Competition Policy Newsletter Increased transparency and efficiency in public service AID STATE broadcasting. Recent cases in Spain and Germany (1) Pedro Dias and Alexandra Antoniadis Introduction The annual contribution granted to RTVE was made dependent upon the adoption of measures Since the adoption of the Broadcasting Communi- to increase efficiency. The Spanish authorities cation in 200, the Commission followed a struc- commissioned a study on the financial situation tured and consistent approach in dealing with of RTVE which revealed that the — at the time numerous complaints lodged against the financ- — existing workforce exceeded what was neces- ing of public service broadcasters in Europe. It sary for the fulfilment of the public service tasks. reviewed in particular the existing financing Agreement could be reached between the Span- regimes and discussed with Member States meas- ish authorities, RTVE and trade unions on a sig- ures to ensure full compliance with the EU State nificant reduction of the workforce through early aid rules. The experience has been positive: Sev- retirement measures. The Spanish State decided to eral Member States have either already changed or finance these measures, thus alleviating RTVE of committed themselves to changing the financing costs it would normally have to bear. The savings rules for public service broadcasters to implement in terms of labour costs and consequently pub- fundamental principles of transparency and pro- lic service costs of RTVE exceeded the financial portionality (2). burden of the Spanish State due to the financing of the workforce reduction measures. The Com- The present article reviews the two most recent mission approved the aid under Article 86 (2) EC decisions in this field which are examples of Treaty, also considering the overall reduction of increased efficiency and transparency in public State aid to the public service broadcaster (). service broadcasting. The reform of the financing regime for RTVE is a Financing of workforce reduction good example of the positive impact of State aid measures of RTVE investigations into the financing of public service broadcasters. The Commission’s investigation led In the context of the review of the previous to an overhaul of the previous financing system financing regime in favour of RTVE, the Spanish and triggered a system of transparent financing Government had given a series of commitments, based on annual contributions to cover the esti- including the adoption of safeguards against over- mated public service needs of RTVE. At the same compensation and possible non-market conform time, RTVE adopted measures to limit the costs behaviour of RTVE (3). In particular, in the future (here labour-related costs) to what is really neces- RTVE was to be financed through annual con- sary for the fulfilment of its tasks. tributions limited to the net public service costs as determined based on separate accounts. The General financing regime of ARD and Spanish Government also announced the estab- ZDF lishment of a new corporation under private law. Due to its new legal status, RTVE would no longer The investigation concerning the financing of benefit from the unlimited State guarantee and ARD and ZDF was triggered by several com- the tax exemption which were regarded by the plaints bringing forward a series of allegations, Commission as incompatible aid. ranging from the lack of a clearly defined public service remit, the lack of transparency (i.e. non (1) The content of this article does not necessarily reflect compliance with the requirement laid down in the official position of the European Communities. Res- the Transparency Directive) to alleged overcom- ponsibility for the information and views expressed lies pensation and cross-subsidisation into what were entirely with the authors. (2) See in particular the Commission decisions concerning regarded as purely commercial activities. the financing of the Italian, French and Spanish public In March 2005, DG COMP informed the Ger- service broadcasters in April 2005 (see IP/05/58) as well as the Commission decision regarding the financing of man Government of its preliminary view that the Portuguese public service broadcaster in March 2006 (see IP/06/39). (4) State aid No NN 8/2007; the Commission decision of (3) See State aid case E 8/2005, Commission decision of 20 7th March 2007 can be found on the Internet at: http:// April 2005 , published in the original language on: http:// ec.europa.eu/competition/state_aid/register/index. ec.europa.eu/competition/state_aid/register/index.html html, see also IP/07/29. Number 2 — 2007 67 State aid the financing regime was no longer compatible the same democratic, social and cultural needs of with the EU State aid rules. This so-called Arti- society. In its commitments, Germany proposed cle 7 letter was followed by a further exchange to further clarify the public service remit for new of information and then in 2006 by concrete and media activities through the establishment of constructive discussions between the Commis- additional criteria, the enumeration of functions sion services and the German authorities. In the that public service broadcasters need to fulfil as end, Germany submitted proposals for measures well as an illustrative list of activities which do to be implemented within the next two years. The (not) normally fall within the scope of the remit. Commission closed the investigation after having In particular the criterion requiring new media assessed these commitments and concluded that offers to make a contribution to editorial competi- they ensured a financing of public service broad- tion would require an analysis of the contribution casters in full respect of the EU State aid rules (5). of new offers to opinion shaping while also taking into account already existing offers on the mar- The commitments concern first of all safeguards ket. Also, private operators will have the oppor- that have already been implemented in a number tunity to give their comments on the expected of other Member Sates, such as a clear separation market impact of the envisaged new offers. In the of accounts for public service and other (purely end, the Länder endorse proposals by the public commercial) activities, a limitation of the avail- service broadcasters for new media activities and able public funding to the net public service costs formally entrust public service broadcasters with of public service broadcasters subject to regular these tasks. ex post control and the respect of market princi- ples for purely commercial activities. The cost sep- The acceptance of these commitments by the aration will be achieved by the fact that commer- Commission was based on the following general cial activities will be carried out by commercial considerations. subsidiaries of public service broadcasters. The relationship between the public service broadcast- The Commission confirmed that the public serv- ers and these subsidiaries must be at arm’s length. ice remit can encompass more than traditional Also, all investments of public service broad- television broadcasting and can also include casters into other undertakings must respect the new media activities. Also, the Commission rec- MEIP. These principles will be subject to adequate ognised that the mere distribution of the same ex post control. It is thus ensured that purely com- content over new platforms does not affect the mercial activities do not unduly benefit from pub- public service character of these programmes. lic funding and that the public funding will not be On the other hand, the Commission pointed out unnecessarily increased by non market conform that the principle of technological neutrality does behaviour. not mean that any service offered over new plat- forms would automatically constitute a service of Apart from issues similar to those in other cases, general economic interest. Therefore, it was nec- the German case also raised new issues in partic- essary that new services were subject to a prior ular as regards the financing of new media activi- evaluation of the particular public service char- ties and sports rights. acter — or in the wording of the Broadcasting Communication: that they addressed the same More particularly as regards the financing of new democratic, social and cultural needs of society. media activities, the Commission considered The findings of that evaluation would then need that a mere authorisation given to public service to be reflected in a formal act of entrustment. In broadcasters to offer new media services with- this respect, it was stressed that it cannot be left out the exact scope of these activities being suffi- to the public service broadcasters alone (includ- ciently clear would neither satisfy the requirement ing their internal control bodies) to determine the for a clear definition of the public service mission scope of their activities. Proposals elaborated and nor the requirement for a proper entrustment. developed by the public service broadcaster would The Commission considered that the current defi- need to be endorsed by public authorities. On the nition of programme-related and programme- other hand, the Commission also clarified that the accompanying new media services could not be need for a clearly defined and a properly entrusted regarded as sufficient in order to demonstrate to public service remit did not put into question fun- what extent these new media activities would serve damental principles of independence from the State and the resulting programme autonomy of (5) State aid No E 3/2005; the Commission decision of 2th April 2007 published on the internet: http:// public service broadcasters. ec.europa.eu/competition/state_aid/register/ii/by_ case_nr_e2005_000.html#3; see also IP/07/53 and These considerations are also valid for similar MEMO/07/50. cases in other Member States. It should neverthe- 68 Number 2 — 2007 Competition Policy Newsletter less be stressed that the Commission will continue service broadcasters would not be permissible AID STATE to assess the financing regime in each Member under Article 86 (2) EC Treaty.
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