Baldwin-Wallace College Bach Festival Celebrating 77 years of exceptional music The Oldest Collegiate Bach Festival in the Nation Annotated Program April 17–19, 2009 OUR SPONSORS The Adrianne and Robert Andrews Bach Festival Fund in honor of Amelia & Elias Fadil neighborhoods and are vital to our children’s success. To learn more, visit www.cacgrants.org. On the cover: The Kulas Musical Arts Building in the 1940s. SEVENTY -SEVENTH ANNU A L BACH FESTIVAL THE OLDEST CO LLEGIATE BACH FESTIVAL IN THE NATI O N Annotated Program APRIL 17–19, 2009 #BMEXJO8BMMBDF$PMMFHF Baldwin-Wallace College, founded in 1845, was among the first colleges to admit students without regard to race or gender. That spirit of inclusiveness and innovation has flourished and evolved into a personalize approach to education: one that stresses individual growth as students learn to learn, respond to new ideas, adapt to new situations and prepare for the certainty of change. An independent, coeducational college affiliated with the United Methodist Church, B-W enrolls 3,000 undergraduate students as well as 600 part- time evening/weekend and 800 graduate students. The average undergraduate class size is 19. %JTUJODUJWFMZ#8 Baldwin-Wallace is one of the few liberal arts colleges in the nation l The College regularly appears 2VJDLUP*OOPWBUF with an internationally respected among “America’s Best Colleges” l Conservatory of Music. It also (in the category of Regional B-W was one of the first colleges is recognized as one of the early Universities) and “Best Values” in in the country to endow a chair leaders of adult education, having the annual survey of U.S. News & in corporate ethics, the Charles begun such programs during the World Report. E. Spahr Chair in Managerial and 1940s. Corporate Ethics, and was the first l The Music Theatre program at B-W Ohio college to establish an B-W students are active learners, is ranked among the top five in the International MBA. country by Backstage, the industry’s supported by exceptional l professional journal. The newly established Center for opportunities to succeed including Innovation and Growth provides mentors, access to local leaders, l Since the neuroscience program real world experience in projects and a location that facilitates was established in 1998, 100% of that contribute to the economic our ability to provide practical its graduates have been accepted development of Northeast Ohio. career preparation. In addition into graduate programs or medical l B-W students work with to our main campus, B-W East school. volunteer executives and local in Beachwood, Ohio, offers l B-W’s Riemenschneider Bach businesses to refine more than 100 evening and Saturday classes Institute is one of only five business plans each year as a part for bachelor’s and master’s institutions in North and South of the Business Clinic. degrees in business, professional America containing manuscripts in l development and executive Bach’s own hand. The Institute also Partnering with Glengary, a venture capital company, students education. has one of the most comprehensive collections in the Western attend partner meetings on campus After more than 160 years, B-W Hemisphere of first editions by as well as exceptional experiences still is characterized by leadership Bach, Brahms and other masters. relating to private equity and business start-ups. and innovation. The College l B-W Education students pass the enjoys an excellent reputation, Praxis II exam, required for initial solid enrollments, significant licensure in Ohio, at rates higher growth in the endowment, and than the state average. #BMEXJO8BMMBDF$PMMFHF the results of wise investments &BTUMBOE3PBE in human and physical resources. #FSFB 0) B-W continues to build on the XXXCXFEV foundations that have served it so well for so many years. Contents3 BA CH FE S TIV A L COMMITTEE A ND ST aff 5 COMMUNIC A TION S : COLLEGE PRE S IDENT , RICH A RD DUR S T , A ND CON S ERV A TORY DIRECTOR , PETER LA NDGREN 9 BA CH FE S TIV A L ENDOWMENT S 11 SU pp ORTER S O F THE 2009 BA CH FE S TIV A L 13 BA CH FE S TIV A L ATTENDEE S —20 TO 77 YE A R S O F PA TRON A GE 15 HI S TORY O F THE BA CH LEG A CY A T BA LDWIN -WA LL A CE 23 RIEMEN S CHNEIDER BA CH IN S TITUTE ADVI S ORY BO A RD 25 BA LDWIN -WA LL A CE CON S ERV A TORY WOMEN ’S COMMITTEE 26 THE BA CH FE S TIV A L ORG A N 27 THE CH A NCEL ORG A N (UNITED METHODI S T CHURCH O F BERE A ) 28 ARTI S TIC PER S ONNEL 29 ADMINI S TR ATIVE A ND SU pp ORT PER S ONNEL 31 PER F ORMING GROU ps —PER S ONNEL LI S T S 38 BIOGR ap HIC A L IN F ORM A TION 52 FIR S T CONCERT * 58 SECOND CONCERT * 67 THIRD CONCERT * 84 FOURTH CONCERT * 98 BA CH SERVICE * 105 FI F TH CONCERT * 108 RE P ERTORY LI S T 120 ANNOUNCEMENT O F THE 2010 BA CH FE S TIV A L *NOTE S ON THE PROGR A M S , TEXT S , A ND TR A N S L A TION S First Concert, Andrew Fouts, Chatham Baroque; Second through Bach Service and Fourth Concerts, Dr. Melvin Unger, Director, Riemenschneider Bach Institute; and Fifth Concert, Joan Lippincott IN fo RMATI O N fo R TICKET HO LDERS Please be seated at least ten minutes prior to the scheduled time of each performance. Please help us conserve paper by bringing your program back with you to each performance. All events are located in Gamble Auditorium, Kulas Musical Arts Building (96 Front St.) unless otherwise noted. The audience is requested to refrain from using cameras or tape recorders during the concert. Please turn off pagers and cell phones, and open candies and lozenges only between pieces. Latecomers are requested to wait until an interval of applause before being seated. 77th Annual Bach Festival 1 is programming is supported by Cuyahoga County residents through a grant from Cuyahoga Arts and Culture. Community supported funding — cultivating a vibrant community in which to live, work and play. Our world-class arts and cultural assets enrich our lives, strengthen our neighborhoods and are vital to our children’s success. To learn more, visit www.cacgrants.org. 2 77th Annual Bach Festival Baldwin-Wallace College 77th Annual Bach Festival DR. AL B ERT RIEMEN S CHNEIDER (1878–1950) StaffMR S . SELM A (MA RTING )& RIEMEN S CHNEIDERCommittee (1882–1971) Founders BACH FESTIVAL STA ff AND CO MMITTEE DWIGHT OLTM A N Festival Music Director PETER LA NDGREN Director of the Conservatory Festival General Manager DIRK GA RNER Director of Choral Studies MELVIN UNGER Program Annotator and Editor Conductor, Bach Service MA RG A RET SWEND S EID Festival Coordinator and Program Managing Editor © Baldwin-Wallace College 77th Annual Bach Festival 3 FREE APPETIZER WITH ANY ENTREE WITH THIS AD 11609 Detroit Road • Cleveland, Ohio 44102 Tel: 216-226-2767 • Fax: 216-226-4804 www.brotherslounge.com The Book&Bean Gourmet Coffee, Used Paperbacks, Friendly People 50 Front St. on the Triangle in Downtown Berea Just 2 blocks South of the Kulas Musical Arts Building Salutes the 77th Annual BW Bach Festival Day 1 Day 2 $1.00 off any coffee drink Buy One Drink, Get one Free (Equal or lesser value) 4 77th Annual Bach Festival MessageMESSAGE F R O M THE PRESIDENT BALDWIN -WALLACE CO LLEGE Dear Friends, Welcome to the 77th annual Bach Festival at Baldwin-Wallace College. We are pleased that you are joining us to share in this celebration of the beautiful and inspiring music of J. S. Bach and his contempo- raries. This year, the oldest collegiate Bach Festival in the country celebrates Christmas a few months early with our performance of the Christmas Oratorio on Saturday. We’re happy to welcome back our soloists, Tamara Matthews, Marietta Simpson, Benjamin Butterfield, and Christophèren Nomura, all of whom have shared their exceptional talents with us in past Bach Festivals. This year we also welcome two chamber ensembles for their first perfor- mances at our festival. Chatham Baroque, which focuses on 17th- and 18th-century music, hails from nearby Pittsburgh, but their music has been heard throughout the country. Closer to home, CO5 and Friends, a quintet of Cleveland Orchestra musicians who performed for our FOCUS Festival last fall, makes their first Bach Festival appearance at Baldwin-Wallace College. As always, we welcome and thank our loyal patrons, subscribers, guests, benefactors and external partners who help to keep this exceptional event alive and growing. Since Albert and Selma Riemenschneider established the Festival in 1932, generations of music lovers from Berea, greater Cleveland, and beyond have enjoyed the beauty and grandeur of the great works of Bach. We welcome you to the 2009 Bach Festival and are pleased that you’ve chosen to be a part of this wonderful tradition. Warm regards, Dick Durst President 77th Annual Bach Festival 5 Best Wishes for a Successful Bach Festival! We’re one of Baldwin-Wallace’s Preferred Hotels! 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