Purchased by U.S. Department of Agriculture for Official Use Xerophytic Species Evaluated for Renewable Energy Resources 1 M. E. CARR,2 B. S. PHILLIPS,2 AND M. O. BAGBy3 Previously, the USDA Northern Regional Research Center has examined 600 plant species in 88 families for their multipurpose, energy-producing potential. About three-fourths ofthese species have been from central and southern Illinois, but only about 2% have been from arid or semiarid regions ofthe United States. For this report, 100 species collected from Arizona were evaluated, bringing the total number ofspecies evaluated at this Center to 700 in 96 families. Plant spec­ imens were analyzed for yields offractions referred to as "oil," "polyphenol," "hydrocarbon," and protein and were examinedfor botanical characteristics. Oil and hydrocarbon fractions of selected species were partially characterized. Ten species gave high yields ofoil and/or polyphenol. For example, Asclepias linaria yielded 8.7% oil (dl)', ash-free sample basis) + 11.7% polyphenol (1.9Q6 hydrocar­ bon). Rhus choriophylla yielded 7.0% oil + 20% polyphenol (0.4% hydrocarbon) and Juglans major yielded 7.0% oil + 9.4% polyphenol (0.2% hydrocarbon). Pit­ tosporum tobira gave the highest yield ofhydrocarbon (2.3%). Fourteen species contained at least 18% protein. In general, the percentages of species yielding substantial amounts of oil and/or polyphenol were considerably higher for the Arizona species than for those 600 species previously analyzed. Complete analyt­ ical data are presentedfor 38 species and are discussed in relationship to the 600 species previously reported. In recent years, there has been much interest in developing and using more effectively plants that are able to tolerate arid and semiarid areas, particularly for industrial nonfood uses (Davis et aI., 1983). The use of new crops grown in underused land areas could supplement our need for fuels and chemicals, as well as stimulate industrial and economic growth (Buchanan and Duke, 1981; Bungay, 1982; Calvin, 1983; Princen, 1983). Currently, our Center is screening plant species in a program designed ultimately to identify plants that have potential uses as multipurpose, energy-producing crops. Previously, we have screened 600 plant species in 88 families (Carr, 1985). Most ofthese plants were collected from central and southern Illinois. This report discusses our evaluation of 100 addi­ tional species collected from Arizona, which brings our total to 700 species screened in 96 families. Plant materials were analyzed for contents of"oil," "polyphenol," "hydrocarbon" and protein. Oil and hydrocarbon fractions of selected species were partially characterized. Analytical and botanical criteria previously estab­ lished at this Center were used as an aid in selecting species for discussion. Data are compared to those of the 600 species previously analyzed. I Received 18 June 1984; accepted 5 January 1985. 2 Northern Regional Research Center, Agricultural Research Service, USDA, Peoria, IL 61604. The mention of firm names or trade products does not imply that they are endorsed or recommended by the USDA over other firms or similar products not mentioned. 3 Northern Agricultural Energy Center, USDA, Peoria, IL 61604. Economic Botany, 39(4), 1985, pp. 505-513 © 1985, by the New York Botanical Garden, Bronx, NY 10458 506 ECONOMIC BOTANY [VOL. 39 TABLE 1. ANALYTICAL DATA OF PLANT SPECIES WITH RATINGS OF LESS THAN 11.' Collector Family and Herbarium Polv- Hydro- Pro- Species collection voucher Oil phenol carbon tein Rat- Common name Type of plant areab number qh tv.0 0/.0 qb ing Anacardiaceae Rhus choriophylla shrub H,SC 80366 7.0 20.0 0.4 7.0 9 Woot. and StandI. Skunkbush Asclepidaceae Asclepias linaria Cav. herbaceous H,P 80176 8.7 11.7 1.9 8.5 8 perennial Boraginaceae Cordia boissieri evergreen shrub M,P 80385 3.6 8.7 1.2 12.3 9 A. DC. or tree Anacahuita Chenopodiaceae Atriplex elegans (Moq.) herbaceous M,P 80133 2.1 4.4 0.1 20.9 10 D. Dietr. annual Four-wing saltbush Compositae Artemisia ludoviciana herbaceous H,P 80190 2.1 7.7 0.5 8.6 10 Nutt. subsp. albula perennial (Wooton) Keck White sage Baccharis glwinosa evergreen shrub M,P 80132 2.6 9.7 0.4 15.7 9 Pers. Seep willow Guardiola platyphylla herbaceous H,SC 80381 2.6 5.0 1.5 5.1 9 Gray perennial GWierrezia micro- herbaceous M,P 80375 2.2 8.9 0.5 8.5 10 cephala (DC.) Gray perennial Threadleaf snakeweed Hymenoclea monogyra shrub H,SC 80368 2.0 15.7 0.0 14.2 10 Torr. and Gray White burro bush Euphorbiaceae Jatropha cardiophylla shrub M,P 80238 2.4 3.9 0.1 14.5 10 (Torr.) Muell. Arg. Sangre-de-Cristo Garryaceae Garrya wrightii Torr. shrub H,P 80255 3.8 12.2 1.9 6.1 9 Silk-tassel bush Juglandaceae JuglallS major (Torr.) tree M,P 80221 7.0 9.4 0.2 10.4 10 A. Heller Arizona walnut Leguminosae Cassia leptocarpa herbaceous M,P 80245 4.0 4.8 0.1 15.8 10 Benth. perennial Slimpod senna Elythrina flabelliformis shrub or tree H,P 80189 3.7 8.8 0.2 15.8 10 Kearney Coral bean Robinia neomexicana shrub H,P 80392 2.4 7.6 0.0 19.9 10 Gray Mexican locust 1985] CARR ET AL.: XEROPHYTES AS ENERGY SOURCES 507 TABLE 1. CONTINUED. Collector Family and Herbarium Poly. Hvdro- Pro- Species collection voucher Oil phenol carbon lein Rat· b 0' Common name Type of plant area number go t}o iO (}" iog Onagraceae Oenothera hookeri herbaceous M,P 80284 5.6 8.0 0.1 7.8 10 Torr. and Gray biennial Hooker's evening primrose Pittosporaceae PittosporUIIl tobira shrub or tree M,Mc 80383 4.1 5.1 2.3 8.8 8 (Thunb.) Ail. Mock orange Solanaceae SolanulIl eriantlzulIl shrub or tree M,P 80376 2.4 6.6 0.1 21.7 10 D. Don. a Percent yields are on a dry. ash-free sample basis. b Plant specimens ,..'ere collected by Robert \V. Hoshaw. Department of Ecology. University of Arizona. Tucson. AZ. and by Charles T. j\'lason, Jr.. Curator of Herbarium. University of Arizona. H = Hoshaw. rvl = .t-.lason. SC = Santa Cruz County..A.Z. P = Pima County, AZ. Me Maricopa County. .AZ. See Experimental. EXPERIMENTAL Specimens were collected in 1982 from the Arizona counties of Pima, Santa Cruz, and Maricopa. Herbaceous specimens were collected as mature, whole plants, clipped at ground level. Trees and large shrubs were sampled by cutting the latest year's growth. Voucher specimens are stored at the USDA Northern Regional Research Center herbarium. About 2 lb of each plant sample was dried at ambient conditions in a sheltered area, near the collection site. The air-dried samples were ground in a Wiley mill to pass l-mm-diameter holes and then analyzed for moisture, ash and protein (% Kjeldahl nitrogen x 6.25). About 50 g of each milled sample was extracted in a Soxhlet apparatus with acetone and then hexane (48 h each solvent). Constituents from acetone extraction were par­ titioned between hexane and aqueous ethanol to obtain fractions, referred to as "oil" and "polyphenol," respectively. Constituents from hexane extraction are referred to as "hydrocarbon." Ifyield ofoil was at least 3.0% (dry, ash-free sample basis), the oil was analyzed for classes of lipid constituents by thin-layer chro­ matography and, after saponification, for yields of unsaponifiable matter (UM) and free acids (FA). Ifyield of hydrocarbon was at least 0.4%, the hydrocarbon was analyzed by infrared (IR) spectroscopy to detect the presence ofrubber, gutta, and/or waxes. Rubber and gutta were analyzed for average molecular weight by gel permeation chromatography. Details ofthe various analytical procedures have been described recently (Carr, 1985). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION General Ofthe 100 Arizona species analyzed, yields ranged from 1.0-8.7% oil (dry, ash­ free, sample basis), 1.6-30.2% polyphenol, 0-2.3% hydrocarbon, and 3.3-32.9% protein. Twenty-three species yielded at least 3.0% oil, 9 yielded at least 4.0% oil, 508 ECONOMIC BOTANY [VOL. 39 and 3 yielded at least 7.0% oil. Polyphenol yields were at least 10% for 32 species, 15% for 15 species, and 20% for 5 species. Yields of hydrocarbon were at least 0.6% for 9 species, 0.8% for 6 species, and 2.0% for 1 species. Protein contents were at least 14, 18 and 22% for 26, 14 and 3 species, respectively. The percentages ofspecies yielding substantial quantities ofoil and/or polyphenol were greater for these Arizona species than for the 600 species previously analyzed. For example, about 5% ofthe 600 species had 4% or more oil, and about 1% had 6% or more oil. Another 5% had 15% or more polyphenol. Fewer than 1% had 20% or more polyphenol. With few exceptions yields ofhydrocarbon have been low «2%) for species collected from all of the regions investigated to date (Roth et al., 1982; Carr, 1985). Each species was assigned a numerical "crop rating," based on yields of oil, hydrocarbon, and protein and on its fiber and botanical characteristics (Buchanan et al., 1978a; Cull, 1983). On a scale of 5 (best)-17 (worst), the potential ofplant species as oil- and hydrocarbon-multipurpose-producing crops has been suggested but is considered far from absolute. All the species will be further screened for possible advanced study based on broader and more definitive criteria (Knowles et al., 1984). However, it is likely that most of the species finally selected will have ratings of < 11. Of the 100 Arizona species analyzed for this report, data is reported on 38, based on results described below.
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