Entomofauna carpathica, 2018, 30(1): 45-52 A NEW SPECIES OF THE LYGEPHILA VICIOIDES (HAMPSON, 1926) SPECIES-GROUP FROM NEPAL (LEPIDOPTERA, EREBIDAE, TOXOCAMPINAE) Oleg PEKARSKY H-1068, Budapest, Felsőerdősor u. 16-18, Hungary; e-mail: [email protected] PEKARSKY, O. 2018. A new species of the Lygephila vicioides (Hampson, 1926) species- group from Nepal (Lepidoptera, Erebidae, Toxocampinae). Entomofauna carpathica, 30(1): 45-52. Abstract: A new species of the Lygephila vicioides (Hampson, 1926) species-group, L. pidmanulapidvela sp. n. (Nepal), is described. A diagnostic comparison is made with L. vicioides. The male genitalia of the holotype of L. vicioides, the male genitalia of the holotype of Lygephila robusta Babics & Ronkay, 2009 are illustrated for the first time; the female genitalia of L. vicioides are correctly illustrated for the first time. The comparison of the holotypes of L. vicioides and L. robusta revealed their conspecificity, therefore L. robusta is treated here as synonym of L. vicioides, syn. n. Key words: Erebidae, Toxocampinae, Lygephila, Lygephila vicioides species-group, new synonymy, new species, Nepal INTRODUCTION Present paper is a continuation of the series of articles dealing with the taxonomy of the genus Lygephila started by the author in 2013 (PEKARSKY 2013, 2014, 2016a, 2016b, 2016c, 2016d and 2017). The detailed study of the L. vicioides (Hampson, 1926) lineage revealed the fact that the type series of L. robusta comprised two closely related species. The study of the holotype of L. robusta undoubtedly pointed out the conspecificity of this specimen with the holotype of L. vicioides and a number of L. vicioides specimens were found within the paratypes of L. robusta. Thus, L. robusta should be considered as synonymous with L. vicioides while the second, apparently unnamed, species is to be described. It is important to note, that the description of L. robusta refers in fact to the species distinct from L. vicioides but the erroneous designation of the holotype led to this situation which should be clarified. The L. vicioides species-group comprises, therefore, the following species: L. vicioides (Hampson, 1926) (= robusta Babics & Ronkay, 2009, syn. n.); Lygephila fibigeri Babics & Stüning, 2011 and L. pidmanulapidvela sp. n. 45 Entomofauna carpathica, 2018, 30(1): 45-52 Abbreviations: BMNH (NHMUK) — The Natural History Museum (formerly British Museum, Natural History; London, United Kingdom); GR — Gábor Ronkay (Budapest, Hungary); HNHM — Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest (Hungary); JB — Janos Babics (Budapest, Hungary); LG — Gyula M. László (Leominster, United Kingdom); LR — László Ronkay (Budapest, Hungary); OP — Oleg Pekarsky (Budapest, Hungary); TL—Type- locality; ZSM — Zoologische Staatssammlung München (Munich, Germany). SYSTEMATIC PART Lygephila pidmanulapidvela sp. n. (Figs 1–4) Type material. Holotype: Male (Fig. 1), Nepal, Koshi, Terhathum area, Tinjure Phedi, 2900 m, 87°27'E, 27°12'N, 13.IV.1996, leg. Csorba & Ronkay, slide LR7118m (coll. G. Ronkay). Paratypes. 1 ♀, Nepal, Koshi, Terhathum area, Tinjure Phedi, 2900 m, 87°27'E, 27°12'N, 24.III.1996, leg. Csorba & Ronkay, slide OP4058f (coll. G. Ronkay); 3 ♂♂ & 1 ♀, Nepal, Ganesh Himal, 2700 m, Nesukharka, 12 km S Somdang, 85°11'E, 28°08'N, 20– 21.V.1995, leg. Gy. Fábián & L. Ronkay, slide LR5555m, JB244m, JB890m, JB245f (coll. HNHM), 5 ♂♂ & 6 ♀♀, with the same data, slide OP4105f (coll. G. Ronkay); 2 ♂♂ & 2 ♀♀, with the same data, ex coll. G. Ronkay, slides OP4106f, OP4107f (coll. O. Pekarsky), 10 ♂♂ & 5 ♀♀, with the same data (coll. Gy. Fábián); 2 ♂♂, Nepal, Anapurna Himal, Banthanti village, 2420 m, 83°43'E, 28°22.5'N, 1.VI.1996, leg. Gy. M. László & G. Ronkay (coll. G. Ronkay); 1 ♀, Nepal, Langtang, Syabru, 2820 m, 3 km SE Syabru, 85°21'E, 28°07'N, 27.IX.1994, leg. Csorba & Ronkay, slide LR7120f (coll. HNHM). Diagnosis. L. pidmanulapidvela differs from L. vicioides by its less developed, sometimes obsolescent antemedial line and darker, in most specimens continuously dark coloured costa (Figs 1–4). In male genitalia, L. pidmanulapidvela (Figs 11–14) is closest to L. vicioides (Figs 15–18) but differs from it by the uncus curved in the middle, the wider and more massive valva with obtuse apex, the thicker and slightly curved clasper/harpe with blunt tip and the undulate aedeagus whereas the uncus in L. vicioides is curved at base, the valva is narrower with its apex tapered, the clasper/harpe is less curved having pointed tip, and the aedeagus is bent medially. In the females, the antrum of L. pidmanulapidvela is less incised (one third of the antrum length), this incision in L. vicioides is wider and deeper (ca half of the antrum length). Description. Wingspan 34–38 mm. Dorsal part of head (equilateral triangle area under collar over frons and eyes) and collar black; frons and body greyish- brown irrorated with black scales. Forewing greyish-brown with sparse dark brown irroration; crosslines indistinct or hardly traceable; postmedial line visible forming triangle apical patch on costa; orbicular stigma as small white dot; reniform stigma reduced to an inverse checkmark with small inner streak. 46 Entomofauna carpathica, 2018, 30(1): 45-52 Figures 1-10. Lygephila spp., adults. 1, L. pidmanulapidvela, Holotype, male, Nepal, Terhathum area (G. Ronkay); 2, L. pidmanulapidvela, Paratype, male, Nepal, Ganesh Himal (HNHM); 3, L. pidmanulapidvela, Paratype, male, Nepal, Ganesh Himal (HNHM); 4, L. pidmanulapidvela, Paratype, female, Nepal, Langtang (HNHM); 5, L. vicioides, Holotype, male, India (BMNH); 6, L. vicioides, male, Nepal, Ganesh Himal (G. Ronkay); 7, L. vicioides, male, Nepal, Ganesh Himal (G. Ronkay); 8, L. vicioides, male, Nepal, Annapurna Himal (G. Ronkay); 9, L. vicioides, female, Nepal, Ganesh Himal (HNHM); 10, L. vicioides, female, Pakistan, Kashmir (G. Ronkay). 47 Entomofauna carpathica, 2018, 30(1): 45-52 Hindwing brownish, practically unicolorous; discal spot traceable; fringes as ground colour. Male genitalia (Figs 11–14). Clasping apparatus slightly asymmetrical (right valva narrower). Uncus long, thin, evenly curved in the middle with fine tip; valva wide, elongated with rounded apex; clasper/harpe digitiform with blunt tip, located subapically; aedeagus short, massive, undulate; vesica membranous, multidiverticulate, medial part has numerous diverticula variable in shape and size. Female genitalia (Figs 19, 20). Ovipositor wide, massive, papillae anales large, hairy with long setae on apical edges. Apophyses anteriores medium-long; apophyses posteriores long, thin, somewhat longer than apophyses anteriores. Antrum long, wide, flattened, heavily sclerotized, gently broadened posteriorly; ostium broad, posterior margin with V-shaped cleft. Corpus bursae membranous, ovate with lateral chamber. Distribution. Central and eastern Nepal. Etymology. The name of the species is derived from combination of two Ukrainian words “підманула” and “підвела”, which are the title of popular humorous Ukrainian folk song about failed expectations. Note. Four specimens, 3 ♂♂ & 1 ♀, Nepal, 2 km NW of Nesim, 23–25.IX.1995, leg. P. Gyulai & A. Garai from the collection of Péter Gyulai in the paratype series of L. robusta are belongs to Lygephila cucullata (Moore, 1882). Lygephila vicioides (Hampson, 1926) (Figs 5–10) Type material. Holotype: Male (Fig. 5), [India, Himachal Pradesh] Sultanpore, Kulu, Sultanpur, ex coll. Capt. G. Young, 1889, ex coll. Leech, 1900–64, slide LG3056m (coll. BMNH). Additional material examined. Nepal: 1 ♂, Holotype of Lygephila robusta Babics & Ronkay, 2009, Nepal, Ganesh Himal, 2520 m, near Godlang, 85°17’E, 28°10’N, 19.III.1995, leg. Gy. M. László & G. Ronkay, slide OP3818m (coll. G. Ronkay); 1 ♂, Paratype of Lygephila robusta Babics & Ronkay, 2009, with the same data, slide LR5623m (coll. G. Ronkay); 1 ♂, Paratype of Lygephila robusta Babics & Ronkay, 2009, Annapurna Himal, valley of Kall Gandaki, Kokethanti village, 2650 m, 17.VI.1996, leg. Gy.M. László & G. Ronkay, slide LR7124m (coll. G. Ronkay); 1 ♀, Paratype of Lygephila robusta Babics & Ronkay, 2009, Ganesh Himal, 3850 m, 1 km N of Khurpudanda pass, 85°12’E, 28°11’N, 19.IX.1995, leg. B. Herczig & Gy. M. László (coll. G. Ronkay); 1 ♀, Paratype of Lygephila robusta Babics & Ronkay, 2009, Ganesh Himal, 2420 m, 2 km W of Gholjong, 85°18’E, 28°11’N, 12.X.1995, leg. L. Peregovits & L. Ronkay (coll. G. Ronkay); 1 ♀, Paratype of Lygephila robusta Babics & Ronkay, 2009 Ganesh Himal, 2520 m, near Godlang, 85°17’E, 28°10’N, 7.V.1995, leg. Gy. Fábián, & L. Ronkay, slide OP4108f (coll. G. Ronkay); 1 ♂, Kali-Gandaki-Tal, Kalopani- Dhumpu, 2500 m, 8.VI.1973, Dierl-Lehmann, slide OP2344m (coll. ZSM); 1 ♀, Kali- Gandaki-Tal, Choklopani nördl, Tukche, 2600 m, 20.VI.1973, Dierl-Lehmann, slide 48 Entomofauna carpathica, 2018, 30(1): 45-52 OP2345f (coll. ZSM); 1 ♂, Dhaulagiri Larjung, 2650 m, 8–10.06.1997, leg. M. Petersen, slide OP2321m (coll. J. Stumpf); 1 ♀, Paratype of Lygephila robusta Babics & Ronkay, 2009, Ganesh Himal, 2700 m, Nesukharka, 12 km S Somdang, 85°11'E, 28°08'N, 20–21.V.1995, leg. Gy. Fábián & L. Ronkay, JB891f (HNHM); Pakistan: 1 ♂, Kashmir, Himalaya Mts, 30 km N Murree, near Nathia Ghali, Ayubia village, 2600 m, 31.VIII.–1.IX.2001, leg. B. Benedek & G. Ronkay, slide JB276m (coll. G. Ronkay); 1 ♀, Kashmir, Himalaya Mts, 30 km N Murree, Ayubia, 2650 m, 74°24'03E, 34°01'75N, 31.VIII.–1.IX.2001, leg. B. Benedek & G. Ronkay, slide OP3823f (coll. G. Ronkay); 1 ♀, Kashmir, Himalaya Mts, 30 km N Murree near Nathia Ghali, Ayubia village, 2600 m, 23.V.1998, leg. Gy. M. László & G. Ronkay, slide JB277f (coll. G. Ronkay); 1 ♀, Himalaya Mts, Kaghan valley, 7 km S of Kaghan Khanian village, 2500 m, 21.X.1998, leg. Gy. M. László & G. Ronkay, slide OP3822f (coll. G. Ronkay); 1 ♀, SW Himalaja, Indus-Kohistan, Kaghantal Naran, 2400–3000 m, 30.VI.–17.VII.[19]77, leg. deFreina, slide OP2347f (coll. ZSM). Diagnosis. L. vicioides differs from L. pidmanulapidvela by its stronger developed crosslines and in most specimens disjunct or discontinuous dark colouration of costa (Figs 5–10).
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