USOO6593371 B1 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 6,593,371 B1 Staggs (45) Date of Patent: Jul. 15, 2003 (54) TREATMENT FORWARTAND RELATED (56) References Cited DSORDERS U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS (76) Inventor: Jeff J. Staggs, 1285 E. Goldsmith Dr., 4,180,058 A 12/1979 Brem ......................... 128/1 R Highlands Ranch, CO (US) 80126 6,063,381 A * 5/2000 Staggs ..................... 424/195.1 (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this patent is extended or adjusted under 35 * cited by examiner U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days. Primary Examiner Kevin E. Weddington (21) Appl. No.: 09/571,644 (57) ABSTRACT (22) Filed: May 15, 2000 A novel treatment for wart and related disorderS Such as papillomas derived from extracts of pepper, ginger, and Related U.S. Application Data related plant species containing Vanillyl (FIG. 3), and pip eridine (FIG. 7) ring structures typical of the pungent (63) Continuation-in-part of application No. PCT/US93/04763, principals found in pepper, and ginger. The pepper extracts, filed on May 19, 1993. which also possess antifungal properties are demonstrated in (51) Int. Cl." ......................... A61K 31/16; A61K 31/70 the topical treatment of warts. (52) U.S. Cl. .......................................... 514/627; 514/31 (58) Field of Search .................................... 514/627, 31 38 Claims, 7 Drawing Sheets U.S. Patent Jul. 15, 2003 Sheet 1 of 7 US 6,593,371 B1 OH PHENOL CH5OH FIGURE 1 OCH3 OH ORTHO-METHOXYPHENOL CHOCH4OH FIGURE 2 CH2 OCH OH VANILLYL (CHO)(OH) Chi -CH2 FIGURE3 U.S. Patent Jul. 15, 2003 Sheet 2 of 7 US 6,593,371 B1 CH2 -NH2 OCH3 OH 3-METHOXY-4-HYDROXYBENZYLAMINE (CH3O)(OH) C6H3-CH-NH2 FIGURE 4 CH-NH - R where R is an organic hydrocarbon group OCH OH VANILLYLAMIDE (CHO)(OH)CH-NH-R FIGURES U.S. Patent Jul. 15, 2003 Sheet 3 of 7 US 6,593,371 B1 CH-NH - R 21 N OCH3 OH R - CO-(CH2)4-CH=CH-CH-(CH3)2 CAPSAICN R - CO-(CH2)6- CH-(CH3)2 DIHYDRO R - CO-(CH2)5- CH-(CH3) NORDIHYDRO " R - CO-(CH2)9 - CH-(CH3)2 HOMODIHYDRO " R - CO-(CH2)5- CH=CH-CH (CH3)2 HOMO R - CO-(CH2)7 - CH NONANOIC ACID VANILLYLAMIDE R - CO-(CH2)3-CH DECANOIC ACID VANILLYLAMIDE CAPSACINOIDS FIGURE 6 O H PIPERIDINE (CH2)NH F RE 7 U.S. Patent Jul. 15, 2003 Sheet 4 of 7 US 6,593,371 B1 "N--- O) PPERINE R N---O PIPERYLINE "N-- O) PIPERETTINE *N----O PIPEROLEIN A 's--~~~ O) PPEROLEIN B () PIPERINNE * N-n-a-So O WHERE R= ( O IO) PUNGENT ALKALODS PRINCIPALS OF PEPPER FIGURE 8 U.S. Patent Jul. 15, 2003 Sheet 5 of 7 US 6,593,371 B1 OCH3 OH EUGENOL C10H12O2 IGURE CURCUMIN C2H20O6 E 1 U.S. Patent Jul. 15, 2003 Sheet 6 of 7 US 6,593,371 B1 5.O OH (CH2)CH3 O (CH2)CH3 OCH d +H2O OH OH GINGEROL SHOGAOL C17H24O3 (where n = 4, 6, or 8) (CH2)CH3 O O +C2H5OH +CH3(CH2)CHO OCH3 OCH3 OH OH PARADOL ZINGERONE C11H14O3 GNGEROLS FIGURE 11 U.S. Patent Jul. 15, 2003 Sheet 7 of 7 US 6,593,371 B1 OCH RF OH R = -( )- OH RESINIFERATOXIN TINYATOXIN FIGURE 12 FIGURE 13 US 6,593,371 B1 1 2 TREATMENT FORWART AND RELATED Physician administered nitrogen free Zing, DISORDERS electrodesiccation, curettage, laser, and Stronger acid treat ments are effective to destroy the wart, but often leave a Scar PRIORITY INFORMATION in place of the wart. Treatment is expensive, requiring This is a continuation-in-part of continuation-in-part 5 administration by a physician, and often requires follow-up. application PCT/US93/04763 International Filing date May In spite of these measures, the wart returns about one-third 19, 1993, which is also U.S. PCT National Stage Application of the time, or new ones crop up around the edges of the old Ser. No. 08/338 489 filed Mar. 18, 1997 which became U.S. one. These poor results are obtained at a cost of Several Pat. No. 6,063,381 all of which claim priority from U.S. hundred dollars. National application Ser. No. 07/886,640 filed May 21, 1992 The failure of prior art medications to produce an now abandoned effective, reasonably priced wart treatment has Several nega tive consequences. Patients cannot get adequate relief The TECHNICAL FIELD high cost of treatment adds further to the already exorbitant The invention relates to a novel treatment for wart and cost of healthcare borne by employers, government, and related disorderS Such as papillomas derived from extracts of 15 ultimately the patient through added medical bills, increased pepper and ginger and chemically related Species. insurance premiums and higher taxes. Repeated physician Visits reduce worker productivity, and leisure time. BACKGROUND ART Unresolved wart cases with cancer causing HPV may Warts, or verrucae infect man and animal alike. More than result in Severe illness, or loss of life for many, in addition 80 related strains of papillomavirus (HPV) have been iden to the much greater medical costs associated with cancer tified as the cause. It is estimated than 40 million Americans treatment. These misfortunes are multiplied as cancer caus have some form of HPV infection. ing HPV Strains are spread to others. At particular disad Vantage are low-income individuals without healthcare Most warts are harmless, but may also harbor bacterial insurance who cannot afford cancer treatment, and are most infections. Still other may cause cancer of the cervix, Vagina, 25 Vulva, anus, penis, mouth, throat, or esophagus. likely to perish as a result. Warts affect all age groups, but are most common in Prior art wart treatments lack the effectiveness necessary children. Almost everyone has had common warts. These to treat the problem Sufficient to attract consumer appeal and infect the fingers, around nails, knees, face, Scalp, and may Secure product profitability, and Success for drug companies. Spread to other areas including the mouth. They lack economic feasibility for development of low cost treatments for the poor of industrialized countries, develop Plantar warts develop on the Sole of the foot, causing pain, ing countries, and Similar products for livestock, companion particularly while walking and thickening of the Surrounding animal, and other veterinary uses to the detriment of patient skin. Plantar warts are difficult to cure. and Supplier alike. Filiform warts form long, narrow, Small growths on eyelids, face, neck, or lips. 35 Today, more than every before, the importance of having medications that are not only Safe, and effective, but cost Flat warts (more common in children and young adults) effective as well, is becoming critical to the preservation of form Smooth yellow-brown spots usually on the face. our way of life. Escalating health care costs in the United Seborrheic warts, though not caused by a virus are found States are causing real hardship on the middle and lower most commonly on the face of the aged. 40 income Americans as 1 in 6 cannot afford health care Genital warts are transmitted Sexually, infecting the Vulva, insurance. A greater share of the household budget otherwise vaginal wall, cervix, and areas around the Vagina In men, the Spent on housing, college education, retirement, penis and Surrounding areas may be infected. Also a Site of entertainment, and consumer goods must instead go to cover infection is the area around the anus and in the rectum more health care costs. The Standard of living is lowered as capital common in homosexual men, and in Women who engage in 45 is taken from industries that provide employment, and create anal Sex. Some types of genital warts emit foul Smelling tax revenues. The national debt continues to Soar as increas Secretions. The mouth and throat are also an area of infection ing numbers of citizens are excluded from adequate medical and transmission as a result of oral SeX with infected care. Is health care at the risk of economic rum a real benefit genitalia. Genital warts return frequently and require to Society? repeated treatment. They are highly contagious, with an 50 estimated 1 million new cases occurring each year in the DISCLOSURE OF INVENTION U.S. Sites of infection including vagina, cervix, uterus, Several objects and advantages of my invention include penis, rectum, mouth, throat ect, are at increased risk for an improved treatment for wart infections of unparalleled developing cancer. Immunocompromised patients with effectiveness. A treatment that Saves the misery of millions AIDS, cancer, diabetes, and recipients of organ transplant 55 of Sufferers, is low in toxicity, low in cost, Safe, leaves no medication are most susceptible to HPV, as well as other Scarring, is affordable to the poor, and hence of broader infections. commercial feasibility. A treatment that quickly resolves Warts are unsightly, causing revulsion, embarrassment in wart varieties with cancer causing potential prior to the addition to itch, foul odor, pain discomfort, and increased cancerous Stage to avert Serious illness, loss of life, and cancer risk. Prior art treatments are expensive, prolonged, 60 spread of the infection to other parts of the body, and to other and often ineffective. Even wealthy sufferers, with the best perSons, and eliminates the need for costly cancer treatment. health care available are hardly much better off than the A treatment that Saves billions of dollars annually in patient poorest of the world with regard to wart afflictions. productivity, healthcare costs, and capable of becoming a The prior art acid peel method requires Several weeks or model for demonstrated Savings in commercial healthcare, months of repeated daily applications hoping to Soften the 65 and government Sponsored programs Such as Medicare, and wart enough to allow it to be peeled off This method often Medicaid.
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