l/ie. Newark Post VOLUME XV NEWARK, DELAWARE, AUGUST 27, 1924. NUMBER 31 Rehabilitation Division Closes Doors CLARINGBOLD FOOLS DU PONT-AND ROBINSON CHOICE OF REPUBLICANS After Commencement Exercises· Friday THE DOPESTERS I TO HEAD STATE TICKET IN NOVEMBER CONTEST. Despite the statement Four Hundred and Five St~denta Have Been Enrolled made by Delaware ~. Since School Waa Started Four Years Ago - Poultry Wright, Levy. Courtman Senator Ball Badly Defeated Yesterday in Race for Senatorial Nomination Husbandry Attracted Most Students from Mill Creek Hundred, - Dr. Frank Grier Wins Over Houston for Congressman Choice­ last week, prophesying the resignation of Thomas "Pork Bartel" Resolution Tabled two·yea r co ul'se in Ag riculture, and Claringbold from the office r~~~~~~~~~~~~4 that a large proportion of the men of Road Supervisor for Ir eceived for t l'aining had had but Mill Creek, no such resigna­ Headed by General T. Coleman du Pont for Senator and GRADUATION PROGRAM limited educational advantages,. it WORKMAN MASHES Robert P. Robinsoh for Governor, the entire state ticket as fore­ OF REHAB SCHOOL tion was handed to the was deemed best to establi sh separate I,evy Court at today's ses­ FINGERS YESTERDAY shadowed as early as last Sunday, went through the Republican Music-Little's Orchestra cour ses with a special corps of in­ convention in Dover yesterday afternoon without a hitch. Prac­ Invocation-Rev. Frank Herson sion, according to James structors. McIvor, when the latter LoIand Frampton-- Badly In- tically unanimous support was thus given Gen. du Pont. He will Int roduction of Speaker- Direc- The untimely death of Raymond accept the honor, in the opinion of every Republican worker, and tor A. E. Tomhave was reached by phone in jured While Moving Boilers "cross the bridge." M. Upton, direc tor of the scll001 , on the Clerk of the Peace office Address-Major Clarence A. June 22nd last was the on ly break in ... at Curtis Mill The candidacy of Senator L. H. Ball, which appeared to be Short in Wilmington. the, uccessf ul operation of the school. While engaged along with George waxing stronger during the conferences in Dover Monday evening, Music-Little's O'rchestra The Post had been as­ MI'. Uplon had b en director since its Moo re, local rigger a nd contractor, in was practicall y nullified when the delegates entered the conven- I Presentation of Dil)loma- lJ ean sured by Mr. Wright that inception a nd would have completed moving hem,y boiler s at the plant of tion hall. There was 110 stopping the du Pont landslide. George E . Dutton Claringbold would resign at hi s work a few months later. the Cu rtis Paper Mill here yesterday, The balance of the ticket went through unanimously save for Benediction- Rev. Frank Her­ today's meeting, and that a I Associated with him as director new regime would be star­ Loland Frampton, of Elkton avenue, a slight contest for the office of Lieutenant Governor. William so n when the school opened wer e the fol- suffer ed a badly mashed hand when a G. Taylor, of Wilmington, was chairman of the convention, and Mu ie-Lit tle's Orchestra ted in Mill Creek Hundred lowin g instructors : Albert E. Schaffi e, road work. Mr. Wright did block a nd fall slipped and crushed Charles H. Grantland ~ecretary. ( onti nued on Page 7. ) not give the news for pub­ the member. Dover presented a typical conven­ lication, prefering that it H e was ru!!hed to a local physician tion appearance yesterday. Delegates and later to a Wilmington hopsital. and political leaders from all parts of With tl1P awarding of diplomas in be held until today. New Castle County Democratic Delegates If reports from Wilming­ According to witnesses of the acci­ the state g ravitated to the capital 'arious branches of agric ulture to dc nt, Mr. Frampton wi ll surely lose city. Early intimations of a fight on eighteeli students Fridny morning in tor are correct, there ap­ Caucus Was Interesting Pledge To Judge Boyce pears to have been ·an un­ two finge rs and possible a part of the . the floor of the convention between Wolf Hall, the wo rk of the Rehabili­ ---.-- hand as a result of the accident. Ball Defeated by Opponents the Ball and du Pont forces within the tation Division of the ni ve rsity of looked-for SIiIHlP in the af­ Lively Meeting Monday Eve­ fairs of the Court. Mr. The in j ured ha nd was extricated 20;.,; to 17X - Beals and party were displ aced long before noon, Delawarl' will have come to an end . by f ell ow-workmen and while suffer­ when the word was passed a round In a little ovel' fo ur years, or to be ning Seems Favorable to Clarillg'bold was in Dover Hastings Split One Vote yseterday along- with sev­ ing intense pain, Mr. Frampton was that the General was assured of vic­ exact, since Ma ry 3rd, 1920, exactly Congressman-Collins calm and co llected through the ordeal, tory. eral of the Levy Courtmen. Rural New Castle was in the lime­ foul' hundred and five wounded, gass­ May Not Run For Just recently the injured ma n All foul' election districts held their ed and shocked sol di ers of Uncle Sam In the meantime, the far­ light at Dovel' yesterday in more Assembly mers in Mill Creek Hundred moved into a new house a long E lkton caucuses as usual in various parts of have been sent here by the Veterans m ad with his family. ways than one. the State House a nd in the Opera Bureau to be fitted for li fe work in In on'e of the best attended and live­ still insist that Claringbold, House. Recommendations were aired, Agriculture. The first year saw Ji est meetings held in t he Hundred in by reason of his avowed In the first place their caucus in selections for offices made, and resolu­ twenty students enrolled. In 1922, years, the White Clay followers of candidacy for the Court EDWARD WALTON WINS the State House developed an-unlook­ from White Clay Hundred, tions adopted without a great deal of 155 men were numbered in the com- Democ racy went to the mat with their CAR AT CHRISTIANA ed for opposition to the candicacy of plement of the school, the largest problem of choosing delegates ~nd should not hold office in his • Senator Ball for re-election to the eXcite~:~:rt Houston Defeated g roup in its history. Since that time, alternates to the State ConventIOn former district. The situa- Carnival Ended Saturday Perhaps the only unlooked for hap­ transfers have depl eted the ranks ' early next month in Dover. tion remains the same, as Night; Receipts Total Senate. New Castle was considered far as The Post can ascer- $4200 safe for the Senator all along the line. pening in the caucuses was the de­ unlil there is but a skeleton of the One of the real results of t he meet- feat of Robert G. Houston for Con­ foJ'll er number present. ing was the pl edging of every del e­ lain. His defeat on the r ecommendation I,;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;J 1The Christiana- Firemen's Carnival gressman by his own delegation from reet Store. A i ms of the School gate named by this Hundred to go to closed with a bang last Saturday vote by 201h to 17 1h was the sensa­ Sussex COl.\Jlty. E arlier in the morn­ The Division of Rehabili tation was Dover th a~ he shaH vote for Judge ============== I evening, ending one of the most suc­ tion of the morning's activities. ing, the Wilmington, Kent and New establisheu by the University as the William H. Boyce for t he Democratic Castle caucuses had recommended his cessful carnivals ever held by that Secondly, Representative Harry r esult of a request from the Feder al candidate for United States Senator, Newark Public Schools candidacy for the office and notices to organization, The gross receipts Little's "pork barrel" resoltition first Board for Vocational Education for as long as there remains any chance that effect sent to the Sussex Coun- Ready For Opening Day amounted to $4 ,200, with approximate saw the light of day in the county assistance in training disabled sold- for his candidacy to succeed. This half of this amount clear profit. tians. and sailor' . Many fo rmer all-embracing motion was made by caucus. Later it went to the floor of on Tuesday, Sept. 2nd Mr. Edward Walton was awarded the convention and was t abled. Mr. The recommendations were at once and sailors of the World War Fra nk Co llins, representative in the the automobile, Dominick Lombardo tabled. Some heat developed when were in ca pacitated by gunshot General Assembly and was carried Little in offering the resolution, out­ Half Day Sessions Ordered the kitchen cabinet, a nd J. V. Parvis lined in another co!umn of The Post, one of Houston's opponents resented wo unds, shell shock, ga~, amputa- easily. the pure bred Hampshire hog, which caused no end of excitement in the the intrusion of Kent and New Cas­ s, and functional diso rders. In Thus, White Clay Democrats have For Firat Week, Due to Heat was donated by Thomas Stafford. tle in the affairs of Sussex, declaring cases these di, abilities were and Examinations. Ape crowded caucus room. Amid cries of bound then'tsel ves to support Boyce The Minnehaha Band of Newark " Ayes," "Noes," and "Roll Call," "New Castle has told us what to would prevent the men from and the sentiment in favor of the pop­ pointments Completed furnished excellent music both Satur­ ChaIrman Richard ~ G.
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