OCTOBER– DECEMBER 2020 Volume 34, Issue 7 Daily news updates ocomotive WWW.BLE-T.ORG LE NGIN ee RS & T RAINM E N N E WS Published by the BLET, a division of the Rail Conference,• International Brotherhood of Teamsters PIERCE TESTIFIES BEFORE SENATE URGES AID FOR AMTRAK/COMMUTERS, CONDEMNS PSR AT OCTOBER SENATE HEARING LET National Presi- adopt legislation that would improve COVID’S IMPACT dent Dennis R. Pierce the health, safety and sanitation stan- President Pierce praised railroaders testified before the U.S. dards for all railroad workers. for answering the call as essential work- Senate Committee on President Pierce also testified about ers during the ongoing COVID-19 pan- Commerce, Science, the negative impact of so-called Pre- demic. However, he was critical of the and Transportation at cision Scheduled Railroading (PSR) industry for failing to recall furloughed a hearing titled, “Passenger and Freight on railroad workers, communities and workers as freight traffic has improved. BRail: The Current Status of the Rail shippers. He described it as a danger- “I am pleased to report that the in- Network and the Track Ahead.” Held ous, job-killing business model that dustry’s essential employees have an- on October 21, the hearing examined puts lives at risk by putting profits swered the call and worked tirelessly to the current state of America’s passen- ahead of safety. President Pierce con- serve our economy. But our members ger and freight rail network, including cluded his testimony by urging the have paid a heavy price. Record num- impacts of COVID-19, and legislative Senate to adopt legislation as part of bers of freight workers were furloughed considerations for surface transporta- the upcoming surface transportation when traffic cratered, on top of histor- tion reauthorization legislation. reauthorization that would address ic furloughs that occurred prior to the President Pierce delivered the tes- PSR and return the rail industry to pandemic. Despite sharply rebounding timony in his capacity as President of serving the public instead of Wall traffic, recalls have been insufficient to President Pierce delivers his virtual the Teamsters Rail Conference. To ad- Street. Additionally, the surface trans- meet demand,” President Pierce said. testimony during the October 21 Senate dress the ongoing COVID-19 pandem- portation reauthorization should in- Those lucky enough to avoid fur- hearing. He urged the Senate to consider ic, President Pierce urged the Senate clude rail safety legislation that would lough have been forced to deal with un- emergency funding for Amtrak and condemned to provide emergency relief for Am- mandate two-person train crews, Pres- precedented health and safety concerns Precision Scheduled Railroading (PSR). trak and commuter railroads and to ident Pierce said. Continued on page 4 • “I am pleased to report that the industry’s essential employees have answered the call and worked tirelessly to serve our economy. But our members have paid a heavy price. Record numbers of freight workers were furloughed when traffic cratered, on top of historic furloughs that occurred prior to the pandemic. Despite sharply rebounding traffic, recalls have been insufficient to meet demand.” – BLET President Dennis R. Pierce HAPPY HOLIDAYS CSXT 3230 and four other CSX units lead an east- bound coal train into West Virginia from Kentucky, crossing the Big Sandy River into Kenova, W.Va., in January 2016. The train is enroute to Newport News, Va., from the coal mines of eastern Kentucky. Photo: Chase Gunnoe BLET President’s Message Contract Ratified BLET’s John Tolman Retires Fighting together Members approve new deal Vince Verna is new Vice President in 2021 pg. 2 with Pacific Harbor Line pg. 5 & National Legislative Rep. pg. 7 Register• for News Flash email alerts at: www.ble-t.org/newsflash Follow us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/BLETNational• 2 WWW.BLE-T.ORG BLET PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE BY DENNIS R. PIERCE Fighting Together in 2021 n the first President’s Mes- prospect of a Presidential Emer- sage that I wrote after be- gency Board as one of the Rail- coming BLET National way Labor Act’s final steps in President in 2010, I rec- the bargaining process, and its Iognized and honored my father potential outcome has most cer- who was part of the “Greatest tainly changed with a new Ad- Generation”. December 5, 2020 ministration set to take Office. would have been my Dad’s 100th In addition to our negotia- birthday and, as I looked back tions, we must reinvigorate our on what he must have seen while legislative and regulatory efforts he was still living, I was drawn in 2021. The safety of all rail to the last line in my first Mes- workers, and the general pub- sage about him. In comparing lic, is dramatically impacted by the Greatest Generation’s fights the actions, or inactions, of both to ours, I closed the piece by say- State and Federal legislators and ing, “Participation, teamwork regulators. We must return to and solidarity are the keys, and a place where the Nation’s safe- success is achievable only if we ty regulators do their mandated make this our common fight.” job to ensure a safe workplace, Nothing could be truer today, and we will not rest until that especially as 2020, a year like no is accomplished. other, comes to a close. As I said at the start of this When 2020 began, we knew Message, our success in all of there would be a Presidential our goals is directly tied to our election, but we did not know solidarity. I will say it again: we must put aside the issues that that our Nation would be rav- President Pierce’s late father Maurice, who would have celebrated his 100th aged by a pandemic. In fact, birthday this year, was a member of the “Greatest Generation.” Shortly after may have divided us in the po- most of us had never heard of the becoming National President in 2010, Pierce dedicated his first President’s litical cycle, and instead focus COVID-19 back in January. As Message to his father, who later passed away in 2017. The values we on the workplace issues that we we look back now, over 300,000 common learned from the Greatest Generation — participation, teamwork and have in common. We must not Americans have lost their lives solidarity — are they keys we need to overcome the struggles we face today. allow the Rail Carriers to divide to the pandemic, and while fight: us with their efforts to blame Americans may have differing work for Amtrak. President-elect time for us all as BLET mem- Without a doubt, one of the our Unions when they mistreat views on causes and solutions, Biden is also a strong supporter bers to join in solidarity. We most important items in this their employees. there is no doubt that it contin- of the Union movement, and as must turn our focus back to the round of negotiations is the is- We must remember that any- ues to impact the lives of all I have often said, working class workplace issues that affect us sue of two-person crews. I am one who attacks your Union is working class Americans. Americans do better in the work- all. More importantly, we must proud to say that our Brother- attacking you and your family’s The pandemic also impacted place when we have government also put aside those issues that hood stands shoulder to shoul- livelihood. In our case, Rail Car- the Presidential election in many officials who are not afraid to may have separated us in the der with our Brothers and Sis- riers attack your Union because ways, but that election took place say the word UNION! past, and instead concentrate ters in SMART’s Transportation they see the content of your regardless of the pandemic. In With the election in the rear our collective efforts on the big Division in the fight to preserve Union contract as an attack on the days before writing this Mes- view mirror and the inaugura- issues that affect our future. two-person crews. Be it on the their profits. Never forget that sage, the Electoral College certi- tion ahead of us, I am convinced First and foremost in 2021, regulatory front, the legislative their goal, and the goal of their fied the election results, confirm- that we must approach 2021 with the BLET is engaged in nation- front, in court, or at the bargain- political allies, is “more for ing that Joe Biden, also known a spirit of hope for a better al negotiations for a new con- ing table, BLET is working with them, less for you.” If there was as “Amtrak Joe,” will be our next America for working class tract for the Nation’s freight rail SMART-TD to protect the inter- ever a time for you to be more President. President-elect Biden Americans. I am convinced that members. While I have little ex- ests of all operating employees. involved in your Union’s efforts, spent years commuting by Am- engineers and trainmen, along pectation that the Carriers’ out- Along with crew size, mean- that time is now. trak each day between his home with all rail workers, are better rageous demands in the bar- ingful wage increases and pres- I am counting on you to in Delaware and his job as a Unit- positioned to improve on work- gaining round will stop ervation of our health and wel- stand with your Union to ad- ed States Senator in Washington, place issues in 2021 than they overnight, I am convinced that fare benefits must also be part vance the BLET’s agenda in 2021 D.C.
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