New Jersey Hills Media Group $695 OurOur TownTown Informational Directory 2018-20192020-2021 Bedminster Twp. Bernardsville Bernards Twp. Far Hills Peapack-Gladstone The Bernardsville News PAGE 2 Our Town newjerseyhills.com DOG WALKS IN BASKING RIDGE Saturday morning dog walks are a popular event along the trails at Lord Stirling Park in Basking Ridge. Masks must be worn at the start but are optional on the trails after the walks begin. WHAT’S INSIDE About This Guide ....................... 3 Bedminster Township .............. 6-7 Our Town Bernards Township ................... 8-9 Bernardsville ........................ 10-11 is published annually as a supplement to its newspapers Community Groups .............. 25-28 by New Jersey Hills Media Group, Education ............................. 21-23 100 S Jefferson Road, Suite 104, Whippany 07981 Far Hills ................................ 12-13 PUBLISHERS Golf Courses .............................. 24 Elizabeth K. Parker and Stephen W. Parker Healthcare .......................... 36-38 Libraries .................................... 19 OUR TOWN COORDINATOR Movie Theaters ........................ 17 Jake Yaniak • [email protected] Parks & Recreation .............. 18-19 Peapack-Gladstone .............. 14-15 Places of Worship ................ 29-35 Executive Editor Elizabeth K. Parker Vice President of Sales and Marketing Business Manager Stephen W. Parker Jerry O’Donnell Public Safety ............................. 16 General Offices Manager Diane Howard Advertising Designer Public Schools ........................... 20 Assistant Executive Editor Philip Nardone Toni Codd Somerset County ........................ 5 New Jersey Hills Media Group newjerseyhills.com Our Town PAGE 3 ABOUT THIS GUIDE Latest figures show the Essex-Hunterdon-Morris-Som- the longtime resident. In it you will find brief histories of our erset area served by The New Jersey Hills Media Group communities, listings of service clubs and organizations, with more than 220,000 residential households, including health care facilities, schools, places of worship, libraries single- and multiple-family dwellings. and the key people to contact for any of those organizations. The area is a diversified one inhabited by high-level cor- You will also find listings of the key players in munic- porate executives, middle management, and trade and ser- ipal government. Not sure of the name of the president vice employees in all fields. Schools are ranked with some of the local Board of Education? You can find it in this of the best in the state and cultural offerings are plentiful. book. Want to contact the chairman of the Planning Residents can enjoy music, art, theater and other en- Board? You can find it here. deavors as spectators or participants. Recreation opportu- The map at the top of this page shows the entire area nities abound with many playing fields, bikeways and oth- covered by the New Jersey Hills Media group, the name er sites for the active. Scenic parks beautify the area for the of each newspaper and the area it covers. passive. Community service clubs and other organizations You can browse through Our Town, download the pdf are plentiful, forming the lifeblood of our communities. file, and print out key pages. Our Town is a guide for both the newcomer to the area and Refer to it often. New Jersey Hills Media Group PAGE 4 Our Town newjerseyhills.com NEW JERSEY HILLS MEDIA GROUP Our Staff Business Manager: Stephen W. Parker [email protected] Executive Editor: Elizabeth K. Parker [email protected] STEPHEN ELIZABETH W. PARKER K. PARKER Asst. Executive Editor: Philip J. Nardone Publisher Publisher [email protected] (908) 766-3900 ext. 220 New Jersey Hills Media Group is a family-owned print and online V.P. of Sales and Marketing: media company that publishes 15 Jerry O’Donnell weekly newspapers and web sites Morris County Entertainment [email protected] covering 57 municipalities in Som- (908) 766-3900 ext. 230 erset, Morris, Hunterdon and Essex Chatham Courier Out & About Classified Advertising: counties. The newspapers and the Chatham Borough, Chatham Twp. The company’s entertainment section Thea Giardina municipalities each covers are: appears online and as a separate The Citizen [email protected] section that is included monthly in Denville Twp., Dover, Rockaway (908) 766-3900 ext. 243 the company’s newspapers. Special Borough, Rockaway Twp., Boonton, To place an ad call (800) 624-3684 Essex County sections on a variety of topics also Boonton Twp., Montville and Moun- are included. Circulation: The Progress tain Lakes. Cassie Fillebrown Caldwell, Essex Fells, Fairfield, North Echoes~Sentinel [email protected] Caldwell, Roseland and West Caldwell. Classified Long Hill Twp. (in Morris County), (908) 766-3900, ext. 242 Warren Twp. and Watchung (in Som- A separate classified word for Advertising Representative: Hunterdon County erset County). word section including automotive, Peter Farrell Hunterdon Review Florham Park Eagle real estate, help wanted, for sale, [email protected] Califon, Clinton, Clinton Twp., High Florham Park. work wanted and many more list- (908) 766-3900 ext. 237 ings are carried in all New Jersey Bridge, Lebanon Borough, Lebanon Twp., Real Estate Advertising: Hanover Eagle Hills Media Group newspapers and Readington Twp., and Tewksbury Twp. Marc Liloia East Hanover Twp., Hanover Twp. web sites. [email protected] Today in Hunterdon Madison Eagle Clinton, Clinton Twp., Flemington, (908) 766-3900 ext. 256 Madison. Office Address Franklin Twp., Lebanon Borough, Rar- Bernardsville News Editor: itan Twp., Readington Twp. Morris NewsBee Charles T. Zavalick Morris Plains, Morris Twp., Morris- New Jersey Hills Media Group Suite 104, 100 S Jefferson Road, [email protected] town. (908) 766-3900 ext. 221 Somerset County Whippany 07981 Observer~Tribune Out & About Editor: The Bernardsville News Chester Borough, Chester Twp., Hard- Web site: newjerseyhills.com P.C. Robinson Bedminster Twp., Bernards ing Twp., Mendham Borough, Mend- [email protected] Twp., Bernardsville, Far Hills and ham Twp. and Washington Twp. Phone: Peapack-Gladstone. (908) 766-3900 Sports Editor: Mount Olive Chronicle Amit Batra Echoes-Sentinel Mount Olive Twp., which includes Fax: [email protected] Warren Twp. and Watchung (in Budd Lake and Flanders. (908) 766-6365 Somerset County), Long Hill Twp. (in Staff Writer: Randolph Reporter Morris County). W. Jacob Perry Randolph Twp. and Mine Hill Twp. [email protected] Roxbury Register (908) 766-3900 ext. 227 Mount Arlington Borough and Rox- bury Twp. New Jersey Hills Media Group newjerseyhills.com Our Town PAGE 5 Somerset County: Making Vibrant Connections County Administration Building, 20 Grove St., P.O. Box 3000, Somerville 08876-1262 (908) 231-7000 - www.co.somerset.nj.us - email: [email protected] Bernardsville, Bernards Twp., Far Hills, county council). The term “freeholder” is a Bedminster Twp., and Peapack-Gladstone carryover term from Colonial days when only are located in northeastern Somerset Coun- property owners, then known as freeholders, ty. The county encompasses 305 square miles, could be elected to office. has 21 municipalities, is located at the hub Originally one freeholder represented each of central New Jersey, and is one of only two municipality, but as counties grew, this be- “land- locked” counties in the state (Morris came too unwieldy. Today Somerset has five County is the other). Other municipalities freeholders elected at-large for staggered that make up the county are Bound Brook, three-year terms representing the county in Branchburg, Bridgewater, Franklin, Green its entirety, and each freeholder chairs a stand- Brook, Hillsborough, Manville, Millstone, ing committee related to human services, fi- Montgomery, North Plainfield, Raritan, The 2020 Somerset County Freeholder Board nance and administration, public works or Rocky Hill, Somerville, South Bound Brook, now consists of, seated from left, Freeholder public health and safety. Warren and Watchung. The position of freeholder is Director Shanel Y. Robinson of Franklin Town- The county contains a wide diversity of part-time, but there is a full-time county ad- landscape, population and development that ship and Deputy Director Sara Sooy of Bound ministrator who attends to the day-to-day op- reflects the varied lifestyles of its estimat- Brook, formerly of Bernardsville; and, stand- erations of county government. Many boards, ed 335,432 residents occupying some 125,000 ing from left, Republican Brian G. Gallagher commissions and advisory groups also assist households. Somerset County values its diver- of Somerville, Democrat Melonie Marano of the freeholders in prioritizing and making de- sity and excels at “Making Vibrant Connec- Green Brook and Republican Brian D. Levine cisions on various issues. tions” by establishing successful partnerships of Bridgewater. A sampling of the services offered by the with residents, businesses, local governments Somerset County freeholders includes a con- and affiliated county agencies to promote in- venient curbside recycling program, a lead- novative poublic service for the benefit of the As one of America’s oldest counties, Som- ership program for those interested in a entire community. erset is steeped in Colonial and Revolution- community engagement, and a countywide, According to the 2000 Census, Somerset ary War history. The
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