BSSSSS: DEVOTED TO TRAP SHOOTING AND GENERAL SPORTS Title Kegistered in u. s. Patent Office. Copyright, 1910 by the Sporting Life Publishing Company. Vol. 56 No. 6 Philadelphia, October 15, 1910 Price 5 Cents For Annual Titanic ^ MAJOR LEAGUE CHAMPION MANAGERS Battle foi the the Athletics, Championship of the Entire World Sail. BY FRANCIS C. RICHTER. of the coming© world©s championship series, there need be no apprehension, in view of the HEN the next issue of "Sporting flawless manner in which the series have been Life©© goes to press the great se handled since they were placed under the sole ries for the Championship of the control of the National Commission. In the World between the Chicago team, ir.cmorable series of 1905-06-07-08-09 there champions of the National League, was absolutely no kicking or unseemly inci and the Athletic team, champions dent to mar the pleasure and dignity of this of the American League, will be supreme base ball event. And so it should and under way. The series will be played for the will-be in the present world©s championship sixth time, under the supervision of the Na series, because the 1910 contestants are tional Commission, with conditions just and bound by precedent to behave as becomes fair to the two leagues which have so mudi champion©s, sportsmen, and good fellows in a at stake, and-to the players who are engaged great contest, from which all will reap profit, in the crowning event of the 1910 season. in which the winning; team will gain addition These conditions are also designed to keep al jrlory. and in which the losing team can the series absolutely above reproach, to bring- not "be©disgraced if it do its best and behave out the best in the players, and to make the series what it should be the ©greatest and manfully arid decently. most imposing annual event in the base ball calendar. That it will be a huge financial suc The Official Series Program. cess goes without saying, At a meeting of the National Commission held in Cincinnati October 3, _all the details THE PUBLIC INTEREST for the 1910 World©s Championship Series in the series is intense in all sections of the were settled. President Murphy, of Chicago, country, and a vast amount of money has FRANK L. CHANCE, CONNIE MACK, and President Shibe, of the Athletics, were been wagered en the outcome. That the bet Manager of he Chicago National Manager of the Athletic American present. A toss (of the coin decided that the tors and the partisans of each league will get opening game should be played in Philadel a splendid run for their money and faith is League Team. League Team. phia. It was then decided that the series be well assured, as the contesting teams are the played off in the following manner: First representatives of their respective leagues, game, Monday, October 17, at Philadelphia. are well matched in all respects, and are ab Second game," Tuesday, October 18, at Phila solutely in all ways and at all times on the born September 9. 1877, in v.i und uni©ailii. delphia. Wednesday, October 19, train trip level. The two teams are on a par as to man and learned to play bail while at from Philadelphia to Chicago. Third game, agement, method and individual skill, and so From 1892 to 1896 lie ;i!t;iKl< isg ih;- p;isi. uu-m.v-riiv yeais. ll.» Thursday, October 20, at Chicago. Fourth we shall have this year, as one year ago, a se College, California, and the Dei Urookfleld. Mas-., in 1SC2. and game, Friday, October 21, at Chicago. Tu ries between two well-matched teams which lie oi»l ;::i«.;l «.::> degree of doe- M. hull career with Ihe Mirid-ri. cas«- other games are required to settle the have never before faced each other, thus mak :encc. and (nidified I,, imu-i c..- in !:lj-l. The f,il!o\v;:ig two yens supremacy, a fifth game will be played Sat ing it a difficult matter to forecast the out caiiiig iniHicnlaiiy t©o/ Ihe se- lis.ving lor Hartford, Conn., Th;> urday. October 2©J, after a hurried run in a, come. This should vastly increase the inter of his profession he touk lu buse Ihe season of IS9(i he joined flu- spt-cuil train from Chicago to Philadelphia, est of the public, and the confidence of the nis playing wit-h a local team ill. Inli. playing in I hat clly in ISHIi- und in case another game is required, an contestants, l.©nder these conditions the pub . where he was se-ui l.y Ihe v-teani lit. Huiralo found him in its hase other hurry run in a special (rain will be lic at large and the partisans of the rival Cal McVey. (>f the famous Cineimiali lied 1SIKI. Kor Ihe next six successive Stockings of 18(i9, and on his leconnnehdalion seasons he c.;iight for 1©ilKUirg. and was mana made from Philadelphia to Chicago in time to leagues may rest assured of u well-contested, the Chicago Club made Chance a liber.I ottYr ger fioui August, IS©i-i. until Ihe end of August, play the sixth game in Chicago on Sunday, exciting and to join its- team in 1898. When he came liast 181)1). The year following lie the man October 2o. If the series should not be set EDIFYING SERIES to join the Chicago* he was given an oppor agement of the Milwaukee (Wesiarn League) tled by this time - the place of playing the tunity during the preliminary practice of whip Club and remained in the West until the Spring .seventh game will be determined by the toss between the two teams which represent in ping the ball around the bases, and it was soon of 1901. when he transferred his Milwaukee of a coin. every way the limit of endeavor in their re seen that he had great speed and accuracy. He franchise to Philadelphia and orguuzeu the AS TO POSTPONEMENTS. spective leagues and the highest development at once became the Chicago©s mainstay behind Athletic Club, one of the mainstays of the of modern base ball. As regards the outcome the ©bat and remained so until seven years ago, American League. In 1901 he brought the In case any of the scheduled games are of the series, we may say that now, as here when he was tried at first base and made such Athletics in fourth. In 1902, despite the severe postponed by weather conditions the succeed tofore, the best team for the time being will a success of it that he was retained in that setback he received through the ruling of the ing games are to be moved ahead except that win, but as to which team that will be we position in which only Tenney, Chase and Da- Pennsylvania Supreme Court iii the case-of La- in any event the game scheduled for Sunday, will make no prediction. «nor will we venture vis were ranked as his equals. When Mr. Selee .ioie. Flick, Bemhard and Fraser, he succeeded October 23, is to be played in Chicago. If, an opinion as to which team should win, was compelled by ill-health to relinquish the in molding a championship team from material however, the games scheduled for Thursday, management of the Chicago Club in 19-05 that would have defied the efforts of any other October 20, and Friday, October 21, are keeping in mind the glorious uncertainty of Chance was appointed his successor. Chance at manager in the business. In 190;i the Ath the national game, the important matter of once laid his lines to strengthen the team and letics finished second, in 1904 fifth, in 1905 played, then the fifth game shall be scheduled luck and possible differences in condition, and it was ©at his suggestion that the deils were fli-st. in 1906 fourth, in 1907 second, in 1908 in Philadelphia on Saturday, October^©3. and th« variable equation of the human partici then made wliich added Sheekard, Steinfeldt sixth, in 19(19 second, and in 1910 first a great, the sixth .game in Chicago on Sunday, ^October pants in a contest of supreme importance. As arid Moran to the team, and which made of it ten-year record for Manager Mack, to which the 23. If, however, the games scheduled for before remarked, the two teams are about on the National League champion team of 1908. Athletic Club is very largely indebted for itj Chicago on Thursday, October 20. and Fri a par as to management, team methods and 1907, 1908. by the greatest margin of victories wonderful prosperity, whose fitting expression is day, October 21, are, both postponed, then the individual skill, and 4 ever recorde/1 in 1906 and by an unprecedented the new Shibe Pa,rk. Last, year, with an ex clubs shall remain in Chicago until two games THE DECIDING FACTORS total fo- two yeais. Under Chance©s able perimental team, he developed one of Uie most have been played, and thereupon a day shall management the Chicago team participated in powerful l>a:;e hall machines in the game- -a intervene and the fifth game shall commence in the great contest will, therefore, doubtless three World©s Championship Series, losing to the team which made a good race all season, was in Philadelphia. hinge entirely upon the battery work, aided White Sox in ,4906 and winning from Detroit in the runner-up to Detroit in the final stages of and abetted by managerial judgment or craft 1907 and 1908.
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