2013 DELINQUENT TAX NOTICES INSIDE TODAY’S EDITION! Page 5 Page 7 Page 8 Page 10 Page 12 ONTICELLO NEWS M146th Year No.12 Wednesday, May 14, 2014 50¢ 46¢ + 4¢ City Recognized As A Healthy Dept. Head Resignation Weight Community Champion Cause For Denunciation LAZARO ALEMAN terized as having car- ECB Publishing ried out a campaign Senior Staff Writer against Harvey. o m m i s - “David Harvey did- sioner Hines n’t retire,” Boyd said. CBoyd didn’t “He was forced out. hold back or mince And I’m dismayed by words about some of his induced resigna- his colleagues’ alleged tion. He was forced out part in the “forced re- by insidiously remov- tirement” of longtime ing all of his authority Road Department Su- to run his department. perintendent David He was forced out by Harvey, whose last day continuously making with the county was his work environment May 1. so unbearable and Speaking at the end stressful that it began of the Jefferson to affect his health. So County Commission after nearly four years meeting on Tuesday of persecution, David morning, May 6, Boyd Harvey just gave up.” lambasted those on the Please See board whom he charac- HARVEY Page 3A ECB Publishing Photo by Laz Aleman, May 6, 2014 Kim Allbritton, interim director of the Jefferson County Health Department, presents a certificate to the Monticello City Council designating Monticello as a Healthy Weight Community Champion. From left Officials Ponder Creation to right are Allbritton, and council members George Evans, John Jones, Tom Vogelgesang, Gerrold Austin and Julie Conley. Of Special Taxing District LAZARO ALEMAN Champion. safer pedestrian environment LAZARO ALEMAN ECB Publishing The recognition, she ex- and the encouragement of ECB Publishing Senior Staff Writer plained, was based on the merits healthier eating habits. Senior Staff Writer he head of the Jeffer- of the many steps implemented * The creation of an irri- ity officials continue talking about the son County Health De- by the selected cities to promote gated community garden that possible establishment of a Community Tpartment (JCHD) last physical activity and improve residents can use free of charge. CRedevelopment Area (CRA) in Monti- week presented the Monticello nutrition within their respective * The installation and main- cello, with another workshop set on the issue for 6 City Council with a framed cer- jurisdictions. tenance of a bicycle trail and the p.m. Tuesday, May 20. tificate in recognition of the Among the specific steps, or availability of bike rack facili- That basically was the outcome of the Monti- city’s designation as a Healthy best practice policies, that Mon- ties throughout the city. cello City Council’s brief discussion of CRAs on Weight Community Champion. ticello has implemented to ac- Allbritton cited statistics to Tuesday evening, May 6, at which Dr. Anne Holt Kimberly Allbritton, in- complish the desired end, per underscore why weight reduc- and Troy Avera — proponents of the measure — terim JCHD administrator, Allbritton: tion and the maintenance of a urged the council to embrace the idea. noted that Monticello was one of * The limitation, by law, of healthy lifestyle was a priority Councilwoman Julie Conley, whom the council 37 communities across the state the number of drive-through — for public health officials. had earlier designated to research the matter, re- recognized by the Florida De- i.e. fast food — restaurants in “As we survey the health ported mixed and incomplete findings at the meet- partment of Health (FDOH) as a the commercial district. The re- Please See Please See Healthy Weight Community sult, according to Allbritton, is a HEALTHY Page 3A TAXING DISTRICT Page 3A Last Week To Sign Up For Just-Ended Legislative Session Mosquitoes Seemingly Good For Jefferson Yearly Claim Watermelon Pageant LAZARO ALEMAN often the group’s public ECB Publishing face, advised the Jeffer- 725,000 Lives he Monti- Senior Staff Writer son County Commis- cello/Jeffer- indful of sion on Tuesday Worldwide Tson County last year, morning, May 6, that it hink you know Chamber of Commerce Mwhen the appeared this commu- which is the is pleased to announce Governor vetoed at nity’s wish list had that the Watermelon Tworld’s dead- least one of this com- been fulfilled in full. liest organism, in terms Festival Pageants will munity’s state funded “At this point, it ap- be held on June 14, at of the number of human projects at the last pears that everything lives it claims annually? the old Jefferson County minute, the Jefferson pursued by the county High School audito- If you guessed man, Legislative Committee has been accom- you would be close. Hu- rium, located on South (JCL) isn’t celebrating plished,” Bailar said. Water Street. This mans in fact account for its apparent victories “We’re not popping the marks the fourth year the deaths of a stagger- in the recently com- cork until the Governor the event is being ing 475,000 of their fellow pleted legislative ses- signs off on it, but you chaired by Emerald men annually, making Greene. This year’s pag- sion. might want to put a them the second dead- eants will again include Not yet, at least. champagne bottle in liest. age divisions from birth The 2013 Miss Watermelon Queen, Taylor Committee mem- the refrigerator.” You have to go way through 23 years old. Clemens, and the 2013 Teen Miss Watermelon Queen, bers learned in 2013 Bailar promised to down the hierarchy of The Baby to Junior Jenny Jackson. that just because the provide commissioners organisms to the insect pageant will be held on Legislature has passed with a full report of the level, however, to get the June 14 at 10 a.m. The termelon and Miss Wa- Miss contestants also a desired bill or funded funded projects and the correct answer: mosqui- age divisions are: 0-11 termelon pageant will have the option of enter- a particular project, it’s committee’s successes toes, which account for months old (separate di- be held at 6:30 p.m. on ing the optional divi- not a done deal until as soon as the Governor 725,000 human deaths an- vision for boys and June 14. sions of: Photogenic, the Governor signs off approved the budget. nually. girls); 12-23 months old The Teen Miss Wa- Prettiest Smile, Prettiest on the state budget — Local city, county By comparison, (separate division for termelon division is for Hair, Best Attire, and something that usually and school district offi- sharks and wolves each kill 10 humans annually; boys and girls); 2-3 years girls ages 13-15 years Best Stage Presence. doesn’t occur until a cials annually identify lions and elephants, 100 old (separate division old. Each young lady The Chamber of couple of weeks after priority projects that each; crocodiles, 1,000; for boys and girls); 4-6 will compete in sports- Commerce would like to the session. they want to see pur- tapeworms, 2,000; dog years old; 7-9 years old; wear, and an evening announce a new divi- Case in point, the sued in the legislative (rabies), 25,000, and so and 10-12 years gown competition. sion this year: The $500,000 or so that the session. It’s then be- old. Each girl/boy will The Miss Water- Mrs/Ms Watermelon on. Legislature approved comes the task of the This according to compete in the “formal melon Queen division is Queen division. This is last year for the expan- JCL to lobby lawmak- wear” competition, with for girls ages 16-23. The for ladies 21 years old Bill Gates’ blog on his sion of the City of Mon- ers and ensure the pri- foundation’s website, optionals available for Miss contestants will be and older who have been ticello’s water system, orities are achieved. Photogenic, Prettiest http://www.gatesnotes.c judged during a private married, divorced, funding that the Gover- Among the numer- Smile, Prettiest Hair, interview, a sportswear and/or are single with om/Health/Most-Lethal- nor subsequently ve- ous priority projects Best Attire, and Best competition and an children. Animal-Mosquito-Week, toed. identified this year Stage Presence. evening gown competition. Please See as provided by Mark Dick Bailar, a long- Please See The Teen Miss Wa- Both Miss and Teen PAGEANT Page 3A Please See time JCL member and SESSION Page 3A MISQUITOES Page 3A 2 Sections - 32 Pages Viewpoints 2A Police Week 8&9A Community Calendar 4A Sports 10&11A Around Jeff. 5,12,14A Class & Legals 13A Church 6&7A Tax Rolls B Section Local Index Weather 2A • Monticello News www.ecbpublishing.com Wednesday, May 14, 2014 Letters To The Editor Searching Letters to the Editor are typed word for word, comma for comma, For Ambrosia as sent to this newspaper - All submitted Letters must be 600 words or less - Rose Klein One Sided? Guest Columnist wen Graham, critical services," Souther- a government shutdown on Sleepover Food the front run- land said through a middle class workers and o you remem- Tbsp. if dried) Gning candidate spokesman." then lies and says he voted ber the days 2 lemons (one juiced who is poised to defeat As Mrs. Graham four times to "avert" it. Dwhen you were and one cut into wedges to Steve Southerland in the stated, Southerland voted What is more insulting is younger and had friends serve) congressional race in against a budget that that during the shutdown over to your house, and if Preheat oven to 375 de- Florida's 2nd district, laid would have avoided the fed- he continued to draw his you were lucky they were grees.
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