Friday, November 29, 2019 Event 191940 (Conformation)

Friday, November 29, 2019 Event 191940 (Conformation)

Tyee Kennel Club [VI Winter Classic] MARKED CATALOGUE Friday, November 29, 2019 Event 191940 (Conformation) Conformation Sporting Dogs Lagotto Romagnolo 2-0-1-0, 0A-0E-0D-0L Sr. Puppy (9-12 Months) - Male 100 BELLA FIORE'S TARANTINO, MSC000010191 1ST 29-Jan-19. Breeders: Pattie Fischer. Belissima Glembell Columbus x Bella Fiore Kwinston Magdalen. Elsewhere. Owner: Chris ANCTIL 101 WEST COAST VENTO, MSC000010225 2ND 23-Jan-19. Breeders: Debbie A Bentzen (1362565). Msc000007660 West Coast Laska x Msc000007661 West Coast Marsala. Canada. Owner: Peter OSHKAI WM 100 RWM 101 Specials Only - Male 105 GCH. SOLIPSE SAN GIOVANNI BIANCO, MSC000009596 05-Mar-18. Breeders: Jana Kadnarova. Romeo Gorska Fantazja x Solipse Gioia Colle. Elsewhere. Owner: Tracey HARRIS. Agent: Guillermo FANO BB 105 BP 100 SD ----- Baby Puppy (3-6 Months) - Female 106 MIO AMORE'S TALHI, Listed 1st 21-Aug-19. Breeders: Chris Anctil. GCh Italo Dei Silvanbull x Angelina Solipse. Canada. Owner: Chris ANCTIL Best Baby Puppy (3-6 Months) - Female 106 Retriever (Chesapeake Bay) 0-0-1-0, 0A-0E-0D-0L Specials Only - Male 108 CAN AM GCH INTL CH QUEEN'S DON'T CALL THIS A COMEBACK CGN, 1135188 08-Mar-13. Breeders: Abba Ferguson & Andrew Mansfield. GCh. Spinnakers Lever Action Cowboy x GCh. Monarchs I Think Were Alone Now. Elsewhere. Owner: Stephen & Karen ELWOOD BB 108 Retriever (Flat-Coated) 0-3-1-2, 0A-0E-0D-1L Sr. Puppy (9-12 Months) - Female 110 GLAINDUUS WILL YOU BE MINE, Listed 2ND 04-Feb-19. Breeders: Stacey Love, Catherine Preece. Glainddus Third Sensation x Glainddus A Point in Time. Canada. Owner: Stacey LOVE 111 COASTALIGHT SPITFIRE, GC804287 1ST 28-Feb-19. Breeders: Judy Teskey / Wendy Tisdall. BISS CH Fieldday Zarkana Tarientar JH WC x CH Coastalight Lotto Max MH WCX. Canada. Owner: Judy TESKEY, Wendy TISDALL Open - Female 112 GLAINDDU'S CARIAD WCI JH, EY749126 1ST 09-Dec-17. Breeders: Catherine Preece. GCh Wyndham's Lord Lachlan RN CD x GCh Glainddu's To Light A Candle TD,RA,WCI,JH,CD. Canada. Owner: Catherine PREECE WF 111 RWF 110 Specials Only - Male 113 GCH DUENORTH FLYIN HIGHER N HIGHER SDN PCD, EQ720968 25-Aug-17. Breeders: Patricia Robertson. Int Ch Am GCH BIS BISS RBIS GCHEx Eagletarn One Of The Few AgIS AgIJS TD RI x CH DueNorth Summer High Jinx. Canada. Owner: Haideh JORDAN Specials Only - Female 114 CH BLACKLACE OPAL GODDESS OF FIRE, EU731719 14-Oct-17. Breeders: Kathy A Kondrat. GCh. Windy Hill God Of Fire x GCh. Blacklace Opal Isle of Maaya, CGN,RE,CDX,WCX,SH. Canada. Owner: Donald HAMADE, Chizuko HAMADE 115 CH GLAINDDUS BLACK ALEXANDRITE, EU735056 06-Oct-17. Breeders: Katelyn Love Stacey Love Catherine Preece. CH Swiftwater The Steadfast Fool x GCH Glainddus A Point in Time TD,WC,JH. Canada. Owner: Sherry LOVE, Stacey LOVE, Catherine PREECE BB 113 BO 114 BP 111 SB ----- Veteran - Male 116 INT CH AM GCH BIS BISS RBIS GCHEX EAGLETARN ONE OF THE FEW TD AGIS AGIJS RI, XN362988 ABS 22-Jul-10. Breeders: Ana Daly. Ch Toorwood Ace Dresser, WC x Ch Salasana Eagletarn Susu. Canada. Owner: Haideh JORDAN Best Veteran - Male ________ Retriever (Golden) 5-6-6-3, 0A-0E-0D-1L Jr. Puppy (6-9 Months) - Male 117 BEARGRASS GOLDCKER RAINSTORM RUNOFF, Listed 1ST 29-Apr-19. Breeders: Kim R Luebke. GCH CH Goldcker A Boat Turn CDX RN JH MXP3 MXPB MJP4 MJPB PAX XFP T2BP x Beargrass Tropical Delight. Elsewhere. Owner: Adrienne DAVEY Sr. Puppy (9-12 Months) - Male 118 NORTHGOLD ALADDIN, GC795798 1ST 08-Feb-19. Breeders: Aniko Simon. Met.537/h/18 muskat accord (hygy) x 1141757 Memorable Babelsberg Sanitacteam Day (Hgy). Canada. Owner: Tammy BEAUCHAMP 119 RIVERDANCE FIFTH OF DRAMBUIE TD, GC797060 2ND 08-Feb-19. Breeders: Lesley Kenyon. Ch Donamor Beale Street Blues Boy Jh Wc Cgn Cd Td x Ch Riverdance Fourgone Conclusion Td Re Cd. Canada. Owner: Lesley KENYON Bred By Exhibitor - Male 120 SUNSPRITE'S THE CHAOS WITHIN, DC642498 1ST 03-Feb-16. Breeders: L.Elaine Munson. GCH Bonett Bride Fire Tower x CH Sunsprite's About Time. Canada. Owner: L.Elaine MUNSON, Andrea MUNSON Open - Male 121 GOLDNGUN 1DRDOGS KNOCK’M OVER, BL573695 1ST 13-Jun-14. Breeders: Rick and Loiuse Roberts. Goldckers 1drdogs next pushover x Foxton's GNG Gawd Darn Risque. Canada. Owner: Kathy MINER. Agent: Catherine PREECE WM 121 RWM 120 Juvenile (12-18 Months) - Female 123 PLAYTIME'S TALLULAH COCKTAIL, FQ778087 2ND 19-Aug-18. Breeders: Suzan Thompson. AN525849 CH Majecgold's Crown Royal x CG613243 Playtimes Cupids Got a Shotgun. Canada. Owner: Holly ANDERSON, Suzan THOMPSON 124 PLAYTIME'S A BOWL OF CHERRIES, FU780300 3RD 15-Oct-18. Breeders: Suzan M. Thompson. CH Majecgold's Crown Royal x Playtime's Back To The Past. Canada. Owner: Della M THOMAS, Cindy S AITKEN 125 CREEKSIDEFRM'S A MOONDANCE, FQ781727 1ST 15-Aug-18. Breeders: Sheila M. Standish. BIS GCH Am Ch Creeksidefrm's Stings Like A Bee SDHF x CH Creeksidefrm's Heaven Sent JH WC. Canada. Owner: Sheila STANDISH. Agent: Lisa WRIGHT Bred By Exhibitor - Female 126 MYRIOSA'S TRULY ENCHANTING, FG753778 1ST 22-Apr-18. Breeders: Maralyn Redford. Ch Coppermoon Myriosa Hocus Pocus CCA x Ch Myriosa's Dancing Through Life CD RN CGN. Canada. Owner: Redford MARALYN Open - Female 128 GOWRIELEA'S BALMAHA, FJ771521 1ST 01-May-18. Breeders: Lizbeth Russell & Tiffany Waite. GCH Gowrielea's Scots Wha Hae x GCH Castlerock Edge of Seventeen. Canada. Owner: Lizbeth RUSSELL. Agent: Bruce RUSSELL 130 RIO RANCH OCEAN WARRIOR CANOE, 1135200 2ND 27-Jul-16. Breeders: Steve Mitchell & Dori Mitchell & Barbara Loree. Goldcker 1Drdogs Next Pushover x Rio Ranch Bella Fuma Caliente. Elsewhere. Owner: Wanda KUZENKO WF 125 RWF 128 Specials Only - Male 131 GCH. SHARELLA'S CRUCIAL URGENCY, BW585800 28-Nov-14. Breeders: Janet A. & Jeff C. Simmons. Am.Can.Ch. Sweetgold Mr. Wonderful x Ch. Auburnmist Sweet Over Sharella, CD,RE. Canada. Owner: Vicki STEIN, Sheldon DONALDSON. Agent: Jolie THOMPSON-MCMULLAN 132 GCH. ALLSGOLD TIP YOUR HAT, CN618688 05-Jul-15. Breeders: Brenda J Comazzetto. GChEx. Fyreglo's Double Shot, CGN x Ch. Creeksidefrm's Syncopation. Canada. Owner: Brenda COMAZZETTO 133 CH CAMALIRE GAME OF THRONES, FJ774310 06-May-18. Breeders: Brenda Beadnell Mary T. Harkness. Blue Sky's Hudson River Hero x Ch. Camalire's All About Me. Canada. Owner: Carmela ROMANO, Brenda BEADNEALL 134 CH GOLDPLUS HONKY TONK MAN, FJ760779 17-May-18. Breeders: Diane J Labiuk. Ch Majecgold's Crown Royal x Gch Sweetgold Shelby (Usa). Canada. Owner: Diane LABIUK 135 GCH CAMALIRE I'LL FOLLOW THE SUN, BC568793 25-Feb-14. Breeders: Mary T. & Gary C. Harkness / Brenda Beadnell. BISS Can Am CH. CastleRock Let It Be and Am OS x Ch. Camalire Marseille. Canada. Owner: Mary T. & Gary C. HARKNESS, Brenda BEADNELL. Agent: Jen MCMULLEN 136 CH. RUSH HILL'S SAGITTA ARROW, 1143948 06-Mar-19. Breeders: Tonya Struble, Collen Stone & Hanna Looney. Am. GChP Rush Hill's Drama'geddon RN JH WC OS SDHF RATO x Am. Ch. Rush Hill's Br'Wing On The Bling. Elsewhere. Owner: Diane HENN, Heidi GERVAIS Specials Only - Female 138 CAN CH, AUDAMORA FOR THE GRACE OF GOD, CGN, WC, JH, FN772833 10-Jul-18. Breeders: Carla Pederson. Am/Can Ch, Harmony's Moondance x RBIS, MBAIS, GCh, Can Ch, RATI, SHR, DONIEKA'S PARTY TIME, WC, WCI, JH, CGN, RATN, RATO, SD-S. Canada. Owner: Carla PEDERSON 139 CH. MADISON'S ANDALUCÍA CGN TD JH WCI, FG757798 27-Apr-18. Breeders: Colleen A Lamont. Ch Castlerock Let It Be x Madison's Mi Amor. Canada. Owner: Joanne FRASER, Bill FRASER 140 CH EIRENE'S PEEP SHOW, GE812393 24-Mar-19. Breeders: Shannon Scheer. AM GCH Osprey's On Angels' Wings, SDHF, OS x CanGCH Am GCH Brio's Hotsicle, SDHF, CCA. Canada. Owner: Shannon SCHEER, CPHA BB 135 BO 140 BW 125 BP 140 SD 132 SB 139 Retriever (Labrador) 3-3-3-1, 0A-0E-0D-0L Sr. Puppy (9-12 Months) - Male 142 BROADMEAD'S ALOHA TO SNOW, GC794617 1ST 08-Feb-19. Breeders: Wendy J Yzenbrandt. Broadmead Jasper's Full Glory x Broadmead Modern Millie. Canada. Owner: Wally And Donna BERNDT, Wendy YZENBRANDT Canadian Bred - Male 143 CEDARBRAE'S CATCH MY DRIFT WC SH, EC701294 1ST 03-Feb-17. Breeders: James Girvan & Tracey Griffen. AM CH Franklins Pickpocket For Kerrybrook MH x GMH HRCH UH Cedarbraes Party Girl. Canada. Owner: Bryan KEMPER Open - Male 145 CAORUNN'S HARBOUR MASTER, FJ764155 1ST 12-May-18. Breeders: Anne Morrison. Ch Camasrock Noble Dream x Ch Camalire Harbour Lights Cd. Canada. Owner: Anne MORRISON. Agent: Duncan MORRISON WM 145 RWM 143 Open - Female 150 BROADMEAD MODERN MILLIE, CU624785 3RD 10-Oct-15. Breeders: Dirk And Wendy Yzenbrandt. Nipntuck Customized x Ch Broadmead Palomar Penelope Cd. Canada. Owner: Wendy YZENBRANDT 151 MAKAILA'S MISS NIBBS, DU678059 2ND 11-Oct-16. Breeders: Cheryl A Young. Gr.Ch Scarlaw's Finny Son of Guinny x Gr.Ch Makaila Bailey's Heaven. Canada. Owner: Cheryl YOUNG 152 CAORUNN GRASSROOTS OF DEVILEEN, FJ764160 1ST 12-May-18. Breeders: Anne Morrison. Ch. Camasrock Noble Dream x Ch. Camalire Harbor Lights C.D.. Canada. Owner: Natalie GARRETT, Brenda BEADNELL WF 152 RWF 151 Specials Only - Male 153 GCH. OCEANSPRAY'S PADDINGTON, CG632637 19-Apr-15. Breeders: Carol E. Jones. Eng.Ch. Warringah's Gundaroo x Ch. Oceanspray Little Black Dress. Canada. Owner: Carol JONES. Agent: Guillermo FANO 154 GCH SHAWNIGAN CAMALIRE PORTER, EC707343 14-Feb-17. Breeders: Claire Smith, Brenda Beadnell & Barbara Gilchrist. ChShawnigan Camalire's Tradewind x ChBlackthorn Sweet 'N' Sassy. Canada. Owner: Lynda DYKE. Agent: Lisa WRIGHT 155 MAKAILA'S CACHE ON HAND, DQ678133 10-Aug-16.

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