E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 112 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 157 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2011 No. 141 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was whether or not this is a good idea for dressed that. We had 3.8 percent unem- called to order by the Speaker pro tem- our country. It’s class warfare. It will ployment. pore (Mr. MCCLINTOCK). hurt job creation. You know, these are What have they done to create a sin- gle job so far this year? Nothing. In f arguments. It won’t raise money. These are arguments that certainly are fact, they eliminated jobs. But, you DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO very, very telling. know, that’s because we want to give TEMPORE In fact, I have some direct quotes the job creators a break. We don’t want The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- from one Representative: ‘‘This is real- to tax them, all to protect tax cuts. fore the House the following commu- ly the Dr. Kevorkian plan for our econ- And then, finally, the final quote nication from the Speaker: omy. It will kill jobs, kill businesses, about we don’t have a revenue problem; we have a spending problem is from WASHINGTON, DC, and yes, kill even the higher tax reve- September 21, 2011. nues that these suicidal tax increasers then Representative BOEHNER, now I hereby appoint the Honorable TOM hope to gain.’’ Speaker BOEHNER. MCCLINTOCK to act as Speaker pro tempore Another Representative: ‘‘Class war- Now, of course, our taxes are at 15 on this day. fare may win political campaigns, but percent of our gross domestic product, JOHN A. BOEHNER, it doesn’t spur economic growth. Rais- considerably lower than the percent of Speaker of the House of Representatives. ing the capital gains tax may garner taxes that were levied in the Reagan f political capital, but it will not create era. And, you know, we do have a rev- enue problem, $5 trillion of tax cuts MORNING-HOUR DEBATE any jobs.’’ And then, finally, of course: ‘‘When over the last decade, $5 trillion, 5 thou- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- are we going to get it? We do not have sand billion dollars of tax cuts, heavily ant to the order of the House of Janu- a revenue problem in this Congress; we oriented toward the job creators—the ary 5, 2011, the Chair will now recog- have a spending problem.’’ millionaires and the billionaires. nize Members from lists submitted by Those are heavy criticisms. And just Where are the jobs? Where are the jobs? the majority and minority leaders for think if they proved true what a dis- It doesn’t work. First it was 8 years morning-hour debate. aster it would be for America. Now, of of Bush tax cuts, then 2 years of Bush- The Chair will alternate recognition course, these criticisms were all lev- between the parties, with each party Obama tax cuts, and now we have eled in 1993, the last time we had a President Obama’s further proposed limited to 1 hour and each Member Democratic President propose that other than the majority and minority tax cuts. millionaires and billionaires should Tax cuts don’t create jobs. leaders and the minority whip limited pay a fair rate of taxes in this country. Now, I think, actually, now I have to 5 minutes each, but in no event shall The first one was from Representa- considered their arguments, the Presi- debate continue beyond 11:50 a.m. tive Christopher Cox, a total idiot who dent’s right. Billionaire hedge fund f ran the Securities and Exchange Com- speculators on Wall Street, let’s think mission while Wall Street gambled our PAY A FAIR SHARE about it. Their rate of taxation is 15 economy into the tank. He said the percent on billions of dollars of in- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The part about killing jobs, and we come. A small business owner, $50,000 a Chair recognizes the gentleman from wouldn’t get jobs and we wouldn’t get year, whoa, more than twice that. Oregon (Mr. DEFAZIO) for 5 minutes. higher revenues. Army captain, just back from defend- Mr. DEFAZIO. Well, I was initially Well, actually, with the Clinton tax ing America in Afghanistan, whoa, very supportive of the President’s pro- increases, we did get higher revenues, more than twice that. posed Buffett tax based on the premise we did balance the budget, we did pay Who gives more value to this society, that no millionaire or billionaire off debt, and we had 3.8 percent unem- the parasite on Wall Street who is should pay a lower tax rate than a ployment. And we were asking the job speculating and driving up the price of checkout clerk at the Albertsons su- creators, the millionaires and billion- our fuel and making billions of dollars permarket or a small business owner aires, to pay a fair share. I guess Chris doing it or the Army captain or the who only earns $40,000 a year. It seemed was wrong. small business owner, the real job cre- fair to me. But, you know, then I start- Well, let’s see, the second one was ators? ed listening to the Republican re- from former Representative Pryce of We can, by levying a fair rate of sponse, and it’s pretty heavy and it Ohio about political capital not cre- taxes on the millionaires and billion- really gives you pause to think about ating any jobs. Well, we already ad- aires under the Buffett tax—the best b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H6275 . VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:58 Sep 21, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A21SE7.000 H21SEPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H6276 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 21, 2011 investor in this country, who thinks out and can state a valid security million to $3 million. Why? Because this is the direction we should go—we threat. Gibson bought wood overseas to make can both create jobs, stabilize the econ- This is an unprecedented step. It will guitars in America. Seriously.’’ omy, get down the deficit, and con- facilitate serious violations of privacy, Well, seriously, Mr. Speaker, you tinue to fund critical programs. Iron- and it doesn’t help create jobs in Amer- were seriously—well, not necessarily ically, in the grand deal that was ica. you, I know you can’t write all of your adopted back here a month ago that I I have introduced a piece of legisla- speeches, but you were done a dis- voted against, there was only one spec- tion called the BARR Preservation service by your speech writers who ified cut, one cut specified in that Act, along with Kansas Senator PAT could have done a little more research bill—graduate student financial aid. ROBERTS, and I would urge my col- about the background of what was hap- That’s because at the country club leagues to support that legislation. It pening there. The Federal Government they don’t meet anybody who can’t put will create jobs in America. was involved with enforcing the Lacey their kids through medical school. Now the President most recently an- Act which actually makes it easier to We need doctors. We need other pro- nounced, as part of his efforts to reduce protect American jobs and manufac- fessionals. We need to help the next the deficit, user fees on general avia- ture here at home. generation succeed, education and in- tion aircraft, over $100 per flight, not In 2008, I was pleased to be part of frastructure investment, and we need to mention the enormous bureaucracy leading an effort working with the money to help pay for it. it will take to collect this set of taxes. Bush administration in a bipartisan f At a time when America has got unem- fashion to amend the Lacey Act, which ployment of one in six or more, it’s no bars trade in illegally harvested spe- GENERAL AVIATION time to add taxes on folks who are try- cies to include trade in illegally har- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The ing to fly their airplane around this vested timber. Illegal logging threat- Chair recognizes the gentleman from country to get from Topeka to Des ens some of the world’s richest and Kansas (Mr. POMPEO) for 5 minutes. Moines, to get to small towns to sup- most vulnerable forests, but more im- Mr. POMPEO. Mr. Speaker, I rise port American manufacturing. This portant, it threatens tens of thousands this morning to talk about how our President wants to put taxes on gen- of jobs right here in the United States. President has systematically and re- eral aviation users. Over 50 trade associations, nonprofits, lentlessly attacked the general avia- and unions representing the entire b 1010 tion industry. range of the U.S. economy signed You know, this is one of the few last Finally, let me just talk for a mo- statements supporting this amendment great manufacturing gems left in ment about the taxes and the rhetoric. to the Lacey Act and its proper imple- America. It creates $1.2 million jobs— Mr.
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