'•' THE DAILY NEWS ·i '' ' II ·' ) • ' i ~ ' - I' ,: :; ':1 • : ; 1 • ·. I:: ·j 1• I . I '. f •: : · I I • ' I • I ' . j {~:~' :, .. , ', I I · Przncess Thant Elected Acting Silver Lining .I ·.. ' ., :I' I r ~ . t l..•. '{.In ;; .• . t '( J ·:. , I ' ~~ . ' ' I '··II 1 : Margaret ; ' . '~ I : j I·., '. ·.' Mushroom ' ' ; ' ! . - In ' I ; ' 1 I~ Secretary General UN I· ~"-•··· .j· . , c 0 • • • i ~ : : I • \ .r. By JOSEPH MacSWEEN ... I 1 ·~ • r 1:; . j .. ! ,_ ·_; •; i; · I : : UNITED NATIONS (CP)-U. Thant of Burma, a quiet-spoken ~ud-. 1-t .·. ·. ives Birth Grants . , I ' dhist, was unanimously elected acting Secretary-General of the Umted . !' . ' I (I ' I i ' Nations Friday to succeed D_ag Hammarskjold. i Pasc;port jl i' Cloud Over ; ~I I ! i . Speaking with strictly controlled emotion, the 52-year-old diplomat .. 1 I To Boy pledged to· pursue objectivity between East and West as his "relatively. TO Luthuli I' I I I ! ,. small country" has tried to do through the years. 1 By CAROL KENNEDY U Thnnt's acceptance speech troversy - not yet finished- I work together with these col- 1 PRETORIA (Reuters) - The r :: . ~ ~ :; .. born to p • was delivered in a quiet way about the role of the secretary- I leagues in close collaboration • south African government Fri· Novaya Zemlya? ''I loNDON (CP)-A son was rlncess 'reminiscent of Hammarskjold, generars office in the UN. The and consultation in a spirit of! day reluctantly granted cx-Zulu !I 'd and around Britain joyful 'the Swede who died in nn Af- Soviet Union seeks to water mutual understanding," u Tha~t' Chief Albert Luthuli a 10-day ! I ~ f •• • I ,' H : I ~ II ay d 11 h J b 11 I rican plane crash Sept, 18 while down the post and East and said. passport to go to Oslo, Norway were raise to t 8 ones oy • in performance of his duties. West compromised. for his Nobel Peace Prize but 1: I ; ~ 1 I ' I II Hammarskjold has since been The "U" in Thant's name has described the award as a "de· Observers Sees Tension ,! :I ho has fair hair and blue eyes 1 R b , ., J I ba y, W awarded the Nobel Prize for the vague meaning of "mister," aps basement'' of the prize .. ' ' • six pounds, four ounces. Peaee, pos!humous~y. a~ with man~ Bu~·mese nnmes. But he .. added thn_t he. "deep])• 'I',, ·}- ' husband former SOCiety . U Than! s election-to serve 1 U Thant, 1n h1s acceptance regretted De Klerk s "uri· Behind Iron Curtain :1---- '·· JI me t , !'· !oid Margare s ' tun til April 10, l!lG3, when Ham· i speech, said he would invite a 1D ,. called-for remarks about the ,, I I ,,, I By ALAN HARVEY Antony Armstrong. Jones who mm·sitjold's term would hal'cl'limited number or UN undersec-! e ence merit.'' lie felt they lowered . I ,• '• I d ! expired-came hy secret ballot rela1'ics to "act as my principal i :!be stature of the men who ~!Oflapn~· f s 0 n exactly one month Canadian Pre~~ Staff Writer II ' ' crtated Ear 0 now in the 103-memhcr 11:-i General 1ndl'isers on imporl<mt qnes· WINNIPEG ICPl _ Canadian made th 1 award - t.he Nobel With the echoes of Russia's big bang sow1ding • i! I II h8 rincess and I are absolutely thrilled A~~cmhly, • ' jlions.'' . ' defence policy, whetl~er based rommittce n_f the Nonl'r~ian JUUnd the world, some Westem obocn·ers ~till detect )0'"t-., T P B th 31 I he a~semhly s ac\Jon fol.. lle specific a 11 Y menlwned on nuclear or convenllonal war· Storling rparhnmenl '. ghted." 0 are • . , lowed ~ unanimous rc(~ommen· : o111)· two-Ralph llnnrhe or the he:1ds for the Bomarc B mb.1ilr. · ·--·· .. ---· · .. -.-- a silver l!ning in the mush room cloud over NO\·aya . !~r·l·OOY po,lm he~·· i stat_eri: ·~The cond1hon of Her, ~l;tlio~ hy the ll·m.cmhcr ~eenr i 1.:nilecl Slates, a :-icgro, a~d remains in ~ state of "imlc~i- ~!r. Pearson ~a in lhp real Zemlya . e~tnt on London s• ~o)al. H1ghnes.~ and the baby: 11_y Counr1l. l'olrrl m ~crrrl srs- 1 {,r~gnry Arkmlel' of the Sor1el sion, conlnswn Rlld contrarhr· q11estio.n i~ wl1cthcr the ~:orern­ Amid a general re;~.ction of re\·oul~ion and dis­ . xc·. 1 sp~prr ~cl\crs, IS sahsfactory. ! ~w11 lrss than •11 2 hours cnrtwr.: rmon, who at~o seJ'I'cc! under lion," Liberal 1Mder Peanon ment ~~ gmn~ In rlerenri on ll J may, there is -a tendency to argue that the 5_0-mega­ ' 01'. 21 !h~;lcd "1t'! ~ bo,l'" j .. The. ch1l~ was ~~scnbcd as STILl. CO:\'TRUVEHSY j Hamm<~rsl•.illld for years. said Friday. · i "fraclion.n\" wrapon nr arm the 1 1\~on~lrty 0\', 22 . cro11ri1 ,un:crl upi a lolely .httle hoy by Queen· 1t climaxes oix week.~ or con- 1 "II i~ also my intention to He issued a sl<~lement com- RC:\F w1lh nuclear wrnpnns. ton-plus nucle<!r bomb blast hea.rs \\'Jlness to 0\', 25 . headline~. 1 ~!other Ehzabeth. seething tensions and uncertaml1es behlllcl the Iron t\, 11 a~ born ~t I Speculation that the stork was .... ~..,.,... -· ......... '.-... ~· ....1 ' Curtain. ':·in 1 ~1;: <qnarr.! ~n the way came when the Tn other word~. it ·~em• !"1- 1 The)· harl nolhm~ lo oo wtth •· r!n~n :n Cl~rcnt·c Princess a n d her husband ' I kita Rhl'l15hchr.'' rloth p1·otest ton. lh~ Stalin era, lhrir consci~nces ' \, or thP (luccn mo1·ed Thursday night from muct1 He rtoc~n·t renllv necrl to are dear. th~y are l!'~S mter· ::t~f frincr-~ ~Jm·~· 1\ensingto~ Palace to Clarence brand·i~h nn o11lsizc h~mh. Peo- eslert ill ideology. adulation and · ... her marnagr. in House, a cream • painted Geor- I 1 plc will prohnhly f~cl, as The hero·•~·orship. '}"hey want to get m 1 ~ian house lacing to the mall. Economist the Britioh weekly, on w:th the Job. As a result. is · . ~rinc_ess Anne was born there I ::>.' 1 savs that he "could walk a good Khrushchev finds himself "br­ onr of the Royal Ill 1950. de'ai' more softly while carn·in~ ing pushed fnrthe1· nnn [~;tcr" .1011~. out and b•·oke Earlier, midwife Anne Thorn- his big stick." th~n it is fr;~>ihle for him In ~r• . \ D L:\:\D the babr's father. son had moved in and the Why, then, persist in oulr~~- ('onfrontrrl h,. lhc:,r. r.onfllcl', tiptoed' in to sec Royal gynecologist Sir John in~ world opinion? Fio~·ct •k(iucr·'. lhc Snv1et clu~r son, then took the Peel .vas seen bustling In and One theory is tho! it is olt a ' drcirlrrl In r~plodr the b_omb lo in to see her new out. dh·er~ion. :1 hig noi:-:c lo r·n\<1 t' lll\·ert i!ll\'11\wn frnm mlsrnr:!.! Ltd. Two days ago a crib _phophet- the 501111 c1 effecls of r!i,cn•ion t1·ouhlr. lloprfully, FlnYrl sum; . !- cllhe birth ~·as imme· ically decorated with blue rib· in lhr social camp. In !his liew. up: · ~:tphoned to the Queen, bon was delivered-a gilt from tile ~2nd con~n·>s of Ihe Sol'irl · "II Iiiii'' 'rrm "· t!•ou;h th£ I :1 · holding an investiture the Countess of Rosse. Commun! ...;t par·!:-· n·rc.:J!cd ~; prnce~~ r1f ric!rl!l1;! l!u:;:;ia of her .[ . Palace. She CROWDS GATHER conflid in nus•ia hrtwcrll nr•v , lu1rrkn of cru:':HI111;: commn· ·' 1 111 her sister and the Early this morning expectant and old, lwlwern an rmer.'!in~ ni>m has hr~'lll in:,idc the roun· 11 Mnrs taler. crowds gathered in the mall, the post . rel'oluliOJwr~· "meriloc- · tr:r. The p<'op\r 11·ho ma•· enable 1~1! Jones boy will be broad processional avenue lend· racy" composed of scientists. ' her to liYe ,t nc;,rr with the 11 Viscount J.inley of ing to Buckingham Palace down technicians and adminis!ratorsj rest of '!~e world hm·e already 1 subsidiary title of his which the · Princess and her I ;)j and those who woul!t cling lo, emerl(ed. I \ He is fifth in succes· photographer h u s b a n d drove the Stalinist ways. j SHOWS WHO'S B~SS I \brone or England, alter their wedding In West· PUll ;\IR. K. Arguin~ from dlflerent prem i ' i!~ Duke of Glouces- minster Abbey. '11111s Darid Floyrl of the Lon·: ises, Lord Allrincham in The ! i six. Before young About the time the bahy was \ ~· •' don !Jail~· Telegraph. on~ of the Guardi_an or ~~a~c~ester reac_he: 1 .; ;1 line to the Crown born they were changin~ the we~tern "1\rem\inolo;:ists"' who. a similar oplmmt1c condusJon. ! three children guai·d at Buckingham Palace. specialize in lryin,::! to 11nraYel A.c 11~ sees it. Khl'Uohchev e~­ ~largarct herself. With a Royal, if unconscious, lhe nu,si;,n eni.~111a. -'~.1·s that. plo~~•l the homh to demonstrate . ,,,: Linlc)' comes h·om sense of timin~. Lord Linley the new wnw oi Sn1·iet lradcr·s !hal h~ is the rffcc\il'c rut:r of . ,• 1- o! Lord Snowdon's came into the world to a fan· .' ; nrc pu>hing Prcmir1· Khru~l1· liiF.•ia and lo s\J0\1' the Chmese ·I Co~ntc;1 of Ro~sc. fare or pipe~ and drums as the I, ri1CI' ha1·d.
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