APPENDIX Spelling of "Cooch Behar"

APPENDIX Spelling of "Cooch Behar"

APPENDIX Spelling of "Cooch Behar". The spelling of "Cooch Behar" used in different forms in different times. To avoid diversity, the State of Cooch Behar has directed by an order published in 1896, that "Cooch Behar" shall be the spelling to be used. "His Highness the Maharaja Bhup Bahadur having signified his approval of the use of the Spelling "Cooch Behar", all other spelling of the Word should be dropped" - Cooch Behar Gazette, Part - I, 1896, p. 28. APPENDIX A COOCH BEHAR MERGER AGREEMENT .\r;u~:t:lu·:.NT ll.\DJ~ TillS Twenty-llighth clay of .\ugust l!J~!J between the Governor-General of India anu His Highness the 'lfaharaja of Cooch Beho.r. ·.'.:~ .. ~ ._.! r.. ,_ .. Wu~Jti::.\:; in the best interests· of the State of·· Cu01•h Bt•har n~ wtJ11 as of the Dominion of India it ill de.Jiirable to oro,·icle for the administration of the said Stute l•:v or.-:itl!der the authorit_,. of the Dominion Government: · IT rs HERI-:IIY .waan aR follows:- .4.. rtic·l c 1 Hi~ Hi~IIC~S the Muhurnja of Cooch Behar hereby cedes to th•· Dominion Oovemmeut Cull and t•xc!usivc authoritYI' jmisdit·tioM nne! r)OwcrK for and in reolotion to tho llOveinnoee of the Stutfi and agrerF· to trun:;fcr the aclmlnistrution' of: the Stnte to tht• Domin ion · Ooveromeot on thn I :.?th dit.y ."of Septemhet· 1949 {hnrt> referred tn o~ "tht> ~n!n doy'•'). AR fa·om tht' ,;niu cloy the Dominion Go,·ernment t•tmtpet~nt to ··~erl'i~A . tht! 1111id powPrll, nuth01 ity · al\cl .iud~dit:tlou in sut·h ntuni1er and through ~uch agency us it lJI~I,V think fit. HISTORY u .tlrticle 2 His Highness the ·Mnht\rnjB shall continuo to eujoy the :>amo personul rights, pl'ivileges, dignities and titles which he would hove enjoyed had this agreement not been made. •1rticlo 3 His Highness the ;Maharaja shall with effect from the said day be entitled to receive for his life-time from the revenues of the State annually for his privy purse the sum of Rupees t'ight lakhs fifty thousand free· of all taxes. After him the privy purse will he fixed at Rupees seven ll!khs only. This amount is intended to cover all the expenses of the Ruler an'l his family, including expenses on account of his personal staff, maintenance of his residences, marriages and other r:cremonies, etc., and will neither be increased nor reduced fot· :my rcnson whatsoever. 'L'he Government of India uridet·takes that the said sum of Hupees eight lak!1s fifty thousand shall be paid to His Highness the )fahnraja in four equal instalments in ·advance at the beginning of_each quarter from· the State fl'reasury or at such Tren~ur~· as may he l'pecified by the Government of India . I rticle 4 His Highness the ·Maharaja shall be entitled to the full l'wnPr~hip, usc and enjoyment of all. private properties (as ,Ji:-;tim:t from State properties) belonging to .him. on the date of this agreement. · Hi~ Hig-hness the Maharaja, will_furnish to the Dominion CloYernnumt ])(~foro 'the 15th September '1949. an inventory 0r :1l1 the immovable rn·onert.y: f'ecurities and cash balances , h,·ltl h_,. him ns Stll'h private lH'Opcrty. ·lf nny llispute at·ises as t.o whether any item of property t,: the m·ivate property of His. ;Highness the · Mnbnraja· or State prope1:ty, it shall-be_·:.n ·'iq,dicial offieer •,>d to he :a-ppaint~~--:as :.a. HigJt'·COurt Judge,· and the olc•:t:wn of that officer :shall be final an'd binding on·. both pa rttes. · ~- :" .-1 rticle 5 .\11 the members of His Highness' family ~hall be entitled '.~ ~ 11 t~e ners?n!il prh·il~~e~ •. dignities a~d. ~itles eni?Y~ ?Y : .. e:m whether WJthm or outstde the terntor1ea of the State, Hnmed.iately before.the 15th d!iy of Augu~t 1947. -l rticle 6 Th~ Dmnidion .GoyernmE;lnt guarantees the euccession. : ~cor~tn1z to law·-.and ~~fum, to the gaddi of. the SUit& and ~<?._II;~~ .~!g~~ ,the ·1fabaiaja'8 p'e'rsdnai rightll, privileges, 1sutties -and ·tilles. 6 KOCH BlllAR ·Articlt: 1· . -~~.. ,~ /·. No enquil-y. made .by or :under. th~i:a;{ithority of the Gqvern.Dl~nt.of:~ndia;:and·no proceedings shall"lie:in any Court :in Coo¢~:- Behar. _against His lliglu:less the· ·]x[abaraja, whether:.:iri. .a~·~onal ·capacity .or otherwise, in respect of anything: done or-. omitt~a to be · done by him or under his authority·· d11ring tile period of his -administration of that State.: · · · Article_s·· _(l)'c T~ Go't~ent. of:1~di3. 'hereby guarantees 'either the contin!i~ric~:':m.:~~ii.Ef.-of-':'. ~e:;:;!~ent .members · of.. the - Public·-SerVice~tC'ooCh ·- BEihhli:tof1~-~cbndition8· ·whiCh Will· be nof leSii'>advan~us>_~_:tiiqs~:-·on·.'wbi,ch they: were serVing before' the ~date·:on-'which the'.·athri.inisfration of.Cooch Behar is made over to the Government' of: India or the payment of reasonable. ~~~sation; . ·. · - {2) The ·ao~emment of India flirther guarantees the continuanCe of pensions and -leave salaries sanctioned by His Highness the Maharaja to servants of the State who haYe retired or proceeded on leave preparatot·y to retirement; before the date on which the administration of Cooch Behnr is made over to the Gov~tnent of India. < •• ;. ;,_~ '. -~ ' ATticl~ 9 Except with· the previous sanction of the Government of India no proceedings,. civil: nnd, shall be in&tituted against any· periion in respect of any net done or. purporting to be done in .the execution of his duties ns n servant of. the State before the~ day ori. which the administration is madE' over to the Government of India.. In confirmation· whereof Mr. Vnpnl Pangunni lfenon, .Adviser'to the'GovArnment of India in the Ministry of States hns anpended his .signatiu·e on behalf nnd with the outhorit:v of ·tba: GoVernor-General of Iodin and Lieutenant Colonel His Highness ·the Maharaja. Jagaddipendranal'ayan Bhuj Bahadur, Mah11~ia .of Cooch Behar, has appended hi" signatunl on ~half of him.self1 his heirs nnd successors: ' . <"<>t:~--~:~;"}·-~.t~·:.:·---~ .· . ; .. ·. - ·.~ .,,,:... -,,nr .. :: J~.C!~DI~ENDRANAJ:U,YAN :.;_,:·:/,~-~·;.·,~;::· ~~- .~: .. -··if~ltaraja or Cooch 'Belia:r· ·.. : '. _ , V. P. MENON ,· '-.~:-~:·, ~~~:.~h:~ ,• :. ~~ ·.. ·. • ~:~.-~··:a••' • .: • -:~ .M~uer :to the 9oft. ·of 1n!lia '-.: ~. ·:' .,.. ~-M:'i'nistr:y. of' Stita'a ·~'· .. ~ · .. ~ :.. ..~.~:~~p~~f~::~.. -~ -· • ·-~ - i •. • ' - \ -~·"J:.. ~--· .,. -.~ ·. ·-. HISTORY 43 A.Pl'ENDIX B ARTICLES OF TREATY. BETWEEN THE HONOURABLE ' . EAST INDIA COMPANY AND DBARENDRANARAYAN RAJA OF COOOH BEHAR J>harendru.oaraYan.,·. Raja of Cooch Behar, ·-having represented to· the,Ho~ourahle the l?resident and Counci~ of­ Calcutta the present distressed State of the country, ow1ng to its beiug ht\rassed. bY th.e independent Rajas,- who ~e in league to <Ie_pOeo him, the Honournble the Presid~nt" · and Council, from n love of justice and del'ire of assisting the ·distressed, have agreed to send o. force, ~onsisting of· four companies of &ipahies, o.nd a field-piece, for the protection of . the said Raja and his country against his enemies; and the following conditions are mutually agreed· on: . !st.-That the said Raja will immediately pay into the hands of the Colleetor of Hnngpur Rs. 50,_000 to defray the expenses of the force sent to assist him. 2nd.-.-That if more than i~s. 50,000 are expended, the Raja will make. it good to the Honourable the English East India Company, but in case any part of it ·. reinains unexpended that it be delivered back .. · 3rd.-That the Raja will acknowledge subjection to the will of the English East India Company upon his country being cleared of his enemies, and will allow the Cooch Dehnr coui1try to h~ nnnexed .·to· the Province of Bengal. 4th.-That the RaJa f:urther.;agree~·_to make over to the Eng,lish East lzidi_a -p_oxnPI!DY one~~~l_f of _the _a~ll:Dl. r~yen~~s :,·.· of Cooch ~ehar for ever. · · _·:.:'~:L~- .. ·- . 5th.-That the other moiety shall remain in the Raja. and his heirs for ever, provided he is ffrm in his allegiance to the Honourable United East India_ Company. 6th.-That in order to ascertain the ,vp.lue of the Coach Behar country, the Raja will deliver a "hustabud" _(revenue statement) of his district into' the hands pf. such person as the Honourable the ·President ··and Council of Calcutta shall think proper ·to depute for, that purpose, upon which valuation the annual_·11tfulguzari (assessment) which the Raja is to pay; shall be established~ ~" ;. ... ~. ·~. :. '• ,''· ; t··· . ~·· :~ .i-J, .· KOCH BIHAR . ·· 7th. ..:....That the: amo:nnt of ;Mnlguzari settled b§ suCh person ns the HOJ10urnble ~nst India Company shall depute, shall . be porpotuf'J. · , :-· . 8th.-:-Thafth~ ··l!o~ourable F,.ast India Company shall nlway!i liSstst· the Rnja with a force when he has occnsiou for it~· for. the. defence of the country, the hearing the. f>.rpense. 9th.::_Thllf:. this treaty shaH remain in force for the spnce of{ two. years~ or till such time .as . ad vices may be received - .. f~:r:n:·tlle ·c~~; CC)tDirectors emnowering_ the President and ,;~~~~~:~ "f~"f~.,,~~s· .;: ·. ,· .·. .: -~) .·• ·- ... , !. This tr~ti' Sigried, and sealed-,: and concluded, . by the HonoUl'8ble.. the President· and Council at Fort William, the _1i{;th'4ay ·ofAprillr73; on·~~ o~e part, and by Dharendra­ naraY:8Jl. RaJa. of: Coo:cb ~Behar, at B,ehar Fort, the 6th Magh .

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