TRACING HELVETICA MiraCosta College / oceanside MAT 155 Graphic Design 2 : Typography ARTG106 TYPOGRAPHY Fall 2016 : Sec. 1 Min Choi // Fall 2017 Rosemary Rae email: [email protected] TRACING HELVETICA INFO ABOUT HELVETICA HELVETICA— Helvetica is one of the most popular typefaces of all time. It was designed by Max Miedinger in 1957 for the Haas’sche Schriftgiesserei type foundry of Switzerland. Its name is derived from Helvetia, the Roman name for Switzerland. The font is based on the earlier Akzidenz Grotesk typeface from around 1898. The typeface, originally titled Haas-Grotesk, is a very clean sans-serif Helvetica is one of the most popular typefaces of all time. It was designed by Max Miedinger face. The typeface became extremely popular in the 1960s, when it was widely used. In 1983, Linotype released the Helvetica Neue (German for “New Helvetica”) typeface, based on Helvetica. in 1957 for the Haas’sche Schriftgiesserei type foundry of Switzerland. Its name is derived from The typeface Arial, distributed with Microsoft Windows, has the same widths as Helvetica and almost identical characters, and was essentially created as a cheaper unauthorized Helvetica clone, which has led to criticism of Microsoft. One of the easiest ways to Helvetia, the Roman name for Switzerland. The font is based on the earlier Akzidenz Grotesk distinguish the two is their uppercase “R.” Another way is looking at the “tail” of the “a” (lower right). Another is the lowercase “e”; Helvetica cuts the lower hook straight across, while Arial cuts it at an angle. typeface from around 1898. The typeface, originally titled Haas-Grotesk, is a very clean sans-serif While Univers is acknowledged to be the most used Latin typeface in the world, Helvetica is widely used in countries such as face. The typeface became extremely popular in the 1960s, when it was widely used. In 1983, France, the United Kingdom and the Nordic countries. Variants of the typefaceTRACING are also used in the Canadian government’s HELVETICA corporate identity program. Linotype released the Helvetica Neue (German for “New Helvetica”) typeface, based on Helvetica. Helvetica is also one of the default typefaces for the Mac OS system. The typeface Nimbus Sans (one of the default typefaces for GNU/Linux) is based on Helvetica, as is Bitstream’s Swiss 721 BT, which even bases its name on the same theme. Helvetica recently replaced Akzidenz Grotesk as the font used for the signs of the New YorkARTG106 City Subway system. TYPOGRAPHY Fall 2016 : Sec. 1 In 2007, Gary Hustwit made his directorial debut with Helvetica, a documentary about graphic design and typography. The film The typeface Arial, distributed with Microsoft Windows, has the same widths as Helvetica and ABCDEFGHIJ looks at the proliferation of one typeface as part of a larger conversationRosemary about the way type Rae affects email: our lives. [email protected] film is an exploration of urban spaces in major cities and the type that inhabits them, and a fluid discussion with renowned designers about almost identical characters, and was essentially created as a cheaper unauthorized Helvetica their work, the creative process, and the choices and aesthetics behind their use of type. www.myfonts.com/fonts/adobe/helvetica/ clone, which has led to criticism of Microsoft. One of the easiest ways to distinguish the two is http://www.hustwit.com/category/helvetica/ INFO ABOUT HELVETICA their uppercase “R.” Another way is looking at the “tail” of the “a” (lower right). Another is the SUPPLIES Helvetica is one of the most popularlowercase typefaces “e”; of Helvetica all time. It cutswas designed the lower by hook Max Miedinger straight across, while Arial cuts it at an angle. tracing / layout paper, pencil, tape, rulers in 1957 for the Haas’sche Schriftgiesserei type foundry of Switzerland. Its name is derived from PRESENTATION TRACING HELVETICA > 8.5 x 11” size tracing paper: Please trace the handout (attached page 2) exactly as is, and fill in the letterforms.Helvetia, the Roman name for Switzerland. The font is based on the earlier Akzidenz Grotesk > On the cover page, in the bottom right corner, print out the label including your Name, Class Name, Assignment Title and Date, While Univers is acknowledged to be the most used Latin typeface in the world, Helvetica is KLMNOPQR typed, printed and glued neatly in the bottom right corner. typeface from around 1898. The typeface, originally titled Haas-Grotesk, is a very clean sans-serif > Please fill in with pencil. AddARTG106 a cover sheet to protect from smudging. TYPOGRAPHY widely used in countries such as France, the United Kingdom and the Nordic countries. > Anything less than a professional presentation will not be accepted for grading. face. The typeface becameFall extremely 2016 popular : Sec. in the 1960s, 1 when it was widely used. In 1983, > No guidelines, smudges or eraser marks should be visible. Linotype released the Helvetica VariantsNeue (German of the for typeface “New Helvetica”) are also typeface,used in thebased Canadian on Helvetica. government’s corporate identity program. DUE DATE: Tuesday OctoberRosemary 3, 2017 – Turn in Raetracing email: of Helvetica [email protected] at beginning of class The typeface Arial, distributed with Microsoft Windows, has the same widths as Helvetica and ABCDEFGHIJ Helvetica is also one of the default typefaces for the Mac OS system. The typeface Nimbus Sans INFO ABOUT HELVETICAalmost identical characters, and (onewas essentially of the default created typefaces as a cheaper for unauthorizedGNU/Linux) Helvetica is based on Helvetica, as is Bitstream’s Swiss 721 BT, Helvetica is one of the mostclone, popular which typefaces has led toof allcriticism time. Itwhich of was Microsoft. designed even basesOne by ofMax its the Miedingername easiest on ways the to same distinguish theme. the Helvetica two is recently replaced Akzidenz Grotesk as STUVWXYZ& in 1957 for the Haas’sche Schriftgiessereitheir uppercase type “R.” foundryAnother of way Switzerland. is looking Itsat thename “tail” is derivedof the “a” from (lower right). Another is the the font used for the signs of the New York City Subway system. Helvetia, the Roman namelowercase for Switzerland. “e”; Helvetica The font cuts is based the lower on the hook earlier straight Akzidenz across, Grotesk while Arial cuts it at an angle. typeface from around 1898. The typeface, originally titled Haas-Grotesk, is a very clean sans-serif face. The typeface becameWhile extremely Univers popular is acknowledged in the 1960s, In towhen be2007, the it was mostGary widely used Hustwit used.Latin made Intypeface 1983, his in directorial the world, Helvetica debut with is Helvetica, a documentaryKLMNOPQR about graphic Linotype released the Helveticawidely Neue used (Germanin countries for “Newsuch as Helvetica”)design France, andthe typeface, United typography. Kingdombased on The Helvetica.and film the Nordiclooks countries.at the proliferation of one typeface as part of a larger Variants of the typeface are also conversationused in the Canadian about government’sthe way type corporate affects identityour lives. program. The film is an exploration of urban spaces in The typeface Arial, distributedExamples of Helvetica with in use. Microsoft Windows, has the same widths as Helvetica and ABCDEFGHIJ Examples of Helvetica in use. major cities and the type that inhabits them, and a fluid discussion with renowned designers abcdefghijklm almost identical characters, and was essentially created as a cheaper unauthorized Helvetica Helvetica is also one of the defaultabout typefaces their forwork, the theMac creative OS system. process, The typeface and the Nimbus choices Sans and aesthetics behind their use of type. clone, which has led to criticism(one of of the Microsoft. default typefaces One of the for easiest GNU/Linux) ways to isdistinguish based on Helvetica, the two is as is Bitstream’s Swiss 721 BT, their uppercase “R.” Anotherwhich way even is looking bases atits the name “tail” on of the sources:the same “a” (lowerwww.myfonts.com/fonts/adobe/helvetica/;theme. right). Helvetica Another recently is the replaced Akzidenz http://www.hustwit.com/category/helvetica/ Grotesk as STUVWXYZ& lowercase “e”; Helvetica cutsthe the font lower used hook for the straight signs ofacross, the New while York Arial City cuts Subway it at an system. angle. SUPPLIES While Univers is acknowledgedIn 2007, to Garybe the Hustwit most used made Latin his typefacedirectorial in debut the world, with HelveticaHelvetica ,is a documentary about graphicKLMNOPQR tracing / layout paper, pencil, tape. widely used in countries suchdesign as France, and typography. the United The Kingdom film looks and theat the Nordic proliferation countries. of one typeface as part of a larger nopqrstuvwxyz Variants of the typeface areconversation also used in about the Canadian the way typegovernment’s affects our corporate lives. The identity film is program. an exploration of urban spaces in PRESENTATION Examples of Helvetica in use. major cities and the type that inhabits them, and a fluid discussion with renowned designers abcdefghijklm Helvetica is also one of theabout default their typefaces work, the for creative the Mac process, OSI would system. and like theThe choicesthese typeface tracings and Nimbus aesthetics done Sans behind on 8.5 their x 11 use inch of type.size tracing paper. (one of the default typefacessources: for GNU/Linux) www.myfonts.com/fonts/adobe/helvetica/; is based on Helvetica,• Please http://www.hustwit.com/category/helvetica/ trace as is Bitstream’s and fill in Swiss Helvetica 721 BT, in pencil. which even bases its name on the same theme. Helvetica recently replaced Akzidenz Grotesk as STUVWXYZ& • Add your Name, Class Name, Assignment Title and Date in the top left corner. the font used for the signs SUPPLIESof the New York City Subway system. • Please fill in your outlines. tracing / layout paper, pencil, tape. 1234567890 In 2007, Gary Hustwit made his directorial debut with Helvetica• Tape, a a documentary cover sheet about over graphicyour tracing to protect from smudging.
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