MUENSTER*ENTERPRISE • Tigerettes Repeat as State Track Champs, Pg. 10 35` VOLUME LH, NO.22 TWO SECTIONS 18 PAGES WITH INSERT MAY 6,1988 '88 Fest is a notch above Sometimes the measure of a The weather was near-perteci Aston said his deputies and securi- help was needed. successful party is the number and behavior of guests and hosts ty staff made six arrests for public Only one accident occurred who attended; or the variety of drew many favorable comments. intoxication; three for DWI; and Sunday night, but was unrelated food presented; or the quality of The three-day crowd was three for disorderly conduct. to Germanfest. Susie Yosten, 22, entertainment; or any one of a estimated at about 52,000, but Reports also stated that officers was injured in a pedestrian-car ac- dozen other characteristics. that report is incomplete. of the Alcoholic Beverage Com- cident in front of The Ranch, as Whatever its measure, Ger- Chief of Police Helen Tom- mission issued 15-18 citations for she opened the passenger door of manfest '88 surpassed its earlier pkins was lavish in praise of the minors in possession; only a few a car and was injured when hit by community endeavors that began weekend. She said that police Saturday night and said that Sun- a pickup pushed into the situation in, and have grown steadily, since records show no burglary of day was very quiet. by a third car. the 1976 German Week honoring motor vehicles; no hubcaps stolen; "Overall," said Police Chief Among innovations for Ger- the nation's Bicentennial. only one minor fender bender. Helen Tompkins, "this was the manfest '88 was the Inter-Faith Praise has been heaped on Ger- One arrest was made when so- quietest, most well-behaved crowd Praise Service on Sunday morning manfest '88 by guests, committees, meone stole a flag on Main Street. in Germanfest history. How much at 9:30 at Mid-Park. chairmen, directors and weary In all, five arrests were made for better can it get?" Taking part were Rev. Steve workers. A full report will be slow public intoxication outside the Security in the park and on the Pearson, pastor of Muenster First in coming and is sure to reflect park. • outside was admirable. Deputies Baptist Church, and Rev. Denis satisfaction and pride. Cooke County Sheriff John responded within seconds when Soerries, pastor of Sacred Heart Catholic Church, who led opening and closing prayers and spoke briefly to the early morning listeners. Local musicians were Wendell Black, Emily Klement, Eric Gray, Steve Pearson and David and Pam Fette. At times they invited their listeners to join in the singing. A VERY YOUNG VISITOR greets the strolling Sausage Man. Played Please See FEST, Page 6 well by Les Griffin, he solicited names from the guests and will soon be officially named. Ed Griffin Photo Upper Elm-Red Soil District honors top conservationists The 1987 top soil conser- local landowners with mutual in- quality of these products is depen vationists of the Upper Elm-Red terest in conserving soil, water, dent upon the preservation and Soil and Water Conservation plant and wildlife resources. proper management of the soil District were honored Thursday The District is governed by five and water resources. Each Upper night, May 5, at 7:30 p.m. at the landowners who make up the Elm-Red area resident has an in- Silver Wings Club located on the Board of Directors. The Board terest in the land and must share the West Campus of Grayson County directs the activities of the District responsibility of preserving its College in Sherman. and coordinates the *conservation productivity.- Since 1955 the National efforts of local, state and federal The Upper Elm-Red Soil and Association of Conservation agencies. Water Conservation District pro- Districts has sponsored Soil and The Board of Directors consists vides a practical, democratic Water Stewardship Week, in of Zone I, James K. Brite, Jr., means of coordinating our conser- cooperation with nearly 3,000 con- Vice-Chairman; Zone II, Henry vation activities. No person, on servation districts, as one way to Berry, Secretary; Zone III, Jake the grounds of race, color, or na- examine the importance of good G. Biffle, Member; Zone IV, C. tional origin shall be excluded stewardship of basic soil and water William Hermes, Member; Zone from participation in, or be denied resource. V, Clyde Hale, Chairman. the benefits of, or be otherwise IN A PEACEFUL CORNER of the City Park under They performed in the new Castle Theater, a Ger- The Upper Elm-Red Soil and The wellbeing of our people subjected to discrimination under a graceful elm tree, Betty and Jim entertained all the manfest feature sure to be repeated. Ed Griffin Photo Water Conservation District is a depends upon the production of any program or activity of the Up- younger Germanfesters with magic shows and songs. legal subdivision of the State of ample supplies of food, fiber and per Elm-Red Soil and Water Con : Texas. It was organized in 1941 by other products of the soil. The sets ation District. Beef Referendum May 10... • Vote "Real food for real people" Saturday Real dollars are making Americans real hap- for each animal sold. The dollar is paid by the py beef is back in style. And that's basically seller and remitted by the buyer. All importers what the beef checkoff program is all about: pay SI on all live cattle and the equivalent of $ I On May 7, three aldermen will invested dollars providing cattle producers on boxed and carcass beef. be elected to the Muenster City with a predictable market that offers oppor- This $1 assessment cannot be raised without Council; four trustees to the tunity for a reasonable profit. the consent of Congress. Individual cattlemen Muenster Independent School "The beef checkoff was started by beef would have to present their legislators with an Board; and two trustees to Cooke producers with a firm goal in mind," says Bar- overwhelming mandate in order for the County College's Board. bara Bayer, Chairman of the Cooke County amount to be raised. Steering Committee. "We needed to change Only 5 percent of total dollars collected may Pat Dennis, co-owner of Dennis how consumers perceived beef, its nutrition be used for administration of the beef checkoff & Muller, is the only candidate for value, its wholesomeness, and its role in the program. In the first year of operation, ad- City Council Place I, formerlj diet. ministrative costs averaged only 2.8 percent of held by the late Ray Endres. "To cattlemen, the checkoff has become an total dollars received - just about half of what Robert Dale Walterscheid investment indhe future that we are beginning the checkoff permits. originally opposed Dennis for to see results from today." Nationwide, $73 million were collected, of Place I, but dropped out of the Since the program began in October 1986, its which $5 million came from importers. In race shortly after filing deadline. structure has been unchanged. It will continue Texas, $S I 2.9 million were invested. The 50 cen- Dangelmayrs are Incumbent Aubrey Tuggle will be in the same way if cattlemen vote May 10 to ts of each dollar that is invested by the National unchallenged in seeking another allow the checkoff to continue. That's the date Beef Board has been used for promotion term as Alderman, Place 2. the U.S. Department of Agriculture has set for programs including consumer and health care Claude Klement is the incum- a producer referendum which will decide the advertising, public relations, foodservice and Zone III winners retail. Each of these efforts has been right on bent and only candidate for Coun- future of the $1 checkoff. Anyone, regardless The outstanding i011 ,21, anon mudagrass are managed on the cil Place 4. of their age, who has owned at least one head of target in reaching the desired audience. award winner for lone 111 is the rangeland and pastureland. The cattle between Oct. I, 1986, and March 31. Take the advertising, which features actor Dangelmayr Ranch, which is summer grasses are managed so Muenster ISD has a three-way 1988, may vote at his or her County Extension James Garner on national television. These ads located near Muenster. livestock will hase year-round contest for Trustee Position 7. Service Office. have reached 98 percent of the target audience The ranch has been in the Leon Klement, Gerald grazing as much as possible. "It is important that you express your an average of 49 times. Through these ads, con- Dangelmayr family since 1893 and On the cropland fields small Walterscheid and Ray Wimmer opinion on May 10," Bayer said. "But make sumers have been re-educated about the taste, is now being operated by the third grains, sudan and mil° are grown will be the names on the ballot. sure you understand what the checkoff is and cons enience and popularity of beef. generation of Dangelmayr and rotated to lease residue on the They will seek the position held by what it is designed to do before you vote. Your Health care professionals have learned new brothers. Terraces that were built Richard Pagel for six years. He land. future rests on a complete understanding of facts about beef's nutrition and proper role in with mules by the first generation The Dangelmayr Ranch is a will not seek re-election. where your invested dollars go." "The most the diet. One ad on beers contribution of iron still exists on the ranch. These are producer of Hereford Its estock.
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