Xavier University Exhibit All Xavier Student Newspapers Xavier Student Newspapers 2016-01-13 Xavier University Newswire Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio) Follow this and additional works at: https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper Recommended Citation Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio), "Xavier University Newswire" (2016). All Xavier Student Newspapers. 755. https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper/755 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Xavier Student Newspapers at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in All Xavier Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The Xavier EWSWIRE NPublished by the students of Xavier University since 1915 Fiat justitia, ruat coelum Volume CI Issue 15 January 13, 2016 BY RAYMOND HUMIENNY Campus News Editor The Class of 2016 is preparing Playing to graduate, but Xavier’s pre-med students aren’t celebrating just yet. In fact, many are still hammering out application after application in hopes of attending medical school next year. Newswire sat down with Doctor some pre-med students to get a glimpse of the challenges they face ³7KHUH¶VWKLVGH¿QLWHYLHZWKDWLI\RXZDQWWRJRDQ0' URXWHDQG\RXZDQWWRHQGXS DV DGRFWRUDQGDQ\- during their senior years. WKLQJOHVVWKDQWKDWLVDIDLOXUH±,GRQ¶WWKLQNWKDWWKDW¶V In addition to the stress of DJRRGZD\WRORRNDWLW,WKLQNWKDWLI\RXHQGXSEHLQJ coursework and preparation for D3$RUD'2WKDW¶VHTXDOO\LPSRUWDQWDQGZHKDYH graduate school, Adam Price, DQHHGIRUWKRVHWRR,I\RXKDYHWRJRDQRQWUDGLWLRQDO President of the Pre-Med Student URXWHJUHDW,ILWJHWV\RXWRDSODFHZKHUH\RXHQMR\ Association, and his colleagues as- ZKDW\RX¶UHGRLQJWKDW¶VHTXDOO\ZRUWKZKLOH´ VLVWLQPHQWRULQJÀUVW\HDUVWXGHQWV Emily Grigg, on their journeys through Xavier’s pre-med and health advising pro- grams. Here’s a look into the unique ³,¶YHKDGFODVVHVZKHUHWKHWHDFKHUVHQFRXUDJHXV Marian University/ college experience of pre-med WR¿JKWWKHPDWHULDOQRWHDFKRWKHUDQGWKDWZDV OU applicant GH¿QLWHO\KHOSIXOWRWKHFXOWXUHEXW,WKLQNPRUHWKDQ majors. of Xavier students DQ\WKLQJLW¶VWKDW;DYLHUMXVWDWWUDFWVWKHNLQGRISHR- who applied to med- SOHWKDWEHOLHYHWKDWZD\YHUVXVDELJJHUVWDWHVFKRRO ical school during ZKHUHWKH\PLJKWDWWUDFW FRPSHWLWLYHSHUVRQDOLWLHV the past five years were accepted. ,¶YHKHDUGRIVRPHKRUURUVWRULHVWKDW,KDYHQ¶WHYHQ 80% (compared to 44% national average) FRPHFORVHWRH[SHULHQFLQJKHUH´ Adam Price, SUNY Upstate Medical Uni- versity acceptee Photo courtesy of wcpo.com ³7KHIDFWWKDW,ZHQWWRDOLEHUDODUWVVFKRROWKDWSXW NEW MCAT PHLQPRVTXHV%XGGKLVW ZRUVKLS DQGD0DVV±,¶P 3URWHVWDQW,¶GQHYHUEHHQWR&DWKROLF0DVV±DQG TRANSITION SXVKHGPRUHWRZDUGFRPPXQLW\VHUYLFH,FDQQRW In April 2015, the AAMC add- ³7KHVHUYLFHFRPSRQHQWDW;DYLHULVDOVRDKXJHSDUWRI SXWDSULFHRQKRZPXFKWKDWLVJRLQJWRDIIHFWKRZ ed to the curriculum of the DSSO\LQJIRUPHGLFDOVFKRRO$OOWKHH[WUDFXUULFXODUDFWLYLLike what - ,WKLQNDERXWDQGKRZ,FRQWH[WXDOL]HEHLQJDGRFWRU traditional MCAT and shifted WLHVWKHUHVHDUFKRSSRUWXQLWLHV,KDYHIULHQGVZKRKDYH KHOSLQJSDWLHQWV;DYLHUKDVHQFRXUDJHGPHWRQRW to a larger scoring format DSSOLHGWRPHGVFKRROIURPRWKHUSODFHVZKRPDGHKDYH VHUYHXSSHUFODVVSDWLHQWV H[FOXVLYHO\ 0\;DYLHU (from two-digit raw scores to EHWWHUVFRUHVRUEHWWHUQXPEHUVEXWGRQ¶WKDYHDVIXOORIDyou see? H[SHULHQFHKDVSXVKHGPHWRGRVHUYLFHFRUHDQGZDQW- three-digit scaled scoring). PHGVFKRROUHVXPHDVVRPHRQHIURPKHUHPLJKWKDYHMXVW LQJWRVHUYHPHGLFDOO\XQGHUVHUYHGSHRSOHDQG,GRQ¶W SOCIOLOGY EHFDXVHRIWKHQDWXUHRIZKDW;DYLHULVSXWV\RXLQWRWKDW 0RUJDQ$OH[DQGHU OHIW PSYCHOLOGY SODFHDQGWKHDGYLVLQJLVVRJRRGWKDW\RXNQRZZKDW\RX BIOCHEMISTRY QHHGWRGRWREHDFRPSHWLWLYHDSSOLFDQW´Visit our website: %RRQVKRIW6FKRRORI0HG- BIOLOGY CHEMISTRY 0DWW6DQ¿OLSSR ULJKW xaviernewswire. icine PHYSICS Data courtesy of xavier.edu 2KLR8QLYHUVLW\com Photos courtesy of Facebook.com Letter from the Editor: In memory of Patrick Larkin BY TATUM HUNTER times. He oversaw student cov- lose this group every four years Editor-in-Chief erage of every single change, and have to start over. In spite The Newswire mourns the loss triumph and scandal that Xavier of this, he treated every issue as of Patrick Larkin, who died on has gone through during the past an important part of campus life Dec. 15. Patrick served as our ad- 12 years. He continued attending and stressed that the Newswire visor for 12 years, and he cared the Newswire’s weekly meetings has a duty to the Xavier com- deeply about this campus and its even while receiving chemother- munity to provide honest news student-run newspaper. coverage and analysis. Patrick loved to tell us about “(Journalists) know As the Newswire moves on the editor from his past who everything ... Men admire without our friend and mentor, would stamp “So what?” in red them and women adore I hope we will retain his enthusi- ink onto any boring news story asm, his eye for bullshit and his that found its way onto his desk. them ... They hate lies immense love of journalism. The Patrick was fundamentally op- and meanness and sham news media could use more peo- posed to boring, and if there’s ... When they die, a lot ple like Patrick, and I hope that one thing he seemed to want for we at the Newswire can carry on the Newswire, it was boldness. of people are sorry, his work as a true journalist. Although Patrick was a and some remember So thank you for everything, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, them for several days.” Patrick. I know that no one can he insisted that his critiques were ever look back at your life and merely suggestions and that we -Stanley Walker think, “So what?” should never be afraid to think apy. He became friends with 12 The Stanley Walker quote above is outside the box. When I’d beat different editorial teams, and I one of Patrick’s favorites. Donations myself up over spelling errors or guarantee he will be remembered in Patrick’s memory can be made to design mistakes, he’d encouraged by each one. Washington UCC, 2950 Sidney Ave me to stay focused on the “big Patrick had the unique chal- 45225, Shattuck-St. Marys School, picture.” lenge of taking a group of clue- Faribault MN 55021 (s-sm.org) or Patrick fought to keep the less students and teaching them Women Helping Women, 215 E. 9th Photo courtesy of the Larkin family Newswire funded during tough how to be journalists, only to St. 45202 (womenhelpingwomen.org). NewswireUHOHDVHGLWVÀUVWLVVXHXQGHU/DUNLQ·VOHDGHUVKLS$XJ 2 Xavier Newswire Edited by: Raymond Humienny January 13, 2016 Campus News [email protected] LAND major small but GrowinG: an inside look at Sustainability BY EMILY LINGINFELTER perts like farmers, entrepreneurs and in the interest and quantity of urban graduates in the 2016-2017 aca- the operations after completing Staff Writer community gardeners. farms,” Hermann said. demic year. He is currently build- his degree. With only six students, ´([FHVVLYHÀHOG LQYROYHPHQW +HUPDQQZDVWKHÀUVW;DYLHU ing a start-up coffee production To learn more about the Xavier Xavier’s Land, Farming and provides students with a wide student to declare a LAND major and trade business called Better Sustainability opportunities, explore Community (LAND) major is range of contacts and experienc- in 2014 and anticipates becom- World Beans (www.betterworld- WKH RIÀFLDO ZHEVLWH DW ZZZ[DYLHU one of the university’s smallest es,” Smythe said, “so that when LQJ RQH RI WKH ÀUVW WZR /$1' beans.com) and plans to continue edu/green/index.cfm. degree programs. they graduate they have a network The LAND major focuses on the of people who can help them food system primarily in relation to identify work opportunities that agroecology, the tie between agricul- will help guide them toward the ture and ecology. Since the incep- aspect of food production, dis- tion of the sustainability academic tribution or processing they are department in 2013, LAND has most interested in.” not grown at the rate of the depart- Students in the past have helped ment’s other newly-minted majors, at Gabriel’s Place, an organization especially the two business-focused that provides healthy food to resi- majors. However, it offers the most dents in Cincinnati’s North Avondale experiential and interdisciplinary neighborhood, and assisted Erin learning model of the program’s and Robert Lockridge, owners of four undergraduate degrees. local pay-as-you-can pizza parlor LAND Director Kathleen Moriah Pie, in educating children Smythe, Ph.D., said the com- in Norwood about food production mittee knew this degree would and making food for the restaurant. have a modest start since the “We were able to connect with a job opportunities in agricul- lot of different people. (Agricology) WXUHUHODWHG ÀHOGV DUH FXUUHQWO\ doesn’t just stop at Xavier’s campus. scarce and competitive given It relates to this region and other the economics of the U.S. food regions that are trying to do similar system, although they are pro- things,” said Andrew Hermann, a ju- jected to grow. nior LAND and Philosophy, Politics For this reason, the candidates and the Public double major. of the LAND program are required “A lot of people don’t realize that to actively spend seven out of eight urban agriculture is taking off in VHPHVWHUVLQWKHÀHOGOHDUQLQJIURP Cincinnati. Just being here in the last Photo courtesy of www.xavier.edu sustainability and agricultural ex- three years, I have seen a huge spark Xavier Sustainability’s LAND major focuses on agroecology, the tie between agriculture and ecology. Photo courtesy of www.xavier.edu Xavier’s sustainability department has partnered with institutions like Procter & Gamble, the EPA and local sustainability
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