Illinois Directory of Radio Hoopeston Jacksonville Jerseyville Johnston

Illinois Directory of Radio Hoopeston Jacksonville Jerseyville Johnston

Illinois Directory of Radio Hinsdale High School District 86. Format: Progsv. Target Joliet YONU(FM) -1966: 89.7 mhz; 35 kw. Ant 431 ft. TL aud: General. Harry Priester, chief engr. N41 09 24 W87 5216. Stereo. Box 592, Olivet Nazarene WCCO(FM)-(Crest Hill). Jan 28,1976: 98.3 mhz; 3 kw. University (60901). (815) 939-5330. FAX: (815) 939- Hoopeston Ant 300 ft. TL: N41 27 55 W88 07 33.1520 N. Rock Run 5087. Licensee: Olivet Nazarene University. Net: CNN. Dr., Joliet (60435). (815) 729 -4400. FAX: (815) 729- Wash airy: Miller & Miller P.C. Format: Relg. Target aud: WHPO(FM) -May 29, 1979: 100.9 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 280 4444. Licensee: CHB Venture. Net: SMN. Wash airy: 25 -54. Dr. John Bowling, pres; Bill DeWees, gen mgr; ft. TL: N40 28 36 W87 41 36. Stereo. Box 55, 627 N. Winston & Strewn. Format: C &W. Robert Channick, Carl Fletcher, opns mgr, mktg mgr & progmg mgr, Brian mgr; Market ( 60942).(217)283.7744. FAX: (217) 283.6090. pres & gen mgr; Leonard Frisaro, gen sls mgr; Roy Gre- Dishon, prom mgr; Kim El ridge, adv Tajhia Lynn, news dir; Maria Bar, pub affrs dir; Licensee: Hoopeston Radio Inc. (acq 5- 1 -84). Net: AP. gory, prom dir & progmg dir; Lane Lindstrom, chief engr. mus dir; Jeffrey Scott, Format: Country. News staff one; news progmg 6 hrs Rates: $38; 36; 36; 33. Don Kerovac, chief engr. wkly. Target aud: 25 plus; rural middle class. Spec prog: WNTKC(FM) -June 1, 1992: 91.1 mhz; 1.75 kw. Ant 305 7 hrs wkly. Richard Stipp, pres, gen WCSF(FM) -Sept 5,1988: 88.7 mhz; 100 w. Ant 108 ft. Sp one hr, gospel ft. TL: N41 09 24 W87 52 16. Hrs opn: 24. Box 464, mgr & sls dir, John Clark, mktg dir, Becky Buss, progmg TL: N41 31 58 W88 0554. Stereo. Hrs opn: Mon. -Fri., 7 AM -2 AM. 500 N. Wilcox St, (60435). (815) 740 -3425; Bourbonnais (60914); Suite 1, 1711 Rt. 50, (60914). dir & mus dir; Johnny McCrory, news dir & pub affrs dir; (815) 935 -7390. FAX: (815) 935 -5169. Licensee: Don Russell, chief engr. Rates: $15; 12; 14; 10. (815) 740 -3214. Licensee: College of St. Francis. For- mat: Rock, contemp hit. Target aud: 18-45; males. Spec Kankakee Community College. Format: Educ, tourism. in northem III. prog: Black 2 hrs, jazz 2 hrs, talk 4 hrs, requests 4 hrs, Target aud: General; travelers Jeannine Jacksonville classic rock 4 hrs wkly. Robert Zak, gen mgr; Dave Crooks, gen mgr. Frieberg, progmg dir & mus dir; Scott Scheuber, pub WJIL(AM)- November 1961:1550 khz; 1 kw-D, 10 w -N, WZZP(FM) -Oct 22, 1992: 95.1 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 328 ft. DA -2. IL: N394320 W90 11 43. Hrs opn:6 AM-midnight. affrs dir. TL: N41 04 39 W87 45 22.32 Briarcliff Professional Ctr, Morton Rd. (62651). (217) 245-5119. FAX: Bourbonnais (60914). (815) 933 -9545. FAX: (815) 933- Box 1065, E. WJCH(FM)-April 25, 1986: 91.9 mhz; 50 kw. Ant 460 Broadcast- 3291. Licensee: RollingsCommunications of Kankakee (217) 245 -1598. Licensee: Morgan County ft. TL: N41 24 55 W88 16 19. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. 13 ing Co. Inc. (acq 5-1 -93; including co -owned FM). Net: Inc. (acq 12-31-92; $90,000; FTR 1- 25 -93). Format: Fairtane Dr. (60435). (815) 725 -1331. Licensee: Family talk. News staff one; Classic rock. Mark Rollings, pres; Hy Farbman, stn ABC/I, Tribune. Format: Country, Stations Inc. (group owner). Format: Relg. Spec prog: 9 hrs wkly. Target aud: General. Spec prog: mgr. newsprogmg Class 2 hrs wkly. Harold Camping, pres & gen mgr; B.D. Hunter, pres; David Comstock, Farm 8 hrs wkly. John Rorvik, stn mgr & pub affrs dir; Craig Hulsebos, & mus dir, Marcy No- gen mgr, Scott Lambie, opns mgr progmg dir; Phyllis Johnston, mus dir; Greg Stephens, Kewanee mgr mktg mgr; Shannon Aosey, lan, nati sls mgr, rgnl sls & chief engr. news dir; Tom Howerton, chief engr. WKEI(AM) -Sept 11,1952:1450 khz; 500w -D,1 kw -N. 133 WJOL(AM)-1924: 1340 khz; 1 kw -U. TL: N41 32 10 TL: N41 13 37 W89 56 08. Box 266, E. Division St. WJVO(FM) Jacksonville). Co -owned with -(South W88 03 15. Hrs opn: 24. Box 430, 601 Walnut St. (61443). (309) 853-4471; (309) 853 -4472. Licensee: WJIL(AM). Sept 1,1986:105.5 mhz; 6 kw. Ant 340 ft. TL: (60434). (815) 726 -4761. FAX: (815) 726-0357. Licen- Miller Broadcast Co. Inc. (acq 10- 1 -87). Net: ABC /D. For- W901143. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. Frog sep from N394320 see: UNO Broadcasting Corp. (group owner, acq 10.4- mat: MOR, news/talk, adult contemp. News staff one; AM. Format: Classic rock. News progmg 4 hrs wkly. Tar- 87). Net: ABC /I. Rep: Katz & Powell. Wash airy: Arent, newsprogmg 10 hrs wkly. Target aud: 30-75. Spec prog: get aud: 25-49. Spec prog: Folk 3 hrs wkly. Marcy Fox, Kintner, Plotkin & Kahn. Format: Adult contemp, Farm 20 hrs, relg 10 hrs wkly. Gary Petersen, gen mgr Nolan, advdir; Dave Comstock, prog mgdir, Brett Hunter, news/talk. News staff 4; newsprogmg 40 hrs wkly. Target & adv mgr; Kathy Neubert, progmg dir; Dave Stone, mus dir. aud: 35 plus. Robert Tezak, pres; Jack Daly, gen mgr; news dir; Milton Nicholas Jr., chief engr. Morris, r engr, Jody Sebby, sls di r, Tony WLDS(AM) -Dec 9, 1941: 1180 khz; 1 kw -D. Ti..: N39 Ed opnsdi &chief WJRE(FM) -Co -owned with WKEI(AM). May 20, 1966: musdir, Randy Bunger, 4406 W90 11 50. Hrs opn: Sunrise -sunset. Box 1180, E. Ray, progmg dir; Derrick Brown, 92.1 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 300 ft. TL: N41 13 37 W89 56 08. news dir. Old State Rd. (62651). (217) 245-7171; (217) 243 -2800. Stereo. Prog sep f rom AM. Format: Adult contemp Target FAX: (217) 245 -7171, ext. 56. Licensee: Jerdon Broad- WLLI -FM -owned with WJOL(AM). Feb 6, 1960: aud: 25 plus. Gary Petersen, stn mgr; Kathy Neubert, casting (acq 8 -1-89; $650,000; FTR 6- 5 -89). Net: CBS; -Co 96.7 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 300 ft. TL: N41 32 10 W88 03 15. opns dir. III. News Net. Rep: Katz. Wash atty: Kaye, Scholer, Fier - Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. Frog sep from AM. Net: ABC /FM. man, Hays & Handler. Format: Adult contemp, news/talk. Format: Adult rock. Target aud: 21-36. La Grange News staff 3; news progmg 23 hrs wkly. Target aud: 35 plus; business & professional people, farmers & house- WJTW(FM )-Apr 17, 1960: 93.5 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 259 ft. WYLTL(FM)-Jan 5, 1968: 88.1 mhz; 180 w. Ant 138 ft. wives. Spec prog: Farm 20 hrs wkly. Jery Symons, vp TL: N41 3218 W88 05 35. Stereo. Suite 209, 2455 Glen- TL: N41 48 45 W87 52 51. Stereo. Hrs opn: 7 AM -10 PM. & gen mgr; Donald Hamilton, vp & gen sls mgr; Richard wood Ave. (60435). (815) 729 -9596. FAX: (815) 729- 100 S. Brainard Ave. (60525). (708) 482 -9585; (708) Smith, prom dir; Marty Megginson, prom mgr; Tim Thom - 9623. Licensee: New Horizons Communications Co. 579-6408. Licensee: Lyons Township High School. For- son, progmg dirt, Perry Brown, progmg mgr; Gary Ballard, (acq 9-30-85; $450,000; FTR 9- 3-85). Format: Adult con- mat: Community affrs & variety rock. News progmg 10 mus dir, Gary Scott, news dir; Jeff Squibb, pub affrs dir; temp. News staff one. Target aud: 25 -54. Terry Knust, hrs wkly. Target aud: General; young adults 14 -35. Spec Terry Poe, chief engr. Rates: $41; 32; 37; na. gen mgr; Bill Guertin, gen sls mgr; Rob Martini, progmg prog: Sports 5 hrs, news &views 10 hrs wkly. Kathleen mus Sandy Friend, news dir. Singletary, gen mgr& progmg dir; Dennis Strecker, chief WYMG(FM)-Licensed to Jacksonville. See Spring- dir& dir; engr. field. WLLI -FM- Listing follows WJOL(AM). WTAO(AM)-- October 1950:1300 khz; 5 kw -D, 500 w -N, Jerseyville VWVHN(AM) -April 10, 1964: 1510 khz; I kw -D.TL: N41 DA -2. TL: N41 46 36 W87 51 44 (CP: 4 kw -N. TL: N41 30 50 W88 03 10. Stereo. 240 E. 103rd St., Chicago, 4029 W874545).6012 S. Pulaski Rd., Chicago (60629). WJBM(AM) -Oct 11, 1959: 1480 khz; 500 w -D, 32 w -N, (60628). (312) 928 -7070. FAX: (312) 928 -6441. Licen- (312) 284 -8184. FAX: (312) 284 -8134. Licensee: Illinois DA -2. TL: N39 06 46 W90 18 43. 1010 Shipman Rd. see: Hawldns Braodcasting Co. (acq 12-89; $250,000; Lotus Corp. Group owner: Lotus Communications Corp. (62052). (618) 498 -2185. FAX: (618) 498 -9830. Licen- FTR 12- 4-89). Format: Gospel. News progmg 5 hrs wkly. (acq 5 -85; $1,650,000; FTR 6- 10 -85). Format: Sp. see: Gary Brown (acq 10- 31 -91; $180,000; FIR 12 -2- Target aud: 18 -54; affluent adults. Spec prog: Sp one hr Mario Limon, gen mgr; Mike Mazurski, nati sls mgr, Jose 91). Net: ABC /D; Brownfield. Rep: Roslin. Format: wkly. Raymond J. Hawkins, pres; Tomelia Hawkins, Alaniz, progmg dir; Andy Weiss, chief engr. Country, oldies, news. News staff 5; newsprogmg23 hrs vp, gen mgr & news dir; Karen L. Fletcher, opns dir; Tim wkly. Target aud: 25 plus; general market through retire- Jones. dev mgr; Hattie Herbert, prom mgr; Karen La Salle ment. Spec prog: Farm 18 hrs, gospel 12 hrs, sports 13 Fletcher, progmg dir; Fran Kane, asst mus dir; Frank hrs, relg 3 hrs wkly.

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