TELEPATHY ~ ASTROLOGY \V '- ^ u # f 'A r t r 1 1 f H I r f 1SYCHIC POWER Vol, II THE PSYCHIC LEADER No. 1 CONTENTS FOR FEBRUARY, 1923 A Few Thoughts of Inspired Writings .............................. .. .............. *.............. .. ........................ ................. Lord Headley 4 How to Develop Spirit Photography With Illustrations................................................. fjr. w \ M. Keeler 13 Thought Transference Its Useful ness and IIow to Make Others Think of You ..............................................................- ................. William Brock 17 Recorded Accounts of Psychic Manifestations As Published by the American P re s s ................................................ 19 Lessons in Applied Psychology Elementary. Part I ..................... .,................. Clarence JT. Poster 22 The Chart of Mind Showing the Historical and Prophetic Cycles of Consciousness and the Correct Sequence of the Distinct Degree of Intelligence ..............................................- ........... - ..............John Bertram Clarke 25 The Textbook of Life Written Under Inspiration.................................. .Effa E. Danelson 30 A Complete Course of Graded Lessons for Aspirants to Spirit Com munication. Jewish Spiritualism An Account of Psychic Manifestations—Spirit Communications and Healing Among the Jews in Bible Times and the Tahnudieal Era . ................................................... ......................William Brock 39 Short Articles Our Greatest Problem. Immortality. A Simple Fact in Nature Spirit Messages......................................... William J, Bryan-, M. D. Short Stories and Poems Answers to Personal Questions Regarding Psychic Unfoldment. Business. Love, Dream Interpre tations. etc. Eminent Authorities in Science, Art and Literature Whose Names Are of Record as Spiritualists William T. Stead, editor Eng Prof. Cesare Lombroso, Pro C. F. Varley, Chief Engineer Prof. Wra. Crookes, F. R. S., lish Review of Reviews. fessor Psychiatry, Univer Electric & International editor London Jour. Science^ Professor Challis, Professor sity of Turin. Telegraph Co. Lord Rayleigh, F. R. S., Pro of Astronomy at Cam Gustav T. Fecbner, Professor Prof. Scheibner, Teacher of fessor of Physics, Univer bridge. of Physics, University of Mathematics, University of sity of Cambridge. Leipsic. Abraham Lincoln, martyred Leipsic. Professor De Morgan, at one President of the United Prof. Henry Kiddle, formerly W. F. Barrett, Professor of time London's greatest States. Superintendent New York Physics, Royal College of mathematician Alfred R. Wallace, P. G. S., City Schools, Science, Dublin. author, scientist, naturalist. Robert Bell, distinguished Dr. Lockhart Robertson, for Hon. Benjamin F. Wade, ex- Judge J. W. Edmonds, for dramatist and novelist, of merly editor Journal Men United States Senator, ex- merly of the New York England. tal Science. President of Senate. Bench. W. E. Webber, Professor of Herr Max Selling, Professor Dr. Migtiel Sans Benito, Pro Oliver Johnson, a former edi Physics, University of Got- of Polytechnics, University fessor of Metaphysics, Uni tor of the Christian Union. tenburg. of Helsingfors. versity of Barcelona. Prof. Alexander Wilder, M. Professor F. Zoellner, author Dr. Franz Hoffman, Profes Hon. John P. Browns former D„ writer, author, meta “Transcendental Physics," sor of Philosophy, Wurtz- attache of the Turkish Le- physician. Leipsic. burg Univereity. ' gation, Constantinople. *> PSYCHIC POWER Reincarnation—A Study of Forgot^. Buy Your Books from P sychic of Oriental Magi. Tho student of mysticism will find here information on these and other Truth, By E. D. Walker. A profound |t P ower and Save SO Per Cent subjects; Hidden Meaning of the Zodiac vestigation into the history and credibility : j The World Next Door—An explanation of Symbol; The Significance of the Alphabets the doe trine of continued existence and ^ the spirit-side of life and of conditions in and Tarot Cards; How to Make and Use the those perplexing mysteries enveloping kmnm, j that sphere, based on teachings received in the Magic Mirror, with which communication can itv which only reincarnation can solv»; 1 seance room of tho Wm. T. Stead Memorial be established with the Astral Brotherhood. Walker's scholarly work answers tho obj^l * Center. Answers such questions as: How S6 pages, illustrated, bound in pictorial boards. tious of the materialists and builds up ^ spirits can pass through our walls ? How they Our price, postpaid, $1.00 impregnable lino of argument in favor of itj. can be so near us without our feeling their mortality through repeated lives. 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It is descrip a school-book, not a diary, not a novel, not a tive o f life in the Spirit world, and is told biography: it is not laden with solemn How I Discovered My Mediumsbip—B y Mrs.. in a wonderfully attractive and descriptive thoughts, but it lets in the light of truth, and Cecil N. Cook, Medium of the Wm. T. Stead * manner. Par people who have lost a loved makes life ’s most baffling problems clear. Memorial Center. A glimpse into the life- one it is especially to be recommended, as 300 pages, cross reference subject index of work, trials and experiences of one of our they will feel they are following him or her 3,000 divisions, beautifully bound in blue cloth most remarkable mediums, who has given in their life beyond the veiL Let all who with gold lettering. 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The {‘Book of Studies o f the Zodiac—By Whitehead> sage of the Scriptures revealed. The spirit of Books, ’ ’ that has been a staff upon which the Zenos and others. A storehouse of informa prophesy pro ved! What will happen in 1925? weary have leaned for centuries, is filled with '• tion on- occult lore. Explains the Science of Will the world really end, or is some other the wisdom of the ages, the treasures
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