I the 7 LPY + this month cw transceiver 14 measuring antenna gain 26 solid-state crystal oscillators 33 * six-meter transverter 44 glass semiconductors 54 'II log-periodic yagi bandpass beam antenna ... but not for the KWM-2 At 100,000 miles, it's still the liveliest rig on the road. Amateurs punch through the QRM on 20 meters with Mosley's A-203-C, an optimum spaced 20 meter antenna designed for full power. The outstanding. maximum gain performance excells most four to six element arrays. This clean-I ine rugged beam incorporates a spe- cia1 type of element design that virtually eliminates element flutter and boom vibration. Wide spaced; gamna matched for 52 ohm ck"1, line with a boom length of 24 feet and\/ elements of 37 feet. Turning radius is 22 feet. Assembled weight - 40 Ibs. 5-401 for 40 meters A-31 5-C for 15 meters \ Full powered rotary dipole. Top signal for Full sized, full power. full spaced 3-element DX performance. 100% rustproof hardware. arrays. 100% rustproof all stainless steel Low SWR. Heavy duty construction. Link hardware; low SWR over entire bandwidth; cou~linaresults in excellent match. Lenath Max. Gain; Gamma matched for 52 ohm line . is 43' 15 3/8"; Assembled weight - 25 lk. - - - - - - -117. m lcatlons and pel e data, write De --"- -"6 4610 N. Lindbergh Blvd.. Bridgeton. h& july 1969 1 / A 5 BAND 260 WATT SSB r- TRANSCEIVER WITH BUILT-IN AC AND DC SUPPLY, AND LOUDSPEAKER, IN ONE PORTABLE PACKAGE. Thc Swii~lCv~liet IS the most versatile and portable transce~ver on the market, and certa~nlythe best posslble value. The l~ghtwe~ghtcompact deslgn of the Cygnet makes 11 an Ideal travel~ngcompan~on.You can take 11w~lh you on vacation or business tr~p.and operate from your motel room, summer cab~n,boat or car. All you do IS connect to a power source. antenna, and you're on the alr. AMATEUR NET PRICE $435 ELECTRONICS For Better Ideas tn Amateur Radro \. jr OCEANSIDE. CALIFORNIA-A Subs~d~aryof Cub~cCorporat~on 2 july 1969 contents 8 log-periodic yagi antenna W~ll~amI. Orr. W6SAI Dclbert D.Crowell, KGRIL 14 cw transceiver for 40 and 80 meters Cl~ffordJ. Bader, W3NNL Richard J. Klinman. K3010 july 1969 26 measuring antenna gain volume 2, number 7 R. Bruce Clark, K6JYO staff 33 solid-state crystal oscillators editor Henry 0 Olson, W6GXN dames R Fisk. WlDTY rovlng editor Forpst H Belt vhf odttor 44 six-meter transverter Nicholas D. Skeer, KlPSR R. L. Winklepleck, WASIGU associate editors A. Norman Into. Jr., WlCCZ Alfred Wilson, W6NIF James A. Harvey, WAGIAK 50 stub-switched vertical antennas art director John J Schultz. W2EEY Jean Frey publisher T. H. Tonney, Jr WINLB off ices 54 glass semiconductors Greenvtlle, New Hampshire James E Ashe, WlEZT 03048 Telephone 603-878-1441 ham radio magazine is pub- lished monthly by Communica- 58 40-meter curtain antenna tions Technology, Inc., Green- ville, New Hampshire 03048. George A Cousins, VElTG Subscription rates, world wide: one year, $6.00, three years, $12 00. Second class postage paid at Greenville, N.H. 03048 and at addit~onal mailing 63 propagation predictions for july off~ces. V~ctorR. Frank, WBGKAP Copyright 1969 0 by Commu- n~cations Technology, Inc T~tloregistered at U. S. Pa- tent Off~ce. Printed by Capt- tal City Press, Inc. in Mont- pel~er,Vermont 05602, U S.A. M~crofilln copies of current departments and back lssiros are available from Un~vcrs~tyM~crofilms, 313 4 a second look 72 new products N. F~rst Street, Ann Arbor, M~chigan48103. 94 advertisers index 63 propagation Postmaster Please send form 79 flea market 76 short circuits 3579 to ham radio magazine, Greenville, New Hampshire 68 ham notebook 03048. july 1969 3 b. Ilrn look fisk One of the more worthwhile amateur radio other equipment items are subject to mea- projects I have heard about recently is the surements and reason; their operation must John W. Gore Memorial Scholarship spon- be explained and tested within the realm of sored by the Foundation for Amateur Radio. physics-not metaphysics." More enthusiastic The scholarship for 1969 consists of a $500 readers were unhappy when complete con- award for either graduate or under-graduate struction details didn't appear in the next study. issue-one amateur even had the support Licensed radio amateurs who intend to poles ordered for the space-dimension an- make their career in electronics or related tenna. sciences may request a scholarship applica- Initial response to the Bonadio antennas tion. To be eligible, applicants must have has been for the most part emotional and completed one year of an accredited pro- the letters I have seen have contributed little gram at an accredited college or university to their understanding. Whether they work leading to a bachelor's or higher degree. or not, I don't know, but W2WLR claims that They must also hold a valid FCC license of at they do. He has been trying for nearly 15 least General class. Although preference will years to get something into print-now that be given to applications from the area served it's in print, let's have some controlled ex- by the Foundation for Amateur Radio-the periments to determine if these antennas have District of Columbia, Maryland and Virginia, any merit or whether the performance he is those living elsewhere are not excluded. getting is a result of his particular location. Amateurs seriously interested in constructing Scholarship applications should be com- one of these antennas can obtain more de- pleted and mailed not later than August 15, tailed constructional information from either 1969, and should be sent to the Chairman, W2WLR or myself. Scholarship Commitee, Foundation for Ama- An antenna that is apparently related to the teur Radio, Inc., 449 Greenwich Parkway, Bonadio antennas was used with early Eng- N.W., Washington, D. C. 20007. The recipient lish radar systems, type TRU. The TRU an- of the scholarship award will be announced tenna consisted of two half-wave radiators, on September 1st. arranged in a cross configuration similar to the The Foundation for Amateur Radio, Inc. is Bonadio square-diagonal arrangement, and a non-profit organization devoted to the ad- fed through a Helmholtz coil. According to vancement of amateur radio and is composed W0KWL they were able to track small bom- of trustees representing over 20 radio clubs bers over 350 miles away without mechani- in the District of Columbia, Maryland and cally rotating the elements; frequency of Virginia. John W. Gore, W3PRL, in whose operation was about 30 MHz. If any of you honor the scholarship is named, was, until have more information on the TRU system- his death in 1960, the president of the Foun- and particularly the unusual antenna-l dation. would like to hear more details. The system bonadio antenna is probably declassified by now, so perhaps someone even has an instruction manual The article on the Bonadio antennas pub- they'd he willing to loan to me. lished in the April issue has received every- thing from brickbats to bouquets. One irate Jim Fisk, WlDTY reader wrote in to say that, "Antennas and Editor IYCVV - TRANSCEIVER WITH 1000 WATTS PEP ON SSB, 1000 WATTS ON CW, 500 WATTS ON AM More info? It's five-band (80 through 10 meters), completely self-contained (with power supply, monitor speaker and RF speech clipper built-in), and is all solid-state (except for drive and ceramic tetrode final amplifier). WE CALL IT THE NCX-1000 YOU'LL CALL IT WORTH WAITING FOR RADIO COMPANY, INC. 37 Wash~ngtonSt.. Melrose. Mass 02176 (617) 662.7700 TWX. 617 665.5032 Inlernallonal ma,lellng lhr0"sh Ad Au.#.m.. Inc.. 85 Broad Slr..l. N.r VsrL. New vorh low4 july 1969 5 speaks for itself. .. Here are a few reasons why the CX7 speaks "co werage and quality ". .. ALL HAM BANDS from 160 through 10 meters in INSTRUMENT GRADE COMPONENTS throughout full 1 MHz ranges plus wer- -** . silicon semiconductors, long-life Nixies, rugged lap for MARS, WWV. ceramic witches in P. A., taut-band meter . GLASS EPOXY ETCHED CIRCUIT BOARDS.. THREE SPARE BANDS a3al - .- - for AF MARS, SWL. .m- II - b-- ihm- , marine or other special - - use. 1.8 - 30 MHz CONTINUOUS with "General Cov- erage Adspter" (to be announced). SIX AND TWO METERS with full CX7 capabilities using "LHF Adapter" (to be announced). ALL POPULAR MODES of operation . .. 8 Upper and Lower sideband True break-in CW rmr .Compatible AM for VHF convenienca .FSK MODULATOR PLUS W IF Shift* allows use with popular 21 2512975.H~ ",,IIII~ -' " frequencies. Same G-10 material used in military and space equip- ment. designed and manufactured by experts. STANDARD "BUILT-INS' rave cost, clutter, operating confusion. HIGH TEMPERATURE WIRING is soldering-iron- .Heavy duty AC power supply proof. 8RF clipper Second Receiver RUGGED POWER SUPPLY AND PA. rated for capability continuous duty service. 8CW keyer HEAVY ALUMINUM CABINET and chassis, textured .Precision frequency bakedepoxy enamel finish. meter/calibrator .Even a folding STATE-OF-THE-ART bail1 LEGAL-LIMIT LINEAR AMPLIFIER to match.. coming soon. The following are Authorized SIGNALDNE Distributors: AMATEUR ELECTRONIC SUPPL Y - Milwaukee, Wisconsin AMATEUR - WHOLESALE ELECTRONICS - Coral Gables, Fla. AMRAD SUPPLY. INC. - San Francisco and Oakland, California DAKOTA SUPPLY COMPANY Yankton, South Dakota Write for an illustrated brochure - describing the SIGNAL/ONE Model CX7 DOUGLAS ELECTRONICS - Corpus Christi, Texas "Deluxe Integrated Station " ELECTRONIC DISTRIBUTORS, INC. - Muskegon, Mich. HAM RADIO CENTER - St. Louis, Missouri HARRISON RADIO STORES - N.Y.C.
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