CHAPTER 4 FACILITY REQUIREMENTS 4.1 OVERVIEW Chapter 3. The facility requirements are discussed in the following subsections. This chapter identifies the airfield, terminal, ground transportation, and support facilities that 4.2 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES are needed at OGG to accommodate the level of Guiding the MP Update are the following goals aircraft operations, passenger movements, and and objectives: other activities forecasted through the year 2035. The facilities identified in this section are 4.2.1 GOALS based on planning criteria established by the The goals of this MP Update are to: FAA for master planning and airport design, and other recognized references on airport planning 1. Provide adequate facilities to accommodate and facilities use. The design objectives or air service demand (forecast growth through “facility requirements” that must be addressed in 2035) while improving LOS, airport safety, the MP Update only focus on areas where security, and enhancing airport access. changes are required that were not addressed in 2. Develop facilities that utilize the current previous MPs. This is due, in part, to the rate of airport property and facilities, are compatible with surrounding land uses, and growth anticipated, as shown in Figure 3-7, in are cost effective. Kahului Airport Master Plan Update 4-1 The objectives of the MP Update are to provide 4.2.3 TERMINAL OBJECTIVES guidance for the development of airport facilities Terminal objectives provide a framework for in a logical and fiscally responsible manner. A improving the passenger ticketing and check-in series of detailed objectives were also developed facilities, baggage claim facilities, gate facilities, to address specific issues related to the airport concessions, and other terminal structure master-planning process and each airport components. The terminal facility objectives are: component. Each objective is a statement about developing the OGG. Accomplished in concert, • Improve LOS for the traveling public in the the detailed objectives will allow the State to terminal complex by maximizing passenger meet the goals for the OGG MP Update. services and minimizing inconveniences in the passenger flow from curbside to The objectives are organized into four (4) airport departure gates and vice versa. master plan components: (1) airfield, (2) terminal, (3) ground transportation, and (4) • Provide a functional and efficiently designed airport support, that will provide a framework for terminal with consideration to the following: improving airport facilities and services. For departing passengers: Add waiting space in the holdrooms at the aircraft 4.2.2 AIRFIELD OBJECTIVES gates. Airfield objectives provide guidelines for For arriving passengers: Clear improving the runways and taxiways at the orientation from the arrival gate to airport. The airfield objectives are: baggage claim and then to transit and parking. • Extend Runway 2-20 allowing aircraft to service West Coast and some Midwest • Incorporate the demands of the latest destinations, such as Denver, Chicago, and airport passenger security screening areas Dallas-Fort Worth, by allowing aircraft to into the terminal design. takeoff unrestricted at maximum takeoff • Maintain full operational capability, no loss weight (MTOW) with little to no weight of gates, and minimize disruption during penalties. construction. • Improve airfield safety, efficiency, and • Maximize the efficiency of future facilities operational capacity by eliminating the need through consideration of common use for runway crossings by taxiing aircraft facilities. through the development of a parallel • Provide facilities for future air carrier service runway. by expanding existing terminal areas. • Allow the airfield to operate without restrictions to ADG V aircraft, such as the B- 4.2.4 GROUND TRANSPORTATION 777. OBJECTIVES • Provide additional parking for commercial Ground transportation objectives provide aircraft that must remain overnight (RON), guidelines for improving airport access, parking, preferably adjacent to the terminal area, to and vehicle circulation. The ground reduce runway crossings by taxiing aircraft. transportation objectives are: • Provide additional parking for GA aircraft, • Improve airport access for both private particularly for private jet aircraft. vehicles and public transit to meet • Acquire land for the development of a anticipated passenger growth and vehicular parallel runway east of the existing Runway demand. 2-20. • Ensure the safe and efficient flow of traffic in and out of the airport. Kahului Airport Master Plan Update 4-2 • Reconfigure the roadway system to avoid capability of an airfield or any one of its congestion points that lead to traffic delays components under a set of specified conditions. and motorist confusion. The hourly capacity is a function of a number of factors including: ceiling and visibility; runway • Organize the ground transportation facilities use patterns (i.e., the proportion of aircraft using to provide sufficient terminal parking, each of the available runways); the type of remote parking, rental car facilities, aircraft that are involved; the split between commercial vehicles, and taxis/vans/shuttles. arrivals and departures; the percent of touch- 4.2.5 AIRPORT SUPPORT OBJECTIVES and-go operations; and the locations and configurations of the exit taxiways. The Airport support objectives will provide the appropriate value for each of these factors at the framework for improvements to tenant facilities OGG was determined on the basis of FAA, State, and other airport facilities such as cargo and GA and military aircraft operations statistics, facilities. The airport support objectives are: meteorological records, and conversations with • Accommodate improved and expanded air FAA ATCT personnel and airport management. cargo and ASIF that meet air cargo demand ASV is used as a reference point in airport and utilize existing ground transportation planning. It is an estimate of the number of networks. aircraft operations that can be accommodated at • Work with existing tenants to improve GA a given facility over the course of a year with an and air taxi facilities in an organized and average annual aircraft delay on the order of one efficient manner while recognizing OGG’s (1) to four (4) minutes. If the number of annual role as the island’s primary commercial operations exceeds the ASV, moderate or severe service airport. congestion may occur. • Provide adequate facilities for airport The resultant figures were then compared to the maintenance and support. forecasts in Chapter 3 to determine if and when additional runways would be needed. The results • Increase ramp access and space for of this analysis are described below. additional FBOs. 4.3.2 HOURLY CAPACITY 4.3 AIRFIELD REQUIREMENTS The hourly capacity of the airfield during VFR 4.3.1 HOURLY CAPACITY AND conditions for the current mix of fixed-wing ANNUAL SERVICE VOLUME aircraft and airfield facilities is about 63 operations and is anticipated to remain constant The first step in evaluating the need for to year 2035. The hourly capacity during IFR additional OGG airfield facilities was to calculate conditions for the current mix of aircraft and the “hourly capacity” and “annual service airfield facilities is about 51 operations and is volumes” (ASV) of the existing runways using the anticipated to remain constant to year 2035. The procedures described in FAA AC 150/5060, busiest day of the year is August 20th with a Airport Capacity and Delay, dated September 23, total of 14 operations occurring between 1300 1983. and 1400 hours. The number and location of exit The hourly capacity of an airfield is a measure of taxiways influence the hourly capacity of a the maximum number of aircraft operations runway since they affect the time it takes for (landings and takeoffs) that can be aircraft to clear the runway after landing. The accommodated on the airfield in one (1) hour. existing capacity estimates for Runway 2-20 are This definition contains no assumptions based on five (5) exit taxiways to the west of regarding acceptable levels of delay to aircraft; it Runway 2-20 and three (3) exit taxiways to the simply expresses the maximum physical east. The existing capacity estimates for Runway Kahului Airport Master Plan Update 4-3 5-23 are based on three (3) exits on the southern landing. The report hypothesized that “…the side of the runway and none on the northern separation of the layers is due to a weak bond side. resulting from low or weak bond strength of the tack coat.” 4.3.3 ANNUAL SERVICE VOLUME The Statewide Pavement Management System Assuming that runway use patterns and aircraft Update for Kahului Airport, by URS Corporation, mix remain the same as at present, the ASV of Inc., in 2008, similarly concluded that “pavement the existing airfield is estimated to distress is from slippage between the existing AC accommodate 123,587 operations for all aircraft layers which is placed over the aggregate base.” types (estimated 2015 value based on the 2010 Lastly, a supplemental pavement evaluation, value). Runway 2-20 & Taxiway Structural Improvements at Kahului Airport (OGG), State Project No. 4.3.4 RUNWAY 2-20 AM1022-14: Concrete Construction, URS RECONSTRUCTION Corporation, Inc. 2010, further suggested that As discussed in Chapter 2, Runway 2-20 is the runway surface be converted from asphalt to currently in need of reconstruction. The closing concrete. Pavement distress and proposed of the runway is not an option because of the rehabilitation and/or reconstruction are an vital role OGG plays in the economy of Maui. ongoing concern for both the FAA and DOTA. To According to findings prepared by URS, 2012, qualify for FAA funding, improvements to the the potential daily economic loss could total up runway must result in a permanent fix or remedy to $8.4 mil. for up to approximately 16 weeks if which is defined as providing a durable, safe Runway 2-20 were closed. See Table 4-1 on runway with a design life of not less than 20 Page 4-5. years. The DOTA commissioned MACTEC to investigate During the MP Update, the OGG Runway 2-20 Runway 2-20 pavement distress.
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