Glaciers responses to changing climatic conditions in Nanda Devi region, central Himalaya, India Suraj Mal and RB Singh Department of Geography, Shaheed Bhagat Singh College, University of Delhi, India Global Mean Specific and Total Mass Balance of Glaciers and Ice Caps Periods Mean specific Mass Total Mass Balance (kg m-2 yr-1) Balance (Gt yr-1) 1960/1961– –283 ± 102 –155 ± 55 2003/2004 1960/1961– –219 ± 92 –120 ± 50 1989/1990 1990/1991– –420 ± 121 –230 ± 66 2003/2004 Source: IPCC, 2007 1 Gt = one billion metric tonnes One metric tonne is 1000 kilograms Countries No of Area of Glaciers Ice Volume Glaciers (km2) (km3) Bhutan1 667 1316.71 127.25 India2* 4278 8797.13 931.56 Nepal3 3252 5323.90 481.32 China4** 1578 2906.08 -- Pakistan5 5218 15040.70 2738.51 Total 14993 33384.46 4278.64 Source: Mool et al., 20011; Sah et al., 20052; Mool and Bajracharya, 20032; Bhagat et al., 20042; Mool et al., 20013; Lizong et al., 20054; Mool et al., 20055. *Only Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand and Sikkim are included. **Only Tibten Parts of China are included. Snout Recession of Himalayan Glaciers Glaciers Location Period Average snout retreat (m/year) References Siachen Siachen NA 31.5 Vohra, 1981 1995-2008 > 1 Ganjoo and Kaul, 2009 Milam* Uttarakhand 1849-1906 12.8 Cotter and Brown, 1907 1906-1938 16 Mason, 1938 1938-1957 5.6 Jangpangi and Vohra, 1959 1957-1966 20.2 Jangpangi, 1975 1966-1997 30.3 Shukla and Siddiqui, 2001 1954-1976 20 Raj, 2011 1976-1990 19.14 1990-2006 36.93 Pindari* Uttarakhand 1845-1966 23.5 Tiwari, 1972 Chorabari Uttarakhand 1962-2003 6.5 Raina not dated 2003-2008 9.7 Raina not dated Dokriani Uttarakhand 1962–1991 16.5 Dobhal et al., 2004 1991-2000 17.8 Dobhal et al., 2007 2000-2007 15.5 Dobhal et al., 2008 Gangotri Uttarakhand 1935-1976 23 Thakur et al., 1991 1935-1971 26.50 Kumar et al., 2008 1971-2004 17.2 Kumar et al., 2008 Satopanth* Uttarakhand 1962-2005 22.88 Nainwal et al., 2008 Bhagirath* Uttarakhand 1962-2005 7.42 Nainwal et al., 2008 Tipra* Uttarakhand 1960-1986 11.60 Gautam and Mukherjee, 1989 1962 - 2002 13.4 Mehta et al., 2011 2002-2008 21.3 Dunagiri* Uttarakhand 1985-1997 Fluctuating, almost stationary Swaroop et al., 2001 and Srivastava et al., 2001 Shaune Garang Himachal Pradesh 1962-1997 26.4 Kulkarni et al., 2002 Parbati Himachal Pradesh 1962-2001 9.5 Kulkarni et al., 2005 Samudra Tapu Himachal Pradesh 1962-2000 19.5 Kulkarni et al., 2006 Chota Shigri Himachal Pradesh 1970-1989 7.6 Surender and Dobhal, 1994 1988-2003 53 Kulkarni et al., 2007 Bada Shigri Himachal Pradesh 1956-77 11.90 Swaroop and Shukla, 1992 1977-95 36.11 Sangewar, 1995, Swaroop and Shukla, 1992 *Glaciers located in Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve Net Mass Balance recorded for some Himalayan glaciers (106 m3) w e Glaciers Nehnar1 Gara1 Gorgarang1 Shaune Garang1 Dunagiri2 Tipra Bank3 Chotta Shigri Dokriani6 1974-75 (+)2.50 1975-76 -0.41 (+)1.30 1976-77 -0.78 -4.33 -1.36 1977-78 -1.47 -4.63 -1.22 1978-79 -0.91 -3.45 -0.5 1979-80 -0.56 -3.57 -0.99 1980-81 -0.81 -1.03 -1.97 1981-82 -0.3 (+)0.33 (+)0.53 -1.19 -2.39 1982-83 -0.02 (+)0.10 (+)0.11 -1.06 1962-95 = 1983-84 -0.79 -1.53 -3.94 -1.63 70.11 1984-85 -0.85 -3.15 -1.98 -1.9 2.12/year -1 1985-86 -1.05 -2.41 -4.24 1986-87 -3.93 -2.65 1987-88 -3.1 -3.3 -41.01 1988-89 (+)1.68 -2.5 -0.98 -41.7 1989-90 -1.35 -3.1 1990-91 -4.1 1992-93 -1.54 1993-94 -1.58 1994-95 -2.17 1997-98 -2.41 1998-99 -3.19 1999-00 -2.65 2002-03 -51.4 2003-04 -51.2 2004-05 5 (+)0.1 2005-06 -51.4 Source: 1Raina, not dated; 2Srivastava and Swaroop 1997; 3Gautam and Mukherjee 1992; 4Dobhal et al., 1995; 5Berthier et al., 2007; 6Dobhal et al., 2004. Location Map of Study Area: NDBR Altitudinal Zones of NDBR Altitudinal Range Area (sq km) Percentage 1416-2000 30.62 0 2000-3000 462.35 7 3000-4000 1161.18 18 4000-5000 2402.22 37 5000-6000 2166.43 33 6000-7000 240.2 4 7000-7799 6.42 0 Total 6469.42 100 Source: Calculated from ASTER GDEM2 Background-ASTER GDEM2 Image Methodology for glacier study Data Collection Primary Data Secondary Data Topographical Sheets (1955, 1962) Field visits and Surveys Corona maps Research Papers ASTER Images-2005 Reports Landsat 5, 7, 8 Data Analysis Calculation of Changing Area, Length and Erdas 9.2 Width, Elevation Range of Glaciers Arc GIS 10.1 Glacier Mapping on Satellite Images and Toposheets Presentation of results using DEM Generation on Bars and Line graphs ASTER Images and Tables Toposheets Glacier’s Profiling ASTER and Toposheet DEM Data Base-Survey Trails and Glaciers Studied-I (Background-Landsat ETM+ image, 15 Oct-1999) Description of ASTER Images Glaciers Covered Date ID Milam and Daunagiri 29/09/2005 AST14DMO0030929200505284220090914084517_894 Tipra 19/10/2004 AST14DMO0031019200405344220090914084516_888 Description of Topographical Sheets Glacier Agency Year Scale No. Tipra SOI 1962 1:50000 53 N/10 Dunagiri SOI 1962 1:50000 53 N/14 Milam US Army 1954 1:250000 -- Changing Parameters of Glaciers under Study Parameters Tipra Glacier Dunagiri Glacier Milam Glacier 1962 2010 Change 1962 2008 Change 1962 2009 Change Area (sq km) 9.09 8.53 -0.54 2.48 2.45 -0.03 75.77 74.11 -1.66 Length* (mts)/ 7.58 7.18 -(288/404/ 5.35 5.29 -60 18.48 16.89 -1589 snout retreat 600) Mean width 1.19 1.18 -0.01 0.46 0.46 -0.05 0.29 (kms) 4.10 4.38 Altitude of 3760 3820 60 4212 4265 53 3508 3622 114 snout (mts) Elevation 3760- 3820- -- 4212- 4265- -- -- -- -- range (mts) 5739 5532* 4930 5213** *2004 **2005 Retreating Snouts of Milam, Dunagiri and Tipra Glaciers Snout Retreat Rate of Tipra Glacier Snout Retreat Rate of Dunagiri Glacier 12.5 m a-1 during 1962 to 2010 (3820 msl) 1.3 m a-1 during 1962 to 2008 (4265 msl) Snout Retreat Rate of Milam Glacier 29 m a -1 during 1962 to 2009 (3622 msl) Google Earth Image of Tipra Glacier Lower ablation zone Accumulation Zone crevasseAccumulation Zone ELA + Snowline ELA + Snowline Lateral Moraine Ablation Zone Debris cover Lateral Moraine Snout Debris covered Ablation Zone Total retreat of Retreat Total retreat Retreat rate active snout rate Altitudinal Period (m) (m a-1) position (m) (m a-1) retreat (m) 1968-2001 1434.1±36.62 43.46±1.10 1176±36.62 35.6±1.10 43 2001-2005 79.6± 42.72 19.893±10.68 137± 42.72 34.3±10.68 35 2005-2013 163.0±31.96 20.38±2.54 301±31.96 37.6±2.54 26 Total (1968- 2013) 1676.7±23.22 37.26±0.52 1614±23.22 35.9±0.52 104 Area vacated as a resulted of snout retreat of Milam glacier Periodc Total area vacated (103 Average area vacated m2) (103 m2/year) 1968-2001 1127.3±24.3 0.034 ±0.7 2001-2005 185.9±28.4 0.046±7.1 2005-2013 990.8±20.8 0.008±2.6 Total (1968-2013) 1412.3±73.5 0.031±1.7 Recent Changes (2001-2013)-III Area elevation of length length retreat retreat rate Name Type Orientation (sq km) snout (2013) (2001) (2001-2013) (m/year) Bagini compund basins north-west 20.08 4404 11619.7 11841.4 221.7 18.5 Barhaa glacier compund basins east-west 3.96 4049 3311.1 3535.6 224.5 18.7 Bethartoli compund basin north-east 9.27 3965 6844.4 7084.9 240.5 20.0 northeast- Bidalgwar simple basin southeast 6.05 3728 8397.8 8510.0 112.2 9.4 northeast- Burphu simple basin southwest 9.35 3999 7714.4 8106.5 392.1 32.7 Dakkhni Nanda southwest- Devi compund basin northwest 12.25 4421 9918.3 10039.5 121.2 10.1 southwest- Dakkhni Rishi simple basin northeast 20.44 4558 12152.4 12294.0 141.6 11.8 Dunagiri simple basin south-northwest 2.00 4340 4761.9 4898.3 136.4 11.4 southwest- Ghankhawi simple basin northwest 4.90 3930 6134.3 6234.4 100.1 8.3 Kafini simple basin north-south 4.15 3951 6270.5 6499.9 229.4 19.1 Kalabaland compund basins north-south 35.35 3840 15335.8 15593.9 258.1 21.5 Kimphu simple basin west-east 6.09 4272 8178.8 8345.8 167.0 13.9 southwest- Lawan simple basin northeast 3.77 4213 5779.9 5921.5 141.6 11.8 northwest- Milam compund basins southeast 56.42 3626 8213.9 8619.9 406.0 33.8 northwest- Mrigthuni simple basin southeast 12.22 4282 16415.3 16755.6 340.3 28.4 Nanda Ghunti compund basin south-northwest 12.61 4134 9964.8 10183.1 218.3 18.2 Pacchu simple basin west-northeast 4.00 4179 6633.4 7061.0 427.6 35.6 Pindari simple basin north-south 11.00 3812 5961.1 6186.6 225.5 18.8 northwest- Poting simple basin southeast 5.21 3708 5401.8 5755.6 353.8 29.5 northeast- Ramni compund basin southwest 15.52 4814 9245.2 9395.0 149.8 12.5 southwest- Sakram simple basin northeast 2.92 4212 5865.6 6069.1 203.5 17.0 southwest- Shalang compund basin northeast 14.40 3933 11723.1 11858.1 135.0 11.3 southeast- Silasamudra simple basin northwest 1.89 3764 5216.8 5405.7 188.9 15.7 Trishul compund basin south-northeast 34.19 4408 14362.0 14630.4 268.4 22.4 Un_Named Ronti simple basin south-northwest 4.33 3976 5696.9 5961.5 264.6 22.1 Unnamed Utt ND tri 1 compund basin north-southeast 8.01 4868 6733.4 6833.7 100.3 8.4 Unnamed Utt ND tri 2 simple basin north-southwest 1.78 5105 3369.4 3574.8 205.4 17.1 Unnamed Utt ND tri 3 simple basin north-south 0.45 5130 1675.3 1777.0 101.7 8.5 Unnamed_inla wan compound basin west-north 3.11 4400 4597.9 4665.3 67.4 5.6 Unnamed_nor southwest- th of mil_d simple basin northeast 5.71 4963 4720.7 4937.7 217.0 18.1 Uttari Nanda compound Devi basins north-south 30.21 4209 15711.1 15785.5 74.4 6.2 60,00 6000 R² = 0,1347 50,00 5000 R² = 0,0742 40,00 4000 30,00 3000 20,00 2000 Area(sqkm) 10,00 Snoutelevation 1000 0,00 0 0,0 10,0 20,0 30,0 40,0 0,0 10,0 20,0 30,0 40,0 Retreat rate Retreat rate Scatter plot showing relationship Scatter plot showing relationship between retreat rate vs glacier area.
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