June 1950 .111011GAX HORSE • Show Results 4 One of the Greatest Youngster's Horse Waiting at Weybridge HISTORY OF MORGAN HORSE CLUB -- II Parts ROBERTS HORSE FARM Hi-Pass, San Diego County, California B4eede4 ajj Mallaivi of olligitedt Me4iI BLACKMAN 8622 Senior Stallion in Service Mountcrest Joe Bailey 7119 Sellman 7289 Kitty E. 03308 Redman 8065 Pongee Morgan BLACKMAN Red Dot 04577 7427 8622 Rodota 04185 Black Foaled 1942 Go Hawk 7457 1 Sunny Hawk 7456 Goiea 04610 Bombo 04379 i Knox Reade 7089 Jeanne 04140 t Jean Ann 03250 Our fifty broodmares have been most carefully selected. Ire have at all times Morgans of all ages and both sexes for sale. MR. AND MRS. E. W. ROBERTS, OWNERS Address correspondence to: 236 West 15th St. Los Angeles, California Tel. Richmond 7058 0 This is a new column in The Morgan Horse Magazine. It is being pub- lished for old-timers but also in the hope that it will bring some of the."horse" past into the lives of younger owners and breeders. This column will welcome suggestions, questions or ideas for discussion. There is only one qualification: Is it out of the past—the past when horses, especially Morgans—were a necessity instead of a luxury? DO YOU REMEMBER? scraps; the wrapt impersonal gaze of The spring mud—clear to the hubs— the shoer as he worked the long bellows the back-breaking wash jobs—hose, Sitting in the drizzly rain of a freez- arm and his disdain of the more lowly sponge and carefully-wrung chamois; ing March day waiting your turn at "driver-on?" the blacksmith for a "sharp shod" job? "body first and remember none of that It was cold out there despite the pro- The rattling steel tires of the buggy axle grease or rim mud on the body?" which necessitated a perennial trip to tection of the rubber "boot" and the line Clinging to the bits of the family the smith? The heated steel tire, cut, ahead moved with tantalizing slowness. driver while the trolley or the early vin- welded again and then sprung on heat- Do you remember the thrill of winning tage cars smoked past? Do you re- ed for a tight fit? Or the rubber tire through to the shop—of unhitching member those days of two score years which had started to wobble. How the and bringing your horse in out of the ago when the steam cars, the electrics wheel was clamped in the patented de- or the auto were a never-ending source wet to the glow and comfort of the vice, the rubber forced back like the of worry? forge? Of the sharp talk, tobacco juice, gums of faithful old teeth and the ex- Does snowflake mean something odor of burned hoof and chilled iron; posed steel wire cut and welded and the that falls from the sky or does it mean of the apprentice sweeping up and the rubber allowed to snap back, "good as a narrow-shouldered can with a piece fat old dog vieing with him for foot new?" of shingle in it—axle grease? Vermont in Washington Wants Pen Pals Dear Sir: Dear Sir: Thank you very much for the cor- I wrote in for information and am dial letter which I received from you truly thrilled with your magazine. I today. My check is enclosed for a two- to 5 am twelve and have always admired year subscription to "The Morgan ietteim and loved Morgan horses. I am saving Horse Magazine." I was born in Ver- my money so that I may subscribe to mont and have bred Morgans all my Mitam your magazine. I quite often go riding life. the on a beautiful Morgan in some stables 1 have "Skagit Vashon" No. 9717 in another town. I have always wanted and "Lovely Lady" No. 05064. 1 think a Morgan but know I will never be able Vashon is just about perfect and that Death of Oklahoma to afford to buy one. I want to come he will be outstanding when he gets a Dear Sir: to the Morgan Horse Show in Vermont little older. I had some photographs I know you will be sad to learn that in September and am trying to talk my taken of him last week and as soon as Oklahoma Peavine, 12898, died of a father into taking me. I receive them I shall send you one. heart attack while running in his pad- Do you know of any other horse Louise B. Wiltfong, Arlington, Wash. dock Tuesday, May 2. He was 27. hav- lovers about my age that I could corre- spond with? Thank you. Bright Future mg been foaled May 16, 1923. It was Marty Hendrick Dear Sir: to be expected I suppose due to his age, 24 Forest St., Lexington, Mass. Your magazine is really a fine look- but he was feeling so good this spring ing job and worthy of respect from all and had already bred a mare (and one and which it has. of our best) to him on Friday before. Good Morning. Thanks I feel the future of the Morgan is 1 was standing in the back door of the Dear Sir: more than bright, and it is surprising barn and saw it all happen. It was all Good morning. I hope the Morgan just how much better posted the people over in less than two minutes I think. Horse Magazine never expires while I are who come here looking for breed- I am thankful that I have Oklahoma's live. Here is $2.00 more. Thanking ing stock than were 10 years ago. good son Bourbon's Golden Glory, aged you all for your very interesting maga- I have an inquiry now from across 13 and out of Gloria Gleason by Bour- zine, I am the Pacific Ocean for some 102 mares bon King, to follow in his sire's foot- T. Temple Pyle. Rising Sun, Maryland and six stallions and if this goes through steps and he is producing some way (The above enthusiastic subscriber is will want to locate quite a number. better get than his sire. I have a yearling so interested in insuring continuous Our colts are fine, have another out of and a three-year-old stallion by Okla- delivery of his Morgan Horse Maga- Archie 0 and a mare by him that is homa and a mare in foal to him. zine that he is now paid up through about perfect. Kindest wishes to both Mrs. Sam McKinley June 1953.) you and Mr. Eusey. Secretary of the Michi- C. J. O'Neill, Manteno, Ill. gan State Horse Show Assn. (Continued on Page 4) JUNE 1950 3 Table of Contents Special Articles a [diem to Do You Remember Editorial 5 The Morgan Horse Club & Registry Morgans—Youngsters' Horse 8 the Editors Ethan Allen—One of the Greatest 10 U. S. Government Farm 12 Northern California Club 14 17 Show of Hands Horse Show Results Mid-Western Horse Show 19 Dar Sir: Manager Chosen for National Morgan Show 25 In the article "For Whom the Hell Paul Revere Rides a Morgan 26 30 Tolls" in the April issue was the follow- Tobe of the Bending Race Long, Long Trail at Woodstock 32 ing statement. "So the Government Regular Features Farm sought to restore the Morgan to what it was a hundred years ago—a Letters to the Editor 4 The Vet Says 18 good sized horse weighing close to 1100 Pictorial Section 20-21 pounds." Breeze from the Great Lakes 22 This "hundred years ago" I judge Young Enthusiasts 24 from the article to be 100 years before New England News & Notes 26 36 1920. Stable Hints Mr. Linsley in his "Morgan Horses" gives the following statistics: Bulrush—foaled 1812-14 hands, Officers of the Morgan Horse Club 1000 lbs. President MERLE D. EVANS Sherman—foaled 1809-13% hands. Ohio Merchants Bank Building, Massillon, Ohio 920 lbs. Vice-President FREDERICK 0. DAVIS Woodbury—foaled 1816-14% hands Windsor, Vermont 988 to 1040 lbs. Secretary FRANK B. HILLS Black Hawk — foaled 1833 —just 90 Broad Street, New York 4, N. Y under 15 hands, 1000 lbs. Treasurer WHITNEY STONE Billy Root—foaled I829—hands not 90 Broad Street, New York 4, N Y. given, 942 lbs. Bonaparte—foaled 1836-14 1/2 hands 950 lbs. Cock of the Rock-15 hands, 1100 The Morgan Horse Magazin e lbs. Bartholomew Horse—foaled 1826- Vol. X June. 1950 No. 3 15 hands, 1050 lbs. Barker Horse — foaled 1833 — 151/4 A Bi-monthly hands, 1100 lbs. The Official Publication cl THE MORGAN HORSE CLUB, Incorporated. Bailey Horse—foaled 1835-15 hands 90 Broad St., New Ycrk 4, N. Y. 1100 lbs. My point is if these gentlemen are Publication Office: Leominster, Mass. using outstanding Morgan sires and horses of this era as a truide where do Publisher The Eusey Press they get the GOOD SIZED horses? All for The Morgan Horse Club, Inc. these horses judged by present day Editor Sumner Kean standards are very much in the "under CONTRIBUTING EDITORS class." C. Fred Austin Dana Wingate Kelley Patty Davis Sincerely yours, Helen Brunk Greenwalt Russell Smith Mrs. Larry Oakely Mrs. Frank W. Lionel, SUBSCRIPTION RATES West Auburn. Maine One Year 52.50 Two Years 54.00 (The "100 years ago" referred to in the April issue was roughly the period just prior to the Civil war. A glance at 1 HE MORGAN HORSE MAGAZINE, published bi-monthly by THE the register will show a great many MORGAN HORSE CLUB, INC., 90 Broad St., New York, New York.
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