholesterol and raises to room temperature levels of the “good cholesterol, HDL. It has not heretofore The cooling and boiling of the compound causes the dry been know, however, for treating hemorrhoids. In the preferred embodiment, extra virgin or first pressed plant ingredients to release their active ingredient effectively. olive oil is used. By first finely chopping, milling and and/or crushing and then In several countries, particularly in Europe and China, 10 boiling the dry plant ingredients, it causes the release of their there has been a tradition for prescribing myrtle for sinus active ingredients into the olive oil.
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