Dear colleagues, students, alumni and friends of the Gutenberg NEWSLETTER // No. 1 School of Management and Economics, Winter Term 12/13 We are happy to present the first issue of the Gutenberg Newsletter of Management and Economics. The newsletter, which is going to appear once per semester, will inform you about interesting future asd or past events, achievements of faculty members or students, new professors, and many other things, which hopefully will be interest- ing for you to read. The newsletter is written in English to also ad- dress our non-German-speaking students and faculty. All members of the Gutenberg School are invited to contribute to this newsletter by sending short articles of general interest to sekretariat.schnabel@ uni-mainz.de. The current newsletter covers the period April 1 until September 30, 2012. The next newsletter will be published in April 2013 and will refer to the period October 1, 2012 until March 30, TABLE OF CONTENTS 2013. Please send your contributions by April 5, 2013. We hope that you will enjoy reading our newsletter. Comments and suggestions are, of course, very welcome. NEWS FROM THE GUTENBERG SCHOOL 2 RESEARCH NEWS 3 We wish you a successful and productive winter term, STUDY NEWS 4 Prof. Dr. Roland Euler Prof. Dr. Isabel Schnabel APPOINTMENTS AND OTHER ACTIVITIES 5 PAST EVENTS 6 Dean of the Faculty of Law, Professor of Financial Economics Management and Economics UPCOMING EVENTS 9 Professor of Business Taxation NEWS FROM THE GUTENBERG SCHOOL Christopher Koch joins Gutenberg School Isabel Schnabel and Olga Zlatkin- Troitschanskaia stay at Mainz We are happy to welcome Christopher Koch as the new Professor of Corporate Governance. He is going The Gutenberg School was successful in keeping to start teaching at the Gutenberg School in the summer Prof. Isabel Schnabel and Prof. Olga Zlatkin-Troit- term 2013. Previously, he was a junior professor at the schanskaia at Mainz. Isabel Schnabel rejected an of- Impressum University of Mannheim. Christopher Koch’s research fer from WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management in Issued by: focuses on accounting and auditing, taking into account Vallendar. Olga Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia rejected an offer Dean of the Faculty of Law, Management and Economics insights from behavioral economics and applying econo- from the University of Bamberg. We are happy that both Gutenberg School of Management and Economics metric and experimental methods. professors will continue to contribute to the success of Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz Jakob-Welder-Weg 9 More information on the Gutenberg School. 55128 Mainz Christopher Koch can be http://wiwi.uni-mainz.de found here: Florian Heiss leaves Gutenberg School Edited by: Chair of Financial Economics http://wp.bwl.uni-mannhe- Prof. Florian Heiss, former Professor of Statistics and Gutenberg School of Management and Economics im.de/index.php?id=koch Econometrics, left Johannes Gutenberg University Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz Mainz at the beginning of the winter term and is now Jakob-Welder-Weg 4 55128 Mainz holding the Chair of Statistics and Econometrics at Hein- http://www.financial.economics.uni-mainz.de rich Heine University Düsseldorf. We are sorry to lose a E-mail: [email protected] dear colleague and dedicated researcher and teacher. 2 Doctoral Graduation Ceremony in the Top publications RESEARCH NEWS summer term 2012 Bode, Claudia and Stefan Irnich: “Cut-First Branch-and- Handelsblatt Ranking 2012 in Management On 22 June 2012, the Faculty of Law, Management and Price-Second for the Capacitated Arc-Routing Problem,” Economics celebrated the Graduation Ceremony for all Operations Research, forthcoming. In the recently published Handelsblatt Ranking in Man- recently completed doctoral degrees. 7 students had re- ceived a doctoral degree in Management, Economics, agement, two professors of Business Administration Donado, Alejandro and Klaus Wälde: “How Trade Un- or Business Education. 2 economists were honored for from the Gutenberg School obtained very good rankings. ions Increase Welfare,” Economic Journal, 122(563), their golden doctoral graduation and 2 for their silver doc- Prof. Stefan Irnich (Chair of Logistics Management) toral graduation. At the ceremony, Dr. Puriya Abbassi 2012, 990-1009. was placed at rank 142 in the overall research ranking (Chair of Financial Economics) was awarded the prize of and at an excellent rank 43 for his productivity (research Deutsche Bundesbank for his dissertation on “The Inter- Drexl, Michael and Stefan Irnich: “Solving Elementary output since 2008). Prof. Frank Huber (Chair of Mar- relationship Between Monetary Policy and the Interbank Shortest-Path Problems as Mixed-Integer Programs,” keting I) was placed at rank 165 for his overall research Money Market During the Financial Crisis.” OR Spectrum, forthcoming. output. Further information can be found here: http://www.handelsblatt.com/politik/oekonomie/bwl-rank- Friedrich, Christian, Isabel Schnabel, and Jeromin ing/ Zettelmeyer: “Financial Integration and Growth – Why Is Emerging Europe Different?”, Journal of International Juniorprof. Launov receives KfW prize Economics, forthcoming. Juniorprof. Andrey Launov and Isabel Günther (ETH, Third-party funding Zürich) were awarded the KfW Development Bank Prize for practically relevant development research 2012 Prof. Daniel Schunk (Chair of Public Economics) raised (€ 5.000) at the committee meeting for development Doctoral prizes for Dr. Golle and Dr. Pfeiffer € 200.000 from Fritz-Thyssen-Stiftung for the project: economics of the German Economic Association (Verein “Reactivating the long-term unemployed more effectively: Evidence from a randomized controlled field study.” For für Socialpolitik). The prize honors an outstanding publi- Dr. Uli Golle and Dr. Jella Pfeiffer (Chair of Information Systems & Business Administration) were honored for further information, please see: cation that has implications for practical developmental their doctoral dissertations by Alfred-Teves Stiftung and aid and shows a critical perspective on developmental http://www.fritz-thyssen-stiftung.de/foerderung/gefo- “Freunde der Universität,” respectively. About 650 stu- issues. For further information, please see: erderte-vorhaben/projekt/pl/reactivating-the-long-term- dents finished their doctorates last year at JGU Mainz. une/p/470/?no_cache=1 http://www.kfw-entwicklungsbank.de/ebank/DE_Home/ 14 of those received prizes at the DIES ACADEMICUS. Ueber_uns/News/News_2012/20120628_42203.jsp See: http://www.uni-mainz.de/presse/52474.php 3 STUDY NEWS New students at JGU Mainz We welcome our new students who are joining the Gutenberg School in the winter term. 371 students are starting a Bachelor of Science in Management and Eco- nomics, 45 a Bachelor of Science in Business Educa- tion, 89 students chose Economics as their minor sub- ject (“Beifach”). Moreover, 148 students enrolled in the Master of Science in Management, 44 in the Master of Science in International Economics and Public Policy, and 44 in the Master of Science in Business Education. We wish our new students a good start at JGU Mainz and a successful course of their studies. Two prizes for students of Business Graduation Ceremony in summer 2012 Education Best Teaching Award for Prof. Franz Rothlauf On 1 June 2012, the Gutenberg School of Management Prof. Franz Rothlauf re- Two research assistants from the Chair of Business and Economics honored all students who finished their ceived the Best Teaching Education (Prof. Olga Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia) were Bachelor or Master’s Degree in the preceding months. Award of Johannes Guten- honored for their diploma theses. Sebastian Brückner We congratulate our students who successfully finished berg University Mainz for (1st prize, €3.000) and Roland Happ (2nd prize, €2.000) their studies at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz: his achievements and were awarded the Prize in Business Education 2012 for commitment in teaching. their theses that are part of the research project ILLEV B.Sc. in Management and Economics: 85 students We congratulate Prof. on subject-related didactics of prospective teachers. The Bachelor of Science in Business Education: 10 students Diploma in Business Administration: 76 students Rothlauf on this success. prize is awarded every two years by “Stiftung Wirtschaft Diploma in Economics: 27 students und Erziehung” and honors outstanding theses in Busi- Diploma in Business Education: 20 students ness Education. The topic of this year’s prize was “The M.Sc. in Inter. Economics and Public Policy: 1 student Professionalization of Teacher Education.” 4 The statement of the Council from July 12 “Breaking the Rajan, Maria Ramos, Carmen Reinhart, Hélène Rey, Dani APPOINTMENTS Deadlock: A Path out of the Crisis” can be found at Rodrik, Kenneth Rogoff, Hyun Song Shin, Andres Velas- co, and Yongding Yu. In September 2012, the committee AND OTHER http://www.international-macro.economics.uni-mainz. de/Dateien/INET_Council_on_the_Euro_Zone_Cri- published a report on “Banks and Cross-Border Capital ACTIVITIES sis_-_23-7-12.pdf. Flows: Policy Challenges and Regulatory Responses”: http://www.international-macro.economics.uni-mainz.de/ Prof. Beatrice Weder di Mauro becomes mem- Prof. Beatrice Weder di Mauro becomes Dateien/09_ciepr_banking_capital_flows.pdf. ber of INET Council on the Euro Zone Crisis member of the Committee on International Further information about the committee and the Brook- Economic Policy and Reform at Brookings, ings Institution can be
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