US 20070156594A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2007/0156594 A1 McGucken (43) Pub. Date: Jul. 5, 2007 (54) SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR ALLOWING (52) U.S. Cl. ................................. 705/51; 705/50; 726/26 CREATORS, ARTSISTS, AND OWNERS TO PROTECT AND PROFIT FROM CONTENT (76) Inventor: Elliot McGucken, Malibu, CA (US) (57) ABSTRACT Correspondence Address: Dr. Elliot McGucken The present invention offers novel and superior means for 24345 Baxter Drive protecting and profiting from digital content. The rights Malibu, CA 90265 (US) centric, creator-centric digital rights management applica tion will lead to greater revenue and rights for artists, and a (21) Appl. No.: 11/648,963 new era of creator's entrepreneurship, as opposed to the dominant aggregator's entrepreneurship. The present inven (22) Filed: Jan. 3, 2007 tion offers a simple interface for creators, artists, users, and owners to define rights, select from a plurality of DRM Related U.S. Application Data options, advertising options, watermarking options, thumb (60) Provisional application No. 60/755,927, filed on Jan. nailing options, syndication options, and publish, share, sell, 3, 2006. Provisional application No. 60/792,107, filed and distribute their content in a plurality of manners. This on Apr. 15, 2006. invention has far-ranging ramifications, as it causes DRM providers, device manufacturers, web companies, Social Publication Classification networks, and content marketplaces to more directly com pete with one-another to provide the creator and content (51) Int. C. owner the best compensation for their work. Creators can G06Q 99/00 (2006.01) bypass the traditional and new middlemen, define their H04N 7/16 (2006.01) rights, sell their content, and enhance profits. Future ventures/social networks/marketplaces that optimize creator's rights/compensation. 355 consumer 2 consumer 3 357 395/ consumer W s AD CONTENT 353 web 6.0 web 1.0/2.0 web 3.04.0 web 5.0 Pristine company company company original company open source cms WEBSERVICES INTERFACE WATERMARKING MENU EMBED AD DRMMEN Watermarking Option THUMBNALNG MENU MENU DRM option 1 Watermarking Option 2 Thumbnailing option l Ad option DRM option 2 Watermarking Option 3 Thumbnailing option 2 Adoption 2 DRM qption 3 Thumbnailing option 3 Adoption 3 ECOMMERCE 38 THE 45 REVOLVER 307 GATEWAY MENU CREATOR'S RIGHTSDEFINITIONS GATEWAY Name: GATEWAY2 Date: GATEWAY3 305 Price: Duration: T-306 ACCOUNT Plays: MANAGER 304 Burn to CD/DVD: 365 CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT rCONFENT -364 CONTENT 62 363 Application 1 Application 2 Application 3 Application 4 Adobe Photoshop Final Cut Pro Fireworks Protools CREATOR 301 Patent Application Publication Jul. 5, 2007 Sheet 1 of 4 US 2007/0156594 A1 109 108 creator's creator's 107 creator's COntent COntent COntent Banner ad 1 10 SSSSS Agency banner advertising 1 SSSSS Web 2.0 Company 114 flickr, myspace, youtube, etc. 106 COntent d 112 Text a SSSSS creator's COntent 13 105 creator's CreatOrSs CreatOrS COntent COntent COntent 104. 102 103 FIGURE I Patent Application Publication Jul. 5, 2007 Sheet 2 of 4 US 2007/0156594 A1 222 COSC J device3 p 208 ° N web 5.0 web 3.0 DRM 2O7 Y company company Protocoll web 4.0 DRM 206 company SSS Protocol2 211 SSS 220 SSS Y web 4.0 THE 45 REVOLVER 221 205 Company -e-SSS 21 advertising embedding s ad brokerl n 212 N web 3.0 SSS S. ad broker2 204 company -Y SSS SSS SSS 1 -ss 203 web 4.0 250 COSC SSS company device -Y COntCnt - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - COSU 200 / device.3 202 CreatOr 201 213 240 FIGURE 2 Patent Application Publication Jul. 5, 2007 Sheet 3 of 4 US 2007/0156594 A1 Future ventures/social networks/marketplaces that optimize creator's rights/compensation. 355 357 consumer 2 56 consumer 3 395 consumer l SSS AD CONTENT 353 352 web 1.0/2.0 352 NU web 3.0/4.0 web 6.0 web 50 company company originalPristine company company open Source cms SSS thumbnail/ 35 Sss AD CONTENT degraded SS SSS WEB SERVICES INTERFACE R WATERMARKING MENU EMBED AD DRM MENU Watermarking Option 1 THUMBNAILING MENU MENU DRM option 1 Watermarking Option 2 Thumbnailing option 1 Adoption 1 DRM option 2 - Thumbnailing option 2 Adoption 2 DRM qption 3 Watermarking Option 3 Thumbnailing option 3 Ad Rio 3 Econier.09 THE 45 REVOLVER 307 GATEWAY MENU CREATOR'S RIGHTS DEFINITIONS GATEWAY Name: GATEWAY2 Date: GATEWAY3 Price: Duration: ACCOUNT Plays: MANAGER 304 Burn to CD/DVD: 364 365 390 ?t CONTENT CONTENT 62 CONFEN CONTENT SSS Adobe Photoshop Final Cut Pro Fireworks Protools OO |-A 1-27 302 303 CREATOR 360 301 FIGURE 3 Patent Application Publication Jul. 5, 2007 Sheet 4 of 4 US 2007/0156594 A1 45 Revolver 45 Revolver 412 Label/ Creator 3 Creator 2 45 Revolver 45 Revolver Owner/ Artist/ Creator 4 Creator 1 45 REVOLVER Content Marketplace / Social Network / Archive 403 DRM DRM Provider 2 Provider 3 DRM/ device DRM/ Provider 1 DRM Media player Marketplace Provider 4 401 400 404 FIGURE 4 US 2007/0156594 A1 Jul. 5, 2007 SYSTEMAND METHOD FOR ALLOWING 0008) 2. Prior Art CREATORS, ARTSISTS, AND OWNERS TO 0009. The ideas, concepts, and various innovations PROTECT AND PROFIT FROM CONTENT underlying the present invention. The 45 Revolver will usher in a new era of the internet that supports Creators BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION Capitalism, instead of the current Aggregators' Capitalism, which employs lawyers, activists, and hipster MBA market 0001) 1. Field of the Invention ing experts to trample upon the Constitutional rights of indie 0002 The present invention relates to software that pro artists and creators. The 45 Revolver will foster a renais vides creators enhanced control of rights definitions, rights sance in entrepreneurship, wherein the indie creator—the management, Syndication, distribution, delivery, watermark fount of vast wealth throughout the internet and beyond is ing, and ecommerce. The moral premise of the present afforded new opportunities to protect and profit from their invention is that every creator ought to be afforded the rights content. Furthermore, entrepreneurs serving the interests of to protect and profit from their creations. the author and creator will be afforded opportunities to create new business models based upon the novel ideas 0003. An embodiment of the present invention allows underlying 45 Revolver. Abraham Lincoln wrote, “to secure creators to bypass all the DRM and ecommerce middlemen, to each laborer the whole product of his labor, or as nearly allowing the creator to upload their content, define their as possible, is a most worthy object of any good govern rights and price, protect their content before distributing it, ment.” This is the moral premise of the ideas and innova and be directly compensated by the consumer. tions underlying the present invention and all manifestations 0004. This invention is dedicated to Fifty Cent, Eminem, of the 45 Revolver, which offers novel and superior methods Harlan Elison, Kid Rock, George Lucas, Puff Daddy, Lars to protecting and profiting from ones content. Ulrich, Aimee Mann, Kristin Hersh, Scott Weiland, Kristen 0010 The rising generation is longing for a renaissance Hersh, Chris Robinson, toby Keith, Lou Reed, Victoria wherein classical ideals are performed in the contemporary Shaw, Art Alexakis, the Beatles and Rolling Stones, Bob context, and the 45 Revolver will allow those who build the Dylan, DMX, and every other artist who started off as an renaissance to protect and profit from their creations, thereby indie artist, and all the indie artists to come. The present providing artist and authors with incentive to create and invention salutes Abraham Lincoln's eloquence, the spirit share, sell, and distribute the wealth of their creations. There and words of the United States Constitution and The Dec exist thousands of places for one to share, distribute, and sell laration of Independence, Johnny Cash, and the Creator they one's content, but none of the prior art offers the breadth, nor all served. For it is creator's Natural Right to protect and depth of options described herein, which result in a new profit from their creations. class of 45 Revolver applications that put the creator at the center of the internet, empowering them with a full suite of 0005. This present invention is dedicated to all the entre rights management and distribution tools with numerous preneurs seeking to build a renaissance that recognizes the options, thusly commoditizing the myriad of companies that higher ideals by which all everlasting art is created, and by have hitherto commoditized the creator. “The prudent, pen which Such art might be protected, so that creators reap the niless beginner in the world.” Lincoln wrote, “labors for maximum profits. In addition to serving the creator and indie wages awhile, saves a Surplus with which to buy tools or artist, the present invention will open doors for entrepre land for himself, then labors on his own account for awhile, neurs seeking to build novel and Superior distribution sys and at length hires another new beginner to help him. This tems for digital content-systems which reward the artist and is the just and generous and prosperous system which opens creator in ever improving manners, thusly fostering greater the way to all, gives hope to all, and consequent energy and art and wealth-both cultural and monetary. progress and improvement of condition to all.” The 45 0006 There is a Creator mentioned in The Declaration of Revolver—an embodiment of the present invention—Sup Independence, in the following early sentence, “We hold ports the American Dream as described by Lincoln, and it these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, provides a novel and Superior manner for creators to protect that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalien and profit from their content.
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