> J.; .-y. .1 ^ •.-— -- Gay candidates do NewisFronte • LOCAL AND STATE well in New York GAGV ball to include Gay elections at all-time high. Pride Agenda says Black & Red Bash Feb. 9 By Susan Jordan openly gay mayors in New York Something new is coming up in A significant number of opent/ gay State, even though neither have many February, so mark your new 2002 or lesbian candidates* and gay-sup­ gay voters in their constituency. calendars. The Gay Alliance's portive candidates* were elected Tim Mains won re-election to Sweetheart Ball dinner dance on on Nov. 6 — an all-time high in a Rochester City Council, makingthis F^. 9 will now incorporate the single year, according to the Em­ his fourth four-year term. In wiki new Black and Red Bash — pire State Pride Agenda. The Gay Tompkins County, Democrat Kathy where Barry Robinson will hold and Lesbian Victory Fund reported Luz Herrera won election to the his Pump Night for February. that 15 out of 38 endorsed candi­ Board of Representatives by a two The hjndraising event at the dates across the country won their to one margin In her first try for Four Points Sheraton will take up races, induding five from New York publk: offke. She will be the first two rooms, one of which will State. openly lesbian or gay Board mem­ Scouting activist James Dale at the GAGV kincheon on Nov. 2. host che classic dinner dance, the The Pride Agenda endorsed 81 ber, representing the Fifth District other to be the site of the GAG Vs Democratic, Republican and third- (part of Ithaca). first **circuit party". Chuck party candidates for local office, Transgender rights were affirmed Argento will piay tunes from the and 65 won their elections on in the electk>ns in Suffolk County '60s to the *9Qs in the '^Sweet­ Nov. 6, with one race's results still and New York City. Democrat heart Ballroom," and exciting spe­ Jonathan Cooper won a second year cial stars will drop in for Pump Pride Agenda Executive Direc­ term to the Suffolk Co. Ije^lature, N^t at the Biack and Red Bash tor Joe Grabarz said, "The 65 vic­ representing the 18th District He Whether you are coupled or tories, along vvith the record 250 played a key role in passage of a bill sftigle. romantk or pragmatk. a requests to be;endorsed by the this year which strengthens the baby boomer or a .2' Pride Agendav reflect the public's county's existingantl-discrimination twentysomethin^ Feb. 9 will of­ strong support for our commu­ protections for gay men and lesbi* fer an evening tailored to your nity, and bode' well for further ans, and adds scrong protection for special preferences. advances in equal rights for gay and transgendered persons. In New York The dinner dance wfll b<^ at 6 lesbian New Yorkers. It also re­ Qty, Mar^garita Lopez won her sec­ p.m., with cocktails and a chance flects the knowkidge that our voces ond term to N.Y. City Council, as Co inspect the silent auctkxi Items and our resources are an knpor* the first Puerto Rican lesbian elected on <isplsy. Dinner WtH be served tant part of what It takes to win to ofRce. She is a primary sponsor of at 7p.m. and the^uice wiH run until elective office in New York State." a proposal to amend the city's Hu* 9 p^n. The silent auction WlH end at Grabarz sakl that 46 of 46 in­ man Rights Law to include protec* It pjn. cumbents who had voted for gay* tions for transgendered persons. The Black and Red Bash wlH positive leglsbtk>n were re-elected, Gay or gay-supporttve candkiates kick offat 9 pjn., and end at I am. proving that there are no negative also won In Albany, Peeksklll and Formal actire is not required, but consequences at the voting booth Rosendale, and Democrat Philip do try to wear red and/or bbdd for legislators who vote for gay Reed won a second term to N.Y, After the Ball is over. Muthers wiH rights. City Council; he is its first openly offer cover-free admission to Among the New York State can­ gay and HIV positive African Ameri­ GAGV guests who want to con­ didates who notched up victories can nr>ember. tinue the evening's revels. on Nov. 6 was Republiam Daniel The Pride Agenda noted that one Comlngfrom out of town, or Stewarc who won re-election to of the most significant wins for the k>oiclng for a romantic night away a second two-year term as mayor Igbt comnminity was in Nassau from home? If you v^ant to spend of f^tcsburgh. Democrat John County, where Democrats beat out the n^t at the Sheraton, aspecial Shields was elected mayor of Republican/Conservatives for the reduced rate will be offiered Ibr Nyack, {oining Stewartas the two Election cxNidniMKl <NI p. 3 rooms with hot tula. Adrv^ss^on to the dinner dance is $50; $40 for GAGV members The Bash costs only $10. Aurora Joseph Grabatz, Jr. is new chief of Pride Agenda Borealis, Miss Gay Rochescer By SuMttt Jordan The Pride Agenda has a budget of history of accomplishment as an 2002, WiH be emcee for the The Board of the Empire Scate approximately $Z5 mlWon and a elected offkial, a municipal adminis­ evening assisfeed fay a spedal sur^ Pride AgerxK New York State's stirfr of 14, with offkes m New York trator, a bbbylst, and fighter fbr gty and lesbian chfil rigtits and po* Chy, Albany and Rochester. civfl r^lhtt," sakl Jeff Soref. Down- and Bash are Erik Ubey and Chris litical advocacy orgurtization, an­ Grabarz wffl oversee the Prida stace Co^Cha^ of tht Pride A^^anda's Tiana CaroL For more%iforma^ nounced on Nov. 9 the appolnt- Afenda's le^slative, poMcal action, Board of Direc&onu '"As Deputy tion, caM the AHiance at (716)244- 8640. menc of Joseph S. Grabaix Jr., as and community oigHtUing actlvi> Executive Directorof tMs orgwilza- the organization's new Executive ties, as well as the education and tion, he has demonstrated the abR- Triangle Talk marks Tth Director, eflfiectlve Dec 3. advocacy work of the Empire State, iqr to get thingi done in Aibeny and anniversary in January Grabarx, who has served as the Pride Agenda Foundation. The Piide statewide. He win cbnttoue to press Triangle Talk, jointly co-sponsored org;uiization*s Deputy Executive Agenda Is the hrgest statewide gqr the fight for equal rights for hKMms by Borders and the Gat/ AMiance, and py men in New York and pro­ Director since Decentber 2000, cMI rights and politicai advocacy WiH be celebratii^ Its seventh an- organization In the nation. vide Imporcant political leadership WlH succeed Maa Foreman, who nivarsary on Monday, Jan. 28 at ^ ESPA condnued on p. 11 Joseph Grabarz. Jr. has led the orpnization since 1997. *'Joe has an extraordinary 15-year Newsbriefs cont. on p. 10 *% 'V.'.* ••i»>w>i«; -V-W..' --t- -^ -•- • Election continuad from p. I Dale continuad from p. I 'Kodak annpk>yees In front and behind the scenes LETTERS TO TME KMTOII: first time in 40 years. Democrat Thomas Suozzi defeated Republican/Conservative of corporate dWarslty," and saAd, *To the GAGV et$ SAO odisr QBMrtMKlng wilore sre candidate Bruce Bert for the posltk>n of board, staff, friends and volunteers, your contri­ tMir own MM oe noc necenenQf nSsct County Executive The Republican domkia- bution to society is very great. Tha courage you ih« oarihMtiM enic^ft of the Gqr AMMIC* onveSKP* j( ^wi^S^^^eiR^^Wi^^^^w^ ,^M^^a ^^^^^^V^^^^^I^^^^^Sv tion of the araa has meant in the past that and your community display just to live your Kvas ectives ofdwCiifiiitiVMIeyoctbeBwptyCloiwt strengthens the world, tha gay comnrujnhy and WoiMI print MtMv acdw edtaw's dtecre- the county's five Republican/Conservative the Kodak community." tloRwidonai state senators in Albany hava been reluc­ iewpoints that matter tant to support gay rights and reproductive Brighton Town Supervisor Sandra Frankel, rights. who proposed the domestic partner benefits program adopted by the town last May, shared ••Suozzi's win has political significance far • LOCALAND STATE NEWS beyond tha borders of Nassau County," tha Community Leadership Av^rd with Mayor sakl Joe Grabarz. "It sends a strong signal to Bill Johnson and the three City Coundl members (Lois Geiss, Tim Mains and Wade Norwood) the State Republican Party that they can no That All May Freely who backed the city's human Hghts ordinance, '^Adam & Steve^' k>nger win with the Consenrative Party which inckjdes saxual orientation. Serve is 16 years old anchor tied around their neck. And it sends thie link between another signal to Nassau's five state sena­ Susan Kramarsky, Brixton Town Clerk* ac­ By Deanna Tlefenthal cepted the award for Frankel, v^o had another tors that times are changing." On Nov. 18 at Downtown United Presbyte­ commitment. Kramarsky noted that the wiUing­ feminism and gacf rights Grabarz noted that homophobia was In­ rian Church (DUPC), That All May Freely beginnings ness of GAGV Executive Director Rob Gekier volved In some of the races. "Slaazy ho­ Serve (TAMFS) celebrated the struggles and By Robert GeMer, ExecutiYe Direclwr and the GAGV Board to leave their board >•'-!••. '-1 mophobic tactics were contemp>latad in the triumphs it has experienced since the meeting and attend the Brighton hearing on the cbsing days of the electk>n by at least two organization's inception 10 years ago.
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