Global Vaccine Action Plan Monitoring, Evaluation & Accountability Secretariat Annual Report 2016 © World Health Organization 2016 All rights reserved. Publications of the World Health Organization are available on the WHO website (www.who.int) or can be purchased from WHO Press, World Health Organization, 20 Avenue Appia, 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland (tel.: +41 22 791 3264; fax: +41 22 791 4857; e-mail: [email protected]). Requests for permission to reproduce or translate WHO publications –whether for sale or for non-commercial distribution– should be addressed to WHO Press through the WHO website (www.who.int/about/licensing/copyright_form/en/index.html). 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However, the published material is being distributed without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. The responsibility for the interpretation and use of the material lies with the reader. In no event shall the World Health Organization be liable for damages arising from its use. Layout: www.paprika-annecy.com Global Vaccine Action Plan Monitoring, Evaluation & Accountability Secretariat Annual Report 2016 page IV Acknowledgements Data analysis Sherene Agama, Olivier Beauvais, Hemanthi Mariat, Kamel Senouci, Claudia Catherine-Steulet, Dassanayake-Nicolas, Laure Dumolard, Ajay Kumar Robert Totanes, Daniela Urfer Goel, Anwesha Majumder, Nikhil Mandalia, Stephanie Technical input Nihal Abeysinghe, Kaushik Banerjee, Sunil Bahl, Noni MacDonald, Yvette Madrid, Samya Mandal, Ram Madhava Balakrishnan, Lahouari Belgharbi, Melissa Malhame, Stephanie Mariat, Balcha Masresha, Oleg Benes, Deborah Bettels, Pamela Bravo, Logan Cuauhtemoc Ruiz Matus, Andrew Meek, Ravi Menon, Brenzel, Robb Butler, Niyazi Cakmak, Tania Cernuschi, Richard Mihigo, Annie Moe, Suerie Moon, Liudmila Alireza Khadem Broojerdi, Thomas Cherian, Mosina, Alice Abou Nader, Patrick O’Connor, Hiromasa Adam Cohen, Santiago Cornejo, Amy Dietterich, Okayasu, Desiree Pastor, Robert Perry, Susan Perez, Sergey Diorditsa, Philippe Duclos, Laure Dumolard, Samina Piracha, Claudio Politi, Mohamed Refaat, Rudi Eggers, Ebru Ekeman, Kate Elder, Lauren Franzel, Azhar Abid Reza, Daniel Rodriguez, Oliver Rosenbauer, Michael Free, Samir El Hemsy, John Fitzsimmons, Paul Rutter, Jeffrey Safrit, Vaseeharan Sathiyamoorthy, Andrew Ford, Martin Friede, Aurelia Gasca, Lewis Schrager, Benjamin Schreiber, Melanie Schuster, Sy Gebrekidan, Birgitte Giersing, Shawn Gilgrist, William Schluter, Baqar Shahida, Kamel Senouci, Jan Grevendonk, Isaac Gobina, Lee Hall, Peter Hansen, Liane Smith, Peter Strebel, Yoshihiro Takashima, Brian Tine Hein, Carmen Rodriguez Hernandez, Joachim Taliesin, Nadia Teleb, Nancy Touchette, Hapsatou Hombach, Ahmadreza Hosseinpoor, Angela Hwang, Toure, Nathalie Van De Maele, Kirsten Vannice, Johan Dragan Jankovic, Jim Janimak, Courtney Jarrahian, Vekemans, Martha Velandia, Michael Ward, Annie Anna-Lea Kahn, Sudhir Khanal, Debbie Kristensen, Rein-Weston, Michael Wong, Greg Widmyer, Ahmadu Christine Lamoureux, Tina Lorenson, Patrick Lydon, Yakubu, Darin Zehrung, Patrick Zuber Denis Maire, Nikhil Mandalia, Carsten Mantel, page V Reviewers • For the Research and Development GVAP Indicators: Helen Rees, David Salisbury, Budihardja Singgih, Salim Abdulla, Ashish Bavdekar, Klaus Cichutek, Qinjian Zhao Bernard Fritzell, Barney Graham, Ruth Karron, David Kaslow, Claudio Lanata, Mair Powell, Peter Smith, Yiming Shao (all members of the Product Development Decade of Vaccines Partner Agencies for Vaccines Advisory Committee, PDVAC) • For reviewers of the GVAP indicator on “licensure and Thomas Cherian (WHO), Angela Hwang (Bill & launch of at least one platform delivery technology” Melinda Gates Foundation), Lee Hall (National Institute (Indicator G4.2) (in alphabetical order as was done for of Allergy and Infectious Diseases), Peter Hansen (Gavi, PDVAC): Lauren Franzel, Michael Free, Sy Gebrekidan, the Vaccine Alliance), Jean-Marie Okwo-Bele (WHO), Birgitte Giersing, Nagwa Hasanin, Jim Janimak, Robin Nandy (UNICEF) Courtney Jarrahian, Debbie Kristensen, Tina Lorenson, Carsten Mantel, Ravi Menon, Hiro Okayasu, Liane Smith, Darin Zehrung (all members of the Decade of Vaccines Secretariat Immunization Practices Advisory Committee, IPAC, Delivery Technology working group, DTWG) Kamel Senouci, Daniela Urfer Strategic Advisory Group of Experts, Design and web production Decade of Vaccines working group Frédéric Bescond & Leopoldine Pozzo (Paprika), Oleru Huda Abason, Jon Kim Andrus, Narendra Hayatee Hasan, Kamel Senouci, Daniela Urfer Kumar Arora, Yagob Yousef Al-Mazrou, Alejandro Cravioto, Susan Elden, Marie-Yvette Madrid, Amani Abdelmoniem Mahmoud Mustafa, Rebecca Martin, Editorial assistance Kai Lashley (Further Consulting) page VI Acronyms and Abbreviations AEFI adverse events following immunization ANC1 first antenatal visit AFP acute flaccid paralysis aP a-cellular pertussis AVAREF African Vaccine Regulatory Forum BCG Bacille Calmette–Guérin (vaccine) BMGF Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation bNAbs broadly neutralizing antibodies CI confidence interval CCI Composite Coverage Index CFDA China Food and Drug Administration CMV cytomegalovirus cMYP comprehensive multi-year plan COIA Commission on Information and Accountability for Women’s and Children’s Health CRS congenital rubella syndrome CSO civil society organization CTC controlled temperature chain cVDPV circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus DCVRN Developing Countries Vaccine Regulators Network DHS Demographic and Health Survey DoV Decade of Vaccines DTP diphtheria–tetanus–pertussis (vaccine) EMA European Medicines Agency EPI Expanded Programme on Immunization EQA external quality assessment EWEC Every Woman Every Child FDA (US) Food and Drug Administration Gavi Global Alliance on Vaccines and Immunisation GACVS Global Advisory Committee on Vaccine Safety GPEI Global Polio Eradication Initiative GNI gross national income GVAP Global Vaccine Action Plan GVIRF Global Vaccine and Immunization Research Forum GVSI Global Vaccine Safety Initiative HA haemagglutinin HEAT Health Equity Assessment Toolkit HepB Hepatitis B Hib Haemophilus influenzae type b HPV human papillomavirus HSS health system strengthening IAVI International AIDS Vaccine Initiative IB-VPD invasive bacterial vaccine-preventable disease ICTRP International Clinical Trials Registry Platform iERG independent Expert Review Group IHR International Health Regulations IPAC Immunization Practices Advisory Committee IPV inactivated polio vaccine iTAG independent Technical Advisory Group IVB Immunization, Vaccines and Biologicals Department (WHO) JRF (WHO-UNICEF) joint reporting form KANCO Kenya AIDS NGOs Consortium LAIV live attenuated influenza vaccine LQA–CS lot quality assurance – cluster sampling M&E/A monitoring and evaluation/accountability M&RI Measles and Rubella Initiative page VII MenAfriVac serogroup A meningococcal conjugate vaccine MCV measles-containing vaccine MDG Millennium Development Goal MICS Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys MR measles–rubella MMR measles–mumps–rubella MNT maternal and neonatal tetanus MNTE maternal and neonatal tetanus elimination MSF Médecins Sans Frontières Mtb Mycobacterium tuberculosis NGO nongovernmental organization NIAID National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases NIH National Institutes of Health NITAG National Immunization Technical Advisory Group NRA national regulatory authority NVC National Verification Committee OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development OPV oral polio vaccine ORS oral rehydration salts PATH Program for Appropriate Technology in Health PAB protected at birth (against neonatal tetanus) PAHO Pan American Health Organization PCV pneumococcal conjugate vaccine PDVAC Product Development for Vaccines Advisory Committee PMNCH Partnership for Maternal, Neonatal and Child Health PQS performance, quality and safety QC quality control R&D research and development RCV rubella-containing vaccine RV rotavirus vaccine RSV respiratory syncytial virus RVC Regional Verification Commission SAGE Strategic Advisory Group of Experts (on immunization) SDG Sustainable Development Goal SHA Systems of Health Accounts SIA supplementary immunization activity SO (GVAP) Strategic Objective TAG Technical Advisory Group TPP target product profile TT tetanus toxoid TTCV tetanus toxoid-containing vaccines UN United Nations UNAIDS Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS UNICEF United Nations Children’s Fund UNICEF-SD United Nations Children’s Fund Supply Division V3P Vaccine Product, Price and Procurement (project) VFC (United States CDC) Vaccines for Children Fund VPD vaccine-preventable disease VPPAG Vaccine Presentation and Packaging Advisory Group VSV vesiculostomatitis
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