THTheE Constitutionalist.CONSTITUTIONALIST. VOL.VOL. XXXI.XXXI. PLAINFIELD,PLA1NF1ELD, K.N . J-,). , THURSDAY,THURSDAY, JulyJULY 28.28 , 18981898.. NONO.. 3030.. "Support"St^port thoth» Constitution. Constitution. WhichWhich isis thstht Ctmtnt Ctmmt ofoft/10 thn Uiuon.Union, asas WH1Wall m in Its Its Lanttotkms Limitations as] •n itsIts Authorities."—Madison.Authorities."—Madix JERSEJERSEYY WILLWILL HAVEHAVE HOBSOHOBSONN ININ NEWNEW JERSEY.JERSEY. THETHEYY WILLWILL BIDBID FORFOR ONEONE WHEELMANWHEJJAN OBEYEDOBEYED WASWAS ONON THETHE VERGEVERGE HEROHERO OFOF THETHE MERRIMAC MERRtMAC VISITSVISITS AATT LAND ARMS LANDED ON „ A NATIONALNATIONAL CAMP.GAMP. LAND ARMS LANDED ON THE OTHERS .FAILED TO APPEAR MORRISTOWN.MOR FUST OWN. COUNTYCOUNTY TROLLEY.TROLLEY. BEFORE THE CITY JUDGE. OOFF THETHE CONFLICT.CONFLICT. SuchSuch isis NowNow thothe BeliefBelief Inin thoth e BidBides toto babe OOpene Dartedd atat ElizaElizabet bainh CharlesCharles DencklauDencklau ReturnsReturns frontfront War Department. F0RGUBAN8 PORTO RICO. War Department. FORJUBANS NaxtNext Waak.Week. P0RTO_RICO. PortPort Antonio,Antonio, Jamaica.Jamaica. MorrMssn.Horrlstown, JulyJuly 17.—Ueutenaot87.—lieutenant TheThe poliospolice startedstarted Inin onon theirtheir VOORHEESVOORHEES ATAT WASHINGTON.WASHINGTON . RichmonRichmondd P.P. Hobson Hobeon arrivedarrived inIn Mor- ICor- LIAELYLIAELY TIMETIME EXPECTED.EXPECTED . campaigncampaign againstagainst .wheelmen>, wheel men Tuesday Tuesday HASHAS MANYMANY CURIOSCURIOS WITHWITH HIMHIM rlstown leetlast eveningevening atat 9:119 as o'clock o'clock . night, and captured five or six during THE GOVERNOR HAS BEEN WORK- WandereWanJererr LeavesLeaves SuppliesSupplies OOon ReporReportt ofof Capt-HigginsonCapt. Higginson Con-Coo- night, aad captured five or Mx during THE GOVERNOR HAS BEEN WORK- TbeThe stationstation weewas crowded crowded withwith personapersona THTHEE OFFERSOFFEPS MUSTMUST COVERCOVER THTHEE ththee evening.evening. TheThe nightnight waawa sa a poorpoor MADEMADE FRIEND3FRIENDS WITHWITH NEWSPAPERNEWSPAPER ING TO SECURE THE CAMP. anxiousanxious toto earcatc ohh aa pianosglance ofot tbsthe herohero ING TO SECURE THE CAMP ESTIMATEDESTIMATED COSTCOST 9300,000.$300,000. oneone forfor thethe work,work, asas therethere werewere fewfew MENMEN ATAT THETHE FRONT.FRONT. ofof thethe Merrimao.Merrimac RedBe dlie fire made made tbethe CobaoCnhn Coast.Coast. ceraincertingg thetk Action.Action. riders ont,out, andand thesethese warewen nearlynearly alalll it h allMri * Stationstation almostalmost asas lightUght asas day,day ,and an d lawaw abidingabiding otdzeoicitizens whowbo carriedcarried theirtheir amiamidd tbethe tootingtooting ofof whistwhim lealea andand theth e lamplampss propertyproperly lightedlighted oror rise else leftleft ththee playinplayingg ofor aa bandband LieutenantLieutenant RobsonHobson Streetsstreets beforebefore s8.2 111 o'clocko'clock afterafter whichwhich poppedpopped offoff tbs the train.train. ThatThat la,Is, hehe tried tried Scb«BU Mar hU Throujli-WMttS*!.! lampslamps hadhad toto bebe lighted.lighted. u. Wore • Braa4 Sail* Wfcea totodoso doeo.. Dotbut Umthe herohero watwas (alrtyfairly cantedcarried SKIRMISSKIRMISHH WITHWITH ENEMY.ENEMY. llhdnn COMMENDSCOMMENDS AMERICANS.AMERICANS. OOff tbsthe half-dozenhalf-dozen caughtcaogfat withoutwithout He Departed After the IMMTM*. ttoo tbethe carriage.carriage. MfMh Ugbta,lgbts, twotwo warewere woman,women, andand nonenone ooff Camp Alger, Va., Julj IT.-OOT- HundredIredas shookshook bisbis bandband asas bebe waswas Bids for the trolley franchise over tbstb« Mi.six, withwith oneone exception,exception, appearedappealed CharleoCbarIos.Den..-kian,o Denckleu,ofBostos>,baef Boston,has Jus*just Camp Alger, Ys_. July 17.-0OT- carried byby andand manymany callscalls wssawere mademade ourt yesterday In. accordance enorernor FeelerFoster M.M. YoorbeeeVoorhees ofot HewNew Jer Jer - THETHE SPANISHSPANISH TROOPSTROOPS FIREOFIRED Westfleld aveaae, bom Elizabeth to TROOPS; LANDEDLANDED ONON THETHE IS-IS - curt yesterday in. accordance returnedreturned fromfrom PostPort Antonio,Antonio, offoff tho th e sey paid a flying visit to the War De- forfor a speech,speech, betbut thethe cheeringcheering madsmade ItIt this city will be opened by the Union Withwith thethe Officersofficer's request.request. JohnJohn Island of Jamaica, and Is visiting Ua eey paid a flying vtoll10 the War De- Impose!bisImpossible forfor aa wordword toto bebe board. beard. Ohrtrum, who did appear, was allowed lolaod of Jamaica, nod to visiting hla partmentpartment atat WashingtonWashington Monday,Monday, ttoo ONON LANDINGLANDING PARTY.PARTY. CountCountyy BoardBoard ofof I Freeholder s at Eliza- LANDLAND WITHOUTWITHOUT TROUBLE.TROUBLE. Gist rum. wbo did appear, was allowed mother.mother, Mrs.Mrs . CharlesCharles Deocktan.Dencklau, ooff eonsultconsult withwith tbethe militarymilitary authoftileeauthorities AsAs soonsoon asas possiblepossible (hsthe polios, police. leeredlea red bathbeth nextnext week.week. to go_ > withwith aa suspensionsuspension ofof sssisoos. sentence, asas 333 Eastestt BeooodSecond street.street. HavingHaving beenbeen relativerelative toto thethe propomcloa proposition to makemake wawayy forfor tbstee carriage,carriage, andand behe was wa s TheThe WestfieldWestfiekt aadaad ElizabethElizabeth StreetStreet t waas very very evidentevident thatthat hlahis lightlight hadhad directldirectlyy laIn tbethe midstmidst ofof thethe Spanish-Spanish- Sea Girt, N J., a military post- The drivenriven toto tbethe bomshome ofof bis Us ooualn.cousin. MiasHiss Bailway Company, which la the pio- Justuet gonegone outout whenwhen hahe wanwas stopped. stopped- American conflict, he has witnessed Sea Girt, H. J., a military poet The BeUon, la South street. He stayed ThwyThey DroveDrove AmericansAmericans anandd Ballway Company, which Is tbs plo- Sailors Cleared Away a Small American conflict, be baa wttessssd QoveroorGovernor Baabss beenbeen nrgtngurging tblathis |pla n Betton. In Botttb sense Hs stayed aeer Inln senseekin kingg tbsthe right right toto ooa-tzuetcon-truct Sailor* Cleared Away a Small WarrantWarrantss srillwill bebe Issuedlamed forfo r theth ealalll thethe horrorshorrors ofof warwar withoutwithout havingbavins since the outbreak of the war. and the banhere untiluntil thisthis morning,morning, whenwhen Delefthe left i a trolley Una by the route pass- arrestarrest ofor thethe othersothers aadand theytbey willwill bebe been engage-1 In It, and returned with alnce the outbreak of the war. and lor New Tork. The lieutenant came CubanCubanss ToTo ThoThe BeachBeach anandd snob a trolley UnS by tbs touts pass- BodyBody ofof Spaniah Spanish Troooe Troops andand haled before the City Judge at once boon engaged In It, aad returned with StateState campcamp groundground badbad been been inspectedInspected lor Hew Totk. Tba Ueutenaot earns inging throughthrough Creafort,Craoford, hashas withdrawnwithdrawn haled before tba 01 ty Judge at one* a Dumberlumber ofof curiouscurious thingsthings florafrom ththee andand reportedreported onon favorablyfavorably several directdirect fromfrom Boston,Boston, whenwhere hshe went went Its application Inc rightright ofof wamyy aadand probablyprobably fittedfined asas beavllrheavily aaas theth e West Indies, among the moat inter- times. MondayMonday eveningevening toto arrangearrange forfor light light - WerWeree inin TurnTurn Repulsed— through that town. Inn orderorder to changechange TheThann AllAll WatWas E.ty-BoatsEasy-Boats law allows.allows. esting being Implements of Spanish times. en to be used In raising the Colon and the route. Cranford Is ready to grant warfare taken from tna scenes ot HoNo efforteffort baaba sbeen been sparedspared byby thethe Maria Teresa at Santiago. Six Americans tbs routs. Craalbvd Is ready to giant Of Massachusetts New Jersey Executive In toe further- tbs Marla Taraaa at Santiago Six Americana this company a franchise, butbu t IsIs op-op - Of Massachusetts severalseveral battles.battles. posed to the Bergen plan, which con- TEMPERANCTEMPERANCEE FOLKFOLK HEREHERE Mr. Dencklau Is a plumber by trade. ancantee ofof thisthis plan,plan, bntbut thethe people people atat tbe the WoundeWoundedd Assisted. Mr. Dencklau to a plumber by trade, War Department did not agree with templates the m of North ave- GATHERED FROM ALL OVER THE aadand lastlast JanuaryJanuary waewas seat sent InIn charge charge War Department did not agree with REUNIONREUNION OFOF GRADUATESGRADUATES leand WestneU avenue the entire of a number of men to Fort Antonio, him . TbeThe conferenceconference lastedlasted severalseveral Tran tb* Calon Associated .rets.) irrem(Fran msBw DeneUnion AaansutsdAawxtatsd Prase.IPnH.I STATE IN QUARTERLY SESSION. number of men to Fort Antonio, hours, and when Mr. Toornees left distance of twelve miles at an esti- whichwhich tonUa littlelittle IslandIsland bekmgtngbelonging toto bouts, and whan Mr. Yoorhaas left KeKeyy Weet.West, JulyJuly 17.27, IJJOp.ta M p. m.m.—8i -digi Washington, July 27, 13:49 p. m.— Worthy Punai-ch Bar. tbathe DepartmentDepartment Inin-tim timee toto entrh catch tbtbea matemalsdd costcost ofof- *9 1,000. July J7. if :tt p. m.- GrantGreat Britain,Britain, near Jamaica. The CongressionalCongressional traintrain fortor bishis bomshome hbee woundeuuadnld menmen werewere broughtbrought InIn tbla this TbsThe bidsbids willwill hee reoatvadreceived ata t ISOa:* )TheThe followingfollowing despatchdespatch waswas received received were engaged In putting the worworne a smile smile severalseveral Messsizes largerlarger thanthan morningmorning
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