TEAM. MINUTE MEN OF AMERICAN LAWN TENNIS CUP DEFENCE CARLITA VÍCTOR Davis Cup a Prize IN HUGUENOT RACE Well Worth ¡G. B. Kulenkampffs Boat Winning Easily Defeats J. T. the tournament just ended at the Cr« Pratt's Juanita. Mower of Lawn Tennis out Athletic «lub. where the New Yo lamptonship «a« beiafl World Has Competed «.I Again «ltd Murray tight bis way the final round, «here Mcl-oughlm a in the Classic. iai ami took his measure aft FIFTY-EIGHT YACHTS elling struggle Rut ii, the meantime the «i.inin.t'i IN ANNUAL REGATTA had decide«! Murray was too inexper AA\ERICA TO DEFEND in «ii lor the heavy task of meeting tl tried MOM from the hallengiig nat'o Clare Wins from Kenmuir in TROPHY THIS WEEK and Karl II. Behr. who had. in IM tk? beea a«i internationalist, was select« Handicap Class ¿^ a the fourth man on the team. Tl -Margaret other« were McLoughlin. Williams ar Excels in Class R Test. .$ V.cl ouRhlin. Williams. Behr and Bun 4). Beh'r had fairly earned hi.« place r In a from at I light breeee the «oath Rundy to Take Courts the team, ami ellnough «lefeated raced Murrav had played a wonderful gair fifty-eight yachts yetIstig) West Side Tennis Club. all season At doubles, paired wii at the west end of Long Island Soaa« Theodore K. Pell, he was particular! for the prizes offered by the Hui^n« H-. the Bteti rRF.l» BAWnOBMI effective, taking Middle Yacht Club in iti twentieth annual r» rod the now- championship in both singles and do« blea and the Eastern doubles at Loni gat'.a. famous Davis as an ir.te: national. dp w ood. The higgent boats among the It at «g for *u»l trophy competition B«-hr has shown steady imptovemei starters were the New York Yacht Club among the leading lawn tennis players since hi« »election, and the contest hi and of these G. B. .un and as the naii". "thirtiei," Kalee- the world m l'.'OO. Including this Bundy ol for McLcughlin in thf doubles whe kampff's Carlita was the winner. She ">eai, it has been in competition just foreigners a ailed by Jerome Monk* and te- Pehr has r« eon times smce then. Pride** has been keen. feeted J. T. Prett's Juanita 1 mia¬ d«*- ri\ al. has eve by I'tnted Mates successfully hi ute !8 second«. They covered a couru but lost it ic -reut MrLoughiin by ; IM ni »i :-'"-. but the coir of 81« miles, sailed twice over, or Brit- dashing, sensational play, l«'i « -hallengmg t.-»m from the mittee ha« not yet gi\en Us final WOt n all. Beh .i the following ftttt on the shall gain the place The winner« in the other c'ait«« "hen fo!- Ol lilllKIV. were: Handicap class Second divisioi, Longnrood, lawn tftinis lover the Cl.j.-j, from '.he 3 mir- the country's Kenmuir, by iong period doling which may res' seen in the knowledge th* utes 51 seconds: third divisi.n. th« N». her bowl found a I the United Btetea wll be n pn torn«; fourth di*. läion, the White Cap, The best the rest probably the most foimi'E Larchmcnt ¡r.terciub The W.ld Thyme Bad blc combination 11 could muster, ami from the Lewar.i.a, b;- H minutes il i ««duce m the way ¡«an, that tiie struggle for th seconds, (lass U Th«. Margaret fror« 1 a th* 2", i players battled msuc- world'a mastery will be battle the Jeyetta, bv 1 minute seconoV, in tennis a followed in order the the in IMf will go down la.v.i history by Dacoit, «h« i'ly for trophy IM4, in the annal.- I Mile. tne the Brilliant, 1rs the I one of the greatest Bo.««., Avis, but always j une, with '.he probability that th Petrel, the Snapper, the Virginia, th« cnt the challeng- la, and the D^\i. Cup, will g«> I Wake, the Dragon Fly, the Alice and th' lust team. the Tha-.-. , . handed. i ,<¦'. empty The r«¿atia committee Commodore stars of Norman ., this time the OPENED T. f. Coe, «ieorge W. Kear and George rd Brookes, of Australi«. and NEW COURSE E. Vijjouroux quartered on boar-i «, i New Zealand, Allen'« power boat Wcalaka, anchor«! 1 Wilding, ol Inwood Club Hoi otT started -e. and in on the Members of Huckeberry Island, th« fleet at 1:40 oclock. the *"thir- back with thriii to the a Carnival. sending In Australia the Davis Cup Golfing ties" away first at that time. The Car¬ the Sta'os Member:-' of the Inwood Country Clu lita g'-t off in »he lead with boom eesti ed. «'though United to a lilt, held a golf carnival yesterday to cele well off port, length ahead of til« until extende and the firiole. These two team composed of J. the opening of then- Caprice lad A. F Beamish rour.-e. The distance at present the Juanita by a couple of lengths All Cecil »"..i ,. P. l>,\on, four set to starboard n,«I 1 Low« went to Melbourne- 8,410 spinnakers st -.ore of A of competitions was pre on.-" for the rnn to the Scotch t'gmt ¦'rated the holti« variety the fir-* turn in the to two. The cup was \ uled. the principal one being at, eigh buoy triangular loatehci fo course. The second leg for all h«n«Ji «. Wimbloi Bedel play handicap wet'' entries. was a beat to windward across th« Seven Nations Compete for Cup. Which th« re IfC for the E. n. Stern with « score ai ¡M afe Sound to Prospect Point buoy, and -.;« trie« »i.i:.vi-;e«i from there to the finish it was a yti«! nitor tac the pros- prize, while the dr.-1 tie reach. preliminary .«> *c IT The handicap class was well matches had been completed the taON l.'. Lowenthal foi hla repre¬ Maurice 71. Other prizes were won by E. F sented by thirteen ya^ht«, and »hey fioni Levinson. 101 :'7 74; H. Lippman had some keen competition, especially i-.. UcJ .-..-, 2d. in tho windward run of the and Wallace F. 9.' 28 7i'.. and I. Zwilling, 101 '10 7ti second In the men's competition A round. R. B. Budd's Alert, of the first nibledon as the putting did the best work. She E. 81 was the winner while 1 division, «a'led . aiid defeated their English Levy's ths best time of the challengers matches to I -..a* successful in the men' against yacht« is DJ a score of three Mrs. Sperling ibowei th« iceend division. She finished thir- approaching. tv-tive minutes ahead of tie wandenni*? the approaching »inner, P. years of world did '.he same In the F. Pfeiffer'» Clare, which beat the Ken¬ more in I and Mrs. Haer . 'a woman's putting. Harold A. Steine muir by J minutes 51 seconds. in. I'pon «lie Ther» was an «I t ihw n I eompetitiea with inteiesting struggle of the wol for a tots for rirst place betwe« n the Cla»« I Reg! SO and 288 yards boats. (Clifford ' Mallory's Margaret oat- !¦'. I lohel .»'. rettce footed lier opponent, W. H Childi'l Dooerty, rotbara, Joyetta. by 1 minute -7 second«. bed thc-reon. BAYSIDE YACHTS OUT In th' Star das«, in which eight ii.,-;.', boats started, there was also teats ... >icLoughlin, Will- close work, the Snapper winning from kett, Johnson, these and a Almost All Compete in Club's the Little Dipper by just 18 «econde. of other names known wherever In th«; Huguenot special class IE M> ayed are indelibly en- Weekly Regatta. (ormick's Dacoit won from H H. Vaa «I bowl. Rcnsselaer's 1 when Lipper by minute 1# now the time has arrived Rayside. Long Island, Aug. S. seconds. I nited Stad . defending all of the boats o away from Australasians. The summaries folloiv: he take the Practically racing Maurice and «Norris Williams, on whom will fall the burden oí keeping the Davis Cup nation, must o-»re again up the Rayside Yacnt Ciub sailed in th« McLoughlin NEW YORK T .-. on this side ot M-rnoT :.¦,«__. battle to retain the cup weekly regatta of the organizatior , MILES-START, I«. .he Atlantic. Next Thursday afternoon off here to-day. The wind was lighi i>all will be served in the and from the south. The boats, how¬ Flnl.li tin« round of 1 V*14 on the courts Yachts Ta< ht »n 1 omner. M MA an and thi TO «hal'enge ever, had excellent scrap, DOUST SUCCUMBS Winds ». ».. II Keep Kulenkampff ,.in :+M at F6r- Certain Si.le Tennis Club, Seems Light West es Vollmer .-i. »* of the in the various classes were in »»price, Hopkins.. U ¡AM / Perhaps by Fri- 'in«,i». K.linun.l Kuh. esl Hills. Loag'IataatL whether tere: ting. «.\ening it will be kiiown The Birds were the feature of th« i. h to MATCH « or is HEATDURING country is to hold the cup Six of the little fellow« Titles on Gravesend Bay HANDICAP I.ASS-KKCONII s. regatta. to Win trip across the Aquatic IOLR8E. l«>. MILES ( unother crossed the starting line, and al! Alert. R R. RuJ.I - n the tool '^ue will i c * 5 ti « «.«.eat». Perhaps when the covered ati eight mile course. The Continued from p«fe 1 Sullv I\. A. E ltl«.k. in doubt until Saturday, winner was th«- Curlew, the property .,..,«-.
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