RABBI JOSEPH H. LOOKSTEIN HONORED AT DINNERS BY BAR-ILAN AND RAMAZ Rabbi Joseph H. Lookstein, who left congregation, which is the sponsoring for YOUNG MARRIEDS HEAR Israel early this week with Mrs. body of Ramaz School, was extremely was ROBERT ALTER ON Lookstein, honored by Bar-llan well represented at this dinner in sup¬ University and Ramaz School at din¬ port of the Ramaz Scholarship Fund. LITERARY THEME ners on Sunday evenings, January Max J. Etra, President, offered glowing 16th Both occasions were and 23rd. words of tribute on this occasion. A. A large group of Young Marrieds most impressive and gave substantial Phillip Goldsmith, Chairman of the gathered in the home of Dr. and Mrs. cause for pride and satisfaction not Board of Trustees of Ramaz and a Norman V. Balinson last Saturday eve¬ only to the Rabbi and his family, but former Vice President of our ning for a regular meeting of the congre¬ to the many members of Kehilath group. of the gation, spoke sensitively and meaning¬ The highlight evening Jeshurun who were on hand to partici¬ was a discussion on "Jewish Writers fully about the Rabbi's contributions pate in these deserved tributes. to in America and Israel — Comparisons the twenty-eight year history of and Contrasts." The discussion was The guest speaker at the Bar-llan Ramaz. led Dinner was Dr. Samuel Belkin, Presi¬ by Dr. Robert Alter, professor of The dent of Yeshiva University, who has highlight of the occasion was English literature at Columbia College. the been a close friend of the Rabbi for presentation of a plaque to the Dr. Alter, who was recently named Rabbi on behalf of the Parents Council many years and who was formerly a co-editor of the "In the of Ramaz School. The entire audience Community" Trustee of the congregation. Dr. Be'- section of more than 700 Commentary magazine and kin spoke movingly of the Rabbi and of guests rose for a who appears in print every three enthusiastically about the magnificent standing ovation for the Rabbi of our months in Commentary, discussed the achievements of Bar-llan University congregation. intellectual climate of Israel and that during the last eight years when, the On both of these occasions Rabbi of the United States as an important Rabbi served as acting President. As Lookstein a influence upon the subject matter of spoke briefly and with a result of this dinner, more than one note of Jewish novelists, the sources of modesty. He directed the their million dollars was raised for the inspiration and the progenitor of the praise and the acclaim away from, budgetary needs of the University and himself and toward those who contri¬ archetypes which they employ. for its expansion program. buted with him to the growth and Among the many made by points Of course, the Ramaz Dinner was development of these two pioneer Dr. Alter was his observation that an event even closer to home. The educational institutions. most serious Jewish novelists in America draw upon secular or Chris- tological sources for language, image¬ ry and personality. In Israel, on the other hand, the sources are more like¬ ly to be clearly Jewish-Biblical or Tal- mudic. The next meeting of the Young Marrieds group will take place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Shapiro on Saturday evening, February 26th. The highlight of that evening will be a panel discussion entitled: "The Arti¬ ficial Control of Life — a Medical, Legal and Religious Symposium." The mod¬ erator of the discussion will be Dr. Charles I. Cohen, former chairman of the Young Marrieds. The discussants will be Dr. Moses Nussbaum, Martin Rochlin and Rabbi Haskel Lookstein. Shown above: Dr. Samuel Belkin, President, Yeshiva University and Rabbi Joseph H. Lookstein at the Tenth Anniversary Dinner of Bar-llan University. The Those young married couples who was to Rabbi Lookstein by University as a token are not on our list are cordially in¬ portrait presented Bar-llan of affection and appreciation for his leadership on behalf of that Institution. vited to become part of our group. Rabbi Haskel Lookstein will preach this Saturday at 11 A.M. "MAN'S FREEDOM TO WILL AND TO ACT" A Religious Appraisal 2 KEHILATH JESHURUN BULLETIN ADULT INSTITUTE STUDY GROUP The first session in Comparative WITHIN OUR FAMILY Law, offered by our Adult Institute THE WEEKLY PORTION began on Monday evening, January 24th. The group, whose leader is Marriage— Lawrence A. Kobrin, will meet at four We extend our hearty congratula¬ more sessions which will be held on BO tions to our devoted members, Mr the evenings of Monday, February 7th; and Mrs. Samuel S. Silverstein upon The First Commandment in the Bible Monday, February 21st; Wednesday, the marriage of their daughter Joan, The first formal commandment in March 9th; and Monday, March 21st to Mr. Leon Moses Meyers. at 8:30 o'clock in the the Bible is found in this week's por¬ synagogue li¬ We wish the young couple much tion and is contained in the words: brary. joy and happiness together. "This month (Nisan) shall be for you The first session of the study group Birthdays- the beginning of months; it is the first devoted to "The Kuzari" will be held Many happy returns of the day to for on you among the months of the Monday evening, January 31st at Mrs. Leo Breindel, Dr. Irwin Chabon, year." 8:30 P.M. Thereafter, the group will Nico de Graaff, Joseph N. Friedman, meet at 8:30 P.M. in the This commandment is considered by Synagogue Mrs. Emory Klein, Mrs. Abe Newborn, the Talmud to refer to the sanctifica- library, according to the following Mrs. Norman Orentreich, Mrs. Louis schedule: tion of the months in particular and Monday, February 14th; Orwasher, Mrs. David Pik, Stanley G. of time in general. The year begins Monday, February 28th; Monday, Reiss and Dr. Robert Wallach. for the Jewish People from the month March 14th; and Monday, March 28th. Anniversaries- of God's deliverance of the People The leader of this study group will be Warmest from Egypt. In the Bible, the months Rabbi Nathan Bulman. greetings to Mr. and Mrs. Michael M. have no names, only numbers, which All those interested in Barany, Mr. and Mrs. Is¬ participating rael refer back to month, the Cummings, Mr. and Mrs. Herman the first in the study groups are invited to be D. Gimbel, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Roth, month of our redemption by God from on hand at 8:30 P.M. on the dates in¬ and Mr. and Mrs. Louis W. Yohann. slavery. dicated above. An intellectual treat is According to Nachmanides, the in store for all participants. Birth— names of the months came into vogue We extend a hearty Mazel Tov to after the return from the first Ba¬ our devoted members, Mr. and Mrs. YOUTH NOTES bylonian exile in 537 B.C.E. They are Abraham I. Holzer on the birth of a Third Cultural Luncheon To Be Held Persian names which remind us of a daughter to their children Dr. and Mrs. second Divine redemption—from exile Saturday, February 5th Stanley Minkowitz. in a May the new addition to the fam¬ strange land. Shachar, the Teenage Group of ily be a source of joy at all times. The months of the year, by number Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun is or name, symbolize Divine Providence holding its third, in the series of six, Condolence— •at work in our world. One great unit Cultural Luncheons, on Saturday, Feb¬ We extend our heartfelt condolences •of time is thus sanctified by giving ex¬ ruary 5th. It will be held following to Herman D. Gimbel upon the recent pression through it to our gratitude to the kiddush in the Social Hall. The passing of his beloved mother. God for his personal intervention on Cultural Luncheon has developed a We pray that the family may be our behalf. fine tradition of serving as an open spared further sorrow for many years forum for to come. A more fundamental unit of time— topical themes for our The week—has a similar function. The youngsters. days have no names in Hebrew. They Alan Kalischer and Steven Lorch, SISTERHOOD •are numbered progressively from one Cultural Committee Co-Chairmen, cor¬ KIDDUSH HOSTESSES through six, leading up to the sab¬ dially invite members to take part in Saturday, January 29th bath. Thus, Sunday is "the first day to an original Psycho-Drama, entitled The sabbath, Monday is the second, "What We Think and How We Act." Mrs. Samuel B. Goodman Mrs. Samuel Gross and so on. Here, time symbolizes God's Further information regarding the creation and his Mrs. Abraham L. Marcus mastery over, and unusual format of this Cultural Lunch¬ authorship of, the laws and processes Mrs. Sidney Scheinberg eon will be given in next week's Bul¬ of nature. Our Mrs. Jacob P. Shulman testimony to God's cre¬ letin. ativity is affirmed whenever we men¬ tion the day of the week. Perhaps this understanding of the The Men's Club Theatre Party symbolism inherent in our monthly and daily calendar can offer a slightly revised interpretation of the Talmudic "SWEET CHARITY" judgment concerning the blessing "m'Kadesh Yisrael vehazmanim"—God will be held on sanctifies Israel and Israel sanctifies the festivals. Our interpretation might MONDAY EVENING, MARCH 7th say: "God sanctifies Israel and Israel, by using the months as symbols of * God's Providence and by considering the days as representing His Creativity, Reserve your tickets by calling the Synagogue Office. sanctifies hazmanim — time itself." H.
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