May 18-24, 2018 Your Neighborhood — Your News® 75 cents SERVING THROGGS NECK, PELHAM BAY, COUNTRY CLUB, CITY ISLAND, WESTCHESTER SQUARE, MORRIS PARK, VAN NEST, PELHAM PARKWAY, CASTLE HILL, ALLERTON PROTESTERS DECRY NEW JAIL PROPOSAL Mayor announces inmate plan for 161st Street BY ALEX MITCHELL from the Bronx School of conversation to have,” she A community’s anger Law, Government, and Jus- added. reached the boiling point tice along with others, joined Other concerns expressed when another potential site Gibson in a protest outside the during the rally were the se- for the Bronx’s new jail facil- courthouse on Thursday, May nior communities that sit in ity was announced. 10. close proximity as well as the In addition to the NYPD If this site is chosen, stu- 161st Street Business Improve- tow pound in Mott Haven, a dents of the high school would ment District. second site, adjacent to the be literally attending class in The BID’s executive direc- Bronx Criminal Court and the jail’s shadow. tor, Cary Goodman also took Hall of Justice Complex on “In a perfect world I get it to the megaphone in opposi- 161st Street is now in conten- and it does make sense to put tion to the proposal. tion. the jail next to the court, the He reminded everyone that Needless to say, Council- challenge is we don’t have a at the mayor’s town hall meet- woman Vanessa Gibson along perfect world,” said Gibson. ing, held just one month ago at with her constituents have “If it were not for the schools, the Bronx School of Law, Gov- expressed resounding opposi- libraries and the residents ernment, and Justice, there tion to the plan. that live around here, to me A large group of students it would be more of a positive Continued on Page 70 Beatrice Castiglia-Catullo, passes at 101 BY PATRICK ROCCHIO the social services juggernaut One of the great humani- on a shoe-string budget in 1964 tarians that the borough has after getting a $500 donation, produced passed. and since then it has grown Beatrice Castiglia-Catullo, into an organization with 20 Dough Shapes Artist’s Creativity who founded Regional Aid For programs, including 11 senior Rising to the occasion, skilled artist Marion Hughes has created Interim Needs, an organiza- centers, meals-on-wheels out- an exhibit of Bread Dough Art on public display at the Allerton tion better known as R.A.I.N. reach and a program helping Library on 2740 Barnes Avenue. Marion Hughes displayed a neck- that offers a wide variety of those affl icted with Alzheim- lace she crafted from bread dough. See more photos next week. services to seniors and people er’s Disease. of all ages, passed away at the In the 1960s she was work- Photo by Silvio Pacifi co age of 101-years-old. Castiglia-Catullo founded Continued on Page 70 A CNG Publication • Vol. 38 No. 20 www.bxtimes.com MEET THIS YEAR’S HONOREES 2018 Infl uential FREE INSIDE - 56 PAGE PULL-OUT GoFor To More Our Blog Information To See Our Weekly Visit Specials!Us At VistVisit Our Our New www.bronxdentistny.comNEW Web-ite: Web-Site: www.reliablebronxdentist.com www.reliablebronxdentist.com GOT IMPLANTS DON’T KNOW WHAT TO DO NEXT COME SEE US (718) 547-5280 2 BRONX TIMES REPORTER, MAY 18-24, 2018 BTR Robert D. Goldstein M.D., F.A.C.S. & Heather A. Erhard M.D., F.A.C.S. We are Board Certifi ed Plastic Surgeons. This is our area of specialty. We our devoted to the education and practice of Plastic Surgery and Reconstructive Surgery. "2%!3402/#%$52%3s"/$902/#%$52%3s&!#%02/#%$52%3 BREAST 45--9 SUMMER AUGMENTATION TUCK BOTOX Including Implants, Including Facility Fee SPECIAL Facility Fee and Anesthesia. and Anesthesia. $12 $6,800 $7,500 per unit A POSITIVE EXPERIENCE We have built a foundation of trust with our patients by treating them as special individuals. Our practice puts patients fi rst, providing a positive experience through personalized care to make each consultation and procedure as pleasant and comfortable as possible. Read more about our patients positive experiences. HIGH STANDARDS Through comprehensive treatment planning and a standard ofv excellence in personalized patient care, Bronx Plastic Surgery provides patients with the quality plastic surgery and cosmetic procedures they deserve. EDUCATION & EXPERIENCE Dr. Goldstein and Dr. Erhard strive to stay current on the latest standards and surgical techniques as they believe that the best plastic surgery procedure outcomes are a result of education and experience. We know that you have placed a great deal of confi dence in us to provide a positive surgical experience and the outcome you desire, which is why we review your medical history, current health, and expectation and motivation for electing any cosmetic procedure before we will agree to perform a procedure. At Bronx Plastic Surgery, Dr. Robert Goldstein and Dr. Heather Erhard are committed to enhancing and restoring your natural beauty with the latest surgical advancements and plastic surgery techniques. At Bronx Plastic Surgery, we also provide the latest options and techniques in reconstructive surgery. Schedule your appointment today ... and experience the youthful, life-changing effects of cosmetic surgery! 2425 Eastchester Road Bronx, NY 10469 Phone: 917-789-1140 www.bronxplasticsurgery.com [email protected] | [email protected] | Financing Available BTR BRONX TIMES REPORTER, MAY 18-24, 2018 3 Community relishes a new Walton Park at groundbreaking BY SARAH VALENZUELA out for the day, pulling par- The Morris Heights com- ents and siblings to the con- munity could soon have a struction site begging to also brand new Walton Park. listen in. On Thursday, May 10, the “This is your park, so if New York City Parks Depart- you see somebody litering, tap ment, Partnerships for Parks, them and point them to the along with the students from trash bin,” said Commissioner P.S. 279 and local leaders, of- Silver to the students. fi cially broke ground on the At the end, they even took project. the time to take a pledge to al- “When it’s fi nished, I’m go- ways protect the park, though ing to go on the swings,” said many of them, already knew it 8-year-old Lesly Cruz. would be in good hands any- Prior to its renovation, the way. park had been forgotten for “I’m pretty sure our nearly 20 years, according to NYC Parks Bronx Commissioner Iris Rodriguez-Rosa (2nd from l), NYC Parks Commissioner Mitchell Silver (c), school’s student council al- Parks. Assemblyman Victor Pichardo along with local leaders and the students from P.S. 279. ready plans to help clean Walton Park is one of 17 Community News Group/Sarah Valenzuela it when it’s fi nished,” said parks in the borough listed for 13-year-old Nathalie Rodri- renovation as part of the Com- guez. P.S. 279 sits across the munity Parks Initiative. Other new features will ponding in the new park, ac- was about 50 percent complete. street from the park. “This park is going to be include a new playground, cording to Brendan Kelly, one Its new sprinkler system The renovations being more fun when we’re fi n- sprinkler system and ADA ac- of the engineers working on structure, mostly constructed made to the park cost about ished,” said Parks Commis- cessible entrances. the project. and painted, even shone in $1.8 million and were funded sioner Mitchell Silver, as he Commissioner Silver even Despite this, the project brilliant shades of blue, a sign by the Mayor’s offi ce and addressed some of the grade announced that Parks would could be completed as early as of promise to the kids who Councilman Fernando Ca- school children present. remove the existing fences the end of 2018, according to wanted nothing more than for brera. The old Walton Park used from around the individual Silver. the park to be ready sooner, “Our neighbors are going to have a basketball court, trees in the park. Initially, the park was ex- rather than later. to be jealous because we’re go- which will be replaced with a One of the biggest chal- pected to be completed by Feb- As the plans were unveiled ing to have the best of the very new half court. lenges of the process has been ruary 2019. to the children, who bounced best park,” said Councilman “This was our favorite park, trying to maintain the exist- The date advancement pre- a little more in anticipation of Cabrera, who announced his so we’re excited and I can’t wait ing tree structures and ensur- diction was made in part be- the fi nished product, more stu- goal to have all the park proj- to play more basketball,” said ing proper drainage and rain cause the renovation project, dents from the neighborhood ects in the district completed 13-year-old, Staisy Barrera. gardens are set up to prevent as of that Thursday afternoon, ran to the park as schools let within the next three years. 4 BRONX TIMES REPORTER, MAY 18-24, 2018 BTR ® #obsessed Now through nd Grand 5/20 Ave. Re-opening Hutchinson E Sandford Blvd. River Pky. New limited-quantity treasures Exit 8 at crazy-good prices. River Pky. STOP IN. SCOOP UP. REPEAT. COUPON EXPIRES 06/04/18 500 EAST SANDFORD BLVD. % PRESENT THIS COUPON. MT. VERNON, NY 10550 VALID FOR IN-STORE STORE HOURS PHONE USE ONLY. MON-SAT 9A–9:30P 914-667-4497 20 SUN 9A–8P OFF 10184010000000018155 ONE SINGLE ITEM.
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