NW2HO SCALE i PRECISION RAILROAD MODELS Zebras and Tigers and I<ATO, oh my!! It may be a jungle out there, but KATO Precision Railroad Models is proud to "unleash" two new paint schemes for the HO scale EMD NW2 switcher model. These two new schemes - the Black & Silver Santa Fe Zebra Stripes and the Black & Orange Southern Pacific Tiger Stripes - may be your last opportunity to capture this popular model. Considered by many modelers to be one of the finest ready-to-run models of a switcher ever produced in HO scale, our NW2 will deliver dependable "horsepower" and staled realism to your yard or throughout your layout. A five-pole motor, accurate detailing, brass bell, cab interior and lighted headlight all contribute to the beauty of these beasts. The safari begins soon. These models are expected to be on the loose at your local hobby shop in May. ROAD NAME PAINT SCHEME ENGINE # ITEM # SANTA FE "Zebra Stripes" 2405 37-1008 Black Silver & 2406 37-1009 SOUTHERN PACIFIC "Tiger Stripes" 1313 37-1010 Black Orange & 1319 37-1011 Undecorated model for purposes of illustration only. Undecorated models are not available in this production run. WARNING: Modelers may go "wild" over how well these new H:.ATO KATO U.S.A., Inc. paint schemes look with our recently released three-pack r ACF 70-ton Covered Hopper Car Kits. See your retailer. 100 Remington Road· Schaumburg, IL 60173 1 I 1 I 1 I ALL SCALES: N SCALE: DEPARTMENTS: Te chniques: Modeling Freight Cars of the Sixties: Editorial .......................... ...................... 4 Your Top Tips, readers' Recreating CNW's Freight Car Fleet from Railroad Historical Society ... Micro-Trains & InterMountain models 6 ........................ ... "better ideas" for modeling ...... ........ 11 Address Directory 17 locomotive Performance: ..... ............. .... ..... Vintage-Dating Freight Cars, Part 1/ ....... 12 Dealer Directory . 52-63 Summary of All Previous Locomotive Calendar ................. , ...... , ... , ................64 Test Reports ................. ........ ..... ........ 10 What's New .... .., ............................66,67 Key Imports C&O H8 2-6-6-6 Test Report .. ........... .................... ......26 Te chniques: Painting Metal Trucks & Automobiles, HO SCALE: Part I: Assembly, Chrome & locomotive Performance: Windows ...... ...................... .... ......... 19 Summary of All Previous Locomotive Build an oil Dealer Depot, Part IX: Test Reports .. .............................. ..... 1 0 oil Tank Trucks ............ ..................... 24 Techniques: Diesels, One-Detail-At-A-Time: Painting Metal Trucks & Automobiles, EMD 509 as Southern Pacific 3974 from Part I: Assembly, Chrome Atlas models... .............. ................. ... 28 & Windows...... ............................... 19 Modeling Freight Cars of the Fifties: Build an Oil Dealer Depot, Part IX: 40-Foot PS-7 Box Cars from Micro-Trains oil Tank Trucks... ..... ........... ... .........24 or Atlas models ............... .................36 Diesels, One-Detail-At-A-Time: EMD SD9 as Southern Pacific 3974 from Proto 2000, Athearn, or Rail Power kits ......... ....................... .................28 layout To urs: Terry Trank's & Rob Marstens' Union Pacific Mainline .. .............. ...............31 o SCALE: Dennis Blunt's Omaha Road Locomotive Performance: Mainline ... ....... ...... .......... ..............39 Summary of All Previous Locomotive Modeling Freight Cars of the Fifties: Test Reports ..................................... 10 40-Foot PS-7 Box Cars from InterMountain, Te chniques: McKean, Walthers, Model Power, Painting Metal Trucks & Automobiles, Con-Cor or Cannonball kits. .............36 Part I: Assembly, Chrome & Modeling Modern Diesels: Windows ......... ............................... 19 500 Line EMD F7A from Stewart's kit .....37 Build an Oil Dealer Depot, Part IX: Modern Freight Cars: Oil Tank Trucks ........ ........................24 Yreka Western (TsRD) 50-Foot box car Diesels, One-Detail-At-A-Time: from MOe's kit ......... ....... .... ............38 EMD 509 as Southern Pacific 3974 ...... 28 Passenger Car Modeling: Modeling Freight Cars of the Fifties: Boston & Maine and WM Coaches from 40-Foot PS- 7 Box Cars from Bethlehem Car Works kits ... .............49 Weaver kits ......................... ............36 .Q .2a. f§o E o I RAILMODEL JOURNAL • JUNE 1997 3 -------------[EDITORIAL]------------- Zen and the art of I s your hobby a pastime or a pursuit eliminate any incongruities that would type from a photographic fantasy into a of perfection? Railmodel Journal is make the scene look like a model. The modeled reality. The exceptions, you loyal crafted to appeal to those who, frankly, expert witness to the "pelfection" of this readers know, are industries. Here, we try consider the hobby to be a search for per- scene would be an imaginary person who to inspire you to create one-off models fection. A definition is in order here: that was actually there at the time and, if alive built from scratch or to extensively modify word perfection is meant in the same sense today, retained a pelfect memOlY of every kits so no building in your historical scene as a "picture perfect day." If you've stud- detail. Sometimes, that "expert witness" is will look just like a building in anyone ied Zen, you'll understand that the concept the modeler recreating a piece of his or her else's scene. It is, too often, the structures "impeccable" better defines the hobby. own history. Only those modeling the near- that prompt that familiar statement, "Oh, That concept was applied to machinery in present can rely on perfect memory, the rest it's a Bogus-Brand kit, isn't it!" This steals general in Robert Pirsig's classic Zen and the credibility from those historical scenes the Art of Motorcycle Main.ten.ance. The __ we strive to create. ....,:::;;;;;jjiiiiiiijjiiiiiiijjiiiiijjiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii concept can be simplified to just � iiiii;;iiii;;;:� This recreation, though, is not plain old "realistic," but that just a static museum diorama word has been so overused but a piece of action where that none of us seems to those impeccably mod- know what it means. eled trains travel at the same speeds, in Perfection as a the same operating Goal, Not a Law patterns, pulling When strangers the same cars, stop­ ask me what kind of ping at the same model railroad maga­ places, fo r the same zine I edit, I start my reasons that the real reply with an explana­ ones did. That model tion that it is a magazine railroad brings history to intended for enthusiasts, not life . just casual or Christmas-time play- If you have actually pursued this ers. If they still seem to be awake, I'll dream, you realize that the more you Bob Boelter photo explain that the person I consider a typical know and the more you learn, the more reader has the goal (I am sure they miss of us substitute photographs and historical you find missing. It is very much like try­ that key word-goal-but it's most impor­ research for that "perfect memory." ing to fi nd the end of the rainbow. For most tant you get it) of recreating a specific day, This model railroad you are building or of us, though, just knowing that there is a in a specific place, on a specific railroad. If planning is a historical recreation and, as rainbow keeps us moving toward our goal they are still attentive, I go on to state that such, you need something better than (that word, again). I believe a typical reader our typical reader wants everything, from memories that are likely very imperfect or has a goal of pelfection, but (and here is the clothes on the people to the shine on good guesses. That's where this magazine where you need to pay the closest atten­ the correct automobiles, to be exactly as it can help: we supply samples of specific tion) it is up to you-not me, not our would appear at that place on that day. memories in the form of prototype photos. authors, not your hobby dealer, not a club The most important element in that spe­ In the pages of "The Journal," every one member, not someone you meet at a con­ cific day/time/railroad scene is, of course, of those prototype photos is meant to be vention-to establ ish a definition of per­ tbe railroad. To be truly �redible, every car inspil'ation for a model freight car, passen­ fe ction. The concept of "personal best" is traveling through the scene should be a ger car, or locomotive. We make that goal overworked in sports, but it can serve here. replica of a car that really did (or could attainable by publishing only photographs If you really do your best, you have have) traveled through that scene on that of prototypes for which there is a matching achieved what the Zen masters call impec­ day, right down to the correct car number model available (and, on the good days, cability. and the COlTect amount and style of weath­ matching models in several scales)-to It is my goal to try to present aU the ering. The goal (that word, again) is to make it easier for you to bring that proto- information I possibly can that will help 4 RAILMOOEL JOURNAL • JUNE 1 997 you achieve your goal. It's an interesting make this a magazine you can be proud to add command control to a locomotive for approach that finds me being accused of use, so let me know what you want less than $30 and, with it, forget about being an elitist by some and of not being improved or fixed... chasing your train around the layout with thorough enough by others. If you are just toggle switches. You can now focus your learning to weather, for example, or just Breakthroughs in the Hobby attention on running the train, not running learning how to really operate your rail­ Since you only get a chance to read my the layout. Command control also simpli­ road like a real one, or if you've produced philosophy once a year, I usually choose fi es wiring to the extent that you may be your first freight car that exactly matches a this time to bring you up to date on what I able to justify the cost of the system (espe­ prototype photo, or built a tree that really feel is most significant that's happened in cially if MRC's unit has enough features to looks like a particular tree, or modeled an the hobby during the last year.
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