50e No. 810 ~X-523 26 September 2003 / For Class Struggle Against U.S. Capitalist Rulers! Imperialist Occupation of Iraq II II I u II We print below a presentation, edited "New World Order" emerging from the and abridged for publication, by com­ demise of the Soviet Union in 1991-92. rade Don Cane at a September 13 Spar­ This counterrevolution, which restored tacist League forum in San Francisco. the capitalist profit system, was a huge The International Communist League defeat for the world's working class. opposes the U.S. imperialist occupation The 1917 Bolshevik-led October Revolu­ of Iraq. As the American section, the tion, the world's first and only victorious Spartacist LeaguelU.S., we recognize the workers revolution, seized power for the Iraqi people and the American working working class. It was a beacon of hope for Reuters Falluja, September 13: Iraqi protesters chant anti-American slogans at funeral class have a common enemy-the Amer­ the millions of oppressed and exploited, for eight police officers shot by U.S. troops. ican capitalist ruling class. Every victory particularly in the colonial East. Bolshe­ for the imperialists encourages yet more vism meant resolute anti-imperialism. ist overlords, the U.S. Congress and the rulers prattle about bringing 'democracy' military adventures; every setback assists What we need is that kind of a revolution imperial presidency-we must sweep and 'liberation' to the Iraqi people-like the struggles of working people and the -not a few reforms, or a new deal with them away into the dustbin of history! the Zionists 'liberated' the Palestinians oppressed. What force can act against this the capitalist government. The whole in the Occupied Territories. The grue­ In the U.S.-led imperialist assault on lone superpower? We need class struggle bastion of private property has got to some devastation planned for Iraq is Iraq, the International Communist League the true face of U.S. imperialism-wad­ in the imperialist centers as the chief go, along with the state powers that prop clearly took a side. On March 19, the ing in blood and dripping with filth, a means to act for the defense of Iraq. As it up. SLIU.S. issued a statement demanding roaring beast devastating culture and we said from the beginning of the buildup The Wall Street bankers and the oil humanity." "Defend Iraq Against U.S.lBritish Attack! to the U.S. invasion of Iraq: Every strike, cartels, the generals and colonels-we We stood for the military defense of Down With U.S. Imperialism! All U.S. every labor mobilization against war must sweep them away into the dustbin Iraq without giving an ounce of political and Allied Troops Out of the Near East plans, every mass protest against attacks of history! support to the Saddam Hussein regime. Now!" (WVNo. 800,28 March). We said: on workers and minorities, every struggle The mullahs and priests, the sheiks and Hussein was a bloody oppressor of Iraqi "This is nothing but a colopial war of against domestic repression weakens the landlords-we must sweep them away naked imperialist aggression to be fol­ workers, leftists, Shi'ite Muslims and the imperialist war drive. into the dustbin of history! lowed by a colonial occupation of this Kurdish people. His Ba'ath Party regime, Our struggle takes place within the The kings and the would-be national- oil-rich Near Eastern country. The U.S. continued on page 4 Defend the PalestinianPeop-le! Israel Hands· Off Aralal! When Israeli vice prime mInIster April 2002 bloodbath in Jenin. To punc­ governments, sharply escalating over threatening to assassinate the elected Ehud Olmert bellowed, "Arafat can no tuate the message, Israeli warplanes the past three years. Likud prime minis­ president of the Palestinian Authority and longer be a factor in what happens buzzed ominously over the ruined re­ ter Ariel Sharon has openly expressed icon of the Palestinian struggle for here .... ExpUlsion is certainly one ofthe mains of Arafat's Ramallah compound, regret he didn't take out Arafat 21 years national liberation. options, and killing is also one of the where he has been held under si~ge for ago in Beirut, when Sharon commanded Murderous terror and expUlsion have options," the full intent of this threat nearly two years. Despite our political the Israeli invasion of Lebanon and pre­ been the program of the Zionist state was clear: the Zionist. regime was opposition to Arafat and Arab national­ sided over the slaughter of some two since 1948, when some 700,000 Pales'" announcing to the world that they were ism, we revolutionary Trotskyists add thousand Palestinian men, women and tinians were driven from their homes. ready for a mass slaughter of Palestin­ our voice to the worldwide outcry against children in the Sabra and Shatila refu­ Over the past three years, in addition to ians that would far overshadow the Zionist state terrorism: Hands off Ara­ gee camps. Last month, Israel assassi­ the "targeted killings" there have been fat! Defend the Palestinian people! nated a key political leader of the other killings of some 2,600 Palestin­ 39 The threat to "liquidate" Arafat is Islamic fundamentalist Hamas, follow­ ians, including nearly 500 children and only the most recent provocation in the ing this with an attempt on Sheik 180 women. Thousands more have been Zionist state's long history of assassina­ Ahmed Yassin, the group's spiritual imprisoned or rounded up in military tion as policy. Such "targeted killings" leader, seeking to provoke Hamas' dragnets. In April, Israeli troops loaded of Palestinian activists have been car­ many supporters into a bloody con­ up to 3,000 men and boys in the West ried out under both Likud and Labor frontation. Now the Israelis are openly 7111125274118103011117 continued on l!age 11 AFSCME Union Rally Demands: Rehire Charles DuBois! member of Local 444, serving terms as a shop steward and executive board mem­ ber, and has fought for the unions to take up the fight against all forms of oppres­ sion. Company bosses fired him in early July following a years-long campaign of harassment and bogus charges. Work­ OAKLAND-More than 100 union mem­ ers who attended the rally from every Oakland, bers' and supporters-immigrant, Latino, section of the District-janitors, meter September 17: black, white--came out on September 17 readers, maintenance, pipe repair, water Rally in in a spirited rally to defend fired black inspectors, water conservation, clerks, defense of union militant Charles DuBois, as part of sewage treatment, engineers--came out Charles DuBois called by the continuing fight for his reinstatement. to assert the unions' determination to AFSCME Locals AFSCME Locals 2019 and 444, repre­ defend DuBois, fired EBMUD workers 2019 and 444 senting some 1,400 workers at the East Kathy Greig and Robert Mena, and all in front of Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD) their members. headquarters who provide water and sewage services, A "Call to Action" written by of East Bay called the rally at EBMUD's Oakland head­ AFSCME union members in defense of Municipal quarters under the slogans: "Defend Union DuBois began: "The District has once Utility District. Rights! An Injury to One Is an Injury to again used workplace violence policies All! Reinstate Charles DuBois!" Mem­ to target and terminate an individual who bers of a half-dozen other local unions is a thorn in the side of District manage­ joined, and AC Transit bus drivers and ment." An article in the June issue of deserve it"(the offending words cited by anti-labor climate, EBMUD had gone passing motorists honked their support. Local 444's newsletter Mainline made management itself)." Black workers are a after concessions in contract negotiations Judy Goff, executive secretary-treasurer available by rally organizers described special target for this kind of treatment, earlier this year and succeeded in pitting of the Alameda County Central Labor how DuBois had been suspended last as employers seek to use racism to divide one union local against another. Union Council (CLC), brought solidarity greet­ March under such policies: " ... you can the workers. members told WV that many workers felt ings from the 126,600-strong federation. now be disciplined for telling a manage­ Rally participants cheered when Randy demoralized in the outcome, and the com­ Throughout his 18 years at EBMUD, ment official that 'I'm going to file a Kim, a 23-year Local 444 member fired pany was pushing its advantage. The exis­ meter reader DuBois has been an active grievance so hard about this and you'll in 1998 in a similar "workplace vio­ tence of separate unions is a big gift to the lence" frame-up despite a defense cam­ employers. There should be one union at paign by both locals, took the mega­ EBMUD, joining together not only the phone. (For brother Kim's story, see AFSCME locals but the smaller Operat­ Democrats and Republicans­ "'Workplace Violence' Witchhunt Tar­ ing Engineers Local 39, while excluding Parties of Capital gets Unions, Minorities," WV No. 695, 28 management (currently organized in a The labor bureaucracy's support to the August 1998.) The protesters chanted: bosses' "union," IFPTE Local 21), Democratic Party "friends of labor" is a key "Workplace violence is a management The rally flyer reported that "At one obstacle to advancing the struggles of the attack-Bring DuBois back!" Gregg location, District management arrogantly working class in the U.S. In a speech announc­ Best, the author of the Mainline article told workers: 'Your union is so weak ing his presidential campaign in 1904, Social­ and an organizer of the rally, told the it should be on suicide watch'." Local ist leader Eugene V.
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