Status, priorities and needs for sustitaina ble so il managemen tit in Zambia SSStalin Sichinga Zamb ia Ag ricu ltu re Resea r ch Institute Introduction Zambia has an area of 750,000 km2 with about 13.9 million people and ample land resources 0ut of 9 million ha cultivable land, only 14% is cropped in any year About 55 - 60% of the land area is covered by natural forest and 6% of Zambia‘s land surface is covered by water. Agro-ecological regions and soil distribution The country is classified into three agro-ecological regions based on soil types, rainfall, and other climatic conditions Agro-Ecological Regions N Chiengi Kaputa Mpulungu W E Nchelenge Mbala Nakonde Mporokoso S Kawambwa Mungwi Isoka Scale 1: 2,500,000 Mwense Luwingu Kasama Chinsali Chilubi Mansa Chama LEGEND Samfya Milenge Mpika Regions Mwinilunga Chililabombwe Solwezi Agro-ecological Region I Chingola Mufulira Lundazi I Ka lul u shi Kitwe Ndola IIa Lufwanyama Luans hya Chavuma Serenje Mambwe Kabompo Masaiti IIb Mpongwe Zambezi Mufumbwe Chipata Kasempa Petauke Katete Chadiza III Annual rainfall is <750mm Kapiri Mposhi Mkushi Nyimba Kabwe Lukulu Kaoma Mumbwa Chibombo Kalabo Mongu Chongwe Lusaka Urban Luangwa Itezhi-Tezhi Kafue Namwala Mazabuka Senanga Monze KEY Siavonga Sesheke Gwembe Shangombo Choma District boundary e Kazungula Kalomo w g n o z a in Livingstone S 200 0 200 400 Kilometers December 2002 The region contains a diversity of soil types ranging from slightly acidic Nitosols to alkaline Luvisols with pockets of Vertisols, Arenosols, Leptosols and, Solonetz. The physical limitations of region I soils Hazards to erosion, lim ite d so il dept h in t he hills an d escarpment zones, presence of hardpans in the pan dambo areas, ppyoor workability in the cracking gy, clay soils, problems of crusting in most parts of the Southern province, low water-holding capacities and the problem of wetness in the valley dambos, plains and swamps. Chemical limitations of region I soils Some soils have salt content of which sodium is predominant, causing problems of sodicity and salinity, acidity and low nutrient reserves and retention capacity. Agro-ecological Region II Rifll750Rainfall 750-1000mm. Subdivided based on differences in soil types. Agro-Ecological Regions N Chiengi Kaputa Mpulungu W E Nchelenge Mbala Nakonde Mporokoso S Kawambwa Mungwi Isoka Scale 1: 2,500,000 Mwense Luwingu Kasama Chinsali Chilubi Mansa Chama LEGEND Samfya Milenge Mpika Regions Mwinilunga Chililabombwe Solwezi Chingola Mufulira Lundazi I Ka lul u shi Kitwe Ndola IIa Sub-region IIa, soils are largely Lufwanyama Luans hya Chavuma Serenje Mambwe Kabompo Masaiti IIb Mpongwe Zambezi Mufumbwe Chipata Kasempa Petauke Katete Chadiza III Kapiri Mposhi Mkushi Nyimba Kabwe classified as Lixisols, Luvisols, Alisols, Lukulu Kaoma Mumbwa Chibombo Kalabo Mongu Chongwe Lusaka Urban Luangwa Itezhi-Tezhi Kafue Namwala Mazabuka Senanga Monze KEY Acrisols, Leptosols and Vertisols Siavonga Sesheke Gwembe Shangombo Choma District boundary e Kazungula Kalomo w g n o z a in Livingstone S 200 0 200 400 Kilometers December 2002 These are some of the best agricultural soils in Zambia and they host much of the country’s commercial farming sector Agro-ecological Region II Rifll750Rainfall 750-1000mm. Subdivided based on differences in soil types. Agro-Ecological Regions N Chiengi Kaputa Mpulungu W E Nchelenge Mbala Nakonde Mporokoso Sub-region IIb S Kawambwa Mungwi Isoka Scale 1: 2,500,000 Mwense Luwingu Kasama Chinsali Chilubi Mansa Chama LEGEND Samfya Milenge Mpika Regions Mwinilunga Chililabombwe Solwezi Contains a range of Chi ngol a Mufulira Lundazi I Ka lul u sh i Ki tw e Nd ol a IIa Lufwanyama Luanshya Chavuma Serenje Mambwe Kabompo Masaiti IIb Mpongwe Zambezi Mufumbwe Chipata Arenosols, Gleysols, Kasempa Petauke Katete Chadiza III Kapiri Mposhi Mkushi Nyimba Kabwe Lukulu Kaoma Mumbwa Chibombo Kalabo Histosls, and Podzols Mongu Chongwe Lusaka Urban Luangwa Itezhi-Tezhi Kafue Namwala Mazabuka Senanga Monze KEY Siavonga Sesheke Gwembe Shangombo Choma District boundary e Kazungula Kalomo w g n o z a in Livingstone S 200 0 200 400 Kilometers December 2002 The physical limitations of region II soils lthldiitlow water holding capacity, shallow rooting depth, rapid physical deterioration, erosion hazard and poor workability Chemical limitations of region II soils low nutrient reserves and retention capacity, low calcium, magnesium and phosphorous, low organic matter content and high acidity in some pockets Agro-ecological Region III Hig h ra in fa ll reg ion o f Zam bia > 1000mm per annum. Agro-Ecological Regions N Chiengi Kaputa Mpulungu W E Nchelenge Mbala Nakonde Mporokoso S Kawambwa Mungwi Isoka Scale 1: 2,500,000 Mwense Luwingu Kasama Predominant soils: Acrisols, Chinsali Chilubi Mansa Chama LEGEND Samfya Milenge Mpika Regions and some Ferralsols developed Mwinilunga Chililabombwe Solwezi Chingola Mufulira Lundazi I Ka lu l ushi Ki tw e Ndola IIa Lufwanyama Luanshya Chavuma Serenje Mambwe Kabompo Masaiti IIb under conditions of high Mpongwe Zambezi Mufumbwe Chipata Kasempa Petauke Katete Chadiza III Kapiri Mposhi Mkushi Nyimba Kabwe Lukulu Kaoma leaching intensity Mumbwa Chibombo Kalabo Mongu Chongwe Lusaka Urban Luangwa Itezhi-Tezhi Kafue Namwala Mazabuka Senanga Monze KEY Siavonga Sesheke Gwembe Shangombo Choma District boundary e Kazungula Kalomo w g n o z a in Livingstone S 200 0 200 400 Kilometers December 2002 Soils are characterized by soil acidity, low bases retention capacity, low soil organic matter, low general soil fertility and soil degradation Major Soil group classification Soils of Zambia LEGEND N Soils Types W E Acrisols S Alisols Arenosols % Kasama Cambisols Ferralsols % Mwansa Fluvisols Gl eysol s % Solwezi Histosols Leptosols % Ndola Chipata Lixisols % Luvisols Kabwe Nitisols % Phaeozems Planosols % % Mongu Lusaka Podzols Regosols KEY Solonchaks Solonet z % Provincial Capital Vert isols Lakes % Associations Livingstone Soil Survey Unit, Mt. Makulu April 2003 Main Challenge of Agriculture Productivity in Zambia The declining soil fertility soil erosion and degradation and little or non- use of manure or chemical fertilizer and the ravages of erratic rainfall. Need to improve and manage soil fertility in Zambia There are several options of positive soil fertility management practices available to farmers Summary of soil fertility management practices in Zambia Technology Category Practice Advantage Reduction in fertilizer use, Improved soil fertility, pest Crop rotation Legumes after cereals and disease control, weed control (e.g. striga) Cultural 2-3 year fallow phase Improve soil fertility, Practices Agro forestry with tree species like impporov ed Gliricidia, Acacia, control and avoid soil erosion, fallow Leucaena, Sesbania, Tephrosia, etc cost effective or reduce the use of chemical fertilizer, improve soil structure Summary of soil fertility management practices in Zambia Technology Category Practice Advantage CltCultura l Velvet beans and Improve soil structure and fertility, Practices Sun hemp either leading to vigorous growth of the Green manure incorporated or left following crop and reduce erosion crop fllfallows on the sur face Compost Mixed plant residues, animal dung, Improves soil structure, reduce manure earth / soil materials, wood ash, erosion and improves water and practices water nutrient holding capacity of the soil Summary of soil fertility management practices in Zambia Technology Category Practice Advantage Ripping, basins Erosion Conservation and minimum control tillage tillage Erosion control and rain practices water infiltration Contour Vertiver grass conservation Dolomitic (more magnesium than Reduces soil acidity, make calcium) or calcitic (more calcium nutrients readily available Liming than magnesium) lime for crop uptake and elim ina tes a lum in ium toxicity Summary of soil fertility management practices in Zambia Technology Category Practice Advantage Enhances biological nitrogen fixation Rhizo bia ilinoculum ilin legumes an did increases y ildields Inoculum Basal and top Supply the nutrients needed for Fertilizers* dressing fertilizers enhanced crop production *Wherever possible, it is recommended that farmers should combine organic and inorganic nutrient sources for sustainable crop production Thank You fifor your attention.
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