5918 THE LONDON GAZETTE, 24TH JULY 1962 Kot, Alexander; (Poland; Joiner and Electrician ; Marczak, Jurko (known as George Marchak); 32 'Mafeking 'Street, Longton, Stoke-on-Trent, Poland!; Reeliaman ; 2' Cherry Tree Road, Wat- Staffordshire. 18th May 1962. ford, Hertfordshire. 30th May 1962. Kot, Aifons Karo1! 'Romani; Poland1; Hotel Porter Martinek, (Frantisek. 'See (Albert frantisek (now and General Handyman; Hotel de 'Paris, Cromer, known as (Frank Albert-Recht). •Norfolk. 24±h. May 1962. Martinez Valero, Mariano (known as Mariano Kdwarzyk. Pawel Edward; Poland ; Excavator Martinez); Spain; Tool Maker ; 15 Shrewsbury Driver ; 19 Raglan Street, Glasgow C.4, (Lanark- Road, London W£. 6th May 1962. shire. 1st June 1962. Mason, Raymond 'Sonja (formerly Reirthard Sonja Kozok, 'Emill; Poland1; Engineer ; Peaston, Ormiston, Schmidt); Germany Driver Salesman 75 Lad- East Lothian. l'6th May 1962. brooke Crescent, Albany Park, Sidcup, Kent. 3rd Kremer, Erich John; 'Roumania; Weaver; 28 May 1962. Laverton 'Road, Bradford 4, Yorkshire. 1st May Meiijers, Antonius; Netherlands!; iBoilersmith's Mate 1962. (British Railways); 4 Southville (Place, Soutihville, Krol, Bronislaw Ignacy ; Poland; Joiner ; 10 Nether (Bristol 3. 18th May 1962. Street, 'London N.1'2. 27th April 1962. Meisner, Peter Paul; Hungary); Hospital Doctor; Krzywiec, Zofia; Poland; Dressmaker; -10 Haydon '61 Rossmore Court, Park Road, London N.W.I. Park Road, -London S.W.19. 23rd May 1962. (18th June 1962.. •Kucharek, Henryk ; Poland.; Joiner/Cabinet Maker ; Melkonian, Hashtoohi Vartan; Iraq ; State 'Regis- 11 Godfrey iStreet, Fairweather Green, (Bradford 8. tered Nurse and State Certified Midwife ; Nurses' Yorkshire. 29th May 1962. Home, Green Meadows, 43f7 Main Road. Dover- Kulesza, Janusz Stanislaw; Poland; Oerik; 59 court, Essex. 10th May 1962. Halford Road, London S.W.6. 28th May 1962. Mendocha, Edward); Poland ; Foreman Electrician"; Kulyna, Wiktor ; Poland; Press Operator; 72 17 Nelson Avenue, Coatbridge, (Lanarkshire. 30th Crathorne Avenue, Oxley, Wolverhampton, May 1962. Staffordshire. i'Sth May 1962. .Menke, Albert Aleksander; Poland!; Watchmaker Kwapulinski, Jan ; Poland ; Tool Maker ; 3il Forest and Jeweller; 67 Hillswood 'Avenue, (Leek, Staf- (Lane. North. Waisall', Staffordshire. 10th May fordshire. 15th May 1962. 1962. Meyer, Edith!; Germany; Of no occupation-; Manor Lamipin, (David1; Poland ; Minister of Religion,; 36 Hotel, Clarence Drive, Harrogate, Yorkshire. 16th Weflbeck Grove, Salford 7, Lancashire. 9th May May 1962. 1962. Michalski, Tadeusz Teodor (known as Edward Lampin, (Lezer; Poland; Ritual Slaughterer; 31 Theodore Michakki) ; Poland ; Warehouseman!; Wellington Street East, Sal'ford 7, Lancashire. 9th TOO Winchelsea Road, (London IN. 17. 18th May May 1962. 1962. Langos, Pawel Wojciech, known, as Paiufl Albert Minkowsfei, Tadeusz; Poland!; Cleric; 4 Oafcfield 'Langos; Poland; Mill Piecener; 86 Armitage Avenue, Whalley (Range, Manchester 1*6, Lan- Road, Milnsbridge. Huddersfield, Yorkshire. 7th cashire. 24th May 1962. May 1962. Moelly, Melville Edmund. See 'El-Moelhy, Mustafa. Lata, Franciszek Piotr (known as Frank Lata); Mo'lodecki, Tadeusz Ludwifc; Poland; Setter Poland; Sub-Contractor Bricklayer ; 19 Wistaria Operator; 1'5 Hillcroft Crescent, (London W.5, Road, Tetbury, Gloucestershire. 27th April 1962. -10th May 1962. Lecfci, Stefan. See Trawinski, Henryk. Monostori, (Ivan Gyula Arpad; Hungary; Medical Lehnert, Zbigniew; Poland; Coal Miner; 73 Student; 17 Wolvercote Green, Oxford. 19th Ystrad iFawr, Bridgend, Glamorgan. 12th May June 1962. 1962. Morrison, John. See Pliss, John. Levy, Peppo Joseph; Of uncertain nationality; Mos, Edmund (known' as <E. Moss); Poland; Materials Engineer; 54 Amery Road, Harrow, Tailor; 9 Grange Loan, Edinburgh 9, Mid- Middlesex. 28th May (1962. lothian. 16th April 1962. Lewandowski, Mieczyslaw; Poland1; Coal Miner ; Mroczko, Helena; Poland; Factory Worker; 13 6 Wood Close, Forest Town, Mansfield. Notting- Midland Road, Cartoon, Nottingham. 24th May hamshire. 23rd May 1962. 1962. Lewy, Karl Walter ; Germany ; Commercial Repre- Mroczko, Wladyslaw; Poland!; (Bricklayer; 13 Mid- sentative ; 1<34 'Canterbury Road, North Harrow, land Road, Oarlton, (Nottingham. 24th May 1962. Middlesex. 9th May 1962. Mu'Ia, Marian Stanislaw (Felix; (Poland; Certified Linsenbar>th, Witold; Poland; 'Company Director Accountant; 91 Eastwood Boulevard, Westcliff-on- (Furniture Repairers); 83 Stockwel'l iPark Road, Sea, Essex. 30th May 1962. •London 1S.W.9. 30th May 1962. ' Musialik, Henryk Wincenty ; Poland ; Steel Fabrica- Lissauer, Frank; (Netherlands ; Of no occupation ; tor ; 4 St. Paul's Road, 'Bedminster, 'Bristol 3. 18th " Kinrara," Wayneflete Tower Avenue, Esher, June -1962. Surrey. 28th'May 19.62. - Muslek, Alimet; Of uncertain nationality ; Restaura- L'ooher, Vilma Bozena ; Czechoslovakia'; Clerk ; 27 teur"; 75 Trafford Road, Salford 5, (Lancashire. •Rosedew Road, London W.6. l'3th June 1962. 8th May 1962. Lopacki, Jozef ; (Poland; Electrician); 3-2 Alexandra Muslek, Ahmet Abdula (known as Ahmet Muslek); Of uncertain nationality; Restaurateur; 75 'Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham 5, Warwickshire. Traffbrd Road, Salford 5, Lancashire. 8th May 8th May 1962. 1962. Lukaszczyk, 'Franciszek; Poland; Machine Mycha'lskyj, Andrij ; Poland.; Van Driver ; 26 Gate- .Operator; 82 Hood Street, Nottingham. 23rd ford Avenue, Worksop, Nottinghamshire. 1st May 1962. Lunde, Aage ; Denmark ; Mate (Seine Net Vessel) ; May i!962. 168 Cooper Road, Grimsby, Lincolnshire. 28th Nanowska, Barbara Halina; Poland; Typist; 137 May 1962. Gloucester Terrace, London W.2. 30th May 1962. Lunecbi, Wifctor; Poland; Setter-Operator; 21 Nazar, Asher. See Achoury, Asher. 'Raglan^ Way, Uley, near Dursley, Gloucestershire. Nedilka, Teodon; Poland; Wool Spinner; 66 l«th June 1962. Wadswor-th Street, Halifax, Yorkshire. 9th May Lunny, Leo; Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; 1962, "Registered Mental1 . Nurse; '129 St. Pancras, Nevett, George Joseph. See Wielachowski, Jerzy Jozef. Chichester, Sussex. l'6th May 1962. Norvaisa, Zanis; Latvia; Cotton Operative; 32 Luzzatto, EClaudio Mario Francis; Austria; Fashion Foundry Street, ' Bury, (Lancashire. 4th May Photographer; 2 Elizabeth Mews, Primrose 1962. Gardens, London NJW.3. 28th May 1962. Nowicki, Leon 'Krzysztofi; Poland; Sheet-Metal Maciejewski, Wojciech Kazimierz ; Poland ; (Director Worker; 2(8 Wilbert Road, Arnold, Nottingham. (Printing); " Larchcroft," Rockfield Road, Oxted, • 30th May 1962. Surrey. 1st May 1962. Nussbaum, A'Jbini; Austria; Traveller; 34 Green MaJinowski, Jozefi; JPoiandi; Lafboureri; 56 South- iLane, London N.W.4. 16th May 19)62. well (Road, Noriwich, Norfolk. 4th June 19612. Okonski, Witold; Poland; Civil Servant (Trans- Mallison, Calliope. See Zakynthinos, Calliope. criber); 40 Bracewell Road, London W..10. 30th Marchak, George. See Marczak, Jurko. May 1962. Marckx, Emile Maria Victor ; Belgium ; Violinist; O'ssowski, Stanislaw ; Poland ; Machine Operator ; Winter Gardens Hotel, Westcliff, Bournemouth, '51 'Bayswater Road, Birchfield, (Birmingham 20, Hampshire, 30th May 1962. Warwickshire. 23rd May 1962..
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