Editorially Speaking SAMMY KAYE • • • THIS week we pouse in the round of most, become much more the better concerns lind duties of II world lit for being II little blld:' Gives Up Skating war to PIlY tribute to II grMt player Genius of the thellter thllt he WllS, who possessed the priceless gift of no lletor ever excelled his llbility fo bringing Illughter to the airlllnes when reflect the words of Shllkespeore thot it was most needed-John Berrymore. "All the world's 0 stoge, lind all the For on MllY 29, America's foremost men lind women merely pillyers. They KING of Sway and Swing, and con- actor took his last curtain call with hove their exits and their entronces; ceded authority on the sort of mu­ these simple words to and one mon ill his sic women like. sammy Kaye, whose his brother lionel: turn plllyS mllny orchestra is making its reature·picture ports." debut with Sonja Henle in the 20th It's II wonderful Century-Fox film "Iceland:' had a plac~. this world I'm Thot he never lost tough time trying to skate, finally leaVing. his grMt gift for seri­ gave it up as a bad job. Fact or the Veteran thellter­ ous droma wos shown matter was, Sammy continued to fall goers who remember in the WllY he deliy­ -notwithstanding! Even the incom­ Barrymore in his ered scenes from parable Henle, who offered to teach prime es the grellt­ Homlet with OrsO!'l him the art, despaired. After that Jack est Shllkespellrian llC· Welles on the Vlll!ee Oakie and Osa Massen, also reatured tor of his day, those progrom lost yeor. in the movie, attempted to gi\'c Sam­ Everyone who lis· my a whirl around the "Iceland" car­ who hellrd this prince nival rink set. But they failed. too. of the American the­ tened to him os he Said Sammy dolefully. "I'm gh'ing up llter's rOylll family in and Welles reheors· skating. From now on, I'll take my unforgettllble pll rts ed. Sllt spellbound at downbeats in swing and leave the of Hllmlet and Rich­ the beauty of his d;c­ skating in 'Iceland' to Sonja Henle." ard JIl, mlly heve John Barrymore, who an­ tion. the marvelous SAMMY KAYE gets first skating­ winced at his bur­ swered his last curtain call voice which hlld lesson from expert Sonja Henie lesque of former in Hollywood on May 29 stirred the hearts of roles: yet we believe thousllnds of theater- thllt it filled e definite goers in his 101 ptlr· need-ll need for Illughter in II sorely formonces of "Homlet" on the New troubled world. Mllny llctors of stllge, York stage, and in such smllsh hits liS screen and rlldio heve the tllient to "The Jest," "Peter lbbetson" and "The mllke lin lludience cry; comparlltively Copperheod." few hllve hlld the genius to make them Thot was an experience and a priv­ l11ugh. Bllrrymore hlld both. ilege we shall never forget. For it left To those who felt so keenly the idell us with the thought that. perchonce, of Bllrrymore's being the butt of jokes should the shllde of the Bard of Avon on the Rudy Vllilee radio show, where hllve wondered into the studio then, he he was in rehellrsllillt the time he WllS would hllve sllid: "Here is one pl.:lce stricken, we would quote; "Best men where I find no old llbusing of my pa­ lire molded out of f"lUlts, and, for the tience and the King's English."-Ed. MOvIE·RADlO GUIDE CONTENTS Red Skelton Hopes Doolittle Dood It Again! ......................•• 1 The Truth About Bob Hope at Home, by M Bob Hope 2 What II Kid Can Do to Help Win the War 4 WHEN La Henie gives up. chorines take over with the aid of a pillow Joyce Jordan (a fictionization by Wiley S. Maloney) {Part 3) _.6 The Movie Front. by Leon Rasmussen 8 The Radio Front, by Lieut. Col. Curtis Mitchell, Glen Anderson, E. Kay and James G. Hanlon 10 Music, by Robert Sa9ar. _ _ 12 Short Waves. by Charles A. Morrison..... .. 14 Frequency Modulation, by Dick Dorrance ...........•..•........... 16 Complete Programs for This Week 17·31 Feminine Forum. by Edith Hampton 33 What's Cooking! by Georgia Scott 34 Busy Man... Facing Page 36 COVCT Photo by Chanllante Volume 11, Number 36 June 13·19, 1942 IUUCII,rnotr bTU '" the lJ. B. and ~ and cvuntrtel or the Pan .....rInn Pol.., Union: I1:J: mont,,". IJ,OO; _ JtI.'. 15.00. &l\le<r1ptlon rot... In 10........ OOlUllrlu: I1:J: monlM 1'.00: one 1"'. IUIlI. RelnIII>1 postal 11>00'" o«le•. up...... """'.,. o«le. 0< t"toel lIro to tlI. 0 or "'"" ••R.<o,o Ou,... cu.ren.,. oeM 01 lublerlbtI'l riIIl, Pie... ollow rou. weell ror d 01 .<1<1 . Be IUro to II,.., both olll IlId ..... 1d<InMeo. PI_ oddr_ III ......_d...... In ",•.- to out>­ ou!pllono to lhe Bublerlpl.lOn De~r1menl. 131 Plrmoull> Court. Chlcqo. 111inoll. I'IUITD IH U. 0 .•• WORN out later, Sammy is soothed by music served to him in de luxe style 11/38 P The Truth About BOB HOPE at HOME THE real truth about Bob Hope at home is that he isn't Although he is by nature very sociable and he loves Time Is of the home enough! to have people around him,... Bob doesn't go out often, There's not much time left after radio takes its share Again because there is so litlle time. Only on rare occa­ -rehearsal and preview on Sunday. rehearsal and broad­ sions, before and after his golf games, does he have much Essence 'n the cast on Tuesday-and Paramount getting its portion. opportunity to get together with groups of friends. Trips to Army camps account lor more 01 Bob's time, Bob is not, I must confess, the soul of neatness. For­ and golf takes up his spare daylight hours. tunately he doesn't, like some men I have read about, Life of a Busy Even when he has a few hours to himself, Bob can't empty his pockets of keys, coins and miscellaneous pos­ get away from work. There are scripts to think about, sessions on a convenient bookcase or cocktail table. Comedian, Says writers and producers and directors to discuss details Quite the contrary, he never empties his pockets at all. with, and thousands of letters to consider. And he never puts accessories away. His favorite cuff­ But when he isn't working, Bob is just like every links have survived several trips to the laundry. If he the Wife 01 One other American father at home. His big interests are the carries a watch today, he won't have it tomorrow. It children, Linda, who will be three in July, and Tony, will be ticking away (it it hasn't run down) somewhere who is going on two; his dogs, and me (1 fondly hope). in his room in the pocket of the suit he wOre to the Not necessarily in the order named. studio. If he had only one set of keys he would never Not long ago Bob took Linda and Tony to the zoo be able to open a door or start his car, because the keys By and told them tall stories about the animals in the cages. probably would be in a suit in his studio dressing-room. When they came home, Tony and Linda were dead-tired Everything in our home is designed to please both Bob and totally uninterested in animals, but Bob was grin­ and me. He has definite likes and dislikes, and he is not MRS. ning like a kid. Now he wants to take Linda to the slow about making them known. We have discussed the circus. He won't believe me when I tell him she is too decoration and furnishing of every room in the house. young to enjoy the show. I suspect he really is dying to His tastes are conservative, and his favorite room is fur­ BOB HOPE go himself, and is using Linda as an excuse. I guess when nished in comfortable English-style furniture, deep, Tony is a year or two older, you will find them both at comfortable lounging-chairs and sturdy tables. the ball game every time Bob has a day of!. Summarized, the truth about Bob Hope at home is There are stories about comedians who are glum, that he is a very busy man who still has time for fun, mournful individuals at home. Not Bob. All his wise­ who thinks his children are the smartest children in the cracks aren't used up on the air, because he keeps his world, who plays a good game of golf, who likes to sing sense of humor warmed up twenty-four hours a day. while his wife plays the piano, and who has lots of It's just natural for Bob to be funny. work he'd like to do in the garden, it he ever Jinds time. BUSY Bob Hope makes the most of the few hours he has at home to really relax 2 ON THE "Road to Morocco" Hope meets many adventures and temptations--induding this serlet of Moroccan maidens. The scene may prove that mind cannot los8 to matter when there isn't any mind CURRENT Hope picture is "My Favorite A SWIFT KICK where it does Hope the most ON THE SCREEN Hope may ma~8 love to Blonde," with Madeleine Carrotl-whom mil­ good is one of the humor highlights of the film.
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