Chesham Town Council Bill Richards Town Clerk Tel: 01494 774842 Fax: 01494 582908 www.chesham.gov.uk Email: [email protected] 21st October 2013 Dear Councillor I hereby give you notice that a meeting of the POLICY AND RESOURCES COMMITTEE to be held in the Council Chamber, The Town Hall, Chesham, on MONDAY 28th OCTOBER 2013 AT APPROXIMATELY 8.00pm (i.e. immediately following the close of the Development Control Committee meeting which is due to commence at 7.30pm) when the business set out below is proposed to be transacted: A G E N D A 1. Apologies for absence. 2. Declarations of Interests. 3. To receive and confirm the Minutes of the meeting of 15th July 2013. 4. To receive and consider the Minutes of: Town Centre Working Group meeting of the 13th June & 3rd October 2013. CHAP Management Committee meeting of the 17th June & 16th July 2013. Chesham & District Transport Users’ Group meeting of 25th June, 6th August and 17th September 2013. Finance Working Party meetings of 18th July, 11th September and 2nd October 2013. 4b. Presentation on 'Living Green Wall' for Chesham - Biotecture. 5. Devolved Services Update. 6. Completion of Audit. 7. Response to Buckinghamshire County Council Service Delivery and Chiltern District Council Tax Scheme Consultation. 8. Elgiva Board – Financial Request and Vision Document. 9. Financial Report to 31st August 2013. 10. Revised Grievance Policy and Procedure. 11. Staffing Review. 12. Exclusion of the Public and the Press. 13. Review of Council’s Publications and Contracts. Yours sincerely, Bill Richards Town Clerk Chesham Town Council, Town Hall, Chesham, Bucks HP5 1DS Twinned with Friedrichsdorf Germany; Houilles France; Archena Spain Chesham Town Council continued . Circulation: Councillor V.M. Abraham Councillor Mrs. R .Juett Councillor A.K. Bacon Councillor Mrs C.M. Michael Councillor Mrs C. Boxer Councillor M. W. Shaw Councillor Mrs P. Cherrill Councillor F. S. Wilson Councillor M. Fayyaz Councillor P. W. Yerrell Councillor T. Franks Councillor P. J. Hudson Publication Date 21st October 2013. - 2 - CHESHAM TOWN COUNCIL TOWN CENTRE WORKING GROUP Minutes of the meeting of the Town Centre Working Group held on Thursday 13th June 2013. PRESENT: Cllr Colette Littley (CL), Chesham Town Council Kathryn Graves (KG), Chesham Town Council Masud Ahmed (MA), Taxi Drivers’ Association Noel Brown (NB), Buckinghamshire County Council David Carter (DC), Chesham Society Rod Culverhouse (RC), FastBreak Sports PCSO Jaqueline Day (JD), Thames Valley Police Jed Elverson (JE), your Chesham PCSO Matt Sansom (MS), Thames Valley Police Anwar Zaman (AZ), Chiltern District Council 1. APOLOGIES Apologies were received from Oliver Asbury (Chiltern District Council), Jon Dickens (Transport For Buckinghamshire) and Cllr Peter Hudson, (Chiltern District Council). 2. MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING AND MATTERS ARISING The minutes of the meeting held on the 14th March 2013 were confirmed as a correct record. (i) High Street Relating to Minute 2(i), MA said that taxi drivers are still concerned that they could be ticketed if they pick up, or drop off a disabled passenger in the pedestrian- dominated areas of the High Street. It was confirmed that the Police would not ticket taxi drivers accessing the High Street to pick up or drop off passengers from/to High Street premises who are Blue Badge holders. NSL will not issue tickets in these situations, as there is no parking involved. NB advised MA that should any taxi drivers receive a ticket under these circumstances, he would take the matter up on their behalf. Town Centre Working Group 13 June 2013 - 1 - If there are members of the public who are eligible for a Blue Badge, but do not have one, they can apply via the GOV.UK web site. Guidance on eligibility is available from the Bucks County Council web site: http://www.buckscc.gov.uk/social-care/disabled-persons-car-badges/ JE requested that KG write an article for yourChesham to explain that people with Blue Badges can be picked up or dropped off in the High Street and also to highlight how people can report people breaking car parking rules. Action: Kathryn MS said that many people have voiced their concerns to the Police about the congestion caused by people parking in The Broadway near Barclays on the faded double-yellow lines, especially on market days. There is a general feeling amongst the public that there is insufficient enforcement of the double yellow lines in the town centre and the abuse of disabled spaces. People are also under the misapprehension that the Police should be enforcing this, when it is the responsibility of NSL on behalf of Bucks County Council. MS suggested that it would be helpful if NSL could do some awareness raising with the public to explain what parking enforcement they are responsible for. It was noted that both the Police and Chiltern District Council are getting a lot of phone calls about on-street parking, which indicates that public awareness is low. NB said that we need to balance enforcement with an understanding of the difficulty faced by taxi drivers and bus drivers in negotiating The Broadway. MA expressed his disappointment at how NSL are operating. NB said that he is trying to address the problems caused by NSL focusing on residential areas, where parking is already very difficult, especially on Bank Holidays. He is urging that NSL take a more common sense approach. NB said that it would be helpful if members of the Town Centre Working Group could supply him with a list of their concerns regarding NSL. KG will coordinate this. Action: Kathryn 3. COMMUNITY SAFETY/POLICE REPORT Anti-social behaviour in the town centre is quite low and there has been a reduction in the number of reported incidents. The Police have made a request to BCC Highways to assess the signage in The Broadway to see if the restricted zone outside Caffe Nero can be made clearer. The Police continue to warn the drivers who are seen using this area. The Police will be tackling antisocial behaviour by young people in some of the town’s car parks. Four new PCSOs for Chesham are currently being trained and we have two new sergeants: Sergeant Ali Tallett and Acting Sergeant Jez Byrom. Another PC will be starting in this month. Town Centre Working Group 13 June 2013 - 2 - A number of drugs warrants have been conducted recently and it is emphasised that the Police welcomes intelligence from the community in order to address drugs within the town. Awareness needs to be raised amongst the public as lots of people are leaving their vehicles unlocked overnight, resulting in thefts from these vehicles. This will be included in a police report for yourChesham. DC asked what impact the Police and Crime Commissioner is having on local policing. There has been an increased focus on preventing rural crime and more attention on drugs. MS and JD left at 11.20am. 4. HIGHWAYS ISSUES (i) Lighting The group discussed the wall-mounted lighting on the High Street, which is generally perceived by the public to be inadequate. The possibility of replacing the lighting with LED lights with funding through the Green Deal was considered and whether this could be tied in with the Change for Chesham campaign. It was agreed that this should be suggested to the Lighting Department at BCC. (ii) Culvert A newsletter from the Environment Agency was distributed to the group, explaining the current plans for work to the culvert in Market Square. It was noted that the protective barriers surrounding the culvert are out of place. KG explained that these are normally monitored under the Getting Closer to Communities scheme, but the operative is currently on holiday. (iii) High Street Trees The repairs to the raised paviers around the trees in the High Street have now been completed. (iv) Market Square Chesham in Bloom volunteers have planted up the raised beds in Market Square, painted bollards and other street furniture and organised for Chiltern District Council to refurbish the benches. It was noted that Chesham in Bloom have also been working with Chesham Environmental Group to remove the ivy on Parsonage Lane wall. NB asked whether the vegetation along St. Mary’s Way would be cut in time for Chesham in Bloom judging on the 9th July and suggested that KG should check this with Jon Dickens. Action: Kathryn (v) Town Signage NB asked AZ to investigate whether CDC has any responsibility for the finger posts in the High Street, as the Little Theatre by the Park would like to be added to the post Town Centre Working Group 13 June 2013 - 3 - in Market Square. KG said that all three fingerposts are out of date and at least two are in need of repair. It was noted that there is a need to determine responsibility for on-going maintenance when equipment is installed through partnership working. Action: Anwar The group discussed the possibility of installing a sign saying “Town Centre & Car Park” within Star Yard Car Park. AZ will investigate whether it would be feasible for CDC to do this and whether planning permission would be required. Action: Anwar (vi) Road Surfacing The new white surface that has been applied on the approach to a number of junctions in the town centre is a non-slip surface dressing. 5. PARKING (i) Water Meadow Car Park It was noted that a section of Water Meadow car park will be used as a compound for the Environment Agency when they are undertaking their works on the culvert. This includes use of the grassed area to minimise the number of parking spaces that are taken out of use.
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