January 31, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H759 Mr. PASCRELL. Madam Speaker, ciently to Proper Officials in Response CHANGE DIRECTION NEW there are stark similarities between to Terrorism Act, the REPORT Act. It HAMPSHIRE what happened in the 1850s and now. creates a legal requirement that the (Ms. KUSTER of New Hampshire You judge for yourself. Secretary of Homeland Security, in co- asked and was given permission to ad- In 1856, former President Millard ordination with the United States At- dress the House for 1 minute and to re- Fillmore ran for President as part of torney General, the Director of the vise and extend her remarks.) the Know-Nothing group. A year after Federal Bureau of Investigation, and Ms. KUSTER of New Hampshire. the failed attempt, most of the Know- the head of the National Counterter- Madam Speaker, I rise today to recog- Nothing supporters joined the newly rorism Center, submit a report to Con- nize Change Direction New Hampshire, formed Republican Party. You can’t gress when an incident of terrorism oc- a first-of-its-kind statewide campaign make this up. curs in the United States. to raise awareness of the five signs of A primary concern of the Know- Currently, there is no legal mandate mental illness and emotional suffering. Nothing movement in the 1850s was the for this report which would play an im- Since its first launch last May, large number of Irish and German portant role in helping lawmakers and Change Direction has touched the lives Catholics who were coming to the agencies learn more and respond to ex- of thousands of Granite Staters, help- United States. A concern they repeat- traordinary emergencies like we saw in ing to change the culture and erase the edly professed was a worry that the San Bernardino. stigma surrounding mental illness in character of the country would be I would like to thank my colleague New Hampshire and across the coun- changed because they were coming Representative KEN CALVERT, an origi- try. here. nal cosponsor of the bill, for working Campaign co-chairs, my dear friends, Lincoln said this: ‘‘As a nation, we with me and my office over the past begin by declaring that ‘all men are the Honorable John Broderick, Peter year to help in the San Bernardino re- Evers, and Dr. Bill Gunn, have dedi- created equal.’ We now practically read covery process. it ‘all men are created equal, except cated countless hours to help spread I would also like to recognize Mr. this campaign through schools, work- Negroes.’ When the Know-Nothings get Gregory Clayborn, father of Sierra control, it will read ‘all men are cre- places, and institutions throughout the Clayborn. Sierra was one of the 14 vic- Granite State. They have met with ated equal except Negroes, and for- tims of the San Bernardino terrorist eigners, and Catholics.’ ’’ thousands of stakeholders and commu- attack, and Mr. Clayborn worked with nity members, holding more than 100 When it comes to this, I should prefer my office for months to help shape this immigrating to some country where public presentations. They have dis- legislation. tributed nearly 320,000 informational they make no pretense of loving lib- This bill is a tribute to Sierra, the posters and cards, and they have placed erty. Russia—oh, the similarities are other 13 innocent victims, and all of a billboard on one of our busiest high- unbelievable—where despotism can be those who were affected by the attack ways. taken pure, and without the base alloy on December 2. While it does not ad- The goal of Change Direction is to of hypocrisy. That is the difference. dress every issue raised by the attack, make the five signs of mental illness— But there are a lot of similarities. it is a commonsense change to help us personality change, agitation, with- f understand how this and other attacks drawal, poor self-care, and hopeless- unfolded so we can prevent these types KEEP AMERICANS SAFE ness—as well-known indicators as the of tragedies from happening in other (Mr. SMITH of Texas asked and was indicators of a heart attack. This in- cities and to other families. creased recognition will help improve given permission to address the House I urge my colleagues to support this treatment of mental illness, address for 1 minute and to revise and extend bipartisan bill and to help strengthen substance misuse, and help prevent sui- his remarks.) our national security. Mr. SMITH of Texas. Madam Speak- cide among our friends and neighbors. er, anyone who wants to protect Amer- f But the impact of this campaign goes icans from terrorist attacks should HONORING THE LIFE OF STANLEY far beyond the five signs. Please join support President Trump’s immigra- RUSS me in recognizing John, Peter, Bill, tion executive orders. (Mr. HILL asked and was given per- and all of those who support the Put aside the hysteria of his political mission to address the House for 1 Change Direction campaign. opponents. Here are the facts: minute and to revise and extend his re- There will be a temporary halt in the f marks.) admission to the U.S. of those from Mr. HILL. Madam Speaker, I rise NATIONAL PRAYER BREAKFAST— seven designated countries, including today to honor the life and legacy of A WONDERFUL TRADITION Iraq, Iran, Libya, and Syria. These are one of Arkansas’s great leaders and a (Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania the exact same countries designated a dear friend, former State Senator Stan- asked and was given permission to ad- security threat by President Obama. dress the House for 1 minute and to re- Congress passed bipartisan legisla- ley Russ, who passed away earlier this vise and extend his remarks.) tion in 2015 designating these countries month at the age of 86. Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. as security risks in order to protect Born and raised in Conway, Arkan- Madam Speaker, on Thursday, Mem- our homeland from terrorism. In fact, sas, Stanley served in the U.S. Army bers of Congress and leaders from the bill passed the House of Represent- during the Korean war before becoming across the globe will gather in Wash- atives by a vote of 407–19. a State senator for 25 years. Despite what the media and others Stanley received numerous awards ington, D.C., to mark one of our finest imply, Muslims are not being targeted. for his work, including being named of traditions: the National Prayer Break- Many Muslim majority countries, in one of the Ten Outstanding State Leg- fast. fact, are not singled out. The purpose islators in the United States by the As- This event is hosted annually on the of the temporary halt is to allow time sembly of State Governmental Em- first Thursday in February. More than to improve procedures so better back- ployees. He also received the Distin- 3,000 people typically gather for this ground checks can be developed. guished Service Award from the international forum that allows indi- Who could possibly oppose efforts to Conway Chamber of Commerce and was viduals from various sectors—including keep Americans safe? elected into the Arkansas Tech Univer- political, business, and social—to build sity Hall of Distinction as well as the relationships and come together in f Arkansas Agriculture Hall of Fame. faith, fellowship, and prayer. SUPPORT THE REPORT ACT Our State and Faulkner County will Personally, I look forward to the Na- (Mr. AGUILAR asked and was given miss Stanley’s smile, his enthusiasm tional Prayer Breakfast each year as a permission to address the House for 1 and ability to get things done to enrich time when thousands around the world minute.) the lives of all Arkansans. and right here at home can reflect on Mr. AGUILAR. Madam Speaker, last I extend my respect, affection, and their faith, focus on the year ahead, week I introduced the Reporting Effi- prayers to his family and loved ones. and walk away from this remarkable VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:58 Feb 01, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K31JA7.020 H31JAPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE H760 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 31, 2017 event with a renewed sense of hope and Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates The idea of reform, though, and over- faith. made the right decision. Many court sight of our Nation’s vetting system is This nonpartisan event brings to- jurisdictions have already said that not in conflict with our longstanding gether so many unique individuals who this is an unconstitutional and dis- value of accepting refugees, and it is will hear the stories of inspiration criminatory order. The office of a pub- not new. The Obama administration from faith-filled speakers. lic servant in the United States Fed- and the Trump administration, alike, From the Book of First Chronicles, eral Government requires that you have now both paused refugee settle- Scripture tells us to, ‘‘Look to the take an oath to defend and protect the ments into our Nation. Lord and His strength; seek His face al- Constitution of the United States. I be- President Trump should have our Na- ways.’’ This is what we will be seeking lieve the President should uphold his tion’s support to carry out his mission at the National Prayer Breakfast. oath. to protect our Nation’s borders, but he It is my hope that I will see many of REQUEST TO CALL UP H.R. 724, SOLVE ACT, AND must do so without unnecessarily bur- my colleagues there this Thursday. H.R.
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