ROLLING CODE KEYLESS ENTRY SYSTEM ᗂ Up to 16 keyfob transmitters ᗂ Two door-strike outputs ᗂ High security ᗂ Alarm system RECYCLE IT A low-cost large-display anemometer from recycled parts FAST CHARGER FOR NiMH BATTERIES A versatile, safe charger to suit any size cells PLUS $8.75 US $10.25 CAN BREADBOARDING PROJECTS AUGUST 2009 PRINTED IN THE UK Festive Lights Copyright Ó 2008, Wimborne Publishing Ltd (Sequoia House, 398a Ringwood Road, Ferndown, Dorset BH22 9AU, UK) and TechBites Interactive Inc., (PO Box 857, Madison, Alabama 35758, USA) All rights reserved. WARNING! The materials and works contained within EPE Online — which are made available by Wimborne Publishing Ltd and TechBites Interactive Inc — are copyrighted. You are permitted to make a backup copy of the downloaded file and one (1) hard copy of such materials and works for your personal use. International copyright laws, however, prohibit any further copying or reproduction of such materials and works, or any republication of any kind. TechBites Interactive Inc and Wimborne Publishing Ltd have used their best efforts in preparing these materials and works. However, TechBites Interactive Inc and Wimborne Publishing Ltd make no warranties of any kind, expressed or implied, with regard to the documentation or data contained herein, and specifically disclaim, without limitation, any implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Because of possible variances in the quality and condition of materials and workmanship used by readers, EPE Online, its publishers and agents disclaim any responsibility for the safe and proper functioning of reader-constructed projects based on or from information published in these materials and works. In no event shall TechBites Interactive Inc or Wimborne Publishing Ltd be responsible or liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damages, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential, or any other damages in connection with or arising out of furnishing, performance, or use of these materials and works. ISSN 0262 3617 PROJECTS THEORY NEWS COMMENT POPULAR FEATURES INCORPORATING ELECTRONICS TODAY INTERNATIONAL VOL. 38. No 8 August 2009 www.epemag.com Projects and Circuits ROLLING CODE KEYLESS ENTRY SYSTEM – PART 1 by John Clarke 10 Rolling code makes it super secure. Can respond to up to 16 keyfob transmitters SIMPLE DATA-LOGGING WEATHER STATION – PART 2 by Glenn Pure 24 Records rainfall and temperature, and operates completely unattended FAST CHARGER FOR NiMH BATTERIES by John Clarke 36 Can charge up to 15 identical NiMH or NiCad cells BREADBOARDING PROJECTS by Dr Malcolm Plant 56 Part 11 – Festive Lights INGENUITY UNLIMITED 62 Optical Motion Detector Series and Features TECHNO TALK by Mark Nelson 22 Diatomic power RECYCLE IT by Julian Edgar 48 A low-cost large-display anemometer INTERFACE by Robert Penfold 60 Calculated connection CIRCUIT SURGERY by Ian Bell 64 Filter circuits – Part 2 PIC N’ MIX by Mike Hibbett 68 PIC RS232 terminal NET WORK by Alan Winstanley 74 The more things change; A plateful of spam Regulars and Services EDITORIAL 7 NEWS – Barry Fox highlights technology’s leading edge 8 Plus everyday news from the world of electronics ELECTRONICS TEACH-IN 2 23 New book with Free CD-ROM – Using PIC Microcontrollers BACK ISSUES Did you miss these? 34 PIC PROJECTS CD-ROM 46 A plethora of handPICed projects PIC RESOURCES CD-ROM 47 EPE PIC Tutorial V2, plus PIC Toolkit Mk3 and a selection of PIC-related articles SUBSCRIBE TO EPE and save money 55 ELECTRONICS MANUALS 59 The Modern Electronics Manual and Electronic Service Manual on CD-ROM CD-ROMS FOR ELECTRONICS 70 A wide range of CD-ROMs for hobbyists, students and engineers READOUT Matt Pulzer addresses general points arising 73 DIRECT BOOK SERVICE 75 A wide range of technical books available by mail order, plus more CD-ROMs © Wimborne Publishing Ltd 2009. Copyright in all EPE PCB SERVICE 78 drawings, photographs and articles published in EVERYDAY PRACTICAL ELECTRONICS is fully ADVERTISERS INDEX 80 protected, and reproduction or imitations in whole or in part are expressly forbidden. Our September 2009 issue will be published on S# Thursday 13 August 2009, see page 80 for details. Everyday Practical Electronics, August 2009 1 $$0 0 "0;/69:0&600 % %% % 0<0%!0 0 "'0%%0,520%0 $ 050"'0%$%0 (0%0 $ 05 0-".050 00+$0 ,%-(&.&%.&&%.$(% 4 0$ 00 0 0"'0% 0-)001;.0 ,%-&-*0%0-!%"*$% %) 70+ 0% 0%$$0)%0 8 *0%60%! 0 8 =0 %%*$ 00%%0$ 600 ),%# +% $ % 0 00$ 0 0#00$$0 %$00 0/990 $ 0!30 ,%+ +% 30)$ 0%0 *$%6000*$!0% 600 ; " 4(++ 4( 44 0: 4!4! 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