
INDEX THis Index contains no reference to the Introductory Tables, nor to the Additions and Corrections. (For index to these, see pages xiv, xv.) AAC ADI AAcHEN (Prussia), 926, 957; tech- Aburi (Gold Coast), 258 nical schools, 928 ABYSSINIA, 213, 630 sqq Aalborg (Denmark), 784 - boundary, 213, 263, 630, 905, Aalen (Wiirttemberg), 965 1029 Aarau (Switzerland), 1311 - commerce, 634, 905 Aargau (Switzerland), 1308, 1310 - King Regent, 631, 632, 633 Aarhus (Denmark), 784 - leased territory, 263, 632 Abaco Island (Bahamas), 332 - railways, 634, 905 Abaiaug !Rland (Pacific), 421 - religion, 632, 815 Abancay (Peru), 1175 - roads, 634, 905 Abdul Aziz ibn Saud, Sultan of N ejd, -trade routes, 634, 905 645, 646, 647; Wahhabi war Abyssinian race, 632 under, 645, 646, 647, 1323 Acajutla (Salvador), port, 1252 Abdul Hamid Halim Shah, Sultan, Acarnania (Greece), 968 (Kedah), 182 Acchele Guzai (Eritrea), 1028 Abdullah, Sultan (Pahang), 177 Accra (Gold Coast), 256 Abdullah Ibn Hussein, Amir of - wireless station, 258 Trans-J orrlan, 191 Accrington, 14 Abemama Is. (Pacific), 421 Acha!a (Greece), 968 Abercorn (N. Rhodesia), 221 Achirnota Univ. Col!. (Gold Coast), Aberdeen, burgh, 17 256 - county, 17 Acklin's Island (Bahamas), 332 -university, 22, 23 Aconcagua (Chile), prov., 718 Aberdeen (South Dakota), 586 Acre (Palestine), 186, 188; port, Aberdeen (Washington, U.S.A), 601 190 Aberystwyth College, 22 Acre Territory (Brazil), 698 ; rubber, Abeshr (Wadai), 898 702 Abba (Yemen), 648, 649 Adalia (Turkey), vilayet, 1324 Abidjan (French West Africa), 910 Adana (Turkey), vilayet, 1324; min­ Abkhasian, Soviet Rep. (Georgia), ing, 1328; town, 1324, 1329 1247 Addis Ababa (Abyssinia), 631, 632, Abo (Finland), 834; university, 834 634, 905 Abo-Bjorneborg (Finland), 833 Adeiso (Gold Coast), 258 Aboisso (French West Africa), 910 Adelaide (S. Australia), 384; port, Abruzzi e Molise (Italy), 1010 356 ; univ., 385 Abu (India), 144, 170 ADE~, 94, 95, 117, 203, 645, 648; Abu Arish (Yemr,n), 648 boundary, 94 ; garrison, 127 ; Abu Zabal (Egypt), wireless stu., 824 railway, 94, 95 Abuna (Coptic bishop), 632 Adi Caieh (Eritrea), 1028 1351 1252 THE STATESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK, 1929 AI> I AKM Adi Ugri (Eritrea), 1028 Agana (Guam), 625 A<l,ianu\ (Ivory Coast), 910 Agdenes (Norway), fort, 1142 Admiralty Is. (N. Guinea), 425 Agder, Aust& Vest(Norway), 1139 Adowa (Abyssinia), 631 Agion Oros (Greece). 968 Adrar (Mauritania), 912 Agordat (Eritrea), 1028 ·-- (Span ish Sahara), 1288 Agra (prov. ), see United Provinces Adriauople (Turkey), 1324 --tea, 131 Adua (Abyssinia), 632 -(town), 120, 163 A<lygeiskaia( U.S.S.R.) au ton. region, Agram or Zngreb (Serb, Croat, 1222 Slovene), 1:.!57 .lEgeu.n Islands, 1034 - univ., 1257 -Greek, mineralR, 972 Agri~Zento (Italy), 1011 -Italian, 10:34,1035 Aguadulce (Panama), port, 1153 -Turkish, 1323, 1324 Aguascalientes(Mexico), 1083; town, AF<:JlANJHTAN, 636 8qq 1083 -- robellion in (1928), 637 Agusan dist. (Philippine Is.), 620 Afion Ktuahissar (Turkey), vilayet, Ahmadi, El, mosque, 815 l:l24, 1328 Ahmedabiid (India), 120, 152 A:FRIUA, Central, Protectorate, see Ahmed ibn Jabir, Sultan of Kuwait, Nyasaland Protectorate, 208 650 - Colonies in, Belgian, 268, 683 sqq Ahveuanmaa (Finland), 833 - -- British, 194 .~qq Ahlin (Asia Minor), 1324; forest, -- ·-- French, 259, 27 4, 275, 872, 1328 ; industries, 1328 ; S73, 885 •qq mining, 1328 - -- Italian, :JOO, 213, 263, 1018, Aigun (China), port, i30 l 028 ·"l!J Ain (France), dept., 845 --Portuguese, 11P7, 1198, 1201, Ain Galakka (Kanem), 898 1202 sqq Ain Sefra (Algeria), 886 -- --Spanish, 1275, 1279, 1280, Aisne (France), dept., 845 12~8 sqq ; see also Morocco, Aitape (Now Guinea), 424 Spanish Zone. 1092 sqq Aituiaki Island (Cook Islands), 414, -East (Br·itish), 194 ,qqq 415 ; wireless station, 415 - --- (Italirtu), 200, 203, 263, 1018, Aivalik (Turkey), asphalt, 1328 102/:l .<ql[ Aix (France), univ., 852 --(Port.), 1197,1201, 1208 sqq Ajariotan, Soviet Rep. of (Georgia), -Equatorial (French), 873,896 sqq 1247 --- North (French), 872, 873, 885 sqq; Ajk (Hungary), coal, 995 see t.~lso Algeria, Morocco, Ajmer, town (India), 120, 144 Tunis Ajmer-MArwara (India), 144 --(Italian), 1018, 1030 sqq -agriculture, 132 - -(Spanish), 1275, 11!79, 1280, --· area and pop., 117 1288 ; see also Morocco, -births and deaths, 119 Spanish Znne, 1092 sqq - education, 144 -South (Briti~h), 214 sqq - finanre, 144 -- Union of, 224 .~qq -forests, 131, 132 - S.-West(British), 271 sqq -government, 114 -West (British), 250 sqq - land revenue, 130 --(French), 274, 275, 872, 873, ----tenure, 130 905 sqq - religion, 121 --(Port.), 1107, 1201. 1202,1203 Akassa (Nigeria), 253 --(Spanish), 1275, 1288, 1289 Akershus (Norway), 1139; fort, Afrikya, S!Je Tnnis 1142 Agalega Is. (Mauritius), 207 Akmolinsk (U.S.S.R.), 1241 INDEX 1353 AKR ALG Akron (Ohio), 445, 569; univ., 570 ALBERTA (Canada), crops, 288, 289, Ak Serai (Turkey), vtlayet, 1324 290 Aksu (Sin-Kiang), H7 - dairy products, 290 Aksun (Abyssinia), 631 - education, 283. 302 Akureyri (Iceland) 795 - finance, 285, 303 Alaava (Spain), 1:17!) - forests. 291, 303 ALABAMA, 442, 482 .<qq -Legislative Assembly, 280, 301 -agriculture, 459, 484 - Lieutenant-Governor, 280, 301 - area and population, 442, 457, -live stock, 290 483 - mining, 292, 303 - cotton, 459. 484 -ministry, 301 -port, 472, 484 --municipal districts, 301 - production and industry, 459, 484 - natural gas, 303 - public lands, 457 - petroleum, 303 -representation, 437, 483 - political parties, 301 Alag6as (Brazil), state, 698, 699 - production & industry, 288, 289, Ala'idin Sulaiman Shah, Sultan 290, 291, 292, 303 (Sela11gor), 177 - railways, 303 Alajuela (Costa Rica), 760 ; town, - representation, 27 8, 301 760 -wheat, 288 Aland (Finland), 838 Albuquerque (New Mexico), 557; Alaouite, Territory of the (Syria), univ., 557 881 sqq Albury (New South Wales), 361 ALASKA, 442, 610 Rqq Alcazar (Moror·co ), 1093 -area and pop., 442, 457, 610 Alcoy (Spain), 1276 - banks, 477, 612 Aldabra Islands (Seychelles), 211 - defence, 452 Alderney, government, 71 ; popu- - education, 448, 611 lation, 18 - fisheries, 467, 612 Aldershot Command (U.K.), 40 -gold, 462, 612 Alemtejo (Portugal}, 1196 -government, 439, 440, 610 Aleppo (Syria), 881,882,883; cotton, - mining, 462, 612 883 ; schools, 882 ; tobacco, -ports, 472, 612 883 ; town, 882, 883, 884 - production, &c ,462, 467, 611, 612 Alessandria(ltaly), 1u08; town, 1011 -shipping, 472, 612 Alesund (Norway), 1140 - troops in, 452 Alexander I, King (Serb, Croat, Albacete (Spain), province, 1275; Slovene), 1255 town, 12i6 Alexander Bay (Newfoundland), ALTIANIA, 640 •qq, 1323 paper-mill, 330 -alliance with Italy, 641 Alexandretta (Syria), 881 ; town, 882 - coast defence, 643 .Alexandria ( Kgypt), 814 -King, 641 -shipping, 82~ -Vatican, concordat with, 642 -town, 81a, 814 Albany (New York), 445, 559, 560 -trade, 822 Albany (W. Australia), 389 Alexandria, Patriarch of, 632, 815, Albay (Philippines), 621 1225 Albert, King (Belgium), 671, 672 Alexandropolis (Greece), 968 ALTIERTA (Canada), 278, 301 sqq Alfonso XIII. (Spain), 3, 1271 - agticulture, 288, 289, 290, 303 Algarve (Portugal), prov., 1196 - area and pop., 281. 302 ALGERIA, 873, 885 sqq - births, marriages, deaths, 282, 302 -area and pop., 873, 886, 887 - constitution and government, 278, - books of reference, 891, 892 301 - budget, 885, 887, 888 x x2 THE STATESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK, 1929 ANC Au;EJUA, education, 851, 852, 887 Altona (Germany), 925, 9G7 ; port, -~faculties, 852 938 - iiHance, 885, 887, 888 Altoona (Pet.), 446, 577 government, 844, 872, 885, Alvshorg (Sweden), province, 1294 886 Alwand (lrnq), oil refinery, 1002 -- !UtV:J] station, 860 Alwar (lmlin), 170; town, 120 - representation, 844, 886 Amanullah Kh.in, King (Afghan- -- university, 852, 887 istan), 637 AI Ghail (Yemen), G48 ·~ abdicntion rescinded, 637 Algiers (Alger), 860, 887 Amapala (Honduras), 987 -- uaval station, 8tl0 Amarah (Iraq), 1001 - nnivorsity, 852, .SS7 Amarillo (Texas), 590 AI J-Iabl (Yemen), G48 Arnassia (Turkey), vilayct, 1324 AI Hazm (Yen,eu), H48 Amazona'> (Brazil), state, 698 ; Alhuccma Isles (Spanish Africa), rubber, 702 1275 -(Peru), dep1trtment, 1175 Ali, King of the Hejaz, 647, 648 -(Venezuela), ter., 1341 Alicante (Rpain), 1275 ; town, 1276 Amlmdo (French Somali Coast), 905 Aligarh (ll1dia), 120; university, 123, Amhabt (India), 120 ltl:l Ambans, 'l'ibet:1n oflicials, 74G Ali Navaz Khan Talpur, ruler Ambato (Ecna<lor), 805, 806 ( Khairpnr); 165 Am beno (Portuguese Timor), 1206 Al .huf (Yemen l, 6·i8 Amberg (Bavaria), 947 AI Kh:tmr ( Y emeu), 648 Amhoiua (Dutch Indies), 1122 Alkrnaar (NetherlaJHls), ll08 Ambriz (Portuguese West Africa), AllahalHtd, 120, 163; university, 123, 120:j 16:3 Amhrym Is. (New Hebrides), 422 Allentown (l'a. ), 445, 577 A!lllmJcA. see United States Alliance (Ohio), 569 - Britisl~ Colonies, Dominions, &c., Allier (Franc<·), dept., 845 in (see Bermuda, Canada, \Vest AI Matamma (Ycmeu), 648 Indies, &c.), 276 sqq Almelo (Netherlands), 1108 - Frenel1 cols. in, 873, 915 sqq Almeria (Spain), prov,, 1275 Arnersfoort (Netherlands), 1108 - minnals, 12~2; town, 1276 Amhara (Abyssini<l), 631, 632 Almimnt" (l'ttliallHl), port, 763 Amherst (Nova Hcotia), 311 Almom (ludia), 746 Amiens (France), 849 Al-J\lu'tasim Bi'llah Al-Sultan Ab- Amindivis Is. (Laccadives), 159 dullah (Pn.lmng), 177 Amirantes Jslauds (Reychellcs), 211 Alofi lH. (Fr. Pacitic), 920 Amman (Trans-,Tordan), 192, 648 Alor Star (Kedah), 182 Amoy (China), port, 731 Alost (Belgium), G75 Am ran ( Y emcn), 648 Alpt·s, Basses- (France), dept., 845 Amritsar (India\, 120, 161 - Hantes- (Franca),
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