Immaculate Conception Church Marlborough, MA www.icmarlboro.com Our parish mission is to "go and make disciples of all nations" (Mt 28:19). MAY 23, 2021 PENTECOST SUNDAY WELCOME We are happy to have you join our parish family. Please introduce yourself to Father after Mass. We hope that you and your family will consider making Immaculate Conception Parish your home parish. Registration forms are available at the back of the church, on our website (www.icmarlboro.com), or by calling the parish office at 508-485-0016. Weekend Mass Schedule English ~ Saturday: 4:00 p.m., Sunday: 7:30 a.m., 11:00 a.m. Upper, 11:00am Lower and 5:00 p.m. Portuguese ~ Sunday: 9:00 a.m. Spanish ~ Sunday: 1:00 p.m. Daily Mass Schedule Monday through Saturday at 7:30 a.m. In Upper Church. Eucharistic Adoration Monday through Saturday 6:30 a.m.— 7:30 a.m. before daily Mass. First Friday 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. & First Saturday 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. in Upper Church Cenacle Holy Hour of Prayer Monday ‘s (except holiday’s) at 6:00 p.m. St. Mary’s Chapel, Lower Church Sacrament of Baptism Baptism is ordinarily celebrated the second Sunday of the month. Instructions for parents and godparents are usually held the Sunday prior to Baptism at 3:00 p.m. in Upper Church. You are invited to call the parish office at 508-485-0016 to make arrangements for your child’s sacrament. Sacrament of Reconciliation Tuesday’s from 5:00pm - 6:00pm in the parking lot and Saturday’s 1:00pm - 3:00pm in the Lower Church. Other times by appointment. Sacrament of Marriage Arrangements should be made by calling the parish office at least 6 months prior to the intended date of the wedding. Sacrament of the Sick Please call the parish office for the sacrament and notify the parish office in case of hospitalization. Thank You for your generosity. May God bless you and your loved ones. Rev. Steven Clemence, Pastor [email protected] May 23, 2021: $14,753.00 Rev. Przemyslaw Kasprzak Special Collections Deacon Charles Rossignol May 13 Ascension of the Lord May 23 Seminary Offering Deacon Elcio F. Dos Santos, Jr. May 30 Maintenance & Development Ms. Jill Mazanec, Finance & Operations Manager 508-485-0016 Jason Gaudette, Director of Music 508-485-0016 Saturday, May 22, 2021 4:00pm Winifred Bellan, Marie & James Daigle Mrs. Lee Ann Rempelakis, Parish Secretary Sunday, May 23, 2021 508-485-0016 7:30am Don Matchinski Mrs. Margie Sáez, Religious Education 11:00am UC Joan Marrazzo 508-481-7535 11:00am LC Joan Bigham 5:00pm People of the Parish Mrs. M. Neurene O. de Menezes, Brazilian Secretary Monday, May 24, 2021 508-460-1255 7:30am Mary Shinnick Tuesday, May 25, 2021 Mrs. Elizabeth Alcantar, Spanish Secretary 7:30am Maureen Arnott 508-787-0506 Wednesday, May 26, 2021 7:30am Jack Andrews - Mass for the Living Thursday, May 27, 2021 7:30am Viveiros Family - Mass for the Living Friday, May 28, 2021 Contact Us 7:30am Eula McLeod Church: Saturday, May 29, 2021 11 Prospect Street 7:30am T.S. Zau Marlborough, MA 01752 4:00pm Lucille Ficaro Sunday, May 30, 2021 Parish office: 9 Washington Court 7:30am Nancy Dougherty Business Hours: Mon. - Fri. 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. 11:00am UC People of the Parish Tel: 508-485-0016 /Fax: 508-480-9644 11:00am LC Joseph DeSimone Email: [email protected] 5:00pm Barbara Ricci St. Vincent de Paul Help Line: Parking on Prospect Street Phone: 978-763-0578 Email: [email protected] Next Monday through Friday, the City of Marlbor- ough will be doing work on Prospect Street. Please park in the Meehan Hall parking lot during this time. Thank you. Dear Brothers and Sisters, This week we received very encouraging news that COVID seems to be something that we are about to put behind us by the grace of God. This weekend, we celebrate the Feast of the Pente- cost, which we remember the Holy Spirit descending upon the Apostles, blessing them with the ability to speak in languages they didn’t know and with words far beyond their own learning. The apostles were not learned men. Some of them were quite the opposite. We know that Peter and his brother Andrew were fishermen, that although skilled with netting and boating, they seemed to be quite rough and uneducated. Those elements for God did not matter when the Holy Spirit descended on them. It was the Holy Spirit that empowered them to be evangelizers through- out the world, transformed them from who they were to who God wanted them to be. I believe that God wants to do a similar transformation in our parish. After many months praying and talking with parishioners, I believe that God is calling us to come together with fellow parish- ioners and to bring our faith family to the forefront of our minds. It is a time to greet old friends and to meet and welcome new ones. To resume cherished traditions and hopefully look to start new ones. As the disciples left the upper room filled with the Holy Spirit and began to spread God’s word, let’s likewise come together to create parish outreach ideas that will become events for celebration, gathering, support, joy and growth. Together we can share thoughts on a great number of outreach ideas to help support and give opportunities to flourish by sharing our time, treasures and talents both in preparation or participation. How can we reach out? Where can we seek inspiration? Let’s come together to inspire and to be inspired! Together we can be a spark for a dynamic parish and even the smallest thoughts or gestures often have tremendous impact, so please consider how you will get involved. Great and small – all are welcome and needed. At first, we may feel like the apostles, that we are not fit for this task, or not qualified for this work. Remember the famous saying, “God does not call the qual- ified, but He qualifies the called.” The second reading this weekend from Saint Paul, he exhorts the Corinthians saying that “to each individual the manifestation of the Spirit is given for some benefit.” Our parish needs each manifestation of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Finally, in order to bring about this change in ourselves, in our parish, and those around us, let’s meet on Tuesday, June 1st, at 7:00pm in the Upper Church to discern what God is calling us to do together. This Pentecost initiative is only a spark of the fire of the Holy Spirit that will get us ig- nited to bring about this change. As I wrote last week, “the harvest is plenty and the laborers are few!” Please come and join us bringing God’s word to all the ends of the earth! All are welcome to this evening. In the meantime, let’s pray asking the Holy Spirit to invade our hearts. Let’s ask him to inspire people. I ask you during this time to say the invocation of the Holy Spirit every day, so that we lis- ten to the call and respond generously: “Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love.” God bless, Fr. Steven Religious Education News Join us as we pray for the Confirmands who will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation on Saturday, May 29. They are: Connor Burke, Meg Carroll, Madelyn Carter, Tade Coffey, Marisa Coye, Jack Evers, Bethany Gibson, Matt Gogan, Jorshely Guzman, Caroline Marshall, Jesse Matijevic, Annie Morales, Mariana Mo- rales Martinez, Liam O'Leary, Zach Petty, Jennifer Sanchez Garcia, Michael Sanchez, Mary Stefanski, and Eva Velasquez. Grade 9, Year 1 Confirmation Prep will have its final session on Sunday, May 30. Registration for Grades One through Eight for Fall 2021 is underway. The Registration form is available online. If you are looking for ways to assist with the Religious Education program, we are looking for kind-hearted, pas- sionate, faithful souls to help with Catechetical Ministries. If you feel the calling, please reach out to Mrs. Saez to learn more. Those who volunteer their time and talent as Catechists for Religious Education receive free tuition for their children enrolled in the program. Please prayerfully consider joining us. Catholic Appeal Update I am pleased to share that even during these difficult times, Immaculate Conception Parish has raised $42,351 toward our 2021 Catholic Appeal goal of $56,634. Our heartfelt thanks to all who have helped make our cam- paign a success so far this year. Whether you are attending Mass in person or watching from home, I invite you to join me in supporting the Cath- olic Appeal. We recognize that many of you may be navigating your own financial challenges, but ask for your prayerful consideration of a gift to the 2021 Catholic Appeal at whatever level is comfortable for you. If you have not received a Catholic Appeal letter or email request, donations can be made on line at www.bostoncatholicappeal.org Every gift, regardless of the size, is meaningful and can make an impact. Your participation in our Appeal is very much appreciated by our parish and the thousands that are served through the Archdiocesan Central Ministries. This is our Church and when you support the Appeal, you support us! Immaculate Conception Second Collections We apologize for the confusion but our second collection this weekend (May 23) is for the Seminaries.
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