>fp-- ■ % 5 ^ S C M 5J 9 f '4 » 2 - . 7 1, M E S "THt TRUTH UNBRIDklD- ^lATy 4» m t Toarift and Rooostj Bhoiita HmiKHS >1 Room*, t isatlv 7:30 Rawhide SERVICES OFFERED 8530 Route 0« 9:30 The Jackie Gleasoq Shonr 10:p0 Twilight Zone 10<80 Evewitneii to HMtoty INLAID LINOLEUM, COUNTER •W R SERVICE STARTS ON TV THIS 11:00 Nevra You Can’t Afford TOPS, ASPHALT, RUBBER AND 11,: 15 Pint Run Thsater WITH YOUR FIRST To Miss What We WALL TILE 5:30 Rin Tin Ti!? . Wa trtim iH »nd Oeliver —Free Estimates— 8:30 Price Is Rit;#it , Offerl WRAL Channel 5 9:00 Perry Como 6:C0 Lassie CALL” Hunt Linoleum 4ind SATURDAY, MARCH 4 10: 00 Naked City 6:30 Esso li:C0 Daleline At St. Augustine's 7:00 Today on Farm Tile Company, Inc. 11:10'Sportsline * ' 6:40 Weather ' ACCIDENT AND Phone 681-8985 7:30 Cartoon Carnival 6;45 Douglas Edwards RALRtOH—tOn F ebruary 12, th* Dorhain Builders & 9:00 Big Picture 11:15 Your- Legislature . Supply HEALTH INSURANCE ' 3505 ROXBORO ROAD 9:30 Lone Ranger 11:30 Jack Paar 7:00 Pete and Gldays N(*th Carpllna Student Education 10:00 Shair Lewis Snow THURSDAY, MARCH 9 7:30 Cheyenne Adsoclation niet at St. Auftujtine’a 6;3T' /vspect BUILDING MATERIALS HOSPITALIZATION 10:3'’ King Leonardo V' 8:30 Law and Mr. Jones r'nlle'*e for k one-day conference, 7:00 Early Bird Special Milton A»». ■» W. Main ll:CO Fury 9:00 Danny Thomas 11:30 Teenage Ptolic 7:10 Your Legislature 9:30 Andy Griffith havina hs ihi tlwme' “New Hori- INSURANCE ,■7:85 Viewpoint T«l. 6««167 NEW METHOD 12:30 Detective’s Diary 10*00 Hennessey »nns In Teacher Ertucation and 1:00 Movie Marathon 4S, 10:ar< Alcoa Presents Professional Standard.” 2:00 College Basketball 9:00 Debbie Drake LAUNDRY i i »;15 poipourri 41:00 News During the c.n\ir*e of the con­ t Individual or Familv St. Louis vs. Bradley U ;ltFir»i Run 4:30 'The Harvesters 10:00 Say When ference, the deleifste* were divid­ ahd Dry Cleaners 10:30 Play Your Hunch TUESDAY, MARCH 7 COAL Plan—Up To $10.00 9:00 Captain Gallant ed into five stitiJy ^oups, in 405 Roxboro Street 5:30 Wrestling 11:00 Price le Right il:3fi Concentration 6:00 Readini Program whieh they nwnuei by Per Day Plus Mis­ BROAD ST. BRANCH 6:30 Ozzie and H arriet 7.00 Morning Jamboree “OK In Every Weigh” 7:00 Donna Reed 13:00 T ruth or Consequences ■^'hich. tlift eonfdrftiici Iheme might cellaneous Fees 1106 Broad Street 12:39 It Could Be You 8:00 CBS News 7:30 Bonanza 8:10 Carolina News he carried otii. ■* ? ; |tf. H. Head & Son With Sursrical 8:30 Tall Man 12:88 NBC News 8:16 Capt. Ks^ngaroo QUICK . SERVICE 9:00 Islanders , , 1:00 Amos 'n Andy trading as 3:80 Jan Murray 9:0P Canoon Shop , The pre»Jdliii! oflicer was Gio.' Benefits 70 Days WASH TUB 10:00 Saturday Night Fights 10:00 Dec. Bride 10: «5 Make That Spare 2:30 Loretta Young mtchvm; W ata'PresWept from ^ i- McGhee Coal Co. Roxboro RoaJ at Avondale 3:00 Young Dr. Mwone 10:30 V14eo Village Per Year 11:00 Df teline 11:00 Lucy Ttrijeta City TewbfTs College. Call 6S40311 11:10 Movie of The Week 3:30 From These Drive 4:00 Make Room For Daddy 11:30 Clear Horizon ^ SELLERS . k ' school# pafticlpirting were! Vfin- SUNDAY, MARCH S 4:30 Here’s Hollywood 12:00 Love Life «ton-Sal«|n Ti^wheri Cdllege, Eli- AGENTS WANTED 11:00 Lamp Unto My F eet 5:00 Cap’n 6 12:30 Number Please /abdth. City Teac1iM« College, Ffy- 12:00 Tiie Air Force Story 5:30 Huckleberry Hound 1:00 Peggy Mann 1-30 As nie World Turns t,tteville Stalw' teslchers ColUge, FOR SALE OR RENT 10 ■ Shirts, reg. paclced . $1.98 12:15 Industry on Parade 6:00 Dayton Allen Sellers Buried Local & statewide I or 2 Shirts ............... ea. 20c 12:30 Oral Roberts 6:05 Stateline 2:00 Full Circle Ai and T. College. Shaw Univet- Flv -roofn bride veneer house, 3 or more ................... ea. 19c 1:00 Church of our Fathers 6:20 Viewpoint 2:30 House Party slty, Johnson C- SUiith-University «:25 Weather * 3:00 Millionaire f od locaDon, on pived street Men or Women Deluxe paclced Shirts . ea. 20c 1:30 Circuit Ride* and St. Augustine’s College. (Cellophahe) 2:00 The Visitor 6:30 Reeve—Sports 3:30 Verdct is Yours In RHes at New f»r sale or rent. Can b* rented 2:30 NBA Basketball 6:46 NBC News 4:00 B righter Day f*r tiiree months. For informa- SANITARY 4:30 Coach Case 7:00 Mr. Ed 4:15 Secret Storm 5:00 Medic 7:30 Outlaws i 4:30 Edge of Night tiwi call Fraiier's Realty, Ph. 8:30 Bat Masterson 5:00 Bandstand . Bethel Baptist 5:30 TBA ««2-13M or MI-3149. Laiinderers and Southern 6:00 Walt Disney 9:00 Bachelor Father 5:30 Rocky and His J^riends . W illie Sellers, resident ^ 108 Typifig Students 9:30 23 Y ears pf W e 7:00 Shirley Temple 6:00 Dennis Neal Street, Durham, was buried Cleaners 11:00 Dateline 6:30 Esso f 8:00 Maverick in funeral services at the New^ Fidelity Mutual DIAL 688-2503 9-00 Chew Show 11:10 Sportsline 6:40 Weather 11:15 Your Legislature 6:45 Douglas Edwards Bethel Baptist Church on Satur­ CORNER PINE STREET AND 10:00 Loretta Young Compete In 10:!jn This is Your Life 11:^0 Jack Paar 7:00 Adv. in Paradise day, Feb. 18. The Rev. L. W. Reid, HCLP WANTED; FEMALE _ LAKEWOOD AVENUE FRIDAY, MARCH 10 8:00 Three Sons 11:00 Sunday T.ate Show New Bethel pastor, "preached at Insurance Co. ' MONDAY, MARCH 6 6:30 Aspect 8:30 Dobie . Gillis Colored Lady Wanted R-30 Asrtect 7:00 Today 9:00 Tom Ewell ^he services. Interment was in the Vlfaiilad—Colored lady for gen­ PHONE 383-3331 7.00 Today ■7:25 Viewpoint 9:30 Red Skelton Beenhwod cemetery. 10:00 Garry Moore eral houiekeeping in small Penn- 7:2'"' Viewpoint 7:30 Today Sellers died at Duke hospital on 11:00 News Nearly 50 contenhnts from eight 527 ELM ST. AUTO SERVICES 7:^5 Viewpoint 9:00 Debbie Drake Monday, Feb. 13 after a short Ill­ •ylvania town. Send for informa- 7:30 Tortav 9:15 P’otpourri 11:15 First Run .hi«h Bchool« In the fia'st Piedmont ti«M to E. H. Koons, Front St., DURHAM, N. C Service Garages o-no Debbie Drake 10:00 Say When WEDNESDAY. MARCH 3 ness. District of the ;N(»th Carolina Castasau^ua, Lehigh County, Pa. 9:1.^ Rompper Room 10:30 Play Your Hunch 7:00 Morning Jamboree The deceased was a native of Teachers Associatlnn werie repre­ 10:00 S*v When 11:00 Price Is Right 8:00 CBS News Chesteifield_ County. S. C. He was sented in cqmpetiMvf ty^writing SPEIGHT’S AUTO 10:30 Play Yoitt Hunch 11:30 Concentration 8:10 Carolina News 11 00 Price Is Right 12:00 T ruth or Consequences m arried to the li>t*- BertTia H ar­ rnnteBts Friday ^t thfi Mai^ Potter. 8:1,5 Capt. Kangaroo rell in 1915. They had five chil­ SERVICE 11:30 Concentration ll;30 It Could Be You 9:00 Cartoon Shop High School in bxford. 12:00 T ruth or Consequences 1:00 Amos ’n Andy dren. HOUR MARTINIZING Road Service— St*«in Cleaning 12:30 It Could Be You 10:00 Dec. Bride 2:00 Jan Murray 10:30 Video Village . Sellers and his familv moved to Trf fliylsion Onn, f'ol^e-semastar,” (Incorporated) Service — Riecapplltg — Wheel 12 S5 NBC News 2:30 Loretta Young , 11:00 Lucy Pfpncps Colhert of .Marv Potter FOR THE BEST IN DftY CLEANING ANpnwtnt 1:00 Amos ■« AndJ^and Friends 3:00 Young Dr. Malone Durham in 19144 w here he was 2:00 Jan Murray 3:30 From These Roots 11:30 Clear Horizon employed at Watts hospital until ni"h School wo>i first- pUcer sec- AND SERVICE ^ PHONE 682-3575 12:30 Number Please 2:30 I,oretta Young 4:00 Make Room For Daddy his retirement.' r.nd nlBpp we»it-fo 4)renda Taylor Pettigrew and Fayetteville Sts. 3:00 Young T>r- Malone 4:30 Here’s Hollywood 1:00 Peggy Mann 1 400 West M«|q StrmI »• Five Points^ He was active in th? *‘''ii3lOU# 'if HUblde Hi“1« School. Maggi* 3:30 .From These Roots jiCO Cap’n 5 , 1:30 As the Yorld Turns I .mmnm.,1 i i ii ' Si| i iT 4:00 Make Room For Daddy 3:30 Woody WoodpeckOlr 2:00 Full Circle enmrtumitlps nf both ' Tlmtnofts-' ThnrAas of ’MUfy JPptter W gh Und 4:M Here’r Hollywood 6:00 Dayton Allen 2:30 House Party vllle, S. C. and Durham. He was a l^tricla Bowlih? of . Hillside High 5:00 Cap’n Five 8 :^ Stateline 3:00 M illionaire member of the Timmonsvilje Bap­ M^d for third pl«a«, > , 5:30 National Velvet 8:K Viewpoint 3:30 Verdict is Yours 6:C0 Dayton Allen Show 6:» Weather A AO ^ri«htpr Day tist Church Deacon iBoard while Annie Smith of;Hillside High^ LEGAL NOtrCES 6:05 SUteline 6:30 Reeve—Sports 4:15 Secret Storm he lived in S C., and when he won first place in the second divi- __ 6:20 Viewpoint L 7:00 TOA 0 1 enme to Durham Sellers joined stnn.
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