TheCaliforniaTech California Institute of Technology Volume LVII Pasadena, California, Friday, June I, 1956 Number 30 Notice how to read these cause of the the print whi- hroughout on difficult it' is headlines be- similarity of ch is used t- these stories theatre "Will Success Spoil Rock tIes the troupe back to Moscow by Mike Milder year, only students in the upper only to be rescued by the omni­ "Will Success Spoil Rock Hunter?" will close Saturday, Caltech maintains a wide­ half of their class have been present agent. Hunter?" is a sexplosion of June 23. She Carthay Circle spread program of shcolarship eligible to apply for scholarship aid for its students, a program laughs. The comedy, by George Theatre is Located at 6316 San George S. Kaufman, Leveen aid. Funds have always been Axelrod, is a satire of Holly. Vicente Blvd in Los Angeles. MacGrath and Abe Burrows dig that is perhaps one of the most availiable sufficent to extend extensive of its type of any col· aid to virtually very such eli­ wood's literacy, wealth, ethics Curtain is at 8:30 each evening into this melee and come up and sex. Take'offs on film life, and tickets are priced from with some clever, fast moving lege in the country. But the gible student who has shown need. its money, its work and its past· $i.10 to $3.30 with top on week· dialogue. Cole Porter catches Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships and Honors has times·are not exactly new, dif· ends. Dark Sunday. Tickets for the spirit of things with his mu· For next year, the Scholar­ announced changes in policy ferent or exciting, but somehow the weekend performances sic and lyrics which help the ship Committee has decided to that promise still to improve the show provides a barrage of should be purchased about three show move along briskly. "Silk extend eligibility for scholar­ laughs. days in advance. Stockings" contains such Porter Caltech's present scholarship ship aid to every student in SILK STOCKINGS tunes as "All of You" and "With­ program. good .standing. The Committee A beautiful, dumb blond, Rita PHILHARMONIC out Love." The choreography L.W. Jones. Dean of Admiss­ Marlowe, whose main claim to has made this decision because AUDITORIUM of Eugene Loring is colorful and ions and member of the Com­ of the trend of increasing amou­ film success is her build, is the noisy particularly in "Jose­ "Silk Stockings" moved into mittee, supplied a number of nts of scHolarship funds being focal point of the play. The phine" and thetinale. facts of interest about the pro­ show opens with her wrapped town this week as the second made available to Caltech. The presentation of the Los Angeles Things get off to a fine start gram. In recent years, the Insti· Committee expects that several in towel and enJoying a mass· tute has been able to extend fin­ age. A bewildered and unbelieve· Civic Light Opera Association. with a scene in a Paris hotel, new scholarships will be estab­ In contrast to its predecessor, ancial aid to roughly one-third ably naive magazine writer, then seem to settle down for a lished at Caltech by various in­ "Rosalinda," which got its laughs of the undergraduate student George MacCauley. blunders in while until the second act, when dustrail organizations. State­ by hitting the Corn Belt, "Silk the show lets 10};lSe with dia­ body. This last year, 184 stu­ and eventually makes a deal wide and nationwide scholar­ Stockings" delivers a humorous logue, song and dance for lots dents received scholarship aid. ships such as the Merit and with a Mephistophelen theatri­ evening by tickling the funny of fun. J a Mielziner's sets help Ahout 40 per cent of these cal agent who gives him any­ General Motors Scholarships, are bone with some delightfully nim­ the show considerably hy reflect· scholarships were provided dire­ expected to take care of an in­ thing he wants for ten percent ble-witted dialogue. ing the spirit of what goes on in ctly from Institute funds, and of his soul. MacCau1E:y acquires, creasing numbe" of needv Tech­ The play is a satire of Russian front of the footlights. about 60 per cent from so-called men. INa less than eighteen of among other things, a million special funds, set up by outside life (or is it death?) that also "Silk Stockings" closes Satur­ the incomins:: Freshman are dollars, Miss Marlowe and a organizations, largely industrial. personality to make good. use manages to take a jab or two at day, June 30. The Philharmonic 110lde;'s of Merit Scholarships, America and Americans. A way· Scholarships from these special of both. He ends up in Holly­ AUditorium is located on the and five more have been award­ ward Russian composer gets lost funds are awarded entirely at wood not doing much of any­ corner of Fifth and Olive Streets ed G.M. Scholarships.) Dr. E. H. in the pleasures of Paris and the discretion of the Institute thing except selling his soul in downtown Los Angeles. Week Swift. chairman of the C.om­ three flunkies are sent to "force· night tickets are priced from with the limitation that some mittee, mentioned that the re­ and is rescued at the hundred him back by his own free will" of these scholarships have been percent mark by Mike Freeman, $1.20 to $4.90. \Veekend tickets cent publicity afforded the to Russia, but they too begin to have a $5.40 top. Evening cur­ earmarked for students in parti­ shortage of technical manpower writer of a play that Miss Mar· enjoy the "decadent" bourgeois cular options. lowe films. taIn is 8:30 p.m.; Matinees on has .been largely responsible life of Paris. Ninotchka (Jan Wednesday and Saturday at 2:30 Dean Jones remarked that the for industry's increased interest James Dobson turns out a Sherwood) is sent to rescue all p.m. Dark Sunday. Tickets for special funds tend to favor stu­ in setting un such scholarship magnificently dazed, ridiculous four from the evils of luxury, the weekend performances dents in the engineering op­ funds at Caltech and on a and sympathetic George Mac· but she finds it pretty comfort­ should be purchased at least five tions, but that this fact allows nationial basis. Cauley. George Givot is suit­ able in the arms of an American days in advance. Institute funds to be released ably ignorant as an obnoxious theatrical agent (Don Ameche). for aiel to students in the sci­ As far as the average Tech­ -Dick Kirk film producer who is the epi· Duty calls however and she hus· ences. According to Dean Jones, man is concerned, the change tome of wealthy illiteracy. "Scholars11ip ass i s tan c e is in policy wiH not have too dras­ awarded entirely on the basis tic an effect. It will mean that Wild-eyed Lango wr.ites of financial need, with no dis­ prohably a few mare under­ crimination regarding option or gradllates will be able to receive class." financial help than previously. In previous years, as in this With luck, according to Dean more bull on Open Forum Jones, up to 50 per cent more by Wild-eyed John of the Institute are endangered, students will recieve scholar­ The Open Forum's program newspaper articles, if any, JT()I2"" A13()UT ship grants than in previous for next term was approved by should follow the event, and if MAJU[2 JTI:r=r="" years. .-:\t any rate, the change tbe BOD in its meeting held necessarY,be kept off the front Monday, at 11 a.m., Major is a welcome beginning. last Monday night. A progress page." Adverse public rea~tion Steffy's Air Science III class report was also presented by to off-eampus publicity was one saw him in class for proba.bly the Forum. It was the Board's of the major criticisms of the the last time. After a longer tour Bergletl unofficiat opinion tlfat the Forum's intended program. of duty than the Air Force Forum was not ready for re­ Membership on the Open usual he is finally begin trans, cognition as(the goals of the Forum was one of the major ferred. As Assistant Professor Petie" P,ize original Board decision had not points of controversy. Two pos­ Major Steffy distingusihed him­ Howard Berg and Rube Moul­ been attained. sible plans,wete proposed. One of Air Science and Tactics ations covered some phase of A debate between a socialist would establish a committee of self as one Tech instru~tor who ly at the Conger Peace Prize and a RepUblican is the first seven wpich would perpetuate prepared himself for class, then assembly, which was held last activity on the Open Forum's itself, although two of its mem­ presented his courses in a Thursday at Culbertson hall. teniative program for next bership must be seniors. The friendly personable style. The other competetors were term. Following this will be a second wOuld establish a club Strangely, he never bothered Myron Black, John Velman, T~hnocrat, a representative of whose membership would elect to tell us how he won WWII. Keith Brown, and Robert Brad­ a left-wing group, a represen­ a planning committee........of seven. Strangely, because he flew all ford. EJachof the 7 minute or· tative of a right-wing grouP: and The official status of the Open over the South Pacific in' Mus­ ations vcovered some phase of an author expressing some diver­ Forum, if it )Vere. recognized tangs (F-51), Thunderbelts international or industrial pe,ace.
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