Columnist Art Buchwald Selected as '79 Speaker by Greg Kitsock fromLibya. Calling Libya "probably the worst coun­ dents, faculty and administrators from each campus. recommending him, Caputo added. HOVA As~ocmte Editor try in the world when it comes to aiding terrorists," The group meets in October and November and sub­ Caputo said that after she submitted the three Humorist and political columnist Art Buchwald Buchwald offered to endow a chair in "Morality and mits recommendations to the President for com­ names to the honorary degree committee, she was will be this year's graduation speaker, The HOYA . Human Rights" if SFS Dean Peter Krogh took the mencement speakers and honorary degree recipients. told the Senior Week Committee would have no fur­ learned earlier this week. full course. According to Weidenbruch, its job ends there. The ther role in the selection process. Buchwald's acceptance was confirmed by his sec­ Buchwald withdrew his offer after a University Board of Directors reviews the suggestions and must "The (honorary degree) committee never got back retary, who said he received the invitation to speak forum on the issue was held, stating that he didn't authorize the University President to send out invi­ to me, and I have no information on whether they here just last week. Buchwald himself was on the want to interfere in Georgetown's affairs any further. tations. tried to get Trudeau or Bellow. I was not informed of West Coast and unavailable for comment. Peter Weidenbruch, cha'irman of the honorary de­ Buchwald was not among the twelve names sug­ the final choice," she claimed. The University has tried unsuccessfully in previous gree committee which makes recommendations for gested to the senior class in a poll for graduate speak­ Weidenbruch would not say who the committee years to have Buchwald address the graduating class. graduation speaker to the University President, said er conducted last semester by the Senior Week com­ recommended for commencement speaker. Altschul­ Two years ago he was the top vote-getter in a senior Buchwald was not among those considered by the mittee. Liz Caputo, who was in charge of the poll, er could not be reached, for comment. poll for commencement speaker. He declined the in­ committee. "Our understanding was that he always said cartoonist Gary Trudeau, novelist Saul Bellow Steve Reintjes, Co-chairman of Senior Week Com­ vitation because of prior commitments. asks to be paid a substantial fee (for speaking en­ and playwright Ken Kesey were the top vote-getters. mittee, said, "1 am pleased with the selection of Last year the author of the widely-read column gagements), and the University is not in the habit of She said she submitted these three names to Robert Buchwald and 1 think it will provide an enjoyable "Capitol PunishI?ent" caused a stir on campus when doing this." Weidenbruch added, however, "I think Altschuler, the undergraduate student representative commencement." He added, however, that he he wrote a letter to The Voice condemning the For­ he'll be a marvelous speaker." on the honorary degree committee. Buchwald re­ thought students should have greater input in the eign Service School for accepting a $750,000 grant The honorary degree committee consists of stu- ceived a few write-in "nfes. but not enough to justify selection processs. 60th Year, NO.7 GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY, WASHINGTON, D.C. Friday, March 2, 1979 G'town Panel Jerry Brown Packs Gaston Hall; Begins Search ForA New VP CaDs for a "Balanced" America by Val Reitman speech, prefaced his remarks by saying: ance" their potential harm with the by Ken Knisely HOY A EdltO{-ln-Cl"Hef "I have heen burdened with on Iv nine short-term good. HOYA Contributlng Editor "We are paying for the past," Califor­ years of Jesuit Education so yo'u will "The next decade will be one of sacri­ The convening of a search committee niaGovernor Jerry Brown told an over­ have to forgive the errors I make." fice ... and planetary realism-an era to find a new Executive Vice President flow crowd in Gaston Hall Tuesday Brown stated that he viewed a bal­ of limitations:' he declared. for Academic Affairs will be delayed at morning. "Let's not continue to steal anced national budget, "not as a cliche "The second 'Faustian Bargain'" least a week, according to university of­ from the future." but a 'radical' linking together of what Brown continued, is the selling of wea­ ficia~s. The committee wil be charged ",Due to the unwillingness of the na­ we spend with what we have. The most pons to obtain oil. In order to supply with finding a replacement for depart­ tion to face choices in the sixties-the salient characteristics of excess and im­ gas for people to drive the California ing Fr. Aloysius P. Kelley, S.l., who time of easy days-we are now paying balance are Watergate. Vietnam ... freeways, he told the capacity aUdience has been tapped for the presidency of with inflation, declining confidence in and a failure to rebuild and replenish "we arc selling !O billion arms to han." Fairfield University in Connecticut, ef­ government and the lowest rate of pro­ cities,'· he said. Brown called for "investing in human fective July, 1979. ductivity in decades," he said. Brown said that when he came to DC resources": first in education, training, Assistant to the President Charles The appearance of the unsuccessful (for the Governor·s Convention) "to manpower reorientation; second, in En­ Meng said Wednesday that formation 1976 Democratic Presidential nomina­ balance the budget, and asked 'why vironmental capital-a "rejuvenation of the committee, originally planned for tion chaUenger who was in town for the not''' he was told, "it's not done any­ of our basic wealth-the nation's soil, this week, was "still up in the air." National Conference ()f G()vernors was more." resources and climate; and thirdly, in "The committee should be together .... arranged by outgoing Student Govern­ It's not enough to take from the pres­ technological capital. "In the past, some time next week," he said. ment President Pat Ceary. The Student ent," he emphasized. "we must sacrifice America has led the world because of While the choice of the search com­ Government and the Lecture Fund now to build for the future. The unborn her technology supply; however, these mittee ultimately rests with President were able to set-up the Brown speech and the generations to come are repre­ technologies can reach a plateau. We Timothy S. Healy, S.J., Meng said that because a relative of Vice President for sented by" proxy; if it is a question of must recreate the risk and the genius, so the recommendations of the Facultv Administrative Services Daniel Alto­ paying now, it is often necessary to lis­ that tomorrow will be equal to the Senate would be solicited to help in th~ bello is a close friend of Brown's Chief ten to the yet still voices." past." selection of the fourfaculty members of California Governor and possible Presidential contender in 1980, Jerry Brown of Staff. Altobello then contacted The California Governor, who was "1 can see the day when we re-commit the nine-person panel. answered questions before an overflow crowd in Gaston Hall on Wednesday. Cleary to make the arrangements. not paid for speaking, termed radio-ac­ ourselves to space research," the politi­ Meng also said he thought the Ad- Brown, a former Jesuit seminarian tive technology as a "Faustian Bargain" cian stated. "Space in the twenty-first ministration was as yet undecided as to who spoke without notes.or a written questioning, "How I can weigh in bal- century will occupy the same position the method of selection for the two stu­ as the oceans in the nineteenth century. dent members, or for the ninth member Vasectomies, Sterilizations Also Covered Ecology and technology find a unity in of the group. Meng could not say space." whether the students would both be un­ dergraduates, or split between graduate "Nuclear weapons are prisoners of i past generations." Brown stated. "We and undergraduate delegates. GU Health Insurance Plan Funds Abortions need to break out of the bondage of Newly elected Student Government by Greg Kitsock chairman, respectively. The University "as a general statement, a threat to the Northeast Georgetown Medical Center, stereotypes. When viewed from space President Scott Ozmun said that his President appoints four members, and mother's life did not exist" in these one of four centers where G UCH P the world is really a unity of all species," conversations with Kelley Wednesday the remaining three are elected from cases. benefits are provided, said counselling he explained. night had led him to believe that the The Georgetown University Com-. among enrollees in the plan. In it recent article in the Arlington is given both on natural and artificial Space provides an opportunity to student representatives would he se­ munity Health Plan, (GUCHP) an in-: A 1979 brochure for federal em- Catholic Herald. reporter J.e. Hauf methods of birth control. Patients are link peoples of the world through com­ lected in the same manner that student surance program independent of, but· ployees lists the following maternity quoted an anonymous source in able to receive contraceptives there, she munication; an imperative to bring on committee members are: by appoint­ associated with the University, has been and related benefits offered by GUCHP as saying the phrase "health of added. the process of assimilation-not in ster­ ment by the Student Government Pres­ underwriting abortions, sterilizations GUCHP: "Therapeutic abortions - the mother" is so broad that it is not Michael Schwartz of the Catholic ile generations of Metternich clones, ident and confirmation by the Student and vasectomies since its first year of, Termination of pregnancy is covered hard to find valid reasons for approving Civil Rights League said the issue first but in a policy that reflects the central Senate.
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