READ HOYA' EDITOR'S BE SEEIN' YOU ALL IN INSIDE GRID INFO WASHINGTON ON PAGE 4 THE TONIGHT FORDHAM RAM, October 11, 1946 No. 2 Rams, Hoyas Clash Under Kleigs Tonight No Ex-GI's in Christ's Army, First Game For Postwar Maroon Eleven At Griffith Stadium In Capital City \Says Fr. Doty to Students Will Answer Questions On Team's Potentialities For Season Facing Them The Rams of Fordham and the Priest-Alumnus Hurls Challenge At Assemblage; Hoyas of Georgetown, two ancient PROBABLE LINEUP Jesuit rivals, will jointly ring up Fr. Gannon Confers Annual Academic Honors Fordham Fos. Georgetown the curtain on the 1946 Fordham football season this evening at 8:30 "Before you are anything else, you are a soldier o£ Christ, and there Boudreau LE Koncelik under the arc lights of Griffith are no ex-servicemen in His army," was the challenge thrown at the as- Bohdiewicz . ...LT Marchison Stadium in Washington, D. C. The sembled student body of Fordham College by the Rev. William L. Doty, Brennan LG Werder contest is rated by the experts as '39, at the annual Holy Ghost Mass held last Wednesday in the Fordham Landmark C Golden no better than a toss-up, for both Gymnasium. Father Doty, a member of the faculty of Cardinal Hayes teams are just resuming the grid High School, was the principalO Reiss BG Oberto sport after a three year lapse and speaker at the inauguration of the Fitzgerald RT Robustelli will be featuring new systems 105th academic year of the Univer- Lansing RE Benigni and predominantly inexperienced sity. The Rev. James P. Courneen, Frosh State Views Bloomer QB Spiess squads. The Hoyas are operating M.M., '40, celebrated the solemn from the T for the first time this Ososki LH Bonforte season, and Fordham, after a fruit- High Mass and the Rev. Robert I. Andrejco RH Walsh less six week search for a suitable Gannon, S.J., President of Fordham On Night Classes Squatrito FB Murphy T formation quarterback, has re- University, addressed the students after the awarding of prizes for the Popular Approval Given scholastic year. Father Doty presented a picture "Swingshift Studies" of a world in chaos and offered a By Class of 50 Glee Club Selects clear-cut solution to be acted on by his hearers. The two thousand stu- When the schedule for the fresh- dents assembled for their first eon- 67 New Members man class was originally mapped out VM LANSING vocation as a college unit main- by the office of' ~Rev! Thomas C. tained an awed silence throughout Hughes, S.J., Dean of Freshmen, Large Concert Season the entire address, which marked many members of the class of 'J50 the first Holy Ghost Mass ever to be feared the afternoon schedule of Dramatic Society Planned at Many held in the gymnasium. He charac- school work and a rush away from terized Fordham as "an oasis of light "swing-shift studies" was predicted Eastern Colleges in a desert of darkness, and you by campus critics. Now that the new Announces Roles must fill yourself with its bright- plan has been in effect for a month, ness—the brightness of wisdom and the opinions of some who are under- As a result of tryouts held recent- the flame of holiness." going the experiment in Fordham For Fjrst Play ly in Collins Auditorium, Mr. Fred- He declared: "Wisdom without school life have shown the pessi- erick Joslyn, Moderator of the Glee holiness is vanity and can be poten- mists to be far wrong. "Wings Over Europe" Club, announced that 67 new mem- tially dangerous. If you graduate "Not as bad as I thought it would bers, have been tentatively accepted. from Fordham without holiness you be!" was the way Robert McManus Goes Into Rehearsal Of ithe new members, 9 are Seniors, will have wasted four years of your of Freshman BS-2 summed up his 9;Juniors, 8 Sophomores, 39 Fresh- life. The only mistake you can attitude towards swing-shift school- In Collins Theatre men and 2 members of the evening make in life is not to be a saint. The ing, McManus is one of 250 freshmen school.' The total membership is now holiness of a Catholic man is not a now attending full-time evening Following script readings, held classes here on Rose Hill, and in ex- 106 with a waiting list of 25 or 30. JOE ANDREJCO weak, vapid, sentimental thing that this week in Collins Auditorium, Mr. Joslyn expects the many re- can be crooned about on the radio. It pressing his view he stated the gen- is a deep, manly, Godly love which eral consensus of his whole class on Mr. Edgar L. Kloten, Moderator of turned veterans who have been verted to the traditional Notre finds itself in the two great com' this business of after-dark educa- the Mimes and Mummers, announced members of the Glee Club in pre- Dame box. Both coaches, Jack Hag- mandments of Christ." tion. the names of the twenty students se- war years to strengthen this year's erty and Ed Danowski, expect a choral group. good showing on the part of their Father Doty went on to point out "For one thing," , says Edward lected for roles in the first produc- starting elevens but are uncertain that it is impossible to cut oneself Griffin of AB-A, "you get more tion of the '47 dramatic season at With two concerts definitely set, about the strength of their reserve off from the world. Being part of it, studying done because the usual dis- the coming season bids fair to be tractions to studying such as the Rose Hill, The play, "Wings Over the most successful one in Ford- material. everyone must "change it or be Europe," will be staged November Tonight's contest will mark the changed by it." He warned that the movies, the radio and the girl friend ham's history. One of the concerts are not present in as large or per- 7, 8 and 9 in the Collins Theatre. is at Crown Heights Labor School nineteenth time that the two schools "Catholic man of today must have (Continued on page 3) in Brooklyn on November 22, the have come to grips on the gridiron, (Continued on page 6) The youthful scientist, Francis other at Marymount College, Tarry- the first encounter having taken Lightfoot, will be played by James town, on November 24. Concerts have place in 1890, when the teams played Conlan; Raymond Rahner has been tentatively been booked at Mount to a 6-6 tie, the last in 1928, when Positions Assumed named to portray Walter Grantley, St. Vincent of Yonkers, St. Rose of Georgetown won, 27-7. The rivalry To Offer Masses the prime minister; William Lyons Albany and at Albertus Magnus of is one of Fordham's oldest, the Ma- New Haven, Conn., but no definite roon having met only N.Y.U., Holy By Class Officers is to be Lord Sunningdale, the privy dates have been set as yet. Several Cross and Boston College more For Valente/'47 seal; Joseph Martin, Evelyn Arthur; other schools have been contacted often. What is more, the Blue and Edward Cosgrove will enact the role and, should everything go as Gray holds the singular distinction Molloy Maps Program of Richard Stapp, the secretary of planned, there will be 12 or 13 con- of having beaten the Maroon more Four masses for the repose of the Of Senior Activities certs this coming season. (Continued on page 5) soul of Peter S. Valente, '47, a mem- war; and Gerard Condon has been ber of Senior "C" class, will be cele For School Year assigned the part of Sir Homilly brated in St. Blount, the lord of the admiralty. Clare's Church, Class officers for Senior, Junior At a business meeting of the Preliminary Work Under Way the Bronx, during and Sophomore years who were Mimes last Tuesday, October 8, Mr. elected last spring have assumed of- the next four Kloten outlined the plot and story months. Valente fice with the opening of school and died suddenly an election will be held in the near of the play for the members of the On Class of 47 Yearbook last Wednesday, future to determine the officers for society. He stated that the play had Prompted by a desire to get the1 October 2, at his the class of '50. been performed previously on 1947 issue of the Maroon into the until such time as an appointment home in the In senior year, Michael Molloy Broadway in 1928 by the Theatre hands of the graduating class well in can be made. In spite of greatly in- Bronx. was elected President, with Oscar Guild.but its message is still timely advance of commencement, and real- creased costs in virtually every end Miller, David Morison and Arthur izing the delays likely to occur from of publication, definite plans have The masses, Coffee filling the offices of vice pres- today. In addition, the staging of the current shortages in paper and been made to model this year's Ma- sponsored by the ident, secretary, and treasurer, re- the play, which will require a luxu- labor, Leo Tarpey, '47, Editor of the roon after the masterful edition Senior class, will spectively. rious setting, offers a challenge to yearbook, has already begun the printed by the class of '39. Stressing be held on the sec- The Juniors swept Warren Galla- the technical crew. preliminary work towards produc- a less formal motif, the book will ond day of the gher into the chief executive's post, ing an edition that promises to equal, keep the reserve of previous Ford- Peter Valente month from No- with Frank Pomilla vice president, Mr.
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