MMAATTEERRIIAALLSS SSCCIIEENNCCEE AANNDD EENNGGIINNEEEERRIINNGG 24-26 Aug 2010 Call for Papers Darmstadt, Germany Deadline: 19 March 2010 Topic A: Functional Materials Topic C: Processing Topic E: Modelling A1 Energie C1 Nanomaterials and Composites E1 Functional Materials W. Wolny, The Piezoinstitute; Meggitt, Kvist - K.-H. Haas, Fraunhofer-Institut für Silicatfor - C. Hin, Berkeley University of California, USA gaard, DK schung E2 Materials Processing A2 Intelligent Materials R. Gadow, F. Kern, University of Stuttgart F. Hoffmann, Stiftung Institut für Werkstofftech - H. Fritze, TU Clausthal C2 Coatings nik, Bremen A3 Mesoporous S. Veprek, Technical University of Munich E3 Nucleation, Microstructure Evolution M. Biener, J. Biener, A. Hamza, Lawrence Liver - J. Vetter, Sulzer Metaplas, Bergisch-Gladbach and Phase Transitions more National Laboratory, USA C3 Joining H. Emmerich, RWTH Aachen H. Peterlik, University of Wien C. Sommitsch, TU Graz, A I. Steinbach, Ruhr-Universität Bochum J. Schneider, TU Darmstadt U. Reisgen, RWTH Aachen M.C. Record, University of Marseille, F A4 Polymer Nanocomposites C4 Additive Manufacturing and Field Assi - E. Gamsjäger, University of Leoben A T.H. Münstedt, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg sted Sintering Techniques E.J. Mittemeijer, MPI for Metals Research, F. Faupel, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel J. Stampfl, TU Wien, A Stuttgart B. Baufeld, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, B E4 Interface Dominated Mechanical Pro - J.R. Groza, Univ. of California, USA perties Topic B: Structural Materials M. Farsari, Foundation for Research and Tech - A. Hartmaier, R. Janisch, Ruhr-Universität nology-Hellas Crete, GR Bochum B1 Intermetallic Aluminides: Physical Me - P. Greil, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg tallurgy and Processing C5 Advanced Carbon-Based Materials F. Appel, M. Oehring, J. Paul, GKSS-For - S. Cahen, CNRS - Nancy University, Metz, F Topic F: Biomat schungszentrum Geesthacht GmbH P. Lagrange, Université Henri Poincaré, B2 Modern Steels Nancy, F F1 Bio-Inspiration H. Biermann, P.R. Scheller, TU Bergakademie T. Scheibel, University of Bayreuth Freiberg I. Burgert, MPI für Kolloid- und Grenzflächenfor - B3 Refractory Materials Topic D: Characterisation schung, Potsdam C. Aneziris, TU Bergakademie Freiberg S.-H.Yu, University of Science and Technology, P. Quirmbach, Deutsches Institut für Feuerfest D1 Microstructure Characterisation China und Keramik, Bonn V. Abetz, GKSS-Forschungszentrum Geesthacht C. Zollfrank, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg B4 Functional Amorphous Materials and GmbH This Symposium organized by further associati - Glasses D2 New Techniques ons: L. Wondraczek, University of Erlangen- W. Hoffelner, Paul Scherrer Institute, - Priority Program SPP 1420, - BIOKON, - VDI, Nürnberg Villigen, CH -Landesexzellenzcluster Hamburg B5 New Methods in Materials Design C. Hebert, TU Wien, A F2 Bio-Nano Materials W. Bleck, RWTH Aachen U. Kaiser, University of Ulm, M. Pumera, National Institute for Materials Sci - H.-J. Hoffmann, TU Berlin A. Bleloch, University of Daresbury, ence, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan B6 Mechanical Properties and Micro- Liverpool UK F3 Interfaces structure J. Ren, Liverpool University, UK K. Rezwan, University of Bremen H.J. Christ, University of Siegen A. Froideval, Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen CH N.J. Shirtcliffe, Nottingham Trent University, UK M. Heilmaier, Technische Universität Darmstadt J. Neuhaus, TU München F4 Biomat Modelling W. Neumann, Humboldt University Berlin J. Pan, University of Leicaster, UK D3 Characterisation of Material Properties F5 Biomaterial Applications J. Olbricht, Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung A.R. Boccaccini, University Erlangen-Nürnberg und –prüfung, Berlin F6 Bio-Based Polymers H.-J. Maier, Universität Paderborn J. Laska, AGH University of Science and Tech - A. Weidner, TU Bergakademie Freiberg nology, Krakau, PL M. Scherge, Fraunhofer-Institut für Werkstoffme - M. J. John, CSIR Materials Science and Manu - chanik, Karlsruhe facturing, Port Elizabeth, South Afrika D. Holland-Moritz, DLR Köln MMAATTEERRIIAALLSS SSCCIIEENNCCEE AANNDD EENNGGIINNEEEERRIINNGG 24-26 Aug 2010 Call for Papers Darmstadt, Germany Deadline: 19 March 2010 MSE 2010 Side Events Submission of Abstracts MSE will build a forum on which the multilateral Following an inter-societal approach, MSE ac - Prospective authors are invited to submit an ab - parties can meet to exchange ideas and to comodates a series of technical and non-techni - stract, indicating which of the symposia listed organise societal activities. Do not miss this cal side events referring to research funding, on the website is most appropriate to the topic exellent occasion to communicate with the inter - educational programmes, general assemblies. of the contribution. Abstracts should be submit - esting community to discover its directions, prio - ted in digital format through the website: rities and opportunities. The new MSE will SE 1: Teaching and Learning Materials http://www.mse-congress.de create an atmosphere in which young talents Science and Engineering get the opportunity to mix with professors and H. Biermann, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, industries. The programme is chaired by the A. Wanner, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie Registration MSE-Expert Committee. In addition to submitting an abstract, all aut - hors must register before the conference. The Topic Chairs SE 2: Nachwuchskarriereworkshop congress fees are as follows: Bundesvereinigung Materialwissenschaft & Topic A: Werkstofftechnik (BVMatWerk) • Student or PhD and DGM member: 150 € Functional Materials • Student or PhD: 165 € Prof. Dr. E. Quandt • University and DGM member: 500 € Christian-Albrechts-University • University: 550 € of Kiel • Industry and DGM member: 650 € SE 3: Technologietransfer und Ausgründung • Industry: 715 € im Bereich MSE Topic B: D. Hilgers, Universität Hamburg, Structural Materials H. Piller, RWTH Aachen , M. Weissenberger- Key Dates Prof. Dr. Christoph Leyens Eibl, H. Joachim, Universität Kassel und FhG-ISI- Technische Universität Dresden Karlsruhe • Deadline Call for Papers: 19 March 2010 • Confirmation of authors: May 2010 • Final Programme: July 2010 Topic C: • Conference: 24-26 August 2010 Processing Prof. Dr. Ralf Riedel SE 4: Innovationspotenzial ausgewählter Technische Universität neuer Werkstoffe Conference Location Darmstadt VDI Technologiezentrum GmbH, Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM), Technische Universität Darmstadt R. Fellenberg, VDI, Düsseldorf Karolinenplatz 5 Topic D: Darmstadt, Germany Characterisation Prof. Dr. Anke Kaysser-Pyzalla Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Organiser Materialien und Energie GmbH SE 5: European Research Area Acatech / DFG Deutsche Gesellschaft für C. Berger, TU Darmstadt Materialkunde e.V. Topic E: B. Jahnen, X. Molodova, DFG, Bonn Senckenberganlage 10 Modelling D-60325 Frankfurt, Germany Prof. Dr. Karsten Albe Tel +49-69-75306-747 Technische Universität Fax +49-69-75306-733 Darmstadt E-Mail: [email protected] SE 6: Werkstoffe in der Öffentlichkeit Web: http://www.mse-congress.de Acatech / BVMatWerk Topic F: P.D. Portella, BVMatWerk DGM-Tag 2010 Biomat C. Berger, TU Darmstadt Prof. Dr. Klaus D. Jandt Mon, 23 Aug 2010 (in German) Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena Hessisches Staatsarchiv Darmstadt www.dgm.de/dgmtag.
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