all was silence there, if hot slumber, nignt. Fetch him hack hero ns and then he his quick tnko shelter." And joined superior. ns yon can. Toll him Fan and Ruth laying hold of tho catch these- murdering thloves," was FOES IN "That follow was of tho aro at polo while hands manned right sort, safe hero Moreno's." willing tho tho impatient reply. "Sow many aro sergeant," said Plummer. "1 wish wo In 10 minutes tho Concord wagon, Bpokes Feeny soon had tho Concord and you?" bad one or two like him." tho weather beaten with its fair froight, now trembling and ambulance safely "Oh, thero's of us was "I wish we sir. out of tho plenty hero," AMBUSH bad, Thoso greas¬ excited, was standing side by side with way. Then camo a moment Harvey's cheery answer. "Most of C ers nro worse than no guards at all. tho paymaster's ambulance. The of consultation as to which of but we've other weary ruon would bo Harvey's troop, business on band They'll sit there in the corral and smoke inulcs were unhitched and with the sad- best suited for tho oner¬ now. Y*ou wait there for id's ous just quietly papolitos by tho hour and brag about dlo horses led in to water. The post opposite tho enemy's door and a minute or two until tho how their the major then a sudden und breathless sergeant By Capt. Chas. King, U.S. A.. they fought way through and tho sergeant, prompting each oth¬ "Listenl" sileuco. comes around with the patrol. IIo'll Apaches with Harvey's mules, but for er, went on with their recital, Harvey whispered Feeny. "That see to you." our is a signal. Histt purpose they're worse than useless. listening with attentive ear. you'll hear it again And then, as though tho whole an presently." thing Copyright, 1S!)3, by Charles King. At the fust sign of attack they'd lie "It is one of the most perfect plants had been planned beforehand, out in stampeding out into the darkness, and they ever put up," he burst Grasping their rifles with nervous the darkness to tho north voice (Continued from last Sunday.) in, grind¬ hands, tho fivo men Feeny's that's the last we'd see of them. Heard ing his teeth in wrath. "Of course Btood huddling in a was heard in low toned but coni- further out this sir?" knew littlo group at tho west end of tho sharp Award CHAPTER IV. anything way, they of father's movements and flat low, mnnd: And now. with such "Why, confound it, yes. I try to of mine. They know building. "Patrol, halt! Closo there, Ken¬ was confirmation of everything. They Somewhere out on up received BY THE truth the convince myself it's only imagination, knew we wen: to meet hero tho dark expanse Where are No. 5?" tho of story of JUt Apaclio probably. toward the a nedy. you, tho but two or three times, far out there They felt assured you knew id peak long, low whistle, And so, cool and confident as raid, paymaster thought it only nothing ending in an though to release Moreno from the duress toward the Picaclio, I've heard that it at all. They have used our supposed abrupt high note, had ho had a dozen troopers at his back, right sounded. For a moment there was in which Sergeant had whip cracking. 1 have felt sure there peril to draw away your guard. They no Feeny came striding up to tho spot. Fccny placed was a sound, as have succeeded even repetition. Tho invisible foe was him. When no old an inhabitant of Ar¬ hammering though better than they for sig¬ "What's the matter, sentry? Didn't some one were on a for have naling reply. From whom could I hear izona as Mr. Harvey gave entire cre¬ pounding wagon planned, they drawn off father, answer you parleying hero with some¬ tire. Once 1 was sure 1 beard a horse four our bo expected but Moreno? dence to tho report, tho noto too, and of best men into tho "Watch body?" recognized snort. That I was in a measure Hut to think that this the old scoundrel's window "Two as his son's expect¬ bargain. old " strangers out there, sergeant, really handiwork and has¬ there and this shutter over whis¬ tened at all to overtake tho ing. If those fellows mean to attack, scoundrel Moreno should ho in it! here, say they're prospectors and been jump¬ speed pur¬ come We've pered the sergeant, a board suers, what room for doubt could bo they'll mounted, of course, but always suspected tho Ceralvo indicating ed by Apaches." Bread Preparation. what would set. father covered port in tho westward wall. left in tho mind of a newcomer to wagon they havo?" but has done everything for "Whero away aro they?" Then in a tho "One of (.Yralvo's to "They'll try to show a light soil? It was time, perhaps, cart off Moreno, practically built his ranch for Hun around perhaps. low tone, "Go yon out beyond the cor¬ thought Plummer, the safe in, if they couldn't burst into him, dug his well, set him in busi¬ into tho corral and smash ral," ho to old Plummer. to form an alliance, offensive and defen¬ up the first man that tries to whispered sive, with tho Mexican denizens of tho it here." ness, and now ho makes this a rendez¬ como out. "There's fotir of them out there. Chal¬ "There! Hark Didn't vous for and I'll tend to any feller that shows a head if ranch against the enemy common to now, sergeant! thugs assassins. By heav¬ hereabouts." lenge they try to conio in." Then you hear?" suddenly spoke tbe en, I'm have him aloud I don't seo both. But agnin Feeny shook his head major, glad you trapped. turned with bis again, "Shuro, any¬ Nerve In solemn throwing up a warning hand. How many has he with him do you Harvey employee thing, sentry." Blood protest. Both men held their breath, think V" nnd ran with him as far as tho other out Tonic "1 may have been wrong as to the listening cud of "Right ahead there, sergeant. Ä355^J3uüder For a tho ranch. Hero ho entered tho Apaches, sir, but 1 can't bo mistaken intently. moment nothing but "I don't know. I only feel sure he low Two men, mounted." tbe of their own must have or doorway. Tho littlo lamp burned ono as to Moreno. He's in the pay of tho beating hearts .served one two, but it's the main "Come down, of ye. Dismount to the faintest sound. we dimly, but two pairs of dark dilated come Morales even if an give Then, out to gang have to watch," answered and in hero. L'ave your gun bo- brothers, not active tbe under the eyes gleamed eagerly upon him. member of the gang. Ho is in west, starlit vault Of the Feeny. "They may be along any min¬ hind. Give your reins to your pal lurking in "I'm going to close this door now, was there now, I'll warrant you, with two heavens, somewhere that black ex¬ ute, and I thought it was them when bo there," Feeny's next mandate. panse of desert, plainly and distinctly, we heard you.'' girlies," .whispered. "Lio still. Thero was a moment of or three of them in hiding, waiting for Do not venturo near it or tho window hesitation, tho of the main tbero rose tho measured sound of iron "And that's what is worrying me, a faint sound of whispering as though Bondfo» coining body. They'd or on and don't be frightened. It looks as descriptive 'a' been here before this if it stone beating iron. Whether it Mr. Harvey," said the major as ho the self styled prospectors wen- in con¬ iain|ihleU perhaps were tire or though some of the Morales gang were hadn't been for the Apache linchpin, haute or brake, drew the young man aside. "All they around hero sultation, and again Feeny spoke in a r-tory. metallic about a aro after hoping to find tho paymas¬ tone more . WILLIAMS» They're more afraid of one of Cochise's something wagon or now, of course, is my safe full ter sharp and imperative: SOc. buckboartl was into of It is unguarded. Wo'll give them a les¬ I MEDICINE band than of all the sheriffs from Tuc¬ being pounded money. my business to defend son "Dismount, one, say. Como In per box CO., or they'll never forget if they attempt or N.Y. son to Tacoma. 1 wish the rest of Har¬ place shape. it to the last, and they can't have it to here, I'll send n bullet for your 0 for S3.50. Schcnectady, "It's a attack him." and would con¬ them, sir," muttered the ser¬ without fight. You and your sisters, cards. Quick now." Brockville, OaU vey's people get here," he For all answer Ruth *1 out geant. "It's that bloody gang, for ordinarily they would not molest, but Harvey only ne Still another delay. Tho prospec¬ tinued, looking longingly into the tied closer to her sister and elm .¦. there's no stage due tonight, and if it by this time they know you aro here.
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