Fifth Edition Foes Aaztar-ghola Aaztar-gholas are ancient creatures originating from some other dimension, foul things that have established themselves in the prime material plane. They attire their tall, hideous bodies in flowing, richly embroidered robes, adorning themselves with strange, baroque jewelry. Aaztar-ghola CE Medium humanoid Initiative +0 DEFENSE AC 14 hp: 40 (7d8 + ) OFFENSE Speed: 40 ft. Melee Attack—Scimitar x2: +5 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one creature). Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) slashing damage. STATISTICS Str 14 (+2), Dex 11 (+0), Con 12 (+1), Int 16 (+3), Wis 11 (+0), Cha 8 (-1) Languages: Common, Abyssal Skills: History +5 TRAITS Spellcasting: Aaztar-gholas are natural spellcasters who can cast the spells listed below (+6 to hit, save DC 14). 1st Level (x2): inflict wounds (range 50 ft.) 2nd Level (x1): see invisibility 3rd Level (x1 each): dispel magic, fly 7th Level (x1): finger of death ECOLOGY Environment: Any Organization: Solitary Treasure: Standard Aaztar-gholas find human flesh delectable, especially when it is cooked with the strange spices of their distant homeland. An aaztar-ghola lair often contains cauldrons, skewers, and more alien and disturbing culinary implements. cannot be turned, although as creatures not inherently native to the prime Aaztar-gholas have a particular necromantic affinity with ghouls, which material plane they are affected by protection from evil. obey their commands without any perceptible reluctance. The lair of an These horrid creatures are natural adepts of the necromantic arts, and aaztar-ghola is 90% likely to be guarded by a pack of 2d6 + 6 ghouls. all of them have spellcasting powers. They are capable of speaking with In the presence of an aaztar-ghola, ghouls are highly resistant to being any sort of undead creature, even those that have no intellect at all such as turned; they have tactical advantage on saving throws against turning. zombies. This ability to communicate with the undead does not imply the Ghasts are also willing to serve aaztar-gholas, but they do so for their own ability to control; ghouls are the only undead creatures that automatically purposes; they are unaffected by the strange control that aaztar-gholas follow commands given by an aaztar-ghola. have over ordinary ghouls. Aaztar-gholas themselves are not undead and — Author: Matt Finch 4 Designation of Product Identity: The following items are hereby des- 5. 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